116 research outputs found

    Two-scale competition in phase separation with shear

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    The behavior of a phase separating binary mixture in uniform shear flow is investigated by numerical simulations and in a renormalization group (RG) approach. Results show the simultaneous existence of domains of two characteristic scales. Stretching and cooperative ruptures of the network produce a rich interplay where the recurrent prevalence of thick and thin domains determines log-time periodic oscillations. A power law growth R(t)tα R(t) \sim t^{\alpha} of the average domain size, with α=4/3\alpha =4/3 and α=1/3\alpha = 1/3 in the flow and shear direction respectively, is shown to be obeyed.Comment: 5 Revtex pages, 4 figure

    Effect of Shear Flow on the Stability of Domains in Two Dimensional Phase-Separating Binary Fluids

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    We perform a linear stability analysis of extended domains in phase-separating fluids of equal viscosity, in two dimensions. Using the coupled Cahn-Hilliard and Stokes equations, we derive analytically the stability eigenvalues for long wavelength fluctuations. In the quiescent state we find an unstable varicose mode which corresponds to an instability towards coarsening. This mode is stabilized when an external shear flow is imposed on the fluid. The effect of the shear is seen to be qualitatively similar to that found in experiments.Comment: 13 pages, RevTeX, 8 eps figures included. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The Effect of Shear on Phase-Ordering Dynamics with Order-Parameter-Dependent Mobility: The Large-n Limit

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    The effect of shear on the ordering-kinetics of a conserved order-parameter system with O(n) symmetry and order-parameter-dependent mobility \Gamma({\vec\phi}) \propto (1- {\vec\phi} ^2/n)^\alpha is studied analytically within the large-n limit. In the late stage, the structure factor becomes anisotropic and exhibits multiscaling behavior with characteristic length scales (t^{2\alpha+5}/\ln t)^{1/2(\alpha+2)} in the flow direction and (t/\ln t)^{1/2(\alpha+2)} in directions perpendicular to the flow. As in the \alpha=0 case, the structure factor in the shear-flow plane has two parallel ridges.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Phase separation in an homogeneous shear flow: Morphology, growth laws and dynamic scaling

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    We investigate numerically the influence of an homogeneous shear flow on the spinodal decomposition of a binary mixture by solving the Cahn-Hilliard equation in a two-dimensional geometry. Several aspects of this much studied problem are clarified. Our numerical data show unambiguously that, in the shear flow, the domains have on average an elliptic shape. The time evolution of the three parameters describing this ellipse are obtained for a wide range of shear rates. For the lowest shear rates investigated, we find the growth laws for the two principal axis R(t)constantR_\perp (t) \sim constant, R(t)tR_\parallel(t) \sim t, while the mean orientation of the domains with respect to the flow is inversely proportional to the strain. This implies that when hydrodynamics is neglected a shear flow does not stop the domain growth process. We investigate also the possibility of dynamic scaling, and show that only a non trivial form of scaling holds, as predicted by a recent analytical approach to the case of a non-conserved order parameter. We show that a simple physical argument may account for these results.Comment: Version accepted for publication - Physical Review

    Ohta-Jasnow-Kawasaki Approximation for Nonconserved Coarsening under Shear

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    We analytically study coarsening dynamics in a system with nonconserved scalar order parameter, when a uniform time-independent shear flow is present. We use an anisotropic version of the Ohta-Jasnow-Kawasaki approximation to calculate the growth exponents in two and three dimensions: for d=3 the exponents we find are the same as expected on the basis of simple scaling arguments, that is 3/2 in the flow direction and 1/2 in all the other directions, while for d=2 we find an unusual behavior, in that the domains experience an unlimited narrowing for very large times and a nontrivial dynamical scaling appears. In addition, we consider the case where an oscillatory shear is applied to a two-dimensional system, finding in this case a standard t^1/2 growth, modulated by periodic oscillations. We support our two-dimensional results by means of numerical simulations and we propose to test our predictions by experiments on twisted nematic liquid crystals.Comment: 25 RevTeX pages, 7 EPS figures. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Coarsening and Pinning in the Self-consistent Solution of Polymer Blends Phase-Separation Kinetics

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    We study analytically a continuum model for phase-separation in binary polymer blends based on the Flory-Huggins-De Gennes free energy, by means of the self-consistent large-nn limit approach. The model is solved for values of the parameters corresponding to the weak and strong segregation limits. For deep quenches we identify a complex structure of intermediate regimes and crossovers characterized by the existence of a time domain such that phase separation is pinned, followed by a preasymptotic regime which in the scalar case corresponds to surface diffusion. The duration of the pinning is analytically computed and diverges in the strong segregation limit. Eventually a late stage dynamics sets in, described by scaling laws and exponents analogous to those of the corresponding small molecule systems.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Phase-separation of binary fluids in shear flow: a numerical study

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    The phase-separation kinetics of binary fluids in shear flow is studied numerically in the framework of the continuum convection-diffusion equation based on a Ginzburg-Landau free energy. Simulations are carried out for different temperatures both in d=2 and in d=3. Our results confirm the qualitative picture put forward by the large-N limit equations studied in \cite{noi}. In particular, the structure factor is characterized by the presence of four peaks whose relative oscillations give rise to a periodic modulation of the behavior of the rheological indicators and of the average domains sizes. This peculiar pattern of the structure factor corresponds to the presence of domains with two characteristic thicknesses whose relative abundance changes with time.Comment: 6 pages, 11 figures in .gif forma

    Control of Gastric H,K-ATPase Activity by Cations, Voltage and Intracellular pH Analyzed by Voltage Clamp Fluorometry in Xenopus Oocytes

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    Whereas electrogenic partial reactions of the Na,K-ATPase have been studied in depth, much less is known about the influence of the membrane potential on the electroneutrally operating gastric H,K-ATPase. In this work, we investigated site-specifically fluorescence-labeled H,K-ATPase expressed in Xenopus oocytes by voltage clamp fluorometry to monitor the voltage-dependent distribution between E1P and E2P states and measured Rb+ uptake under various ionic and pH conditions. The steady-state E1P/E2P distribution, as indicated by the voltage-dependent fluorescence amplitudes and the Rb+ uptake activity were highly sensitive to small changes in intracellular pH, whereas even large extracellular pH changes affected neither the E1P/E2P distribution nor transport activity. Notably, intracellular acidification by approximately 0.5 pH units shifted V0.5, the voltage, at which the E1P/E2P ratio is 50∶50, by −100 mV. This was paralleled by an approximately two-fold acceleration of the forward rate constant of the E1P→E2P transition and a similar increase in the rate of steady-state cation transport. The temperature dependence of Rb+ uptake yielded an activation energy of ∼90 kJ/mol, suggesting that ion transport is rate-limited by a major conformational transition. The pronounced sensitivity towards intracellular pH suggests that proton uptake from the cytoplasmic side controls the level of phosphoenzyme entering the E1P→E2P conformational transition, thus limiting ion transport of the gastric H,K-ATPase. These findings highlight the significance of cellular mechanisms contributing to increased proton availability in the cytoplasm of gastric parietal cells. Furthermore, we show that extracellular Na+ profoundly alters the voltage-dependent E1P/E2P distribution indicating that Na+ ions can act as surrogates for protons regarding the E2P→E1P transition. The complexity of the intra- and extracellular cation effects can be rationalized by a kinetic model suggesting that cations reach the binding sites through a rather high-field intra- and a rather low-field extracellular access channel, with fractional electrical distances of ∼0.5 and ∼0.2, respectively

    Artificial Brownian motors: Controlling transport on the nanoscale

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    In systems possessing spatial or dynamical symmetry breaking, Brownian motion combined with symmetric external input signals, deterministic or random, alike, can assist directed motion of particles at the submicron scales. In such cases, one speaks of "Brownian motors". In this review the constructive role of Brownian motion is exemplified for various one-dimensional setups, mostly inspired by the cell molecular machinery: working principles and characteristics of stylized devices are discussed to show how fluctuations, either thermal or extrinsic, can be used to control diffusive particle transport. Recent experimental demonstrations of this concept are reviewed with particular attention to transport in artificial nanopores and optical traps, where single particle currents have been first measured. Much emphasis is given to two- and three-dimensional devices containing many interacting particles of one or more species; for this class of artificial motors, noise rectification results also from the interplay of particle Brownian motion and geometric constraints. Recently, selective control and optimization of the transport of interacting colloidal particles and magnetic vortices have been successfully achieved, thus leading to the new generation of microfluidic and superconducting devices presented hereby. Another area with promising potential for realization of artificial Brownian motors are microfluidic or granular set-ups.....Comment: 57 pages, 39 figures; submitted to Reviews Modern Physics, revised versio

    Rheo-PIV of a shear-banding wormlike micellar solution under large amplitude oscillatory shear

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    We explore the behavior of a wormlike micellar solution under both steady and large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) in a cone–plate geometry through simultaneous bulk rheometry and localized velocimetric measurements. First, particle image velocimetry is used to show that the shear-banded profiles observed in steady shear are in qualitative agreement with previous results for flow in the cone–plate geometry. Then under LAOS, we observe the onset of shear-banded flow in the fluid as it is progressively deformed into the non-linear regime—this onset closely coincides with the appearance of higher harmonics in the periodic stress signal measured by the rheometer. These harmonics are quantified using the higher-order elastic and viscous Chebyshev coefficients e [subscript n] and v [subscript n] , which are shown to grow as the banding behavior becomes more pronounced. The high resolution of the velocimetric imaging system enables spatiotemporal variations in the structure of the banded flow to be observed in great detail. Specifically, we observe that at large strain amplitudes (γ [subscript 0] ≥ 1), the fluid exhibits a three-banded velocity profile with a high shear rate band located in-between two lower shear rate bands adjacent to each wall. This band persists over the full cycle of the oscillation, resulting in no phase lag being observed between the appearance of the band and the driving strain amplitude. In addition to the kinematic measurements of shear banding, the methods used to prevent wall slip and edge irregularities are discussed in detail, and these methods are shown to have a measurable effect on the stability boundaries of the shear-banded flow.Spain. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC) (Project FIS2010-21924-C02-02