97 research outputs found
Negative Discrimination and its Problems Arising in Labour Law Relationships in the European Union and Hungarian Legal Regulations
This publication discusses the topic of the relationship between legal systems and employment in relation to one of the major obstructive factors: discrimination and unequal treatment. Its topicality is confirmed by the fact that through the occurrence of unequal treatment, considerable sources of tension are encountered currently in the various fields of employment, thinking, inter alia, about of discrimination related to sex, certain individuals, groups, and associated wages and benefits. The purpose of this short publication is to point out deficiencies in equal treatment through the examination of EU and Hungarian legal regulations, and to formulate suggestions to eliminate them – by, inter alia, amendments of and or additions to regulations, which steps will enable the law to really become a more effective infrastructural tool in the field of employment
Radiodiagnostic method for studying swimbladder inflammation caused by Anguillicola crassus (Nematoda:Dracunculoidea)
The nematode Anguillicola crassus appeared in Europe about 15 yr ago, and has subsequently become recognised as a cause of major pathological lesions in the swimbladder of the European eel Anguilla anguilla. The radiographic method reported in this paper showed be a useful complement to diagnostic methods that have so far been based exclusively on fish dissection. Using this method, the infection of the swimbladder and the severity of its pathological changes can be assessed in a reliable manner without causing damage to the fish. By analysing radiographs of 45 eels from Lake Balaton, 5 stages of swimbladder lesions were distinguished. The method enables the examiner to draw conclusions on the air, worm and exudate content of the swimbladder; however, data on thickening of the swimbladder wall can be obtained only indirectly. The radiograph also provides information on the air and worm content of the pneumatic duct. Results obtained by radiography showed good agreement with dissection findings. Radiographic results are compared with pathological findings obtained from fish dissections separately for each severity grade of infection
Pénzföldrajz a Geopolitikában. Európai hatalmak amerikai geopolitikája a pénzügyek tükrében = Monetary Geography in Geopolitics and Geopolitics of European Powers on American soil as reflected by Finances
Az amerikai kontinens a Sir Halford Mackinder által 1904-ben felvázolt elmĂ©letĂ©vel összhangban az eurĂłpai tengeri hatalmak befolyási övezetĂ©vĂ© vált az elmĂşlt fĂ©l Ă©vezredben1. A kolumbiánus kor, amikor a hajĂłzĂł nĂ©pek erĹ‘fölĂ©nybe kerĂĽltek a szárazföldi hatalmakkal szemben tökĂ©letes, modell Ă©rtĂ©kű lenyomatát hagyta az amerikai kontinensen Ă©s a karib szigetvilágban. Az eurĂłpai gyarmati fĂĽggĂ©s már a mĂşltĂ©, azonban a szimbolikus kötĹ‘dĂ©s mĂ©g számos mĂłdon igazolhatĂł, megfoghatĂł. Az eurĂłpai hatás leglátványosabban talán az Ă©pĂtett környezetben, valamint az angol, francia, spanyol, portugál, holland nyelvben (Ă©s ezek keveredĂ©sĂ©ben) foghatĂł meg
Budapesttől Los Angelesig. Berend T. Iván 90 éves
Berend Tibor Iván, a világhĂrű magyar törtĂ©nĂ©sz 1930. december 11-Ă©n szĂĽletett
Budapesten. Életének első hét évtizede a 20. század változatos, sokszor viharos, időnként tragikus, máskor reményteljes eseményei között, utóbbi húsz éve pedig már az
Ăşj kihĂvásokkal terhes 21. században telt el.
Hosszú, eseménydús, gazdag és sikeres élete, pályafutása felidézésre, méltatásra
Ă©rdemes, tanulságos Ă©s elismerĂ©sre mĂ©ltĂł. A budapesti Éghajlat KiadĂł dicsĂ©retes vállalkozással Ă©s remek idĹ‘zĂtĂ©ssel a jubileumi szĂĽletĂ©snap elĹ‘tt jelenteti meg Berend T.
Iván Élj Ă©rdekes idĹ‘kben! cĂmű esszĂ©kötetĂ©t, amely 2017 Ă©s 2019 között szĂĽletett Ărásait gyűjti össze. A kötet elĹ‘szavában a szerzĹ‘ összegzi gazdag Ă©s hosszĂş Ă©letpályáját.
Nála hitelesebben és alaposabban aligha lehetne bemutatni munkásságát, ezért szó
szerint idézem az előszó egy részletét. (...
A vetőmag kezelési lehetőségei ökológiai gazdálkodásban = Different methods for seed treatment in organic farming
Vizsgálatainkban cĂ©lul tűztĂĽk ki az ökovetĹ‘mag Ă©leterejĂ©nek megtartására Ă©s növelĂ©sĂ©re alkalmas anyagok kiválasztását, Ă©s kezelĂ©si mĂłdszerek kidolgozását. ElsĹ‘ször az Alginit, Vetozen KR-60, NatĂşr Biokál 01 Ă©s kakukkfűolaj hatását vizsgáltuk Ascochyta sp. Ă©s Fusarium moniliforme kĂłrokozĂłkra. A kakukkfűolaj a kĂłrokozĂłk fejlĹ‘dĂ©sĂ©t táptalajon erĹ‘sen gátolta, a többi anyag gátlĂł hatást nem mutatott. A vizsgálatokat az Ă©leterĹ‘ vizsgálatok irányába folytattuk. Kukorica (Zea mays L.), vöröshagyma (Allium cepa L.) Ă©s borsĂł (Pisum sativum L.) vetĹ‘mag tĂ©teleket választottunk. A kezelĂ©sekhez használt anyagok vĂz (20?C nem deionizált), Ă©s a NatĂşr Biokál 01 30%-os vizes oldata. Az áztatásos kezelĂ©sek idĹ‘tartama 2, 4, 6 Ăłra volt. KezelĂ©s után elvĂ©geztĂĽk a Nemzetközi VetĹ‘magvizsgálati SzövetsĂ©ge (ISTA) által javasolt vigorvizsgálatokat -csĂrázĂłkĂ©pessĂ©g vizsgálat, elektromos vezetĹ‘kĂ©pessĂ©g vizsgálat, csĂranövĂ©ny növekedĂ©si teszt, cold teszt, gyorsĂtott öregĂtĂ©s vizsgálat- Ă©s szabadföldi kelĂ©svizsgálatot. A kezelĂ©sek közĂĽl a vizes Ă©s NatĂşr Biokállal kezelt tĂ©telek mind javĂtották a mag Ă©leterejĂ©t. Legtöbb esetben Ă©s legnagyobb arányban a 4 Ăłrás 30%-os NatĂşr Biokál 01 oldatban valĂł áztatás javĂtotta a tĂ©telek eredmĂ©nyeit. Mindhárom tesztnövĂ©nynĂ©l a gyengĂ©bb csĂrázĂłkĂ©pessĂ©gű tĂ©teleknĂ©l a kezelĂ©sek pozitĂv hatása jobban mutatkozott, mint a jĂł minĹ‘sĂ©gű tĂ©telnĂ©l. GyengĂ©bb tĂ©telek csĂrázĂłkĂ©pessĂ©g Ă©s Ă©leterĹ‘ javĂtására ezĂ©rt a kezelĂ©sek kifejezetten ajánlhatĂłk. | The goals of our work was to select organic seed treatment materials which can keep or raise the vigour of seed, and to find the proper methods. In first step Alginit, Vetozen KR-60, NatĂşr Biokál 01 and thyme oil were tested against Ascochyta sp. and Fusarium moniliforme. The thyme oil blocked the development of the two pathogens, the other materials had no effect. After it the examinations were carried on in seed vigour testing. Examinations were carried out on seed lots of maize (Zea mays L.), pea (Pisum sativum L.) and onion (Allium cepa L.). The selected materials were water (20?C, tap water) and NatĂşr Biokál 01 (30% solution). The duration of treatment were 2-4-6 hours for both materials. The treated seed plots were analyzed according to the germination and vigour test methods of the International Seed Testing Association. Germination test, conductivity test, seedling growth test, cold test, accelerated ageing test and germination test in the field were carried out. Regarding the treatments with water and NatĂşr Biokál, in all cases the vigour of the seed was enhanced. In most cases and in the most rate the 4 hour NatĂşr Biokál treatment showed improving by the three test crop. There was a difference between the values of the better and lower germination seed lots. The treatments showed higher improvement in the lower quality seeds. The use of these seed treatment are recommended for lower quality seeds to enhance germination and vigour and make field emergence safer
Atuais conhecimentos sobre Myxosporea (Myxozoa), parasitas de peixes. Um estagio alternativo dos parasitas no Brasil
Os autores relatam as recentes informacoes sobre o ciclo alternativo dos mixosporeos (Myxozoa) comprovados nos
ultimos anos nos oligoquetas, estimulando pesquisas para estudar o desenvolvimento das numerosas especies de
parasitas de peixes conhecidos e desconhecidos dos mixosporeos no Brasil. Ao mesmo tempo, formas de actinosporeos,
raabeia, eliminados pelos oligoquetas da familia Ocnerodrilidae, foram relatadas pela primeira vez no Brasil
Ungulate impact on different beech regeneration sites.
Forest game damages lead to a serious conflict between forest and game managers, both in Hungary and
worldwide. For forestry units the most important source of incomes is the logging. However, ungulates can
have serious local browsing pressure on reforestation sites by their normal feeding activities.
Foresters believe that the only way for reducing that damage is the radical reduction of number of large
herbivorous game species (mainly red deer) in the forest. But for game managers a suitable level of ungulate
density is necessary to gain incomes from hunting. As a consequence there is no agreement about the
ecologically and economically sustainable ungulate density and impact. To decrease this difficult
contradiction we need scientific data about the real browsing effect of large herbivores on forest vegetation of
different characteristics.
In this study we investigated the available food supply and the browsing effect of ungulates on artificial and
natural beech regeneration sites of different ages. Density of beech saplings and number of available and
browsed sprouts of all woody species present were estimated.
We found significantly more beech saplings and sprouts and also higher browsing impact on beech in the
natural than in artifical sites. Although we did not reveal a clear linear correlation, the highest browsing
values (more than 20%) were detected when the proportion of the alternative food supply was less than 10 %.
We propose to maintain natural species diversity in beech regeneration sites from the very first period for
giving chance to ungulate species not to browse target tree species. Based on our results diverse woody
vegetation can have a great importance not only in artificial monospecies beech regeneration sites, but even
in case of natural beech regeneration
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