676 research outputs found

    Requirement for Slit-1 and Robo-2 in zonal segregation of olfactory sensory neuron axons in the main olfactory bulb

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    The formation of precise stereotypic connections in sensory systems is critical for the ability to detect and process signals from the environment. In the olfactory system, olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) project axons to spatially defined glomeruli within the olfactory bulb (OB). A spatial relationship exists between the location of OSNs within the olfactory epithelium (OE) and their glomerular targets along the dorsoventral axis in the OB. The molecular mechanisms underlying the zonal segregation of OSN axons along the dorsoventral axis of the OB are poorly understood. Using robo-2/ (roundabout) and slit-1/ mice, we examined the role of the Slit family of axon guidance cues in the targeting of OSN axons during development. We show that a subset of OSN axons that normally project to the dorsal region of the OB mistarget and form glomeruli in the ventral region in robo-2/ and slit-1/ mice. In addition, we show that the Slit receptor, Robo-2, is expressed in OSNs in a high dorsomedial to low ventrolateral gradient across the OE and that Slit-1 and Slit-3 are expressed in the ventral region of the OB. These results indicate that the dorsal-to-ventral segregation of OSN axons are not solely defined by the location of OSNs within the OE but also relies on axon guidance cues

    Direct spectroscopic observations of clumping in O-star winds

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    We report the detection and monitoring of transient substructures in the radiation-driven winds of five massive, hot stars in different evolutionary stages. Clumping in the winds of these stars shows up as variable, narrow subpeaks superposed on their wide, wind-broadened (optical) emission lines. Similar patterns of emission-line profile variations are detected in the Of stars zeta Puppis and HD93129A, in the more evolved hydrogen-rich, luminous, Of-like WN stars HD93131 and HD93162, and in the more mass-depleted WC star in gamma2 Velorum. These observations strongly suggest that stochastic wind clumping is a universal phenomenon in the radiation-driven, hot winds from all massive stars, with similar clumping factors in all stages of mass depletion.Comment: To appear in The Astronomical Journa


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    A spectroscopic and proper motion search of Sloan Digital Sky Survey : red subdwarfs in binary systems

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    Red subdwarfs in binary systems are crucial for both model calibration and spectral classification. We search for red subdwarfs in binary systems from a sample of high proper motion objects with Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectroscopy. We present here discoveries from this search, as well as highlight several additional objects of interest. We find 30 red subdwarfs in wide binary systems including: two with spectral type of esdM5.5, 6 companions to white dwarfs and 3 carbon-enhanced red subdwarfs with normal red subdwarf companions. 15 red subdwarfs in our sample are partially resolved close binary systems. With this binary sample, we estimate the low limit of the red subdwarf binary fraction of similar to 10 per cent. We find that the binary fraction goes down with decreasing masses and metallicities of red subdwarfs. A spectroscopic esdK7 subdwarf + white dwarf binary candidate is also reported. 30 new M subdwarfs have spectral type of >= M6 in our sample. We also derive relationships between spectral types and absolute magnitudes in the optical and near-infrared for M and L subdwarfs, and we present an M subdwarf sample with measured U, V, W space velocities.Peer reviewe

    WR 110: A Single Wolf-Rayet Star With Corotating Interaction Regions In Its Wind?

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    A 30-day contiguous photometric run with the MOST satellite on the WN5-6b star WR 110 (HD 165688) reveals a fundamental periodicity of P = 4.08 +/- 0.55 days along with a number of harmonics at periods P/n, with n ~ 2,3,4,5 and 6, and a few other possible stray periodicities and/or stochastic variability on timescales longer than about a day. Spectroscopic RV studies fail to reveal any plausible companion with a period in this range. Therefore, we conjecture that the observed light-curve cusps of amplitude ~ 0.01 mag that recur at a 4.08 day timescale may arise in the inner parts, or at the base of, a corotating interaction region (CIR) seen in emission as it rotates around with the star at constant angular velocity. The hard X-ray component seen in WR 110 could then be a result of a high velocity component of the CIR shock interacting with the ambient wind at several stellar radii. Given that most hot, luminous stars showing CIRs have two CIR arms, it is possible that either the fundamental period is 8.2 days or, more likely in the case of WR 110, there is indeed a second weaker CIR arm for P = 4.08 days, that occurs ~ two thirds of a rotation period after the main CIR. If this interpretation is correct, WR 110 therefore joins the ranks with three other single WR stars, all WN, with confirmed CIR rotation periods (WR 1, WR 6, and WR 134), albeit with WR 110 having by far the lowest amplitude photometric modulation. This illustrates the power of being able to secure intense, continuous high-precision photometry from space-based platforms such as MOST. It also opens the door to revealing low-amplitude photometric variations in other WN stars, where previous attempts have failed. If all WN stars have CIRs at some level, this could be important for revealing sources of magnetism or pulsation in addition to rotation periods.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, accepted in Ap

    Wave Function Microscopy of Quasibound Atomic States

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    In the 1980s Demkov, Kondratovich, and Ostrovsky and Kondratovich and Ostrovsky proposed an experiment based on the projection of slow electrons emitted by a photoionized atom onto a position-sensitive detector. In the case of resonant excitation, they predicted that the spatial electron distribution on the detector should represent nothing else but a magnified image of the projection of a quasibound electronic state. By exciting lithium atoms in the presence of a static electric field, we present in this Letter the first experimental photoionization wave function microscopy images where signatures of quasibound states are evident. Characteristic resonant features, such as (i) the abrupt change of the number of wave function nodes across a resonance and (ii) the broadening of the outer ring of the image (associated with tunneling ionization), are observed and interpreted via wave packet propagation simulations and recently proposed resonance tunneling mechanisms. The electron spatial distribution measured by our microscope is a direct macroscopic image of the projection of the microscopic squared modulus of the electron wave that is quasibound to the atom and constitutes the first experimental realization of the experiment proposed 30 years ago

    Attosecond electron spectroscopy using a novel interferometric pump-probe technique

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    We present an interferometric pump-probe technique for the characterization of attosecond electron wave packets (WPs) that uses a free WP as a reference to measure a bound WP. We demonstrate our method by exciting helium atoms using an attosecond pulse with a bandwidth centered near the ionization threshold, thus creating both a bound and a free WP simultaneously. After a variable delay, the bound WP is ionized by a few-cycle infrared laser precisely synchronized to the original attosecond pulse. By measuring the delay-dependent photoelectron spectrum we obtain an interferogram that contains both quantum beats as well as multi-path interference. Analysis of the interferogram allows us to determine the bound WP components with a spectral resolution much better than the inverse of the attosecond pulse duration.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Spatially resolved stis spectra of WR + OB binaries with colliding winds

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    We present spatially resolved spectra of the visual WR + OB massive binaries WR 86, WR 146, and WR 147, obtained with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on board the Hubble Space Telescope. The systems are classified as follows: WR 86 = WC 7 + BO III, WR 146 = WC 6 + O8 I-IIf, WR 147 = WN 8 + O5-7 I-II(f). Both WR 146 and WR 147 are known to have strong nonthermal radio emission arising in a wind-wind collision shock zone between the WR and OB components. We find that the spectra of their O companions show Hα profiles in emission, indicative of large mass-loss rates and consistent with the colliding-wind model. Our spectra indicate that the B component in WR 86 has a low mass-loss rate, which possibly explains the fact that WR 86, despite being a long-period WR + OB binary, was not found to be a strong nonthermal radio emitter. Because of the small mass-loss rate of the B-star component in WR 86, the wind collision region must be closer to the B star and smaller in effective area, hence generating smaller amounts of nonthermal radio emission. Absolute magnitudes for all the stars are estimated based on the spectral types of the components (based on the tables by Schmidt-Kaler for OB stars and van der Hucht for WR stars) and compared with actual, observed magnitude differences. While the derived luminosities for the WC 7 and BO III stars in WR 86 are consistent with the observed magnitude difference, we find a discrepancy of at least 1.5 mag between the observed luminosities of the components in each of WR 146 and WR 147 and the absolute magnitudes expected from their spectral types. In both cases, it looks as though either the WR components are about 2 mag too bright for their spectral types or that the O components are about 2 mag too faint. We discuss possible explanations for this apparent discrepancy.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Wave-function imaging of quasibound and continuum Stark states

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    Photoionization of an atom in the presence of a uniform static electric field provides the unique opportunity to expand and visualize the atomic wave function at a macroscopic scale. In a number of seminal publications dating back to the 1980s, Fabrikant, Demkov, Kondratovich, and Ostrovsky showed that this goal could be achieved by projecting slow (meV) photoionized electrons onto a position-sensitive detector and underlined the distinction between continuum and resonant contributions. The uncovering of resonant signatures was achieved fairly recently in experiments on the nonhydrogenic lithium atoms [Cohen et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 183001 (2013)]. The purpose of the present article is the general description of these findings, with emphasis on the various manifestations of resonant character. From this point of view, lithium has been chosen as an illustrative example between the two limiting cases of hydrogen, where resonance effects are more easily identified, and heavy atoms like xenon, where resonant effects were not observed
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