12 research outputs found

    Types and Distribution of Bioactive Polyunsaturated Aldehydes in a Gradient from Mesotrophic to OligotrophicWaters in the Alborán Sea (Western Mediterranean)

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    Polyunsaturated aldehydes (PUAs) are bioactive molecules suggested as chemical defenses and infochemicals. In marine coastal habitats, diatoms reach high PUA production levels during bloom episodes. Two fractions of PUA can usually be analyzed: pPUA obtained via artificial breakage of collected phytoplankton cells and dissolved PUA already released to the environment (dPUA). In nature, resource supply arises as a main environmental controlling factor of PUA production. In this work, we monitored the vertical distribution and daily variation of pPUA associated with large-size phytoplankton and dPUA, at three sites located in the Alboran Sea from mesotrophic to oligotrophic waters. The results corroborate the presence of large-size PUA producers in oligotrophic and mesotrophic waters with a significant (58%-85%) diatom biomass. In addition to diatoms, significant correlations between pPUA production and dinoflagellate and silicoflagellate abundance were observed. 2E,4E/Z-Heptadienal was the most abundant aldehyde at the three sites with higher values (17.1 fg center dot cell(-1)) at the most oligotrophic site. 2E,4E/Z-Decadienal was the least abundant aldehyde, decreasing toward the oligotrophic site. For the first time, we describe the daily fluctuation of pPUA attributable to cellular physiological state and not exclusively to taxonomical composition. Our results demonstrate the persistence of threshold levels of dPUA deep in the water column, as well as the different chromatographic profiles of dPUA compared with pPUA. We propose different isomerization processes that alter the chemical structure of the released PUAs with unknown effects on their stability, biological function, and potential bioactivity

    Factores de riesgo asociados a la presencia de síndrome metabólico

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    Describir el comportamiento epidemiológico de los factores de riesgo asociados a la presencia de síndrome metabólico en mujeres mayores de 18 años. Estudio descriptivo, transversal, con muestreo de 225 viviendas ocupadas por mujeres mayores de 18 años, realizando una encuesta estandarizada que toma en cuenta factores de riesgo asociados a síndrome metabólico, incluyendo la realización de mediciones antropométricas y toma de muestra capilar para glicemia. Se encontró una prevalencia de sedentarismo del 93.33%, consumo nocivo de alcohol 6.67% y consumo de cigarrillo fue de 6.67%. Las mujeres con síndrome metabólico fueron mayores de 45 años 30%, casadas 43% y amas de casa 56%. La prevalencia de síndrome metabólico fue del 14.15% El factor de riesgo modificable más frecuentemente encontrado fue el sedentarismo en un 93% siendo este el único factor de riesgo que presentó asociación estadística con la presencia de síndrome metabólico calculado con el test de chi cuadrado (p= 0.95) y con odds ratio 4.33. La prevalencia de mujeres con obesidad central corresponde a un 89.6%, la de presión arterial elevada del 36% y para hiperglicemia es de 26.89% del total de mujeres encuestadas

    Paleomagnetism and aeromagnetic survey from Tancitaro volcano (Central Mexico) - paleo-secular variation at low latitudes during the past 1 Ma

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    "El volcán Tancítaro (TV) forma parte del campo volcánico monogenético MichoacánGuanajuato (MGVF) en el sector centro-oeste del Eje Volcánico Trans Mexicano (TMVB). Los resultados de un estudio paleo magnético de flujos de lava del volcán Tancítaro fechados radiométricamente, se utilizaron para investigar la variación paleo secular (PSV) y el campo promedio temporal (TAF) para latitudes bajas. El rango de fechado Ar-Ar fue de 70 a 960 kaños considerando los Chrones de polarización de Brunhers y Matuyama. Todas las muestras arrojaron una polaridad de magnetización normal bien definida. Dos flujos se correlacionaron con la polaridad del Evento Jaramillo, lo cual provee un marcador útil para la actividad volcánica en el MGVF. Para los análisis del PSV y TAF las paleo direcciones se combinaron con resultados anteriores de alta precisión. El estudio aeromagnético alrededor del volcán Tancítaro se caracterizó por una serie de anomalías tanto positivas como negativas. El Volcán Tancítaro presenta una gran anomalía positiva que sugiere la presencia de una gran fuente subterránea. El análisis espectral de este campo anómalo da una estimación promedio hacia la parte alta de los cuerpos que la originan entre 2-3 km.""The Tancitaro volcano (TV) is part of the Michoacan-Guanajuato monogenetic volcanic field (MGVF) in the central-western sector of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB). Results of a paleomagnetic study of radiometrically dated lava flows from Tancitaro volcano were used to investigate the paleosecular variation (PSV) and time averaged field (TAF) at low latitudes. Ar-Ar dates range from ~70 to 960 kyr spanning the Brunhes and Matuyama polarity chrons. All samples yielded well defined normal polarity magnetization. Two flows are correlated to the Jaramillo polarity event, which provide a useful marker for the volcanic activity in the MGVF. For the PSV and TAF analysis, paleodirections were combined with previously reported high standard results. The aeromagnetic survey around the Tancitaro volcano was characterized by a trend of regional anomalies over the volcanic structures. The residual field showed several positive and negative anomalies. The Tancitaro volcano is marked by a broad positive anomaly suggesting the presence of a large underground source. Spectral analysis of this anomaly field gives an average estimate to the top of the source bodies between 2-3km.

    La ganadería ante escenarios complejos.

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    La calidad de las contribuciones, producto de la pluma de especialistas en los temas tratados, el presente es un libro que esperamos, basándonos en la importancia de los temas tratados, sea de utilidad y abone a la reflexión de los estudiosos de la ganadería mexicana y, por supuesto, en beneficio de las familias ganaderas y de los consumidores de sus productos.este libro refleja en muchos sentidos la situación de la ganadería mexicana, a la que se le están demandando mayor producción y productividad, que los procesos productivos tengan la menor huella ecológicposible, que los alimentos sean inocuos, que se abatan costos de producción y, cada vez aumentan las presiones de diversos grupos para, que se incluyan los protocolos de bienestar animal, solamente por citar algunos de los retos que tiene. Algunas de estas demandas son complementarias, otras se contraponen, lo que hace valiosos a los estudios que desde las ciencias sociales se realizan y, desde diversas ópticas, se hagan propuestas de política pública balanceadas que consideren lo mejor de cada enfoque, pero sin desechar por completo los antagónicos.Universidad Autónoma Chaping

    CIBERER : Spanish national network for research on rare diseases: A highly productive collaborative initiative

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    Altres ajuts: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.CIBER (Center for Biomedical Network Research; Centro de Investigación Biomédica En Red) is a public national consortium created in 2006 under the umbrella of the Spanish National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII). This innovative research structure comprises 11 different specific areas dedicated to the main public health priorities in the National Health System. CIBERER, the thematic area of CIBER focused on rare diseases (RDs) currently consists of 75 research groups belonging to universities, research centers, and hospitals of the entire country. CIBERER's mission is to be a center prioritizing and favoring collaboration and cooperation between biomedical and clinical research groups, with special emphasis on the aspects of genetic, molecular, biochemical, and cellular research of RDs. This research is the basis for providing new tools for the diagnosis and therapy of low-prevalence diseases, in line with the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) objectives, thus favoring translational research between the scientific environment of the laboratory and the clinical setting of health centers. In this article, we intend to review CIBERER's 15-year journey and summarize the main results obtained in terms of internationalization, scientific production, contributions toward the discovery of new therapies and novel genes associated to diseases, cooperation with patients' associations and many other topics related to RD research

    Primitive ladder-of-life thinking has evolved

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    A Lagrangian approach to the Atlantic Jet entering the Mediterranean Sea: Physical and biogeochemical characterization

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    The temporal evolution of the physical and biogeochemical properties of the Atlantic Jet (AJ) along the first similar to 75 m of the water column during a 4-day journey was analysed by following the trajectory of a drifter dragged by the jet from the Strait of Gibraltar towards the Alboran Sea. Three stages were differentiated based on the evolution of several variables (e.g., velocity, temperature, nutrients, fluorescence). (i) Within the Strait of Gibraltar, the water column was primarily influenced by the tidal cycle, leading to a nutrient-enrichment of surface waters. However, due to the short residence time, the phytoplankton community that was mainly dominated by diatoms, did not demonstrate significant changes. (H) Once outside the Strait, the drifter trajectory was mainly influenced by the frontal dynamics associated with the AJ. The drifter moved forward along the jet but also laterally across it and was continuously attracted to the mainstream (maximum current speed) or detached to its southern edge (minimum current speed). Due to the associated upwelling processes induced by the intensification of the current along the mainstream, the water column was characterized by colder, nutrient-richer water and lower fluorescence values. Conversely, along the southern edge of the jet, the water column was characterized by higher temperature, low nutrient concentration, and higher fluorescence. Along the first stations of this stage, diatom total abundance and biovolume continuously increased, reaching values similar to 12-times higher than the initial concentrations. (Hi) In the last stage, the water parcel was still influenced by the frontal dynamics but with less intensity. Additionally, the colder and denser water of the AJ and the associated phytoplankton community subducted progressively as it moved into the region surrounded by warmer waters. Concomitantly, fluorescence and diatoms total abundance and biovolume decreased and were influenced by the decline of nutrient availability and the increase of mesozooplankton. Our results reveal the coupled processes induced by the entrance of the AJ in the Alboran Sea and highlight the strong control of the physical environment over the ecological processes in this region.The authors gratefully acknowledge the officers, crew and technical staff of the R.V. Sarmiento de Gamboa for their altruistic help during the cruise, all the scientific team that participated in the MEGAN campaign collecting the different datasets, Manuel Arjonilla for nutrient sample measurements, and Reyes Garcia for her collaboration in the treatment of plankton samples. They also thank the Copernicus Marine Environmental Monitoring Service for providing access to satellite data. Neural network analyses were performed in the facilities of the Area de Sistemas de Informacion de la Universidad de Cadiz (https://supercomputacion.uca.es).Finally, the authors acknowledge Sara Soria Piriz (@nautillustrations) for the drawing of the conceptual diagram in Fig. 10. Comments provided by two anonymous reviewers substantially improved subsequent versions of the manuscript. The Spanish National Research Plan through project CTM2013-49048 has supported this work. Iria Sala and Marina Bolado-Penagos were supported by a grant of the FPI fellowship program, Spain. To accomplish this work, Iria Sala carried out a short-term stay with the research group Dinamica del Ecosistema Planctonico at the Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia de Gijon, under the supervision of Dr Angel Lopez-Urrutia, supported by a grant of the FPI fellowship program

    Paleomagnetic pole positions and geomagnetic secular variation from the Cretaceous Ponta Grossa dike swarm (Brazil)

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    "A detailed paleomagnetic and rock magnetic investigation has been carried out on the Early Cretaceous Ponta Grossa dike swarm in southern Brazil. This formation seems an excellent target for paleomagnetic study. The dikes are widely distributed over a large area, easy to access, and they record faithfully the geomagnetic field at the time of the eruption. Most of them are fresh and have been dated by K-Ar and Ar-Ar. Thermomagnetic experiments (low-field versus temperature curves) suggest low-Ti titanonnagnetites as main remanence carriers, and their domain structure is characterised by a mixture of single-domain and multi-domain grains. Characteristic paleomagnetic directions are retrieved from 28 out of 29 sites (235 standard paleomagnetic cores). 17 sites show normal polarity, 10 sites show reverse polarity and one site shows an oblique direction, with negative inclination, separated 79 degrees of the mean normal directions. The reversal test is positive at the 95% confidence level which ensures that the secondary remanent magnetizations were successfully removed and the sampling adequately averaged the palaeosecular variation. The paleosecular variation parameters values obtained in this study correlate with those determined for the Cretaceous Normal Superchron, between 125 to 84 Ma. The new paleomagnetic pole position (222.0 degrees E, 88.1 degrees S, N = 24, K = 35.68, A(95) = 5.0 degrees) agrees well (within uncertainties) with the reference poles determined from Besse and Courtillot (2002), and disagree with those reported in previous studies. The new results should be considered for estimating the Cretaceous paleomagnetic poles for stable South America.

    Pleurotus Genus as a Potential Ingredient for Meat Products

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    Edible mushrooms are considered an important source of nutritional and bioactive compounds. In this review, the findings of macronutrients, bioactive compounds, antioxidant activity, and antimicrobials against foodborne pathogens of some Pleurotus spp., as well as their potential use as an ingredient in the meat industry are discussed. The results show that Pleurotus spp. are an important source of proteins and amino acids, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. Additionally, the presence of some bioactive components, such as polysaccharides (α-glucans, β-glucans, and so on), proteins/enzymes and peptides (eryngin, pleurostrin, and others) phenolic acids (p-coumaric, chlorogenic, cinnamic, ferulic, gallic, protocatechuic, and others) and flavonoids (chrysin, naringenin, myricetin, quercetin, rutin, or the like) has been demonstrated. Several works evidenced the use of Pleurotus spp. in some meat and meat products (patties, sausages, paste, and suchlike) as a novel ingredient in order to improve their chemical composition and functional health promoting properties, as well as to increase their physicochemical and sensory attributes. In conclusion, the use of Pleurotus is a promissory strategy for the development of natural additives rich in nutritional and bioactive components for meat and meat product formulation

    Use of Pleurotus ostreatus to Enhance the Oxidative Stability of Pork Patties during Storage and In Vitro Gastrointestinal Digestion

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    Lipid and protein oxidation are the major causes of meat quality deterioration. Edible mushrooms have been proposed as a strategy to prevent quality deterioration during cold storage. This study aimed to assess the effects of Pleurotus ostreatus powder (POP) on the oxidative stability of pork patties during cold storage and after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion (ivGD). Pork patties were subjected to four treatments: control (without antioxidant), T1 (2% POP, w/w) and T2 (5% POP, w/w), and T3 as positive control (0.02% BHT, fat basis). POP aqueous, ethanolic, and aqueous ethanol extract were subjected to phytochemical and antioxidant assays. Raw pork patties were subjected to a chemical proximate composition evaluation. At the same time, raw and cooked pork patties were stored at 2 °C for 9 days and subjected to meat quality measurements. Furthermore, the total antioxidant activity of cooked pork patties was determined after ivGD. Results showed that POP ethanol extract showed the highest polysaccharide, phenol, and flavonoid content, as well as antiradical and reducing power properties. POP incorporation into raw and cooked pork patties enhances meat quality traits, including pH, water-holding capacity, cooking-loss weight, texture, color, lipid, and protein oxidation (p < 0.05). Furthermore, incorporating POP into cooked samples increases the phytochemical content and antioxidant activity during ivGD. In conclusion, POP has great potential as a natural antioxidant for meat products