245 research outputs found

    Alien Investigations of Octopus Philosophies

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    Promotion and Health Education for Healthy Sexuality

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    Tral is an essential yeast protein required for regulated transcription. Its human homolog TRRAP regulates factors important in oncogenesis. Mutation of leucine to alanine at position 3733 in the FATC domain {tralla) results in growth phenotypes including sensitivity to ethanol. My aim was to examine genetic interactions o f the FA TC domain o f Tral to define its cellular role. I screened for extragenic suppressors of the ethanol sensitivity caused by tralla, identifying an opal mutation at tryptophan 165 of NAM7 as a suppressor. Deleting nam7, upf3, or nmd2 similarly suppressed tralLA, thereby linking Tral to nonsense mediated decay. I propose that Tral regulates transcription of genes also regulated by NMD. This work emphasizes the importance of NMD in gene regulation. Furthermore, the cross regulation between Tral and NMD suggests that mutations in the human NMD machinery may provide a mechanism to alter pathways influenced by TRRAP in human disease

    The effects of education and training on self-esteem of nurse leaders

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    Introduction: A successful leader must have high self-esteem. The main aims of this study were to identify changes in the self-esteem of nurse leaders in Slovenia from 2001 to 2011 and to determine homogeneous groups of leaders with similar personal characteristics.Methods: The study used a version of a personal characteristics questionnaire with 16 self-descriptive statements. Two surveys were conducted among nurse leaders in Slovenian public hospitals, one in 2001 and the other in 2011. Relationships between variables were analysed using chi-square tests for categorical variables and the one-way analysis of variance for quantifiable variables. Factor analysis was used to determine groups of leaders with similar personal characteristics.Results: A total of 327 nurse leaders participated in the survey in 2001 and 296 filled in questionnaires in 2011. The analysis showed that the level of self-assessment of personal characteristics among nurse leaders in Slovenian public hospitals was significantly higher in 2011 than in 2001, and that differences among individual leaders decreased in most areas. Based on the assessments of personal characteristics, four groups of nurse leaders were established: task-oriented, knowledge and creativity oriented, relationship oriented and extroverted nurse leaders. In the 2011 data, the groups of personal characteristics were much more clearly defined. These groups were established in accordance with leadership theory and research from other fields.Conclusions: The positive effects of better education and training are visible in nurse leaders in terms of both their higher self-esteem and in the establishment of more homogeneous groups of leaders


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    This paper considers to what extent contemporary discourses about magical realism might contribute to a comparative understanding of the works of Milorad Pavić, especially his novel Dictionary of the Khazars. Comparative analysis of elements of magical realism in Pavić’s exemplary novel reveals characteristics of both European and Latin American forms of magical realism. Therefore, the paper places Pavić’s novel into the context of magical realism

    Influence of technological and operating herederity rods of boring pumps on their longevity

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    Поверхневе індукційне загартовування і шліфування перед електрохімічним хромуванням не забезпечує стабільного середньостатистичного напрацювання штоків бурових насосів двосторонньої дії через недостатню міцність приповерхневих шарів матеріалу робочих поверхонь і негативної технологічної спадковості остаточних операцій. Заміна термічної обробки та шліфування на механоультразвукове зміцнення дає можливість підвищувати довговічність штока приблизно у 2,3 раза. Для усунення виникнення дефектів необхідно здійснювати розмірне хромування. Економічна ефективність від упровадження (589,0 тис. грн.) дозволяє зменшити витрати на шліфування, а також усунути брак, який властивий термічній обробці і шліфуванню.The surfacing induction hardening and grinding before electro-chemical chromes plating does not guarantee the stable average work-out of the rods of the dual action boring pumps because of the insufficient strength of the surfacing layers and negative technological heredity of the finishing operations. The replacement oj thermal treatment and grinding to ultrasonic hardening gives opportunity to increase durability of the rod approximately in 2.3 times. For determination of the possible defects it is necessary to make measured chromes plating. Economical efficacy of inculcate (589 000 grn.) gives opportunity to decrease grinding expenses and to determinate the defective articles of the thermal treatment and grinding

    Детство у психолого-педагогических исследованиях Степана Балея

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    У статті аналізується наукова спадщина С. Балея. Висвітлюється вплив наукових досліджень С. Балея не лише на реформування дошкільного виховання та шкільної освіти, але й на суттєву переорієнтацію ментальності дорослих, педагогів у стосунках з дітьми.The scientific inheritance of S. Baley’s is analysed in the article. Influence of scientific researches of S. Baley’s is illuminated not only on reformation of preschool education and school education but also on substantial переориентацию of mentality of adults, teachers in relationships with children.В статье анализируется научное наследство С. Балея. Освещается влияние научных исследований С. Балея не только на реформирование дошкольного воспитания и школьного образования, но и на существенную переориентацию ментальности взрослых, педагогов в отношениях с детьми

    Health care in patients with anemia and cardiovascular disease

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    Anemija je smanjeni broj eritrocita u cirkulaciji, smanjena količina krvi u tijelu i smanjena količina željeza. Anemija se javlja kao bolest ili češće kao znak ili simptom drugih bolest. Uzroci anemije su bolesti drugih organa, akutna i kronična krvarenja, neadekvatna prehrana osiromašena željezom i premala proizvodnja eritrocita. Dijagnoza se postavlja analizom kompletne krvne slike, a kada se radi o stanju akutnog krvarenja tada je prvenstveno bitno procijeniti volumen izgubljene krvi.Klinička slika ovisi o težini anemije, općem zdravstvenom stanju bolesnika, dobi oboljelog te prisustvu drugih bolesti poput kadiovaskularnih i bubrežnih bolesti.Anemija može biti posljedica kroničnog zatajivanja srca i kroničnog zatajenja bubrega, ali i stanje koje pogoršava zatajenje oba organska sustava, što čini začarani trokut nazvan “srčanobubrežni anemija sindrom”. Anemija u svezi sa srčanožilnim bolestima i kroničnoj bolesti bubrega dovodi do pogoršanja simptoma, lošijeg ishoda bolesti te slabije kvalitete života. Osobama oboljelim od anemije medicinska sestra će definirati sestrinske dijagnoze i prema njima pristupiti bolesniku. Procijenit će stupanj samostalnosti bolesnika i zajedno s njim izraditi plan dnevnih aktivnosti. Provodit će intervencijepoput prilagođavanja tjelesne aktivnosti bolesnikovim mogućnostima i osiguravanja odmora tijekom aktivnosti. Redovito će kontrolirati vitalne znakove i zdravstvenu njegu planirati u vidu očuvanja snage te tjelesne i emocionalne energije. Medicinska sestra mora osigurati i održavati osobnu higijenu, provoditi njegu kože i prevenirati komplikacije dugotrajnog ležanja. Naglašava se važnost medicinske sestre da pravilno educira bolesnika o prirodi njegove bolesti, potrebnoj terapiji, prehrani, tjelesnoj aktivnosti i poboljšanju kvalitete života

    Loss of nonsense mediated decay suppresses mutations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae TRA1

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tra1 is an essential protein in <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</it>. It was first identified in the SAGA and NuA4 complexes, both with functions in multiple aspects of gene regulation and DNA repair, and recently found in the ASTRA complex. Tra1 belongs to the PIKK family of proteins with a C-terminal PI3K domain followed by a FATC domain. Previously we found that mutation of leucine to alanine at position 3733 in the FATC domain of Tra1 (<it>tra1-L3733A</it>) results in transcriptional changes and slow growth under conditions of stress. To further define the regulatory interactions of Tra1 we isolated extragenic suppressors of the <it>tra1-L3733A </it>allele.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We screened for suppressors of the ethanol sensitivity caused by <it>tra1-L3733A</it>. Eleven extragenic recessive mutations, belonging to three complementation groups, were identified that partially suppressed a subset of the phenotypes caused by tra<it>1-L3733A</it>. Using whole genome sequencing we identified one of the mutations as an opal mutation at tryptophan 165 of <it>UPF1/NAM7</it>. Partial suppression of the transcriptional defect resulting from <it>tra1-L3733A </it>was observed at <it>GAL10</it>, but not at <it>PHO5</it>. Suppression was due to loss of nonsense mediated decay (NMD) since deletion of any one of the three NMD surveillance components (<it>upf1/nam7, upf2/nmd2</it>, or <it>upf3</it>) mediated the effect. Deletion of <it>upf1 </it>suppressed a second FATC domain mutation, <it>tra1-F3744A</it>, as well as a mutation to the PIK3 domain. In contrast, deletions of SAGA or NuA4 components were not suppressed.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We have demonstrated a genetic interaction between <it>TRA1 </it>and genes of the NMD pathway. The suppression is specific for mutations in <it>TRA1</it>. Since NMD and Tra1 generally act reciprocally to control gene expression, and the FATC domain mutations do not directly affect NMD, we suggest that suppression occurs as the result of overlap and/or crosstalk in these two broad regulatory networks.</p

    Predstavitev raziskave »zdravstvena nega v luči etike«

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    Namen prispevka je prikazati delovanje Raziskovalne skupine, ki deluje pod okriljem Društva medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Ljubljana. V letu 2003 smo si zadali nalogo, podrobneje raziskati razmišljanje in zaznavanje etičnega delovanja slovenskih medicinskih sester, zdravstvenih tehnikov in babic v odnosu do pacientov, družin, različnih družbenih skupin in nenazadnje do svojih sodelavcev/k. V nadaljevanju prispevka je predstavljen namen raziskave, metodološka zasnova raziskave, vzorec, način vzorčenja, anketni vprašalnik in demografske značilnosti medicinskih sester, zdravstvenih tehnikov in babic