136 research outputs found

    Volcano–Plutonic Complex of the Tumrok Range (Eastern Kamchatka): An Example of the Ural-Alaskan Type Intrusion and Related Volcanic Series

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    Zoned plutons, composed of dunites, pyroxenites, and gabbroic rocks, have been referred to as the Ural-Alaskan type complexes (UA-complexes) and occur in numerous paleo-arc settings worldwide. Many of these complexes are source rocks for economic placers of platinum-group metals. Thus, it is important to understand how UA-complexes form and the origin and behavior of platinum-group elements (PGEs). It is widely assumed that the UA-complexes result from differentiation of supra-subduction high-Ca high-Mg sub-alkaline magmas. However, there is a lack of direct evidence for the existence and differentiation of such magmas, mainly because cases of UA-complexes being spatially and temporally linked to co-genetic volcanics are unknown. We studied an UA-complex from the Tumrok range (Eastern Kamchatka) where a dunite-clinopyroxenite-gabbro assemblage is spatially and temporary related to high-Ca volcanics (i.e., picrites and basalts). Based on the mineral and chemical composition of the rocks, mineral chemistry, and composition of melt inclusions hosted within rock-forming minerals, we conclude that the intrusive assemblage and the volcanics are co-genetic and share the same parental magma of ankaramitic composition. Furthermore, the compositions of the plutonic rocks are typical of UA-complexes worldwide. Finally, the rocks studied exhibit a full differentiation sequence from olivine-only liquidus in picrites and dunites to eutectic crystallization of diopside or hornblende, plagioclase, and K-Na feldspar in plagio-wehrlites and gabbroic rocks. All these results make the considered volcano–plutonic complex a promising case for petrological studies and modelling of UA-complex formation

    Construction of the Reagent Panel “GenPest-subspecies/Altai-RGF”

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    The aim of the study was to develop a test system that allows for detecting plague pathogen DNA in clinical and biological samples, environmental objects with the simultaneous determination of its appurtenance to the main and non-main subspecies, differentiation of the altai biovar central asiatica subspecies separately. Materials and methods. Primer sets for specific genetic markers have been selected using the VectorNTI 10 software, optimal conditions for PCR were determined for RotorGene devices. To assess the specificity and sensitivity of the developed set of reagents, 44 strains of microorganisms were used, of which 19 were Yersinia pestis strains and 25 strains of heterologous microorganisms. The diagnostic sensitivity of “GenPest-subspecies/Altai-RGF” is 98.6 % with a confidence level of probability of 91 %. The diagnostic specificity of “GenPest-subspecies/Altai-RGF” is ≥ 99 % with a confidence level of 91 %. Results and discussion. A medical product “A set of reagents for the detection and differentiation of plague pathogen strains of the main and non-main subspecies (altai biovar, subspecies central asiatica exclusively) by the polymerase chain reaction with hybridization-fluorescent registration of results in real-time mode (GenPest-subspecies/Altai-RGF)” has been developed. The set of reagents passed the state registration in accordance with the established procedure. The use of the developed set of reagents is relevant for the Gorno-Altai high-mountain plague focus of the Russian Federation and the adjacent part of Mongolia

    Principles of Organization and Carrying out of Laboratory Diagnostics in the Mobile Indication Laboratory Used for Epizootiological Surveillance over Particularly Dangerous and Other Natural Foci Infections

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    Determined are optimal structure and basic principles of organization of work in the mobile indication laboratory for carrying-out of epizootiological surveillance over particularly dangerous and other natural foci infections. Outlined are the requirements to the laboratory itself, to specialists, and organization of investigations too. All the measures mentioned above will allow to entrench the order of laboratory diagnostics conducted in the mobile laboratory in case of epizootiological surveillance over natural foci of particularly dangerous infectious diseases

    Perioperative changes in intraabdominal pressure during abdominoplasty

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    A prospective clinical study of aesthetic abdominoplasty effect on perioperative changes in intraabdominal pressure was performed in 50 patients. The changes in intraabdominal pressure intraoperatively and postoperatively were examined. Abdominoplasty was found to be associated with an increase of intraabdominal pressure with the development of intraabdominal hypertension in some cases. To predict the likelihood of intraabdominal hypertension postoperatively one should use the criterion of absolute increase in the peak airway pressure over 4 cm H20 during intraoperative ventillation.Проспективное клиническое исследование по изучению влияния абдоминопластики, выполненной по эстетическим показаниям, на изменение параметров внутрибрюшного давления проведено у 50 пациентов. Изучено изменение величины внутрибрюшного давления на этапах операции и в послеоперационном периоде. Установлено, что абдоминопластика сопровождается ростом внутрибрюшного давления с развитием в ряде случаев интраабдоминальной гипертензии. Для прогнозирования вероятности развития интраабдоминальной гипертензии в послеоперационном периоде следует использовать критерий абсолютного прироста пикового давления в дыхательных путях более 4 см вод.ст. при ИВЛ на этапах операции

    The choice of solution volumes in the indirect intra-abdominal pressure measurement

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    The prospective clinical study focusing on the development of the indirect intra-abdominal pressure measurement procedure via the bladder was carried out in 30 patients in an intensive care unit. The change in abdominal pressure after infusion of isotonic furacilinum at 32-37 C° and consequent drainage of the bladder was investigated. It was determined that the increase of solution volumes that were infused (25 ml, 50 ml, 75 ml, and 100 ml) into the bladder caused the linear growth of intravesical pressure up to 9,5±5.3 10,8±5,3 11,6±5.1 12,4±5,2 cm H20 respectively. The increase in infused solution volumes brings about the rise of the pressure in the bladder that can lead to the overestimation of intra-abdominal pressure. The infusion of 25-50 ml of liquid into the bladder is considered to be sufficient for the indirect intra-abdominal pressure measurement.Проспективное клиническое исследование по разработке непрямого измерения внутрибрюшного давления через мочевой пузырь проведено у 30 больных палаты реанимации. Изучено изменение величины внутрибрюшного давления после введения и последующего сливания изотонического раствора фурацилина температурой 32-37 С0. Установлено, что при введении в мочевой пузырь 25, 50. 75 и 100 мл изотонического 0,02% раствора фурацилина наблюдался линейный рост давления в мочевом пузыре величина которого составила соответственно 9,5±5,3, 10,8±5,3, 11,6±5,1, 12,4±5,2 см водн.ст. Увеличение объема жидкости при инстилляции приводит к повышению давления в мочевом пузыре, что может привести к завышенной оценке величины давления в брюшной полости. Введение в мочевой пузырь жидкости в объеме 25-50 мл является достаточным для непрямого измерения внутрибрюшного давления

    Development of an Integrated System for Molecular-Genetic Identification of <i>Yersinia pestis</i> Strains

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    The paper describes a developed comprehensive system for molecular-genetic identification of Yersinia pestis strains according to their appurtenance to certain subspecies, biovars, phylo-geographic populations, using realtime PCR (RT-PCR), allele-specific RT-PCR, and multiplex PCR with hybridization fluorescent registration of results on a solid substrate. Application of this system makes it possible to establish the appurtenance of Y. pestis strains to the following phylogenetic branches: 0.ANT1, 0.ANT2, 0.ANT3, 0.ANT5, 3.ANT, 4.ANT of antique biovar of the main subspecies; 2.MED0, 2.MED1, 2.MED2, 2.MED3, 2.MED4 of medieval biovar of the main subspecies; 1.IN1, 1.IN2, 1.IN3 of intermedium biovar of the main subspecies; 1.ORI1, 1.ORI2, 1.ORI3 of oriental biovar of the main subspecies; 0.PE3 (angolica subspecies), 0.PE7 (tibetica subspecies) and 0.PE10 (qinghaica subspecies). The first stage of the studies within the frames of the developed system is indication of plague agent using registered diagnostic drugs. The second stage is the determination of belonging to individual subspecies through RT-PCR or by the method of multiplex PCR system with hybridization-fluorescent registration of results on a solid substrate, which also allows for establishing to which biovars of the main subspecies and the main phylogenetic lines of the ancient biovar the strains belong. The third stage is the identification of strain appurtenance to phylogenetic branches by the AS-RT-PCR method. The designed complex system for molecular-genetic identification of Y. pestis strains can be applied at the regional and federal levels of the laboratory network of the Russian Federation for diagnostics of infectious diseases. Its use will considerably facilitate and increase the efficiency of intraspecific differentiation of Y. pestis strains within the framework of the epidemiological investigation of outbreaks or importation of strains of plague pathogen into the territory of the Russian Federation or during the certification of strains in collection activities


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    The paper describes the International Health Regulations (2005), hereinafter referred as IHR (2005), by the example of SARS, A/H5N1/, A/H1N1/09, Zika fever, and MERS-CoV control as an effective tool for prevention and control of public health emergences (ES of sanitary-epidemiological character) of international concern. Late detection of Ebola fever epidemic in West Africa (2013–2016) and announcement of public health emergency of international concern at the time when epidemic up-scaled to a threat to national security of the affected countries and high-priority threat to global community (ES of biological character) is attributed to non-use of methodological capacities of IHR (2005) on verification of ES at an early stage of epidemic development because of unpreparedness of local, regional, national and international public health services to such an epidemic situation. WHO plans to achieve scientifically-based reduction of the time from the onset of epidemic events to the effective response measures. Russian Federation, scientifically implementing IHR (2005) from the very beginning and having devised methodology of IHR implementation on the national level, has a strong premise for scientific provision of this process

    Specialized Anti-Epidemic Teams: Past, Present, and Future

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    Described is SAET concept development, beginning from the point of the establishment in 1963 till present moment. Outlined is the fact that SAETs formation, as derivatives of anti-plague institutions, naturally followed from the historical experience in the sphere of public health provision obtained both in the times of war conflicts and peace-time emergency situations (ES) relief. By the specific examples of SAETs participation in liquidation of ES of sanitary-epidemiological character explored is the process of SAET concept development, and governing principles of its functioning. It is demonstrated that the driving force of SAET framework evolution, providing for changes in functional-structural organization and technical facilities through all the stages in time, has been emerging biological threats. Therewith, SAET concept has been developed based on the analysis of the best practices of deployment and integration of advanced technologies and science achievements. An account has been given of modernization of SAET physical facilities and technological base during 2007-2010. Discussed are the SAETs main areas of activities, functions, and tactics of deployment in the modern period. Put forward are the recent changes in SAET concept evolution and tactics of deployment that are occasioned by the incurrence of new operation line - provision of sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population at mass gatherings with international participation