318 research outputs found
Aproximación al paratexto de las ediciones del siglo XVI de las Obras de Boscán y algunas de Garcilaso de la Vega
De acuerdo con la codificación del paratexto de G.Genette, se analizan los elementos paratextuales de las ediciones de esta obra (prólogos, dedicatorias e índices) publicadas en las distintas tipografías europeas durante el siglo xvi. Se han cotejado fundamentalmente ejemplares depositados en la Biblioteca Nacional de España. Dicho análisis desvela aspectos relativos al contexto cultural y editorial y se infiere que tales ediciones, con escaso cuidado en la tipografía, formaron parte de un circuito de producción editorial de «consumo» en el que es capital la intermediación del editor/impresor y la competitividad en el mercado de la edición de la época.This essay analyzes, according to G. Genette's definition of paratext, the paratextual elements (prologues, dedications, indexes) of the different editions of the Boscan's work published in 16th century European printing houses. Through the comparison of copies in the Biblioteca Nacional de España, this analysis reveals several aspects of the cultural and editorial context and concludes that these editions, that present a poor typography, were devoted to an editorial consuming market where the mediation of the editor / printer and the competitiveness in the editorial marked of the century were capital
Fragmentos de una reflexión sobre literatura y fotografía
La interrelación literatura/fotografía supone un campo de investigación muy amplio y complejo, por lo que este trabajo consiste en un trazado general señalando los momentos más significativos de la historia de dicha interrelación en nuestra cultura europea más inmediata. Se parte de la perspectiva de la literatura y de la fotografía como medios de comunicación. Su diferente naturaleza pone de manifiesto una confluencia básica: el arte y la industria. Se considera como antecedente y referente inmediato la relación literatura/pintura para analizar el impacto causado por la aparición de la fotografía. Se perfila un itinerario que va desde la desconfianza inicial de los escritores (al no ser este nuevo medio un producto artístico), hasta su plena aceptación y enriquecimientos recíprocos entre ambos medios. En este camino se deducen dos líneas de interacción literatura/fotografía hasta desembocar en un producto híbrido con autonomía propia: la fotonovela. Se concluye con la reflexión sobre un nuevo destino para ambos medios en el campo común del mundo digital.The interrelation between literature and photography is a wide and complex field of study. This is a general overview in which the main aspects of this interrelation are highlighted. The history of literature and photography as mass media is taken as a point of departure and their overlapping aspects are studied in order to see the connexion between arts and industry. This relationship is seen as both an antecedent as well as an immediate reference for this appearance of photography. A path can be traced from the first writers suspiciouness (due to the fact that photography was not considered an artistic product), until the whole acceptance and following success of both means. Two lines can be observed between this interaction of literature and photography to finally give origin to a new independent genre: the «photonovel». It ends with the reflection about a new kind of interaction between both media in the common ground for digital world
La égloga en vulgar o el bucolismo en su trayectoria de Siena a Nápoles
À l’origine des églogues en langue vulgaire (seconde moitié du XVe siècle), Sienne a contribué significativement à la diffusion et au développement du genre dans le royaume de Naples. L’article signale les voies qui ont pu favoriser ce rayonnement en fonction d’aspects textuels (caractéristiques performatives et dramatisation des modèles) et extratextuels (intervention d’agents diffuseurs : académies, troupes d’amateurs ou «pre-rozzi», imprimerie). Il se conclut sur l’analyse de Il Vendemmiatore de Tansillo.At the origin of the eclogue in common language (second half of the fifteenth century), Siena significantly contributed to the insight and development of this genre in the Kingdom of Naples. This article outlines possible ways that enabled to take into account textual aspects (performative characteristics and dramatization of the models) and extra-textual (intervention of diffusion agents such as academies, amateur dramatics or «pre-rozzi» and printing). It concludes with the analysis of Il Vendemmiatore by Tansillo.En el origen de la égloga en vulgar (segunda mitad del siglo XV), Siena contribuyó de manera significativa en la penetración y desarrollo de este género en el Reino de Nápoles. Se esbozan las posibles vías que lo posibilitaron atendiendo a aspectos textuales (características performativas y dramatización de los modelos) y extratextuales (intervención de agentes difusores como academias, compañías de aficionados o «pre-rozzi» e imprenta). Se concluye con el análisis de Il Vendemmiatore de Tansillo
Literatura: Relatos y Tecnología. Presentación.
Establecer una relación entre la literatura y los medios significa abordar un campo de enorme complejidad. Ambos tienen la dificultad de acotar su objeto y de hecho, respecto a la literatura y a lo largo de su secular tradición han resultado siempre insatisfactorios los intentos de reducirla a un significado unívoco
La recepción del Petrarquismo en España a través de los comentaristas: hipótesis de trabajo
Our aim is to continue the studies on the handwritten and printed copies of the Canzoniere in the Iberian Peninsula, paying special attention to the internal order of the compositions, not analyzed by previous critics. During the Renaissance, the important structural innovation accomplished by Petrarch in his book was not always appreciated nor respected: in different anthologies the metrical criterion was given priority over the original structure, which was then desintegrated, its adeguate transmission being consequently hindered. Most editions follow the Malatesta order, and from the Aldo edition in 1501 onwards the Vatican order is the most frequent. In the second Aldo edition the title of the second part was changed, focusing on the love story, and not on the moral and ethic reflexions of the author. It does not seem that the several commentators, whose diffusion in Spain has been very wide, although this question still deserves a serious study, have contributed to the transmission of the original and complete structure; neither Filelfo, nor Gesualdo, nor Vellutello thought that the order of the poems was due to Petrarch, so they felt free to introduce modifications, as Vellutello’ s tripartition
A System of Indicators for Socio-Economic Evaluation and Monitoring of Global Change: An Approach Based on the Picos de Europa National Park
National Parks are spaces that are of great interest for evaluating and monitoring global
environmental change as these parks encompass natural, cultural, and rural features, along with
ecological processes, which are subject to social or economic changes that are much more difficult
to track outside of these spaces. To do this, it is necessary to have a sufficient set of data and
indicators to monitor the effects of global change in the short, mid, and long term. The majority
of indicators have been developed to monitor the bio-geophysical environment; socio-economic
indicators of global change for National Parks are much more limited. The aim of this paper is to
present a system of indicators for socio-economic evaluation and monitoring of global change for the
Picos de Europa National Park. This park has two unique features: it has one of the two systems of
socio-economic indicators developed for the Spanish National Parks, and it is practically the only
one of Spain’s 16 National Parks with human populations living within its boundaries. Many of the
indicators specifically developed for this park can be used for other national parks that have similar
characteristics.This research was funded by Fundación Biodiversidad 2010/00171/001. No funds were
received to cover the costs of publishing in open access
Non-esterified fatty acids profiling in rheumatoid arthritis: Associations with clinical features and Th1 response
Since lipid compounds are known to modulate the function of CD4+ T-cells and macrophages, we hypothesize that altered levels of serum non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) may underlie rheumatoid arthritis (RA) pathogenesis.Serum levels of NEFA (palmitic, stearic, palmitoleic, oleic, linoleic, γ-linoleic, arachidonic -AA-, linolenic, eicosapentaenoic -EPA- and docosahexaenoic -DHA-) were quantified by LC-MS/MS after methyl-tert-butylether (MTBE)-extraction in 124 RA patients and 56 healthy controls (HC). CD4+ phenotype was studied by flow cytometry. TNFα, IL-8, VEGF, GM-CSF, IFNγ, IL-17, CCL2, CXCL10, leptin and resistin serum levels were quantified by immunoassays. The effect of FA on IFNγ production by PBMC was evaluated in vitro.Lower levels of palmitic (p<0.0001), palmitoleic (p = 0.002), oleic (p = 0.010), arachidonic (p = 0.027), EPA (p<0.0001) and DHA (p<0.0001) were found in RA patients, some NEFA being altered at onset. Cluster analysis identified a NEFA profile (hallmarked by increased stearic and decreased EPA and DHA) overrepresented in RA patients compared to HC (p = 0.002), being associated with clinical features (RF, shared epitope and erosions), increased IFNγ expression in CD4+ T-cells (p = 0.002) and a Th1-enriched serum milieu (IFNγ, CCL2 and CXCL10, all p<0.005). In vitro assays demonstrated that imbalanced FA could underlie IFNγ production by CD4+ T-cells. Finally, changes on NEFA levels were associated with clinical response upon TNFα-blockade.An altered NEFA profile can be found in RA patients associated with clinical characteristics of aggressive disease and enhanced Th1 response. These results support the relevance of lipidomic studies in RA and provide a rationale for new therapeutic targets
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