1 research outputs found

    Par谩lisis de Bell: Diagn贸stico y Tratamiento

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    Bell's palsy is a syndrome with facial nerve involvement, which is characterized by muscular dysfunction of the face, usually unilateral and of idiopathic etiology or associated with the Herpes simplex virus with acute onset of less than 72 hours. Bell's palsy represents 60-75% of acute unilateral facial palsies, without predilection for laterality. Several differential diagnoses are found such as head trauma, Lyme disease, Herpes-Zoster virus, as well as neoplasms and cerebrovascular events. It has clinical manifestations associated with muscular nerve involvement such as difficulty smiling, frowning, closing the eyes, raising the eyebrows. Its diagnosis is mainly clinical and the management must be adequate and in a timely manner with corticosteroids in the first 3 days from its initiation, antiviral therapy is not used as monotherapy, however, it can be added if there is evidence of Herpes virus involvement, complementary physical therapy has also become a key factor in the recovery of muscle function. Eye care is very important, as it represents a risk of injury to the cornea due to incomplete closure of the eyelid. The prognosis is good as most patients have a complete remission.La par谩lisis de Bell es un s铆ndrome con afectaci贸n del nervio facial, el cual se caracteriza por disfunci贸n muscular de la cara, usualmente unilateral y de etiolog铆a idiop谩tica o asociado al virus del Herpes simple de inicio agudo de menos de 72 horas. La par谩lisis de Bell representa 60-75% de las par谩lisis faciales unilaterales agudas, sin predilecci贸n por lateralidad. Se encuentran varios diagn贸sticos diferenciales como traumatismos craneoencef谩licos, enfermedad de Lyme, virus del Herpes-Zoster, as铆 como neoplasias y eventos cerebrovasculares. Tiene manifestaciones cl铆nicas asociadas a afectaci贸n nerviosa muscular como dificultad para sonre铆r, fruncir el ce帽o, cerrar los ojos, elevar las cejas. Su diagn贸stico es principalmente cl铆nico y el manejo debe ser adecuado y de manera oportuna con corticoesteroides en los primeros 3 d铆as desde su inicio, la terapia antiviral no se utiliza como monoterapia, sin embargo, se puede a帽adir si hay evidencia de afectaci贸n por virus del Herpes, la terapia f铆sica complementaria tambi茅n se ha vuelto un factor clave en la recuperaci贸n de la funci贸n muscular. Los cuidados del ojo son muy importantes, ya que representan un riesgo de lesi贸n en la c贸rnea por cierre incompleto del p谩rpado. El pron贸stico es bueno ya que la mayor铆a de los pacientes tienen una remisi贸n completa