144 research outputs found

    Acceptance of Health Information System for Public Health Centre in North Borneo, Indonesia

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    This study sought the factor associated with own acceptance of HIS for PHC by using the modification of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in the Sebengkok PHC, Central Tarakan Subdistrict, Tarakan City, North Borneo, Indonesia. A cross-sectional approach was conducted through a survey on the 37 of PHC\u27s user. A set of questionnaires which was adopted from the previous research was used to collect the information from the participant. The model was developed by involving job relevance, output quality, result demonstrability, screen design, terminology, facilitating condition, perceived of usefulness, perceived ease of use, intention to use and system use (actual usage) as the construct. According to the hypothesis testing, perceived usefulness predicted by terminology, perceived ease of use is significantly predicted by screen design and terminology, perceived usefulness significantly predicts the intention of use and perceived ease of use, while system use which predicted considerably by the intention of use and facilitating condition. This study may have a contribution to the future improvement of HIS for PHC and guide the next coming research to dig the difference acceptance among the user

    Analisis Pembiayaan Sektor Konstruksi pada Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia

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    The construction sector is an important sector in supporting development projects in Indonesia. The development of the construction sector requires the role of the banking sector to provide access of capital through credit. This study aims to analyze the relationship among factors of banking performance, monetary instruments, macroeconomic condition and rate of return towards construction financing in Islamic banking industry. This study uses Vector Error Correction model with monthly data from 2006 until 2012 as its method of analysis. The study finds that the ratio of construction financing responds positively to the shock of Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), the interest rate of SBI (SBI), Industrial Production Index (IPI), inflation rate (INF), and equivalent rate of financing (ERP). While shocks of the Third Party Funds (DPK), lending rates (SBK), non performing financing (NPF), fee of SBIS (BSBIS), and the placement of funds in PUAS (PUAS) variables are responded negatively. Islamic bank should be able to be more focused on construction financing as it will contribute to the development of real sector and national income. In addition, Islamic bank should have more concern on assesment criteria to choose borrowers in order to reduce the amount of non performing financing

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran IPA Dengan Animasi Macromedia Flash Berbasis Model Pengajaran Langsung (Direct Instruction) Di Sekolah Dasar

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    This research is the development of instructional media developed macromediaflash animation-based teaching model directly in SDN Mangkujayan II Ponorogo.Based on the research got enthusiastic excellent student this is evidenced by theresults of the data questionnaire responses following students on learning to usemedia such as macromedia flash animation, developed the data obtained by 36students (100%) expressed interest. Data questionnaire responses of students tothe language used in textbooks and media animation data obtained by 32 students(88.9%) expressed understandable and 4 students (11.1%) said it was difficult tounderstand. Data questionnaire responses of students to the illustrations intextbooks and media animation data obtained by 35 students (97.2%) expresseddelight and 1 student (2.7%) were not happy. Mastery of student learningoutcomes after the use of instructional media macromedia flash animation-basedteaching model directly based on analysis of data on student learning outcomesresults obtained by 28 students completed the individual, the individual is notfinished 8 students from 36 students who take the post-test. Mastery of cognitivelearning outcomes for students in classical 77.78%. This means that students ofclass V have achieved mastery of learning outcomes are classical

    Peranan Bakteri Asam Laktat dalam Menghambat Listeria Monocytogenes pada Bahan Pangan

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    Bakteri asam laktat telah digunakan secara luas sebagai pengawet hayati (biopreservatives) untuk menekan dan menghilangkan bakteri patogen dan pembusuk dalam bahan pangan. Kemampuan sebagai pengawet hayati tersebut dihasilkan oleh senyawa-senyawa yang diproduksi bakteri asam laktat yang bersifat antimikrobia terutama bakteriosin, asam-asam organik, dan hidrogen peroksida. Peranan bakteri asam laktat dan senyawa yang dihasilkan sebagai antimikrobia yang banyak diteliti, diantaranya adalah terhadap Listeria monocytogenes yang merupakan salah satu bakteri patogen yang sangat potensial menyebabkan keracunan pangan karena mampu tumbuh pada berbagai bahan pangan dan dapat bertahan pada penyimpanan beku. Aplikasi bakteri asam laktat dan senyawa yang dihasilkan untuk menghambat dan mematikan L. monocytogenes telah dilakukan pada berbagai pangan yaitu pada daging ternak dan unggas, sosis, ikan dan pangan asal laut, telur, susu, keju dan sayuran. Penerapan bakteri asam laktat dan senyawa yang dihasilkan sebagai antimikrobia diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemanan pangan

    Identifying Indonesian Meanings of Civil Engineering Terms Through the Analysis of Word Formation Process

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    Perkembangan aspek bahasa merupakan salah satu hal yang menandai kemajuan zaman. Bahasa merupakan alat komunikasi manusia yang terangkai dari kalimat-kalimat dimana kalimat merupakan rangkaian dari kata-kata. Perkembangan aspek bahasa ditunjukkan oleh banyaknya kata baru yang terbentuk yang diperoleh dari berbagai aspek dimana salah satunya berasal dari bidang teknik sipil. Kata-kata baru ini umumnya berupa istilah yang dapat berasal dari berbagai bahasa. Selanjutnya, merupakan tugas para penerjemah untuk menerjemahkan istilah-istilah yang berasal dari berbagai bahasa tersebut agar dapat dipergunakan oleh para insinyur teknik sipil yang belum tentu menguasai banyak bahasa. Oleh karena itu, melalui penelitian ini, penulis bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi istilah-istilah teknik sipil berbahasa inggris pada bab 9 dalam modul Mastering Different Fields of Civil Engineering Works dengan analisis pembentukan kata sehingga diperoleh suatu metode penerjemahan, khususnya dalam menerjemahkan istilah-istilah dalam bidang teknik sipil. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menerapkan beberapa teori dari dua pendekatan Linguistik, Morfologi dan Semantik, untuk menganalisis data. Dari pendekatan Morfologi, penulis menerapkan teori tentang morpheme, root, base, stem, affix dan word formation dari Nida (1949), Katamba (1993), dan O\u27Grady and Guzman (1996). Kemudian, dari pendekatan Semantik, penulis menerapkan teori tentang naming, concept, referent dan sense relation dari Palmer (1981) dan Chaer (1994). Selanjutnya, sebagai hasil dari analisis yang telah dilakukan, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar istilah dibentuk melalui proses derivasi dan sebagian lainnya dibentuk melalui proses endocentric compounding dan proses konversi. Selain itu, penulis memeroleh bahwa pelekatan akhiran –ing dan –ed pada verb dapat membentuk kata baru melalui proses derivasi karena pelekatan akhiran –ing merubah kelas kata verb menjadi adjective atau noun dan pelekatan akhiran –ed merubah kelas kata verb menjadi adjective

    The Description of II Class Women Prisoners Cervix in Semarang

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    . The second highest cancer in the world is cervix. The early detection of cervix was done in order to give the description about pathophysiology, the risk, the symptoms, the invention of lesion of cancer, and treat them. The prisoners often faced the obstacle in doing the adaptation to the prisons environment. The longer isolation in the prison made the improvement of doing homosexual done by someone. It influenced to the cervix health that enabled traumatic.Besides that, the condition of the prison with bad sanitation and environment could decrease the quality of prisoners life,facilitate the spread of health problems like TBC, HIV/AIDS. The method of this research was descriptive. The population was 44 women prisoner of class IIB in which two of them were infected by HIV. Speculum examination was done to the women prisoners. The result of this study showed that the test of positive IVA was 27.3% (12 women), the negative IVA was 72.7% (32 women), the partio erosion was 34.1% (15 women), the un partio erosion was 65.9% (29 women), whitish translucent was 36.4% (16 women) consisted of whitish was 54.5% (24 women), yellowish was 6.8% (3 women), and greenish was 2.3% (1 woman). From the result above, it could be concluded that the description of II class womens cervix in the prison was not health physically

    Proses Pengembangan Asesmen Alternatif Berupa Penilaian Produk pada Mata Kuliah Pembelajaran Bahasa Jawa di SD

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    Pada mata kuliah Pembelajaran Bahasa Jawa di SD, mahasiswa tidak hanya dituntut untuk terampil dalam berbahasa Jawa dan tetapi juga harus terampil dalam mengajarkan Bahasa Jawa di SD. Untuk itu penilaian keterampilan merupakan komponen terpenting yang harus dilakukan oleh dosen untuk mengukur setiap detail keterampilan mahasiswa. Namun, Kenyataannya penilaian dalam ranah ini belum dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen penilaian yang tepat, dosen masih melakukan proses penilaian secara langsung tanpa menggunakan instrumen sehingga penilaian lebih subjektif. Untuk itu, penelitian dan pengembangan produk instrumen penilaian keterampilan yang diintegrasikan dengan pemanfaatan teknologi perlu dilakukan. Instrumen penilaian produk berupa video desain pembelajaran bahasa Jawa yang dikembangkan dapat dijadikan solusi dan dapat dijadikan alternatif bagi dosen dalam melakukan proses penilaian keterampilan dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Jawa di SD. Penelitian pengembangan ini merujuk pada metode 4-D. Penelitian dimulai bulan Februari 2018 sampai November 2018. Data penelitian berupa hasil validasi. Adapun instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar validasi dan angket respons siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan teknik validasi dan observasi. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan skor rubrik penilaian dari validator untuk kategori struktur rubik adalah 3,67 (sangat baik), kategori organisasi penulisan aspek dalam rubrik penilaian adalah 4 (sangat baik), dan kategori bahasa adalah 4 (sangat baik). Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa rubrik penilaian dalam kategori baik dengan sedikit revisi dan dapat dapat digunakan

    The Relative Effectiveness of the Kurapunctur and Point Local Abdomen Acupuncture Therapy in the Reduction of Waist Circumference in Obese Patients

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    Background: Obesity is a pathological state as a result of the consumption of food that is far exceeding the needs (psychobiological cues for eating) so there is hoarding an excessive fat than is necessary for bodily functions. Obesity can raise cholesterol level, triglyceride level, insulin resistance, and the risk of high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, ischemic stroke, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Acupuncture therapy may be an option to handle problems related to obesity, one with abdominal acupuncture techniques. This study aimed to determinethe effectiveness of kurapunctur and point local abdomen acupuncture therapy accompanied by a low calorie and fat diet in the reduction of waist circumference in obese patients. Subjects and Method: This was a quasi experiment conducted at Kusuma Husada clinic, Surakarta, Central Java, from July to August 2017. A sample of 32 obesity patients was allocated into two groups: (1) The experiment group who received kurapuncture therapy, (2) The control group who received acupuncture therapy in the local point of the abdomen. Acupuncture therapy was carried out for 10 times. All of the study subjects received low calories and low fat diet. The dependent variable was waist circumference. The independent variable was abdominal acupuncture therapy. Waist circumference was measured by measuring tape. The data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney test. Results: The reduction in waist circumference is greater in the experiment group (mean= 22.9) than in the control group (mean= 10.1) with p< 0.001. Conclusion: Kurapuncture therapy is more effective than acupuncture therapy in the local point of the abdomen in reducing waist circumference in obese patients. Keywords: kurapuncture, waist circumference, obesit
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