819 research outputs found

    The oxidation of carbon monoxide and methane by nano and regular Fe2O3

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    The catalytic performances of nano and regular Fe2O3 in the oxidation of methane (CH4) and carbon monoxide (CO) singly and in combination were compared in a laboratory study. The major oxidation product is carbon dioxide (CO2). The performance of the nanocatalyst for oxidation of CH4 and CO was studied under variable conditions of temperature, concentration and space-time. It was demonstrated that 40 mg of Fe2O3 nanoparticles (NANOCAT superfine iron oxide) was much more effective than 400mg of non-nano Fe2O3-PVS (Bailey-PVS Oxides) in calatalyzing the oxidation. Furthermore, in the oxidative coupling of CH4 and CO, the efficiency of mixed gas conversion was also higher when NANOCAT was used as the catalyst than when Fe2O3-PVS was used, and almost complete oxidation of the mixed gas phases was observed. These results support the hypothesis that the small particle size (3nm), high surface area (245 m2/g), and denser surface coordination of the nanocatalyst can contribute to its better performance as a catalyst. Generally, the oxidation of CO and CH4 increased significantly with increase in temperature. In the presence of oxygen, the reaction is zero-order on CO. The oxidation efficiency was not affected by the CO concentrations at any temperature (more than 2000C). However, lower concentrations in the gas phase contributed to higher oxidation efficiency over the entire range of temperatures. The oxidation of CH4 is quite complicated, and has not been clearly delineated. An increase in the inlet gas flow rate caused a lower conversion rate. An examination of space time effect of CO oxidation reveals that the higher space time between carbon monoxide and NANOCAT has little or no effect on oxidation efficiency. In contrary to CO oxidation, the CH4 and mixed gas (CO and CH4) oxidations were accelerated by increased space time with NANOCAT

    Single-Port Transumbilical Laparoscopic-Assisted Adnexal Surgery

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    Single-port transumbilical laparoscopic-assisted surgery for large, benign adnexal tumors was found to be a feasible alternative to conventional laparoscopic or open surgical methods

    VR/AR head-mounted display system based measurement and evaluation of dynamic visual acuity

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    This study evaluated the dynamic visual acuity of candidates by implementing a King–Devick (K-D) test chart in a virtual reality head-mounted display (VR HMD) and an augmented reality head-mounted display (AR HMD). Hard-copy KD (HCKD), VR HMD KD (VHKD), and AR HMD KD (AHKD) tests were conducted in 30 male and female candidates in the age of 10S and 20S and subjective symptom surveys were conducted. In the subjective symptom surveys, all except one of the VHKD questionnaire items showed subjective symptoms of less than 1 point. In the comparison between HCKD and VHKD, HCKD was measured more rapidly than VHKD in all tests. In the comparison between HCKD and AHKD, HCKD was measured more rapidly than AHKD in Tests 1, 2, and 3. In the comparison between VHKD and AHKD, AHKD was measured more rapidly than VHKD in Tests 1, 2, and 3. In the correlation analyses of test platforms, all platforms were correlated with each other, except for the correlation between HCKD and VHKD in Tests 1 and 2. There was no significant difference in the frequency of errors among Tests 1, 2, and 3 across test platforms. VHKD and AHKD, which require the body to be moved to read the chart, required longer measurement time than HCKD. In the measurements of each platform, AHKD was measured closer to HCKD than VHKD, which may be because the AHKD environment is closer to the actual environment than the VHKD environment. The effectiveness of VHKD and AHKD proposed in this research was evaluated experimentally. The results suggest that treatment and training could be performed concurrently through the use of clinical test and content development of VHKD and AHKD

    Rim 2/Hipa CACTA transposon display ; A new genetic marker technique in Oryza species

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    BACKGROUND: Transposons constitute the major fractions of repetitive sequences in eukaryotes, and have been crucial in the shaping of current genomes. Transposons are generally divided into two classes according to the mechanism underlying their transposition: RNA intermediate class 1 and DNA intermediate class 2. CACTA is a class 2 transposon superfamily, which is found exclusively in plants. As some transposons, including the CACTA superfamily, are highly abundant in plant species, and their nucleotide sequences are highly conserved within a family, they can be utilized as genetic markers, using a slightly modified version of the conventional AFLP protocol. Rim2 /Hipa is a CACTA transposon family having 16 bp consensus TIR sequences to be present in high copy numbers in rice genome. This research was carried out in order to develop a Rim2/Hipa CACTA-AFLP or Rim2/Hipa CACTA-TD (transposon display, hereafter Rim2/Hipa-TD) protocol for the study of genetic markers in map construction and the study of genetic diversity in rice. RESULTS: Rim2/Hipa-TD generated ample polymorphic profiles among the different rice accessions, and the amplification profiles were highly reproducible between different thermocyclers and Taq polymerases. These amplification profiles allowed for clear distinction between two different ecotypes, Japonica and Indica, of Oryza sativa. In the analysis of RIL populations, the Rim2/Hipa-TD markers were found to be segregated largely in a dominant manner, although in a few cases, non-parental bands were observed in the segregating populations. Upon linkage analysis, the Rim2/Hipa-TD markers were found to be distributed in the regions proximal to the centromeres of the chromosomes. The distribution of the Rim2/Hipa CACTA elements was surveyed in 15 different Oryza species via Rim2/Hipa-TD. While Rim2/Hipa-TD yielded ample amplification profiles between 100 to 700 bp in the AA diploid Oryza species, other species having BB, CC, EE, BBCC and CCDD, profiles demonstrated that most of the amplified fragments were larger than 400 bp, and that our methods were insufficient to clearly distinguish between these fragments. However, the overall amplification profiles between species in the Oryza genus were fully distinct. Phenetic relationships among the AA diploid Oryza species, as evidenced by the Rim2/Hipa-TD markers, were matched with their geographical distributions. CONCLUSION: The abundance of the Rim2/Hipa TIR sequences is very informative since the Rim2/Hipa-TD produced high polymorphic profiles with ample reproducibility within a species as well as between species in the Oryza genus. Therefore, Rim2/Hipa-TD markers can be useful in the development of high-density of genetic map around the centromeric regions. Rim2/Hipa-TD may also prove useful in evaluations of genetic variation and species relationships in the Oryza species

    Effectiveness of a Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Display System-based Developmental Eye Movement Test

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    By transplanting the Developmental Eye Movement (DEM) test chart to a virtual reality head-mounted display (VR HMD) system, this study sought to evaluate the effectiveness of the DEM test for measuring dynamic visual acuity.Thirty-nine adults aged 20–39 years of both genders were the subjects of the study. After undergoing measurement of their visual function, through medical questionnaire, interpupillary distance, near point of convergence (NPC), near point of accommodation (NPA), and far and near phoria, the correlation between the tests was analyzed performing DEM vertical, horizontal test and VR HMD DEM (VHD) vertical, horizontal test.NPC and NPA decreased significantly after the VHD test, while phoria did not. The horizontal was quicker than the vertical in the DEM test, and vice versa in the VHD test. DEM was quicker than VHD in both the vertical and horizontal directions. There was no notable difference in error frequency between DEM and VHD. In terms of DEM and VHD test, there was no notable difference in the short-range IPD and subjective symptoms of the top 10 and bottom 10 subjects. There was also no notable difference between the exercise and non-exercise groups and the game and non-game groups.The performance time for VHD, in which the chart must be read while moving the body, was longer than that of DEM. Therefore, based on the consistency of the results of both tests and the lack of a difference in error frequency and subjective symptoms, the VHD equipment proposed in this thesis is as effective as dynamic visual acuity measurement equipment. In addition, the lack of a difference between the exercise and non-exercise groups and the game and non-game groups demonstrated that the amount of exercise and game by an ordinary person does not influence their dynamic visual function

    Trib2 regulates the pluripotency of embryonic stem cells and enhances reprogramming efficiency

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    Embryonic stem (ES) cells are pluripotent cells characterized by self-renewability and differentiation potential. Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells are ES cell-equivalent cells derived from somatic cells by the introduction of core reprogramming factors. ES and iPS cells are important sources for understanding basic biology and for generating therapeutic cells for clinical applications. Tribbles homolog 2 (Trib2) functions as a scaffold in signaling pathways. However, the relevance of Trib2 to the pluripotency of ES and iPS cells is unknown. In the present study, we elucidated the importance of Trib2 in maintaining pluripotency in mouse ES cells and in generating iPS cells from somatic cells through the reprogramming process. Trib2 expression decreased as ES cells differentiated, and Trib2 knockdown in ES cells changed their colony morphology while reducing the activity of alkaline phosphatase and the expression of the pluripotency marker genes Oct4, Sox2, Nanog and Klf4. Trib2 directly interacted with Oct4 and elevated Oct4 promoter activity. During the generation of iPS cells, Trib2 knockdown decreased the reprogramming efficiency of mouse embryonic fibroblasts, whereas Trib2 overexpression significantly increased their reprogramming efficiency. In summary, our results suggest that Trib2 is important for maintaining self-renewal in ES cells and for pluripotency induction during the reprogramming process

    Calcified Carcinoma of the Gallbladder with Calcified Nodal Metastasis Presenting as a Porcelain Gallbladder: A Case Report

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    Porcelain gallbladder is regarded as a risk factor of gallbladder cancer. A porcelain gallbladder with calcified regional lymph nodes was found using computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in a 43-year-old man who presented with nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. His cholecystectomy specimen showed diffuse wall thickening and contained small gallstones. Histological examination revealed diffuse infiltrative adenocarcinoma with extensive intratumoral calcification (calcified carcinoma). The majority of the calcified material was located within or replaced the tumor glands, and was not found in the stroma. A lymph node was totally replaced with a calcified metastatic adenocarcinoma. To the best of our knowledge, only one case of calcified lymph node metastasis from a calcified carcinoma of the gallbladder has been previously reported in the literature. We herein add a case of calcified carcinoma of the gallbladder with calcified lymph node metastasis, presenting as a porcelain gallbladder on CT and MRI

    Activation of AMP-activated protein kinase stimulates the nuclear localization of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase in human diploid fibroblasts

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    In addition to its well-known glycolytic activity, GAPDH displays multiple functions, such as nuclear RNA export, DNA replication and repair, and apoptotic cell death. This functional diversity depends on its intracellular localization. In this study, we explored the signal transduction pathways involved in the nuclear translocation of GAPDH using confocal laser scanning microscopy of immunostained human diploid fibroblasts (HDFs). GAPDH was present mainly in the cytoplasm when cultured with 10% FBS. Serum depletion by culturing cells in a serum-free medium (SFM) led to a gradual accumulation of GAPDH in the nucleus, and this nuclear accumulation was reversed by the re-addition of serum or growth factors, such as PDGF and lysophosphatidic acid. The nuclear export induced by the re-addition of serum or growth factors was prevented by LY 294002 and SH-5, inhibitors of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and Akt/protein kinase B, respectively, suggesting an involvement of the PI3K signaling pathway in the nuclear export of GAPDH. In addition, 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-beta-D-ribofuranoside (AICAR), an activator of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), stimulated the nuclear translocation of GAPDH and prevented serum- and growth factor-induced GAPDH export. AMPK inhibition by compound C or AMPK depletion by siRNA treatment partially prevented SFM- and AICAR-induced nuclear translocation of GAPDH. Our data suggest that the nuclear translocation of GAPDH might be regulated by the PI3K signaling pathway acting mainly as a nuclear export signal and the AMPK signaling pathway acting as a nuclear import signal.Peairs A, 2009, CLIN EXP IMMUNOL, V156, P542, DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2249.2009.03924.xChen Z, 2009, CIRC RES, V104, P496, DOI 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.108.187567Cao C, 2008, J BIOL CHEM, V283, P28897, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M804144200Li XX, 2008, ARTERIOSCL THROM VAS, V28, P1789, DOI 10.1161/ATVBAHA.108.172452Lombardi M, 2008, J CELL BIOL, V182, P327Sen N, 2008, NAT CELL BIOL, V10, P866, DOI 10.1038/ncb1747Kim HS, 2008, J BIOL CHEM, V283, P3731, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M704432200Du ZX, 2007, ENDOCRINOLOGY, V148, P4352, DOI 10.1210/en.2006-1511Harada N, 2007, J BIOL CHEM, V282, P22651, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M610724200Goirand F, 2007, J PHYSIOL-LONDON, V581, P1163, DOI 10.1113/jphysiol.2007.132589Barbini L, 2007, MOL CELL BIOCHEM, V300, P19, DOI 10.1007/s11010-006-9341-1Hurley RL, 2006, J BIOL CHEM, V281, P36662, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M606676200Hara MR, 2006, CELL MOL NEUROBIOL, V26, P527, DOI 10.1007/s10571-006-9011-6Tisdale EJ, 2006, J BIOL CHEM, V281, P8436, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M513031200Rattan R, 2005, J BIOL CHEM, V280, P39582, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M507443200Hara MR, 2005, NAT CELL BIOL, V7, P665, DOI 10.1038/ncb1268Sirover MA, 2005, J CELL BIOCHEM, V95, P45, DOI 10.1002/jcb.20399Jones RG, 2005, MOL CELL, V18, P283, DOI 10.1016/j.molcel.2005.03.027Tisdale EJ, 2004, J BIOL CHEM, V279, P54046, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M409472200Hardie DG, 2004, J CELL SCI, V117, P5479, DOI 10.1242/jcs.01540Li J, 2004, AM J PHYSIOL-ENDOC M, V287, pE834, DOI 10.1152/ajpendo.00234.2004Cooray S, 2004, J GEN VIROL, V85, P1065, DOI 10.1099/vir.0.1977-0Brown VM, 2004, J BIOL CHEM, V279, P5984, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M307071200Tisdale EJ, 2003, J BIOL CHEM, V278, P52524, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M309343200HAWLEY SA, 2003, J BIOL, V2, P28Schmitz HD, 2003, CELL BIOL INT, V27, P511, DOI 10.1011/S1065-6995(03)00096-9Tisdale EJ, 2002, J BIOL CHEM, V277, P3334, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M109744200Schmitz HD, 2001, EUR J CELL BIOL, V80, P419Dastoor Z, 2001, J CELL SCI, V114, P1643Yeo EJ, 2000, MOL CELLS, V10, P415Stein SC, 2000, BIOCHEM J, V345, P437Sirover MA, 1999, BBA-PROTEIN STRUCT M, V1432, P159Shashidharan P, 1999, NEUROREPORT, V10, P1149Rameh LE, 1999, J BIOL CHEM, V274, P8347Sawa A, 1997, P NATL ACAD SCI USA, V94, P11669Vincent MF, 1996, BIOCHEM PHARMACOL, V52, P999Reiss N, 1996, BIOCHEM MOL BIOL INT, V38, P711CORTON JM, 1995, EUR J BIOCHEM, V229, P558KAWAMOTO RM, 1986, BIOCHEMISTRY-US, V25, P657BOYCE ST, 1983, J INVEST DERMATOL S, V81, P33