197 research outputs found

    Ligand-controlled divergent formation of alkenyl- or allylboronates catalyzed by Pd, and synthetic applications

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    The use of different ligands allows the preparation of either allyl- or alkenylboronates by Pd-catalyzed borylation of allylic carbonates containing alkyne groups. Unprecedented borylative cyclisation to alkenylboronates takes place with PCy3. The difficult dissociation of NHC ligands allows borylation of carbonates in the presence of alkynes. Oxidation, regioselective Suzuki coupling, as well as Au-catalyzed cycloisomerisation of boronates illustrate the potential synthetic applications of these reactionsThis work was supported by the MICINN (CTQ2010-15927) and the CAM (Project AVANCAT). We thank the UAM for a fellowship to R. L.-D., and the CCC-UAM for computation tim

    Measurement device design: Rain gauge

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    The need to size large hydraulic infrastructures, exploit extensive agricultural areas or simply arrange water assets for human consumption makes the evaluation of the available water resources essential. Water is a scarce resource that is poorly distributed both, spatially and temporally. Therefore, a set of hydrological networks that allow the evaluation of water quantity and quality is required. In order to achieve this, the first step is to retrieve reliable data on rainfall. To carry out a correct evaluation of water resources, both in the small and large scale, disposing hydrological networks that involve a certain number of measuring devices becomes critical. Despite the great amount of studies that have been developed on measuring devices such as rain gauges, there are still many errors that remain in the measurements and that have not been ruled out yet, thus affecting the accuracy of the measurements. In this sense, the design of a device that provides an accurate measurement of rainfall and also results affordable, could be the key to a product with great acceptance in the market. The aim of this work is to present the design of a measurement device that provides accurate data and can be used in multiple ways: as an ordinary rain gauge, as a rain gauge recorder, or even allowing to carry on both functions simultaneously. The methodology followed for its implementation has consisted in analyzing the techniques and procedures to be trailed at quantifying rainfall, conducting a market study and analyzing specifications to be in accordance to WMO (World Meteorological Organization) [2] [3] to then go through a conceptual design and finally complete the detailed design where materials are valued and simulation tests are performed in order to meet certain accuracy and economical requirements.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Specific increase of a mitochondrial RNA transcript in chronic ethanol-fed rats

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    AbstractAn in vitro transcription system utilizing isolated mitochondria has been used to study the effect of chronic ethanol consumption on liver mitochondrial DNA transcription. The results obtained showed an overall increase of RNA synthesis and a dramatic accumulation of a discrete polyadenylated RNA species. This effect is a consequence of the chronic ethanol consumption since these changes do not occur when isolated control mitochondria are incubated in the presence of ethanol

    A proteomic approach to obesity and type 2 diabetes

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    The incidence of obesity and type diabetes 2 has increased dramatically resulting in an increased interest in its biomedical relevance. However, the mechanisms that trigger the development of diabetes type 2 in obese patients remain largely unknown. Scientific, clinical and pharmaceutical communities are dedicating vast resources to unravel this issue by applying different omics tools. During the last decade, the advances in proteomic approaches and the Human Proteome Organization have opened and are opening a new door that may be helpful in the identification of patients at risk and to improve current therapies. Here, we briefly review some of the advances in our understanding of type 2 diabetes that have occurred through the application of proteomics. We also review, in detail, the current improvements in proteomic methodologies and new strategies that could be employed to further advance our understanding of this pathology. By applying these new proteomic advances, novel therapeutic and/or diagnostic protein targets will be discovered in the obesity/Type 2 diabetes areaThis work is funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (BFU2011–27492), Fondos de Investigación Sanitaria (PI1302195), Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red Fisiopatología de Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBERobn), Instituto de Salud Carlos III and Fundación de Endocrinología y Nutrición. Dr. Elena López Villar is supported by ISCIII Spanish Health System (SNS BOE 2012) and she is Delegate of HUPO (Human Proteome Organization) supporting clinical proteomic studies at Hospital Niño Jesús of Madrid, Spain, to improve diagnosis and therapies via researc

    Colaboración internacional y buenas prácticas en la gestión de enfermedades crónicas complejas a través de herramientas web 2.0: Observatorio de prácticas innovadoras en el manejo de enfermedades crónicas complejas OPIMEC

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    Ponencias de la Segunda Conferencia internacional sobre brecha digital e inclusión social, celebrada del 28 al 30 de octubre de 2009 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridLas enfermedades crónicas (EC) constituyen un reto de salud mundial en el siglo XXI. La OMS las define como enfermedades de larga duración por lo general de progresión lenta y prevé que en 2020 serán responsables del 73% de las muertes y del 60% de la carga global de enfermedad (World Health Organization, 2002). Es primordial que la comunidad internacional de salud pública y de gestión sanitaria conozca y comparta información sobre los avances en las prácticas tecnológicas y organizativas más innovadoras en gestión de EC, con énfasis en las EC Complejas (ECC) asociadas a una mayor pérdida de autonomía y grado de dependencia y discapacidad. Con este propósito, a mediados de 2006, la Dirección General de Innovación Sanitaria, Sistemas y Tecnología de la Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía crea el «Observatorio de Prácticas Innovadoras para el Manejo de Enfermedades Crónicas Complejas» (OPIMEC) que impulsa la participación y generación de conocimiento en información sanitaria para profesionales y una Plataforma de Red en el ámbito de la gestión de ECC para el fomento de alianzas y colaboraciones desde Andalucía basadas en dar y recibir conocimiento abierto entre personas, equipos y organizaciones (Jadad AR, 1999, p. 761-764; Jadad AR, 2000, p.362-365). La Web del Observatorio de Prácticas Innovadoras en el Manejo de Enfermedades Crónicas Complejas (OPIMEC), http://www.opimec.org, va centrada en la creación de una plataforma basada en la Web 2.0. que permite el acceso y la edición colaborativa de contenidos para profesionales. El objetivo fundamental de esta plataforma es compartir y colaborar en la generación y difusión de conocimiento, todo ello facilitado con herramientas innovadoras de la Web 2.0. como son la publicación de contenidos, la votación, comentarios sobre los contenidos, la sindicación de contenidos y la creación de comunidades abiertas de trabajo colaborativo. El proyecto OPIMEC cuenta con una cadena de procesos de gestión de la información de los que podemos destacar su forma colaborativa de crear conocimiento por todas las personas usuarias de la plataforma, un equipo editorial encargado de asegurar la calidad de los contenidos y una evaluación por pares de las prácticas y organizaciones propuestas en la Web. Desde la edición, hasta la publicación y su distribución final el conocimiento es examinado metódicamente. Este proceso es automatizado a través de herramientas de software libre creadas para OPIMEC y asesorado por su Consejo Asesor Internacional. Así pues, la plataforma Web 2.0 que da soporte al observatorio OPIMEC está construida sobre tecnologías libres como: Framework Web Django (impulsado por Google Inc. entre otros), MySQL y GNU/Linux. La elección de esta combinación tecnológica se ha realizado tras un análisis exhaustivo sobre las tecnologías abiertas disponibles, en base a criterios de eficiencia, productividad y adaptabilidad a las necesidades actuales y futuras de OPIMEC. La Web OPIMEC tiene intención y vocación de convertirse en un destacado proyecto a nivel mundial con clara vertiente de cooperación internacional e innovación, mejorando la calidad de vida de la ciudadanía, aprovechando las herramientas que ofrece la difundida red global de Internet y promocionando la participación e iniciativa de los y las profesionales. Nuestra Web OPIMEC está estructurada en espacios que facilitan y propician la participación y consecución de los objetivos del proyecto, con el fin de que la asimilación de sus contenidos por parte de las personas usuarias sea eficiente y efectiva. Podemos encontrar en ella, herramientas existentes en las redes sociales así como algunas nuevas desarrolladas específicamente para OPIMEC, como son los “documentos colaborativos”, que facilitarán el trabajo, la conexión y la participación de profesionales desde cualquier parte del mundo, pudiendo así aprovechar los recursos al máximo, Se dispone por tanto de destacadas herramientas como una base de datos actualizada de eventos, noticias, recursos y documentos, directorios y mapas de organizaciones, prácticas y personas innovadoras, espacios de comunidad en las que los equipos de trabajo pueden desarrollarse, comunicarse y complementarse con otras personas usuarias, compartiendo buenas prácticas, innovación y contenidos novedosos en el manejo de enfermedades crónicas complejas. El aspecto importante de la plataforma es que las personas usuarias son de forma democrática, creadores, evaluadores y consumidores de los contenidos publicados, siendo así una herramienta de trabajo construida, ampliada, valorada y seguida por toda la comunidad de profesionales; facilitando la difusión del conocimiento construido por y para todos y todas los profesionales sanitarios, personal investigador, ciudadanos y ciudadanas en general en el manejo de enfermedades crónicas complejas. Un conocimiento ampliamente compartido es la clave para aumentar y mejorar el bienestar social y la calidad de vida

    Evaluating the controlled reopening of nightlife during the COVID-19 pandemic : a matched cohort study in Sitges, Spain, in May 2021 (Reobrim Sitges)

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    To assess the impact of relaxing the state of alarm restrictions on SARS-CoV-2 infections at 14 days among people attending reopened nightclub venues. Matched cohort study with a paired control group (1:5 ratio). Five small nightclubs with indoor areas and outdoor terraces, in a nightlife-restricted area in Sitges, Spain, on 20 May 2021. Wearing masks was mandatory, drinking was allowed and social distance was not required. Volunteers were selected through a convenience sampling. To attend the event, participants were required to be older than 17 years, with a negative rapid antigen diagnostic test (Ag-RDT) on the same afternoon, without a positive reverse-transcription PCR (RT-PCR) or Ag-RDT and/or symptoms associated with COVID-19 in the previous 7 days, to not having knowingly been in close contact with someone infected in the previous 10 days and to not have knowingly had close contact with someone with a suspicion of COVID-19 in the previous 48 hours. A control group was paired by exact age, gender, residence municipality, socioeconomic index, previous SARS-CoV-2-confirmed infection and vaccination status, in a 1:5 ratio, from the primary care electronic health records. Evidence of infection at electronic health records by SARS-CoV-2 at 14-day follow-up. Among the 391 participants (median age 37 years; 44% (n=173) women), no positive SARS-CoV-2 cases were detected at 14 days, resulting in a cumulative incidence estimation of 0 (95% CI 0 to 943) per 100 000 inhabitants. In the control group, two cases with RT-PCR test were identified, resulting in a cumulative incidence of 102.30 (12.4 to 369) per 100 000 inhabitants. Nightlife attendance under controlled conditions and with a requirement for a negative Ag-RDT was not associated with increased transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 in a pandemic context of low infection rates. In such circumstances, secure opening of the nightlife sector was possible, under reduced capacity and controlled access by Ag-RDT, and environments where compliance with sanitary measures are maintainable

    Effect of chestnut flour and probiotic microorganism on the functionality of dry-cured meat sausages

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    The meat industry has made efforts to develop meat and meat products with functional ingredients to prevent the risk of disease and to promote health conditions. Therefore, the aim of the present work was to study the combined use of the probiotic strain, Lactobacillus plantarum, and potential prebiotic chestnut flour in Spanish dry-cured sausage (Longaniza de Pascua). Chestnut flour and the probiotic strain improved LAB counts on Longaniza de Pascua without modifying product flavour. Chestnut flour had a significant effect on pH decrease and residual nitrite values, but lipid oxidation values were increased. The symbiotic meat product could be considered a healthy matrix as a probiotic carrier.Fil: Sirini, Noelí Estefanía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Roldán, A.. Universidad de Miguel Hernández; EspañaFil: Lucas González, R.. Universidad de Miguel Hernández; EspañaFil: Fernández López, J.. Universidad de Miguel Hernández; EspañaFil: Viuda Martos, M.. Universidad de Miguel Hernández; EspañaFil: Pérez Álvarez, J.A.. Universidad de Miguel Hernández; EspañaFil: Frizzo, Laureano Sebastian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Rosmini, Marcelo Raul. Universidad Nacional del Litoral; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Beetroot juices as colorant in plant-based minced meat analogues: Color, betalain composition and antioxidant activity as affected by juice type

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    The aim of this work was to study the suitability of the application of beetroot juices (obtained from fresh beetroot, cooked beetroot, beetroot powder and commercial beetroot juice) as colorants in the development of meat analogues, as well as their antioxidant properties. Fresh beetroot juice showed the highest betalain content (119.53 mg betanin/100 ml and 48.27 mg vulgasanthin I/100 ml) and commercial juice the lowest (49.40 mg betanin/100 ml and 7.21 mg vulgasanthin I/100 ml). Juices from fresh and cooked beetroot showed ABTS, FRAP and FIC values higher than values obtained for commercial juice (ascorbic acid added). Textured soy protein with cooked beetroot juice or with commercial juice showed the same appearance that of minced beef and pork meat, respectively, which is in accordance with their hue values and reflectance spectra. The attractive red color of betalains and their stability at the pH value of meat analogues make beetroot juices ideal for their application as colorants in meat analogue

    Effect of probiotic Lactiplantibacillus plantarum and chestnut flour (Castanea sativa mill) on microbiological and physicochemical characteristics of dry-cured sausages during storage

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    The effect of chestnut flour (Castanea sativa Mill) on L. plantarum viability and physicochemical characteristics in a dry-cured sausage (Longaniza de Pascua) during storage is discussed. Four batches were prepared: CL with 3% chestnut flour added; CPL with 3% chestnut flour and 8.5 log CFU/g L. plantarum added; PL with 8.5 log CFU/g L. plantarum added and L, the batch control. The sausages were stored at 4 °C and 20 °C, and vacuum packed for 43 d. L. plantarum viability was affected by storage time (P < 0.001). However, higher L. plantarum counts at the final of storage were reached due to chestnut flour addition (P < 0.001). At room storage, chestnut flour caused a higher increase in TBARS values (P = 0.022). Nevertheless, all lipid oxidation treatments were in the range of accepted values at the sensory detection level. In conclusion, Longaniza de Pascua can be kept at 4 °C or 20 °C for 43 d without causing any rancidity problems.Fil: Sirini, Noelí Estefanía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Lucas González, R.. Universidad de Miguel Hernández; EspañaFil: Fernández López, J.. Universidad de Miguel Hernández; EspañaFil: Viuda Martos, M.. Universidad de Miguel Hernández; EspañaFil: Pérez Álvarez, J. A.. Universidad de Miguel Hernández; EspañaFil: Frizzo, Laureano Sebastian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Signorini Porchietto, Marcelo Lisandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Zbrun, María Virginia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Rosmini, Marcelo Raul. Universidad Nacional del Litoral; Argentin

    Effectiveness of the e-NurSus Children Intervention in the Training of Nursing Students

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    The paediatric population is the most vulnerable to exposure to environmental risk factors. Institutions of higher education have to equip nursing students with the attitudes, knowledge, and skills to respond to this using blended learning. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of e-NurSus Children intervention on student nurses’ attitudes, knowledge, and skills. A quasi-experimental study of time series was designed using pre and post educational intervention evaluation in 2018. The participants were nursing students (N = 267) from Spain (n = 110) and the United Kingdom (n = 157). Three instruments were used: the Sustainability Attitudes in Nursing Survey, the Children’s Environmental Health Knowledge Questionnaire, and the Children’s Environmental Health Skills Questionnaire. The attitudes (15.81%), knowledge (39.02%), and skills (29.98%) of nursing students improved following the e-NurSus Children intervention. It is necessary to include topics on children’s environmental health in nurse education as students are aware of this issue but do not have the knowledge or skills required to manage problems or illness caused by the environment. The e-NurSus Children intervention is an effective tool to address this educational gap.</jats:p