125 research outputs found

    Targeted Detection of G-Quadruplexes in Cellular RNAs.

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    The G-quadruplex (G4) is a non-canonical nucleic acid structure which regulates important cellular processes. RNA G4s have recently been shown to exist in human cells and be biologically significant. Described herein is a new approach to detect and map RNA G4s in cellular transcripts. This method exploits the specific control of RNA G4-cation and RNA G4-ligand interactions during reverse transcription, by using a selective reverse transcriptase to monitor RNA G4-mediated reverse transcriptase stalling (RTS) events. Importantly, a ligation-amplification strategy is coupled with RTS, and enables detection and mapping of G4s in important, low-abundance cellular RNAs. Strong evidence is provided for G4 formation in full-length cellular human telomerase RNA, offering important insights into its cellular function.This study is supported by a European Research Council Advanced grant to S.B. and supports C.K.K., and the Croucher Foundation for a fellowship to C.K.K. We thank Dr. M. Di Antonio, V. Chambers, and G. Mclnroy for providing comments on the manuscript.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/anie.20150089

    Structural Analysis using SHALiPE to Reveal RNA G-Quadruplex Formation in Human Precursor MicroRNA

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    RNA G-quadruplex (rG4) structures are of fundamental importance to biology. A novel approach is introduced to detect and structurally map rG4s at single-nucleotide resolution in RNAs. The approach, denoted SHALiPE, couples selective 2'-hydroxyl acylation with lithium ion-based primer extension, and identifies characteristic structural fingerprints for rG4 mapping. We apply SHALiPE to interrogate the human precursor microRNA 149, and reveal the formation of an rG4 structure in this non-coding RNA. Additional analyses support the SHALiPE results and uncover that this rG4 has a parallel topology, is thermally stable, and is conserved in mammals. An in vitro Dicer assay shows that this rG4 inhibits Dicer processing, supporting the potential role of rG4 structures in microRNA maturation and post-transcriptional regulation of mRNAs.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/anie.201603562

    G-quadruplex RNA motifs influence gene expression in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum.

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    Funder: Hong Kong PhD Fellowship SchemeFunder: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region GovernmentG-quadruplexes are non-helical secondary structures that can fold in vivo in both DNA and RNA. In human cells, they can influence replication, transcription and telomere maintenance in DNA, or translation, transcript processing and stability of RNA. We have previously showed that G-quadruplexes are detectable in the DNA of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, despite a very highly A/T-biased genome with unusually few guanine-rich sequences. Here, we show that RNA G-quadruplexes can also form in P. falciparum RNA, using rG4-seq for transcriptome-wide structure-specific RNA probing. Many of the motifs, detected here via the rG4seeker pipeline, have non-canonical forms and would not be predicted by standard in silico algorithms. However, in vitro biophysical assays verified formation of non-canonical motifs. The G-quadruplexes in the P. falciparum transcriptome are frequently clustered in certain genes and associated with regions encoding low-complexity peptide repeats. They are overrepresented in particular classes of genes, notably those that encode PfEMP1 virulence factors, stress response genes and DNA binding proteins. In vitro translation experiments and in vivo measures of translation efficiency showed that G-quadruplexes can influence the translation of P. falciparum mRNAs. Thus, the G-quadruplex is a novel player in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression in this major human pathogen.UK Medical Research Council [grants MR/K000535/1 and MR/L008823/1] to CJM. Shenzhen Basic Research Project [JCYJ20180507181642811], Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong SAR, China Projects [CityU 11100421, CityU 11101519, CityU 11100218, N_CityU110/17, CityU 21302317], Croucher Foundation [Project No. 9500030, 9509003], State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution Director Discretionary Fund, City University of Hong Kong [projects 6000711, 7005503, 9667222, 9680261] to CKK. A generous donation from Mr. and Mrs. Sunny Yang, the University Grants Committee Area of Excellence Scheme (AoE/M-403/16), and the Innovation and Technology Commission, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government to the State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology (CUHK) to TFC. EYCC was supported by the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

    COMRADES determines in vivo RNA structures and interactions.

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    The structural flexibility of RNA underlies fundamental biological processes, but there are no methods for exploring the multiple conformations adopted by RNAs in vivo. We developed cross-linking of matched RNAs and deep sequencing (COMRADES) for in-depth RNA conformation capture, and a pipeline for the retrieval of RNA structural ensembles. Using COMRADES, we determined the architecture of the Zika virus RNA genome inside cells, and identified multiple site-specific interactions with human noncoding RNAs.This work was supported by Cancer Research UK (C13474/A18583, C6946/A14492) and the Wellcome Trust (104640/Z/14/Z, 092096/Z/10/Z) to E.A.M. O.Z. was supported by the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP, LT000558/2015), the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO, ALTF1622-2014), and the Blavatnik Family Foundation postdoctoral fellowship. G.K. and M.G. were supported by Wellcome Trust grant 207507 and UK Medical Research Council. A.T.L.L. and J.C.M. were supported by core funding from Cancer Research UK (award no. 17197 to JCM). J.C.M was also supported by core funding from EMBL. I.G. and L.W.M. were supported by the Wellcome Trust Senior Fellowship in Basic Biomedical Science to I.G. (207498/Z/17/Z). I.J.M., L.F.G. and J.S.-G. were supported by grants R01GM104475 and R01GM115649 from NIGMS. C.K.K was supported by City University of Hong Kong Projects 9610363 and 7200520, Croucher Foundation Project 9500030 and Hong Kong RGC Projects 9048103 and 9054020. C.-F.Q. was supported by the NSFC Excellent Young Scientist Fund 81522025 and the Newton Advanced Fellowship from the Academy of Medical Sciences, UK

    A clinicopathological study of non-functioning pituitary neuroendocrine tumours using the World Health Organization 2022 classification

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    BackgroundThe 2022 World Health Organization (WHO) classification of pituitary neuroendocrine tumour (PitNET) supersedes the previous one in 2017 and further consolidates the role of transcription factors (TF) in the diagnosis of PitNET. Here, we investigated the clinical utility of the 2022 WHO classification, as compared to that of 2017, in a cohort of patients with non-functioning PitNET (NF-PitNET).MethodsA total of 113 NF-PitNET patients who underwent resection between 2010 and 2021, and had follow-up at Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong, were recruited. Surgical specimens were re-stained for the three TF: steroidogenic factor (SF-1), T-box family member TBX19 (TPIT) and POU class 1 homeobox 1 (Pit-1). The associations of different NF-PitNET subtypes with tumour-related outcomes were evaluated by logistic and Cox regression analyses.ResultsBased on the 2022 WHO classification, the majority of NF-PitNET was SF-1-lineage tumours (58.4%), followed by TPIT-lineage tumours (18.6%), tumours with no distinct lineage (16.8%) and Pit-1-lineage tumours (6.2%). Despite fewer entities than the 2017 classification, significant differences in disease-free survival were present amongst these four subtypes (Log-rank test p=0.003), specifically between SF-1-lineage PitNET and PitNET without distinct lineage (Log-rank test p<0.001). In multivariable Cox regression analysis, the subtype of PitNET without distinct lineage (HR 3.02, 95% CI 1.28-7.16, p=0.012), together with tumour volume (HR 1.04, 95% CI 1.01-1.07, p=0.017), were independent predictors of a composite of residual or recurrent disease.ConclusionThe 2022 WHO classification of PitNET is a clinically useful TF and lineage-based system for subtyping NF-PitNET with different tumour behaviour and prognosis

    G-Quadruplexes: Prediction, Characterization, and Biological Application.

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    Guanine (G)-rich sequences in nucleic acids can assemble into G-quadruplex structures that involve G-quartets linked by loop nucleotides. The structural and topological diversity of G-quadruplexes have attracted great attention for decades. Recent methodological advances have advanced the identification and characterization of G-quadruplexes in vivo as well as in vitro, and at a much higher resolution and throughput, which has greatly expanded our current understanding of G-quadruplex structure and function. Accumulating knowledge about the structural properties of G-quadruplexes has helped to design and develop a repertoire of molecular and chemical tools for biological applications. This review highlights how these exciting methods and findings have opened new doors to investigate the potential functions and applications of G-quadruplexes in basic and applied biosciences

    Capture-SELEX: Selection Strategy, Aptamer Identification, and Biosensing Application

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    Small-molecule contaminants, such as antibiotics, pesticides, and plasticizers, have emerged as one of the substances most detrimental to human health and the environment. Therefore, it is crucial to develop low-cost, user-friendly, and portable biosensors capable of rapidly detecting these contaminants. Antibodies have traditionally been used as biorecognition elements. However, aptamers have recently been applied as biorecognition elements in aptamer-based biosensors, also known as aptasensors. The systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) is an in vitro technique used to generate aptamers that bind their targets with high affinity and specificity. Over the past decade, a modified SELEX method known as Capture-SELEX has been widely used to generate DNA or RNA aptamers that bind small molecules. In this review, we summarize the recent strategies used for Capture-SELEX, describe the methods commonly used for detecting and characterizing small-molecule–aptamer interactions, and discuss the development of aptamer-based biosensors for various applications. We also discuss the challenges of the Capture-SELEX platform and biosensor development and the possibilities for their future application
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