70 research outputs found

    Estimating and accounting for fish losses under the footrope of a survey trawl : The case of northern shelf anglerfish

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    Open Access via Elsevier Agreement Funding Information: We wish to thank the captain and crew of the MRV Scotia and the staff at Marine Science Scotland for their work in the data collection. A significant amount of this work was carried out as part of R.E.D.’s PhD studentship which was funded under the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Scottish Universities Partnership for Environmental Research (SUPER) Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) (Grant reference no. NE/S007342/1 and website https://superdtp.st-andrews.ac.uk/). Additional funding has been provided by the University of Aberdeen and Marine Science Scotland. Funding Information: We wish to thank the captain and crew of the MRV Scotia and the staff at Marine Science Scotland for their work in the data collection. A significant amount of this work was carried out as part of R.E.D.’s PhD studentship which was funded under the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Scottish Universities Partnership for Environmental Research ( SUPER ) Doctoral Training Partnership ( DTP ) (Grant reference no. NE/S007342/1 and website https://superdtp.st-andrews.ac.uk/ ). Additional funding has been provided by the University of Aberdeen and Marine Science Scotland .Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The SOUX AGN sample: Optical/UV/X-ray SEDs and the nature of the disc

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    We use the SOUX sample of ∼700 active galactic nucleus (AGN) to form average optical-ultraviolet (UV)-X-rays spectral energy distributions (SEDs) on a two-dimensional (2D) grid of MBH and L2500. We compare these with the predictions of a new AGN SED model, qsosed, which includes prescriptions for both hot and warm Comptonization regions as well as an outer standard disc. This predicts the overall SED fairly well for 7.5 < log(MBH/M⊙) < 9.0 over a wide range in L/LEdd, but at higher masses the outer disc spectra in the model are far too cool to match the data. We create optical-UV composites from the entire Sloan Digital Sky Survey sample and use these to show that the mismatch is due to there being no significant change in spectral shape of the optical-UV continuum across several decades of MBH at constant luminosity. We show for the first time that this cannot be matched by standard disc models with high black hole spin. These apparently fit, but are not self-consistent as they do not include the General Relativistic effects for the emission to reach the observer. At high spin, increased gravitational redshift compensates for almost all of the higher temperature emission from the smaller inner disc radii. The data do not match the predictions made by any current accretion flow model. Either the disc is completely covered by a warm Comptonization layer whose properties change systematically with L/LEdd, or the accretion flow structure is fundamentally different to that of the standard disc models

    The first spectroscopic IR reverberation programme on Mrk 509

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    Near IR spectroscopic reverberation of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) potentially allows the IR broad line region (BLR) to be reverberated alongside the disc and dust continua, while the spectra can also reveal details of dust astro-chemistry. Here we describe results of a short pilot study (17 near-IR spectra over a 183 day period) for Mrk 509. The spectra give a luminosity-weighted dust radius of 〈Rd, lum〉 = 186 ± 4 light-days for blackbody (large grain dust), consistent with previous (photometric) reverberation campaigns, whereas carbon and silicate dust give much larger radii. We develop a method of calibrating spectral data in objects where the narrow lines are extended beyond the slit width. We demonstrate this by showing our resultant photometric band lightcurves are consistent with previous results, with a hot dust lag at >40 days in the K-band, clearly different from the accretion disc response at <20 days in the z-band. We place this limit of 40 days by demonstrating clearly that the modest variability that we do detect in the H and K-band does not reverberate on timescales of less than 40 days. We also extract the Paβ line lightcurve, and find a lag which is consistent with the optical BLR Hβ line of ∼70 − 90 days. This is important as direct imaging of the near-IR BLR is now possible in a few objects, so we need to understand its relation to the better studied optical BLR

    The first spectroscopic IR reverberation programme on Mrk 509

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    Near IR spectroscopic reverberation of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) potentially allows the infrared (IR) broad line region (BLR) to be reverberated alongside the disc and dust continua, while the spectra can also reveal details of dust astro-chemistry. Here, we describe results of a short pilot study (17 near-IR spectra over a 183 d period) for Mrk 509. The spectra give a luminosity-weighted dust radius of 〈Rd,lum〉 = 186 ± 4 light-days for blackbody (large grain dust), consistent with previous (photometric) reverberation campaigns, whereas carbon and silicate dust give much larger radii. We develop a method of calibrating spectral data in objects where the narrow lines are extended beyond the slit width. We demonstrate this by showing our resultant photometric band light curves are consistent with previous results, with a hot dust lag at >40 d in the K band, clearly different from the accretion disc response at <20 d in the z band. We place this limit of 40 d by demonstrating clearly that the modest variability that we do detect in the H and K band does not reverberate on time-scales of less than 40 d. We also extract the Pa β line light curve, and find a lag which is consistent with the optical BLR H β line of ∼70–90 d. This is important as direct imaging of the near-IR BLR is now possible in a few objects, so we need to understand its relation to the better studied optical BLR

    AGN STORM 2: V. Anomalous Behavior of the CIV Light Curve in Mrk 817

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    An intensive reverberation mapping campaign on the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk817 using the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) revealed significant variations in the response of the broad UV emission lines to fluctuations in the continuum emission. The response of the prominent UV emission lines changes over a \sim60-day duration, resulting in distinctly different time lags in the various segments of the light curve over the 14 months observing campaign. One-dimensional echo-mapping models fit these variations if a slowly varying background is included for each emission line. These variations are more evident in the CIV light curve, which is the line least affected by intrinsic absorption in Mrk817 and least blended with neighboring emission lines. We identify five temporal windows with distinct emission line response, and measure their corresponding time delays, which range from 2 to 13 days. These temporal windows are plausibly linked to changes in the UV and X-ray obscuration occurring during these same intervals. The shortest time lags occur during periods with diminishing obscuration, whereas the longest lags occur during periods with rising obscuration. We propose that the obscuring outflow shields the ultraviolet broad lines from the ionizing continuum. The resulting change in the spectral energy distribution of the ionizing continuum, as seen by clouds at a range of distances from the nucleus, is responsible for the changes in the line response.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Ap

    AGN STORM 2. IV. Swift X-ray and ultraviolet/optical monitoring of Mrk 817

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    The AGN STORM 2 campaign is a large, multiwavelength reverberation mapping project designed to trace out the structure of Mrk 817 from the inner accretion disk to the broad emission line region and out to the dusty torus. As part of this campaign, Swift performed daily monitoring of Mrk 817 for approximately 15 months, obtaining observations in X-rays and six UV/optical filters. The X-ray monitoring shows that Mrk 817 was in a significantly fainter state than in previous observations, with only a brief flare where it reached prior flux levels. The X-ray spectrum is heavily obscured. The UV/optical light curves show significant variability throughout the campaign and are well correlated with one another, but uncorrelated with the X-rays. Combining the Swift UV/optical light curves with Hubble UV continuum light curves, we measure interband continuum lags, τ(λ)\tau(\lambda), that increase with increasing wavelength roughly following τ(λ)λ4/3\tau(\lambda) \propto \lambda^{4/3}, the dependence expected for a geometrically thin, optically thick, centrally illuminated disk. Modeling of the light curves reveals a period at the beginning of the campaign where the response of the continuum is suppressed compared to later in the light curve - the light curves are not simple shifted and scaled versions of each other. The interval of suppressed response corresponds to a period of high UV line and X-ray absorption, and reduced emission line variability amplitudes. We suggest that this indicates a significant contribution to the continuum from the broad line region gas that sees an absorbed ionizing continuum.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    An integrative review exploring decision-making factors influencing mental health nurses in the use of restraint

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    Introduction: While mechanical and manual restraint as an institutional method of control within mental health settings may be perceived to seem necessary at times, there is emergent literature highlighting the potential counter-therapeutic impact of this practice for patients as well as staff. Nurses are the professional group who are most likely to use mechanical and manual restraint methods within mental health settings. In-depth insights to understand what factors influence nurses’ decision-making related to restraint use are therefore warranted. Aim: To explore what influences mental health nurses’ decision-making in the use of restraint. Method: An integrative review using Cooper’s framework was undertaken. Results: Eight emerging themes were identified: ‘safety for all’, ‘restraint as a necessary intervention’, ‘restraint as a last resort’, ‘role conflict’, ‘maintaining control’, ‘staff composition’, ‘knowledge and perception of patient behaviours’, and ‘psychological impact’. These themes highlight how mental health nurses’ decision-making is influenced by ethical and safety responsibilities, as well as, interpersonal and staff-related factors. Conclusion: Research to further understand the experience and actualization of ‘last resort’ in the use of restraint and to provide strategies to prevent restraint use in mental health settings are needed

    AGN STORM 2. I. First results: A Change in the Weather of Mrk 817

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    We present the first results from the ongoing, intensive, multiwavelength monitoring program of the luminous Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 817. While this active galactic nucleus was, in part, selected for its historically unobscured nature, we discovered that the X-ray spectrum is highly absorbed, and there are new blueshifted, broad, and narrow UV absorption lines, which suggest that a dust-free, ionized obscurer located at the inner broad-line region partially covers the central source. Despite the obscuration, we measure UV and optical continuum reverberation lags consistent with a centrally illuminated Shakura–Sunyaev thin accretion disk, and measure reverberation lags associated with the optical broad-line region, as expected. However, in the first 55 days of the campaign, when the obscuration was becoming most extreme, we observe a de-coupling of the UV continuum and the UV broad emission-line variability. The correlation recovered in the next 42 days of the campaign, as Mrk 817 entered a less obscured state. The short C IV and Lyα lags suggest that the accretion disk extends beyond the UV broad-line region. Unified

    AGN STORM 2. IV. Swift X-Ray and Ultraviolet/Optical Monitoring of Mrk 817

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    The AGN STORM 2 campaign is a large, multiwavelength reverberation mapping project designed to trace out the structure of Mrk 817 from the inner accretion disk to the broad emission line region and out to the dusty torus. As part of this campaign, Swift performed daily monitoring of Mrk 817 for approximately 15 months, obtaining observations in X-rays and six UV/optical filters. The X-ray monitoring shows that Mrk 817 was in a significantly fainter state than in previous observations, with only a brief flare where it reached prior flux levels. The X-ray spectrum is heavily obscured. The UV/optical light curves show significant variability throughout the campaign and are well correlated with one another, but uncorrelated with the X-rays. Combining the Swift UV/optical light curves with Hubble Space Telescope UV continuum light curves, we measure interband continuum lags, τ(λ), that increase with increasing wavelength roughly following τ(λ) ∝ λ 4/3, the dependence expected for a geometrically thin, optically thick, centrally illuminated disk. Modeling of the light curves reveals a period at the beginning of the campaign where the response of the continuum is suppressed compared to later in the light curve—the light curves are not simple shifted and scaled versions of each other. The interval of suppressed response corresponds to a period of high UV line and X-ray absorption, and reduced emission line variability amplitudes. We suggest that this indicates a significant contribution to the continuum from the broad-line region gas that sees an absorbed ionizing continuum