1,431 research outputs found

    Proyecto Avanti: sistema de asistencia a la evacuación de incendios

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    Sobre AVANTI El soporte a las técnicas de evacuación en caso de incendio es un campo que todavía puede beneficiarse mucho de los últimos avances en tecnología, y particularmente en Inteligencia Ambiente (Ambient Intelligence), una evolución natural de lo que la década pasada se conoció como Computación Ubicua (Ubiquitous Computing). Se entende por este término la integración de la informática en el entorno de la persona, de forma que los ordenadores no se perciban como objetos diferenciados. Su objetivo es insertar dispositivos inteligentes tanto en el entorno como en apartados de uso diario, para que las personas puedan interactuar con ellos de una manera natural y desinhibida en todo tipo de situaciones y circunstancias. En nuestro caso, los ensayos de evacuación se venían llevando a cabo sin ningún soporte informático. Un sencillo procedimiento de “levántase y vaya hacia la salida” que en el mejor de los casos tan sólo era molesto para el que lo practicaba, obligándole a dejar sus quehaceres y dirigirse durante 5 minutos a la puerta de salida, sin posibilidad de poder mejorar en sus errores o de sentirse motivados. Utilizando como escenario la Facultad de Informática, presentamos formalmente AVANTI. El proyecto trata de aportar una plataforma intuitiva pero completa y potente para usar durante los ensayos de evacuación. Combinando posicionamiento WiFi donde el GPS no llega, predicción de movimiento gracias a los sensores que proporcionan los terminales Android y Realidad Aumentada, para poder contribuir a una experiencia más visual y estimuladora, AVANTI intenta contribuir a que los ensayos de incendio puedan ser informatizados. Estudiantes e instructores puedan analizar fácilmente fallos en los protocolos a seguir, y que llegada la situación de un incendio los ensayos puedan cumplir su objetivo: ser eficaces, y evitar que ningún miembro de la Facultad de Informática sufra daños personales. Nuestra desarrollo ha dado lugar a la publicación de una contribución en la conferencia UcamI’10 Sobre este documento El documento se encuentra organizado en cuatro grandes secciones, que aglutinan y organizan las distintas partes de la memoria. La primera sección es la introducción, en la que se hace un resumen de la problemática que se intenta resolver, de la aplicación y del estado del arte en los distintos campos que atañen a AVANTI. La segunda sección trata más a detalle el producto. Se describe la arquitectura modular y funcional de AVANTI, entrando en detalle en cada uno de sus componentes. La tercera sección define el proceso que se ha llevado a cabo para desarrollar el producto, formalizada según las distintas propuestas de Pressman [Press05] para metodología de desarrollo de software. La cuarta sección, conclusiones, evalúa los resultados obtenidos y aporta información relativa a las pruebas, estadísticas y apéndices de la aplicación, así como la bibliografía utilizada y en la que nos hemos basado para poder analizar la problemática desde el comienzo de este proyecto. El documento en su práctica totalidad (salvo las secciones que la normativa establece) ha sido escrito en castellano por motivos prácticos. Los contenidos abarcan prácticamente todo el ciclo de desarrollo de AVANTI; así como un análisis previo de la problemática de nuestro problema, sistemas existentes y cómo hemos intentado puentear todas las alternativas para poder solucionar nuestra problemática concreta. Sobre AVANTI hemos redactado aspectos técnicos de ingeniería del software, como manuales de usuario, descripciones, capturas de pantalla de la aplicación, etc. [ABSTRACT] About AVANTI Technical support for evacuation protocols in fire situations is an area that can still greatly benefit from the latest advances in technology, particularly in Ambient Intelligence (AmI), a natural evolution of what the last decade became known as Ubiquitous Computing (UC). This term could be understood as the integration of information technology in the person's environment, so that computers are not seen as separate objects. Its goal is to insert smart devices on both the environment and in everyday devices, in order to enable people to interact with them in a natural and uninhibited manner in all situations and circumstances. In the case of our Computer Science School, the evacuation tests were being carried out without computer support. Just by a simple "get up and go to exit" procedure, which at best was only valid to upset the user for loosing his time and stop his tasks for 5 minutes. The fire evacuation drills did not encourage the motivation on the user, and did not provide any feedback mechanism to correct his owns errors or improve the last trajectores of scape. Using the scenario of the Computer Science School from the Complutense University, we proudly introduce AVANTI. The project aims to provide an intuitive but comprehensive and powerful platform to use during evacuation drills. Combining wireless positioning where GPS has not come, motion prediction using the Androidpowered sensors and Augmented Reality in order to provide a more visual and stimulating experience, AVANTI attempts to contribute to the computerization of the fire evacuation drills, to help students and instructors to easily detect failures in the designed protocols, and when the situation of fire in the building happens, the drills can accomplish their goals: to be effective, and to prevent any member of the Computer Science School to suffer personal injuries. Our work has lead into the publicacion of a paper in the UCamI’10 conference About this document This document is organized into four sections, which organize the different parts of memory. The first section is the introduction, which provides a summary of the problem we have been trying to solve, the application and the state of the art in different fields regarding AVANTI. The second section deals more in detail with the product. We describe the architecture and the modular functionality of AVANTI,going into detail on each of its components. The third section defines the process that has been carried out to develop the product, formalized according to the different proposals from Pressman [Press05] for software development. The fourth section, the conclusions, evaluates the results and provides information concerning the tests, statistics of the application, appendix and the bibliography we have used in order to analyze the problematic we were trying to solve since the beginning of this project. The paper is almost entirely written in Spanish, for practical reasons. Contents cover practically the entire development cycle of AVANTI, as well as a previous analysis of the faced problems, existing systems and how we tried to bypass all the alternatives to solve our specific problems. Regarding AVANTI we have written about the technical aspects of software engineering, user manuals, descriptions, screenshots of the application, etc

    Efectos de la pirenzepina sobre células parietales en regeneración

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    In this work, we have carrled out a stereological and ultrastructural study in order to verify the action of Pirenzepine on regenerating parietal cells. We have used a control group and operated or non-operated groups treated with 1, 5 and 25 mg/kg/day Pirenzepine. In operated groups an ulcer was provoked by cauterization with a metallic plate in the gastric fundus. Parietal cells in operated groups showed mitochondria with altered crests, a fine granular matrix and a large number of tubulo-vesicles. The comparative stereological analysis demonstrates a generalized decrease in the mitochondria, canaliculi and lisosomal volume density, and an increase in the tubulo-vesicle volume density. Changes detected in these cellular structures would originate a decrease in the production of CIHPara comprobar la acción de la pirenzepina sobre células parietales en regeneración, hemos realizado un estudio estereológico y ultraestructural. Para ello utilizamos grupos controles y de tratamiento con el fármaco a dosis de 1, 5 y 25 mg/kg/día, operados y no operados. En los grupos operados se realizó una úlcera por cauterización mediante una platina metálica a nivel de fundus gástrico. Morfológicamente, las células parietales de los grupos operados presentaban mitocondrias con alteración de crestas y una matriz finamente granular, así como gran cantidad de tubulovesículas. El análisis estereológico comparativo entre grupos controles y de tratamiento muestra un descenso generalizado en la densidad de volumen mitocondrial, canalicular y lisosomal, y un aumento de la densidad de volumen tubulovesicular. Los cambios detectados en estas estructuras celulares provocarían un descenso en la producción de ClH

    Efectos de la ranitidina sobre células parietales en regeneración : Estudio estereológico

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    In this work, we have carried out a stereological and morphological study in order to verify the effects of Ranitidine on regenerating parietal cells. We have used a control group and operated or non-operated groups treated with 2, 10 and 50 mg/kglday Ranitidine. In operated groups an ulcer was provoked by cauterization with a metallic plate in the gastric fundus. Groups treated with high doses of Ranitidine showed an increase in the connective tissue of the gastrlc mucosa. The stereological study in treated groups shows a decrease in the parietal voiume density, and an increase in the cellular profile. Changes detected in the parietal volume density would originate a decrease in the production of CIHPara comprobar la acción de la ranitidina sobre células parietales en regeneración hemos realizado un estudio morfológico y estereológico. Para ello utilizamos grupos controles y de tratamiento con el fármaco a dosis de dos, 10 y 50 mg!kg/día, operados y no operados. En los grupos operados se realizó una úlcera por cauterización mediante una platina metálica a nivel de fundus gástrico. Morfológicamente los animales bajo la acción del fármaco ofrecieron un aumento del componente conectivo de la mucosa fúndica a las mayores dosis utilizadas. El estudio estereológico en los grupos de tratamiento muestra un descenso en la densidad de volumen de células parietales directamente proporcional a la dosis utilizada, este descenso va aparejado a un aumento del área celular. La disminución de la densidad de volumen de células parietales podría provocar un descenso en la producción de CIH, y, por tanto explicaría, en parte, la eficacia de este fármaco en el tratamiento de la úlcera gástrica en regeneración

    Rubisco carboxylation kinetics and inorganic carbon utilization in polar versus cold-temperate seaweeds

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    Despite the high productivity and ecological importance of seaweeds in polar coastal regions, little is known about their carbon utilization mechanisms, especially the kinetics of the CO2-fixing enzyme Rubisco. We analyzed Rubisco carboxylation kinetics at 4 °C and 25 °C in 12 diverse polar seaweed species (including cold-temperate populations of the same species) and the relationship with their ability to use bicarbonate, by using 13C isotope discrimination and pH drift experiments. We observed a large variation in Rubisco carboxylation kinetics among the selected species, although no correlation was found between either the Michaelis–Menten constant for CO2 (Kc) or Rubisco content per total soluble protein ([Rubisco]/[TSP]) and the ability to use bicarbonate for non-green seaweeds. This study reports intraspecific Rubisco cold adaptation by means of either higher Rubisco carboxylation turnover rate (kcatc) and carboxylase efficiency (kcatc/Kc) at 4 °C or higher [Rubisco]/[TSP] in some of the analyzed species. Our data point to a widespread ability for photosynthetic bicarbonate usage among polar seaweeds, despite the higher affinity of Rubisco for CO2 and higher dissolved CO2 concentration in cold seawater. Moreover, the reported catalytic variation within form ID Rubisco might avert the canonical trade-off previously observed between Kc and kcatc for plant Rubiscos

    Novel Results for the κ–μ Extreme Fading Distribution: Generation of White Samples and Capacity Analysis

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    We provide new analytical results for the κ-μ extreme (κ-μ-E) fading distribution, which is useful to model propagation conditions more severe than Rayleigh fading. First, we calculate a closed-form expression for the cumulative distribution function in terms of the first-order Marcum Q-function, which allows us to accurately generate κ-μ-E distributed random variables using the inversion method. Then, we investigate the ergodic capacity in this scenario. Strikingly, we observe that the capacity in the high-SNR regime scales differently than in all conventional fading models

    Biochemical composition of temperate and Arctic populations of Saccharina latissima after exposure to increased pCO2 and temperature reveals ecotypic variation

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    Previous research suggested that the polar and temperate populations of the kelp Saccharina latissima represent different ecotypes. The ecotypic differentiation might also be reflected in their biochemical composition (BC) under changing temperatures and pCO2. Accordingly, it was tested if the BC of Arctic (Spitsbergen) and temperate S. latissima (Helgoland) is different and if they are differently affected by changes in temperature and pCO2. Thalli from Helgoland grown at 17 °C and 10 °C and from Spitsbergen at 10 °C and 4 °C were all tested at either 380, 800, or 1,500 µatm pCO2, and total C-, total N-, protein, soluble carbohydrate, and lipid content, as well as C/N-ratio were measured. At 10 °C, the Arctic population had a higher content of total C, soluble carbohydrates, and lipids, whereas the N- and protein content was lower. At the lower tested temperature, the Arctic ecotype had particularly higher contents of lipids, while content of soluble carbohydrates increased in the Helgoland population only. In Helgoland-thalli, elevated pCO2 caused a higher content of soluble carbohydrates at 17 °C but lowered the content of N and lipids and increased the C/N-ratio at 10 °C. Elevated pCO2 alone did not affect the BC of the Spitsbergen population. Conclusively, the Arctic ecotype was more resilient to increased pCO2 than the temperate one, and both ecotypes differed in their response pattern to temperature. This differential pattern is discussed in the context of the adaptation of the Arctic ecotype to low temperature and the polar night

    Increased temperature and CO2 alleviate photoinhibition in Desmarestia anceps: from transcriptomics to carbon utilization

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    Ocean acidification and warming are affecting polar regions with particular intensity. Rocky shores of the Antarctic Peninsula are dominated by canopy-forming Desmarestiales. This study investigates the physiological and transcriptomic responses of the endemic macroalga Desmarestia anceps to a combination of different levels of temperature (2 and 7 °C), dissolved CO2 (380 and 1000 ppm), and irradiance (65 and 145 μmol photons m−2 s−1). Growth and photosynthesis increased at high CO2 conditions, and strongly decreased at 2 °C plus high irradiance, in comparison to the other treatments. Photoinhibition at 2 °C plus high irradiance was evidenced by the photochemical performance and intensive release of dissolved organic carbon. The highest number of differentially regulated transcripts was observed in thalli exposed to 2 °C plus high irradiance. Algal 13C isotopic discrimination values suggested an absence of down-regulation of carbon-concentrating mechanisms at high CO2. CO2 enrichment induced few transcriptomic changes. There was high and constitutive gene expression of many photochemical and inorganic carbon utilization components, which might be related to the strong adaptation of D. anceps to the Antarctic environment. These results suggest that increased temperature and CO2 will allow D. anceps to maintain its productivity while tolerating higher irradiances than at present conditions

    The κ–μ Shadowed Fading Model: Unifying the κ–μ and η–μ Distributions

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    This paper shows that the recently proposed k-μ shadowed fading model includes, besides the k-μ model, the η-μ fading model as a particular case. This has important relevance in practice, as it allows for the unification of these popular fading distributions through a more general, yet equally tractable, model. The convenience of new underlying physical models is discussed. Then, we derive simple and novel closed-form expressions for the asymptotic ergodic capacity in k-μ shadowed fading channels, which illustrate the effects of the different fading parameters on the system performance. By exploiting the unification here unveiled, the asymptotic capacity expressions for the k-μ, η-μ, and Rician shadowed fading models are also obtained in closed form as special cases

    Depot Cloud: Un sistema de gestión de trasteros

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    Todos tenemos no uno, sino varios trasteros en diferentes sitios (domicilio particular, casa de vacaciones, guardamuebles, etc.). Cuando buscamos algo en nuestros trasteros, con frecuencia, no lo encontramos porque otro miembro de la unidad familiar lo ha movido de sitio e incluso lo ha llevado a otro de los trasteros familiares. El objetivo del proyecto es crear una solución que ofrezca a las familias un sistema de gestión de trasteros. En esta solución, los usuarios organizados en familias podrán gestionar vía una aplicación web para móvil sus trasteros, y un administrador dispondrá de una aplicación web para escritorio para gestionar el sistema

    Thermal characterization of urban heat island (UHI) according to urban morphology of Madrid

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    Present research is framed within the project MODIFICA (MODelo predictivo - edIFIcios - Isla de Calor Urbana) aimed at developing a predictive model for dwelling energy performance under the urban heat island effect in order to implement it in the evaluation of real energy demand and consumption of dwellings as well as in the selection of energy retrofitting strategies. It is funded by Programa de I+D+i orientada a los retos de la sociedad 'Retos Investigación' 2013. The scope of our predictive model is defined by the heat island effect (UHI) of urban structures that compose the city of Madrid. In particular, we focus on the homogeneous areas for urban structures with the same urban and building characteristics. Data sources for the definition of such homogeneous areas were provided by previous research on the UHI of Madrid. The objective is to establish a critical analysis of climate records used for energy simulation tools, which data come from weather stations placed in decontextualized areas from the usual urban reality, where the thermal conditions differs by up to 6ºC. In this way, we intend to develop a new predictive model for the consumption and demand in buildings depending on their location, the urban structure and the associated UHI, improving the future energy rehabilitation intervention