6,117 research outputs found

    Morpho-functional basis of endothelial dysfunction in diabetes mellitus

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    The diabetes mellitus (DM) inevitably progresses and leads to complications, among which the main place is occupied by micro- and macroangiopathies. The presence of endothelial damage in DM can be established even before macroscopically significant damage to the vessel. At the same time, there is no summary ED characteristic for diabetes. The aim of the study is to make a comprehensive evaluation of ED in DM -1 and DM-2 types.Materials and methods of research. 60 persons, including 53 DM type 1 and type 2, with a severe course (state of decompensation) participated in the present study. We used the method of estimating ED by the number of circulating desquamation endothelial cells (CECs) at the stages of decomposition with simultaneous determination of NO2- and NO3- metabolites of nitric oxide.Results and discussion. In patients with diabetes, the level of CECs increased in 3-5 times and ranged from 1800 to 11,200 cells / ml. The average amount of CECs in patients with diabetes was 3358.5 ± 366.3 cells / ml.Conclusions: Endothelium is involved in the pathological process at DM. This is evidenced by a significant increase in CECs in the blood plasma. The use of this method allows to detect ED before clinically considerable vascular impairment and reflects the severity of the course and duration of DM


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    Methodological principles of constructing a set of performance management indicators proved in order to build block of management control of direct taxes. Groups of indicators suggested depending on the influence of the environment and character of measurement. Using correlation – regression analysis trends and comparative assessment built for financial and non–financial performance management indicators of direct taxes for companies in the Czech Republic and Ukraine. The results of the research focused on comparison of selected indicators of taxation and related aspects in the Ukraine and the Czech Republic shows that most of the trends can be evaluated as a positive.В статье обоснованы методологические положения построения комплекса показателей измерения эффективности с целью построения подсистемы управленческого контроля прямых налогов. Предложены группы показателей в зависимости от воздействия среды и характера измерения. С использованием корреляционно – регрессионного анализа построены тренды и сравнительные оценки для финансовых и нефинансовых показателей эффективности прямых налогов для компаний Чешской республики и Украины.В статті обґрунтовано методологічні засади побудови комплексу показників вимірювання ефективності з метою побудови підсистеми  управлінського контролю прямих податків. Запропоновано групи показників в залежності від впливу середовища та характеру вимірювання. З використанням кореляційно – регресійного аналізу побудовано тренди та порівняльні оцінки для фінансових та нефінансових показників  ефективності прямих податків для компаній Чеської республіки та України.


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    Digital information for financial markets and consumer insight are going to be extremely important in the near future. This paper is concluded that there is a problem with lack of trust to the banking system not only in Ukraine, but also in other more developed countries. The aim of this research is developing theoretical and organizational background of increasing public confidence in understanding and use of the banking system in Ukraine through building correlation between the trust levels and marketing trends in the banking industry. Basing on psychological analysis, it is aimed at improving current situation with trustless feelings to the banking system. As a background for developing the four-stage model the top 10 trends that have changed the way banks and credit unions were used. One of the main movers of this model is so-called ‘the boiling frog effect’. Research results lie in creating a four-stage marketing model ‘Nets for Trust’ to increase the trust level to the banking industry in Ukraine. The model has four steps of public sentiment changing in order to eradicate deterrent which manifest itself in lack of trust to the whole banking industry. For moving it into the one it is necessary to start discussions about the banking sphere initiated by scientists because they have no subjects they cannot discuss. Nowadays the banking sphere is considered to be in the middle of the first stage. As a result of these actions, people are going to find banks more reliable than they used to think. At the second stage it is very important to push on the nature. In the long run, this problem will finally be sorted out and the number of people who will be against the banking sphere will decrease. More and more people will think of keeping their savings and «mattress money» in banks which will give us an opportunity to initiate the third stage. At the fourth stage everything will become much easier because most people have put up with an idea that in banks their money will be safe and sound.Цифровая информация для финансовых рынков и понимание потребителями будут чрезвычайно важны в ближайшем будущем. Сделан вывод о том, что существует проблема отсутствия общественного доверия к банковской системе не только в Украине, но и в других более развитых странах. Целью данного исследования является разработка теоретических и организационных основ повышения доверия общественности к пониманию и использованию банковской системы в Украине путем выстраивания корреляции между уровнями доверия и тенденциями маркетинга в банковской отрасли. Основываясь на психологическом анализе, исследование направлено на улучшение текущей ситуации относительно недоверия к банковской системе. Результаты исследований заключаются в создании четырехэтапной маркетинговой модели «Сети для доверия» для повышения уровня доверия к банковской отрасли в Украине. Модель имеет четыре етапа изменения общественных настроений, чтобы искоренить сдерживающий фактор, который проявляется в отсутствии доверия ко всей банковской индустрии.Цифрова інформація для фінансових ринків та розуміння споживачів будуть надзвичайно важливими в найближчому майбутньому. Зроблено висновок, що існує проблема з браком довіри до банківської системи не тільки в Україні, а й в інших більш розвинених країнах. Метою нашого дослідження є розробка теоретичних та організаційних засад підвищення довіри громадськості до розуміння і використання банківської системи в Україні шляхом побудови кореляції між рівнями довіри і маркетинговими тенденціями в банківській сфері. Базуючись на психологічному аналізі, вона спрямована на вдосконалення поточної ситуації з невпевненими почуттями до банківської системи. Як основу для розробки чотириступінчастої моделі використовуються 10 основних маркетингових тенденцій, які змінили спосіб використання банків і кредитних спілок. Одним з основних рушіїв цієї моделі є так званий «ефект киплячої жаби». Результати досліджень полягають у створенні чотирьох етапів маркетингової моделі «Мережі для довіри» для підвищення рівня довіри до банківської індустрії України. Модель має чотири етапи зміни громадського настрою, щоб усунути стримування, яке проявляється у браку довіри до всієї банківської індустрії. Сьогодні банківська сфера вважається посередині першого етапу. Для перенесення її в єдине потрібно розпочати обговорення банківської сфери, ініційованої науковцями, оскільки вони не мають предметів, які вони не можуть обговорити. У результаті цих дій люди знайдуть банки більш надійними, ніж вони думали. На другому етапі дуже важливо натиснути на людську природу. У довгостроковій перспективі ця проблема нарешті розв’яжеться, і кількість людей, які будуть проти банківської сфери, скоротиться. Усе більше і більше людей думатимуть про збереження своїх заощаджень і «грошей з матраців» у банках, що дасть нам можливість ініціювати третій етап. На четвертому етапі все стане набагато простіше, оскільки більшість людей звикли до думки, що в банках їхні гроші будуть безпечними і здоровими

    An Exact Solution for the Lattice Gas Model in One Dimension

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    A simple method to obtain a canonical partition function for one dimensional lattice gas model is presented. The simplification is based upon rewriting a sum over all possible configurations to a sum over numbers of clusters in the system.Comment: 6 pages, LaTe

    Developing Effective Roll Cooling Systems Based on Computational Simulation

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    In order to retrofit a roll cooling system at the JSC ‘Katur Invest’ rolling mill, computational simulation was carried out for a process of accelerated emulsion spray cooling the rolls heated during rolling. Initial and boundary conditions for the Fourier equation in the case of a body of infinite length and arbitrary cross-sectional shape were determined for the thermal state conditions of rolls in mill stands No. 1, 2, 5, 7. After model adaptation, a comparative analysis of the roll temperature field dynamics in different cooling conditions was made based on experimental data. The analysis revealed that extending the time of emulsion cooling, evenwithout any further cooling process intensification, allows to significantly reduce both the maximum temperature level in a roll and its penetration depth, which results in required roll surface temperature reduction. Based on computational simulation, cooling parameters and conditions for the retrofitted cooling system are selected. Experimental data on roll surface temperature as measured before and after retrofitting the cooling system proved its effectiveness. Keywords: rolling, rolls, accelerated cooling, temperature field, simulatio

    On Graph-Theoretic Identifications of Adinkras, Supersymmetry Representations and Superfields

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    In this paper we discuss off-shell representations of N-extended supersymmetry in one dimension, ie, N-extended supersymmetric quantum mechanics, and following earlier work on the subject codify them in terms of certain graphs, called Adinkras. This framework provides a method of generating all Adinkras with the same topology, and so also all the corresponding irreducible supersymmetric multiplets. We develop some graph theoretic techniques to understand these diagrams in terms of a relatively small amount of information, namely, at what heights various vertices of the graph should be "hung". We then show how Adinkras that are the graphs of N-dimensional cubes can be obtained as the Adinkra for superfields satisfying constraints that involve superderivatives. This dramatically widens the range of supermultiplets that can be described using the superspace formalism and organizes them. Other topologies for Adinkras are possible, and we show that it is reasonable that these are also the result of constraining superfields using superderivatives. The family of Adinkras with an N-cubical topology, and so also the sequence of corresponding irreducible supersymmetric multiplets, are arranged in a cyclical sequence called the main sequence. We produce the N=1 and N=2 main sequences in detail, and indicate some aspects of the situation for higher N.Comment: LaTeX, 58 pages, 52 illustrations in color; minor typos correcte

    Stabilization of structure in near-infrared fluorescent proteins by binding of biliverdin chromophore

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    Near-infrared fluorescent proteins (NIR FPs) engineered from bacterial phytochromes and their mutants with different location of Cys residues, which able to bind a biliverdin chromophore, or without these Cys residues were studied using intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, NIR fluorescence and circular dichroism. It was shown that a covalent binding of the biliverdin chromophore to a Cys residue via thioether group substantially stabilizes the spatial structure of NIR FPs. The stability of the protein structure and the chromophore association strength strongly depends on the location of Cys residues and decreases in the following order: a protein with Cys residues in both domains, a protein with Cys in PAS domains, and a protein with Cys in GAF domains. NIR FPs without Cys residues capable to covalently attach biliverdin have the lowest stability, comparable to NIR FP apoforms. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Current-Sheet Formation and Reconnection at a Magnetic X Line in Particle-in-Cell Simulations

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    The integration of kinetic effects into macroscopic numerical models is currently of great interest to the heliophysics community, particularly in the context of magnetic reconnection. Reconnection governs the large-scale energy release and topological rearrangement of magnetic fields in a wide variety of laboratory, heliophysical, and astrophysical systems. We are examining the formation and reconnection of current sheets in a simple, two-dimensional X-line configuration using high-resolution particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. The initial minimum-energy, potential magnetic field is perturbed by excess thermal pressure introduced into the particle distribution function far from the X line. Subsequently, the relaxation of this added stress leads self-consistently to the development of a current sheet that reconnects for imposed stress of sufficient strength. We compare the time-dependent evolution and final state of our PIC simulations with macroscopic magnetohydrodynamic simulations assuming both uniform and localized electrical resistivities (C. R. DeVore et al., this meeting), as well as with force-free magnetic-field equilibria in which the amount of reconnection across the X line can be constrained to be zero (ideal evolution) or optimal (minimum final magnetic energy). We will discuss implications of our results for understanding magnetic-reconnection onset and cessation at kinetic scales in dynamically formed current sheets, such as those occurring in the solar corona and terrestrial magnetotail