3,629 research outputs found

    On space-like constant slope surfaces and Bertrand curves in Minkowski 3-space

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    In the present paper, we define the notions of Lorentzian Sabban frames and de Sitter evolutes of the unit speed space-like curves on de Sitter 2-space S12\mathbb{S}^{2}_{1}. In addition, we investigate the invariants and geometric properties of these curves. Afterwards, we show that space-like Bertrand curves and time-like Bertrand curves can be constructed from unit speed space-like curves on de Sitter 2-space S12\mathbb{S}^{2}_{1} and hyperbolic space H2\mathbb{H}^{2}, respectively. We obtain the relations between Bertrand curves and helices. Also we show that pseudo-spherical Darboux images of Bertrand curves are equal to pseudo-spherical evolutes in Minkowski 3-space R13\mathbb{R}^{3}_{1}. Moreover we investigate the relations between Bertrand curves and space-like constant slope surfaces in R13\mathbb{R}^{3}_{1}. Finally, we give some examples to illustrate our main results.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in the Scientific Annals of "Al.I. Cuza" University of Ias

    Toward Visual Autonomous Ship Board Landing of a VTOL UAV

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    In this paper we tackle the problem of landing a helicopter autonomously on a ship deck, using as the main sensor, an on-board colour camera. To create a test-bed, we first adequately simulate the movement of a ship landing platform on the Sea, for different Sea States, for different ships, randomly and realistically enough. We use a commercial parallel robot to get this movement. Once we had this, we developed an accurate and robust computer vision system to measure the pose of the helipad with respect to the on-board camera. To deal with the noise and the possible fails of the computer vision, a state estimator was created. With all of this, we are now able to develop and test a controller that closes the loop and finish the autonomous landing task

    AR drone identification and navigation control at CVG-UPM

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    This article presents the proposal of the Computer Vision Group to the first phase of the international competition “Concurso de Ingeniería de Control 2012, Control Aut ́onomo del seguimiento de trayectorias de un vehículo cuatrirrotor”. This phase consists mainly of two parts: identifying a model and designing a trajectory controller for the AR Drone quadrotor. For the identification task, two models are proposed: a simplified model that captures only the main dynamics of the quadrotor, and a second model based on the physical laws underlying the AR Drone behavior. The trajectory controller design is based on the simplified model, whereas the physical model is used to tune the controller to attain a certain level of robust stability to model uncertainties. The controller design is simplified by the hypothesis that accurate positions sensors will be available to implement a feedback controller

    A General Purpose Configurable Navigation Controller for Micro Aerial Multirotor Vehicles

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of autonomous navigation of multirotor platforms in GPS-denied environments. The focus of this work is on safe navigation based on unperfect odometry measurements, such as on-board optical flow measurements. The multirotor platform is modeled as a flying object with specific kinematic constraints that must be taken into account in order to obtain successful results. A navigation controller is proposed featuring a set of configurable parameters that allow, for instance, to have a configuration setup for fast trajectory following, and another to soften the control laws and make the vehicle navigation more precise and slow whenever necessary. The proposed controller has been successfully implemented in two different multirotor platforms with similar sensoring capabilities showing the openness and tolerance of the approach. This research is focused around the Computer Vision Group's objective of applying multirotor vehicles to civilian service applications. The presented work was implemented to compete in the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition IMAV 2012, gaining two awards: the Special Award on "Best Automatic Performance - IMAV 2012" and the second overall prize in the participating category "Indoor Flight Dynamics - Rotary Wing MAV". Most of the code related to the present work is available as two open-source projects hosted in GitHub

    Free-standing graphene films embedded in epoxy resin with enhanced thermal properties

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    The poor thermal conductivity of polymer composites has long been a deterrent to their increased use in high-end aerospace or defence applications. This study describes a new approach for the incorporation of graphene in an epoxy resin, through the addition of graphene as free-standing film in the polymeric matrix. The electrical and thermal conductivity of composites embedding two different free-standing graphene films was compared to composites with embedded carbon nanotube buckypapers (CNT-BP). Considerably higher thermal conductivity values than those achieved with conventional dispersing methods of graphene or CNTs in epoxy resins were obtained. The characterisation was complemented with a study of the structure at the microscale by cross-sectional scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images and a thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The films are preconditioned in order to incorporate them into the composites, and the complete manufacturing process proposed allows the production and processing of these materials in large batches. The high thermal conductivity obtained for the composites opens the way for their use in demanding thermal management applications, such as electronic enclosures or platforms facing critical temperature loads.European Defence Agency tender No 17.ESI.OP.066. Study on the Impact of Graphene on Defence Application

    The relation between metallicity, stellar mass and star formation in galaxies: an analysis of observational and model data

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    We study relations between stellar mass, star formation and gas-phase metallicity in a sample of 177,071 unique emission line galaxies from the SDSS-DR7, as well as in a sample of 43,767 star forming galaxies at z=0 from the cosmological semi-analytic model L-GALAXIES. We demonstrate that metallicity is dependent on star formation rate at fixed mass, but that the trend is opposite for low and for high mass galaxies. Low-mass galaxies that are actively forming stars are more metal-poor than quiescent low-mass galaxies. High-mass galaxies, on the other hand, have lower gas-phase metallicities if their star formation rates are small. Remarkably, the same trends are found for our sample of model galaxies. We find that massive model galaxies with low gas-phase metallicities have undergone a gas-rich merger in the past, inducing a starburst which exhausted their cold gas reservoirs and shut down star formation. This led to a gradual dilution in the gas-phase metallicities of these systems via accretion of gas. These model galaxies have lower-than-average gas-to-stellar mass ratios and higher-than-average central black hole masses. We confirm that massive galaxies with low gas-phase metallicities in our observational sample also have very massive black holes. We propose that accretion may therefore play a significant role in regulating the gas-phase metallicities of present-day massive galaxies.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to MNRA

    Secondhand smoke in outdoor settings: smokers' consumption, non-smokers' perceptions, and attitudes towards smoke-free legislation in Spain

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    Objective: to describe where smokers smoke outdoors, where non-smokers are exposed outdoors to secondhand smoke (SHS), and attitudes towards smoke-free outdoor areas after the implementation of national smoke-free legislation. Design: this cross-sectional study was conducted between June 2011 and March 2012 (n=1307 participants). Setting: Barcelona Participants: representative, random sample of the adult (≥16 years) population. Primary and secondary outcomes: proportion of smoking and prevalence of exposure to SHS in the various settings according to type of enclosure. Percentages of support for outdoor smoke-free policies according to smoking status. Results: smokers reported smoking outdoors most in bars and restaurants (54.8%), followed by outdoor places at work (46.8%). According to non-smokers, outdoor SHS exposure was highest at home (42.5%) and in bars and restaurants (33.5%). Among non-smoking adult students, 90% claimed exposure to SHS on university campuses. There was great support for banning smoking in the majority of outdoor areas, which was stronger among non-smokers than smokers. Over 70% of participants supported smoke-free playgrounds, school and high school courtyards, and the grounds of healthcare centres. Conclusions: extending smoking bans to selected outdoor settings should be considered in further tobacco control interventions to protect non-smokers from SHS exposure and to establish a positive model for youth. The majority of public support for some outdoor smoke-free areas suggests that it is feasible to extend smoking bans to additional outdoor settings

    Abordando la exposición a las emisiones del tabaco y de los cigarrillos electrónicos: protocolo del proyecto TackSHS

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    Objective The TackSHS project aims to comprehensively elucidate the impact that exposure to second-hand smoke (SHS) from cigarettes and second-hand aerosols (SHA) from electronic cigarettes have on the respiratory health of the European population according to socioeconomic characteristics and other determinants. Method The TackSHS project involves a series of coordinated studies carried out by 11 academic and public health organisations from six European countries. The project will investigate: a) the determinants of SHS and SHA exposure assessed at the individual level (surveys on representative general population samples) and in common environments (environmental sampling in specific settings); b) the overall disease burden, mortality and morbidity attributable to such exposure; and c) its economic impact in terms of direct health care costs. The project will also examine specific acute respiratory health changes in healthy individuals and patients with respiratory diseases exposed to SHS and SHA. In addition, the project will examine the effectiveness of a novel intervention to reduce SHS exposure in households where smoking is permitted. All these studies are inter-related and involve collaborative coordination among the participant organisations. Conclusion The comprehensive, integrated approach of the TackSHS project will enable a significant step forward from the current status quo in the understanding of the impact of SHS and SHA exposure on health and provide the basis for health policy recommendations to help European countries to further reduce the harm caused by SHS and SHA exposure.Additional co-authors: Montse Ballbè, Beladenta Amalia, Olena Tigova, Xavier Continente, Teresa Arechávala, Elisabet Henderson, Alessandra Lugo, Xiaoqiu Liu, Cristina Bosetti, Enrico Davoli, Paolo Colombo, Sheila Keogan, Shashsa Li, Elizabeth Breslin, Hannah Byrne, Anna Tzortzi, Constantine Vardavas, Vergina Konstantina Vyzikidou, Stephanie Teloniatis, Gerasimos Bakelas, George Mattiampa, Roberto Boffi, Cinzia De Marco, Alessandro Borgini, Chiara Veronese, Martina Bertoldi, Andrea Tittarelli, Giulia Carreras, Barbara Cortini, Simona Verdi, Alessio Lachi, Elisabetta Chellini, Marta Trapero-Bertran, Daniel Celdrán Guerrero, Dominick Nguyen, Polina Starchenko, Julio Ancochea, Tamara Alonso, María Teresa Pastor, Marta Erro, Ana Roca, Patricia Pére