84 research outputs found
Dakwah pada Masyarakat Teknologi
Da'wah constantly faced the reality. Reality has a dynamic stance, turned and drove into the future. Analysis of the reality and the trend of future conditions are kenyaaan that all parties drove toward itu. One of the trend of the future is the development of increasingly complex technology. While each discovery technology has an influence on people. Where human at the same time is also the subject and the object of propaganda. So how propaganda in the technology community needs to be built? For this study trying to look into thinking propaganda of an expert in the field of technology and Muslim cendekiaan, Armahedi Mahzar. The results showed that, first, Thought propaganda Armahedi Mahzar not be separated from the socio hitoris life. Second, Armahedi views on the technology closely related to the shape of the philosophy behind the technology. Third, proselytizing view Armahedi in the technology community, stressed the need tazkiyatunnafs measures at the individual level; Patience and gratitude at the group level, asceticism and faqr at the community level, as well as the development of science based on Tawheed
Implementation of Da’wah Training and Social Interaction between Muslim and Christian in Bandung
The purpose of this study was to determine: implementation of traning dakwah about the religious motives of Muslims interacting with Christians, patterns of Muslims interaction with Christians and the influence of religious motives between Muslims and Christians and the effect on the pattern of interaction between them in Bukit Permata Housing, Cinunuk, Cileunyi District of Bandung Regency. This study uses a case method with qualitative and quantitative approach, which is believed to be capable of being used to reveal the specific situation in a community using social facts emerge. The research method chosen by the researchers is a case study. That's because the object to be studied regarding a specific phase or typical of the whole personality, and aims to obtain an adequate picture of the religious motives of Muslims interacted with Christians is the nature and distinctive character of the cases in Bukit Permata Housing Karsamanik. Research conducted involving 25 respondents with various predetermined criteria, based on the following conditions: (1). Respondents Muslims who have lived with Christian proximity, (2). Respondents are members of the Housing society Bukit Permata Karsamanik who has settled for at least 1.5 years; and (3). Respondents were considered to meet the requirements to provide a response regarding research themes; From the research conducted, the results obtained in the calculation of the indicators of the implementation Dakwah Training shows that religious motives of Muslims interacting with Christians, obtained an average value of 32.4: 14 = 2.30. If the qualifying criteria are interpreted at the high and low motives, the figures were included in the category quite well. The result of the calculation of the indicators associative patterns of social interaction between Christians Muslims with values obtained by an average of 36.3: 14 = 2.60. If the qualifying criteria are interpreted at the high and low motives, the figure is well categorized either. While the index value obtained correlation of 0.31 which is in the interval from 0.21 to 0.40 with a lower category. The hypothesis testing showed that tcount obtained is at 1.62, while the value of ttable 1.71. With these results, the hypothesis (H0) is received and the alternative hypothesis (H1) declined. Based on the calculation, the influence of variable X to Y varabel is 5%. Thus it can be said that, patterns of social interaction of Muslims with Christians influenced by religious motives with a value of 5% and 95% influenced by other factors. Religious motives of Muslims in interacting with Christians, is quite good. The pattern of interaction between Muslims with Christians, either. And the influence of religious motives to the interaction patterns among those with a value of 5%
Dakwah Perspektif Tabligh: Kaderisasi Mubaligh Penulis
Tabligh, a massive da\u27wa, can be done in various activities, one o f which is through writings in mass media. The increasing number of mass media, such as newspapers, tabloids, magazines, sh\u27ows iriformation and transparency era. Thepower of information conveyed by mass media is so dominant that it is necessaryfor mubaligh\u27s (preachers) to concem with this field. Otherwise, readers will be influenced by the messages in the media which are usually lack of religious values. For that reason, CWC (Creative Writing Club) is offered to develop mubaligh\u27s writing skills. It starts with the urgency and the power of writing and continued with how to develop, socialize, and train writing skills as well as other techniques related to CWC to be practiced
Creative Writing Club(Sistem Swa-Mandiri Pelatihan Menulis
CWC (Creative Writing Club) constitutes a system that is formatted to fit-up the human resource with such character as creative, dynamic, ikhlash, forward oriented and futuristic. It constitutes idea in order to push its amends writing culture, that seemingly is now still far its appeal of oral-culture. With CWC is expected emerges consciousness to write at circle educator; fitting-up self-potency via agglomerate container that brought off as self-independent, that it's out-put can fill each newspaper, magazine, tabloid, bulletin, even binds books by educators, that quality and also its writing amount getting days getting increases
Perencanaan Pendidikan Tinggi Dakwah Islam
Its essensial, planning constitute set of activity process to prefare decision of what happened occure. Planning in high education of Islamic da’wah world placement strategy in all education process that apllied and give clear direction in all efforts  of Islamic da’wah high education process. Through planning, management of education efforts will implemented as effective and efficient. The ducation planning also hopped will give positive effect in increasing the quality of Islamic da’wah high education. Therefore, to regulate planning not in estimate, manipulate or theory without fact. That prefaring of plan need maturity and need for assessment, By this, planning be clear in steps, model, component, process and its kind
Dynamics of scientific development in dakwah education Indonesia
Purpose - This study aims to determine the efforts from time to time of scientists in da'wah educational institutions in Indonesia that diligently carry out studies and publications. This research is also expected to avoid disconnection in understanding the history of Da'wah science.Method - This research was conducted through a literature review, with a historical approach. Where several references related to Da'wah scholarship are classified, discussed, and concluded.Result - The results show that the dynamics of scientific development in da'wah education in Indonesia have shown a dynamic history. The dynamism is illustrated by the alternation of da'wah scientific activities carried out and carries a sustainable theme from time to time. Another dynamic is evident in the productivity of the work they write and publish, both in the form of journals and books. The two aspects become one strength so that in its development, it further strengthens the science of Da'wah. As well as being an example for future generations to have enthusiasm and productivity that is more or less like them.Implication - this paper suggests the development of da’wah science that allows correction, addition, and perfection from the development of new science.Originality - This article is a study that shows the transformation from da'wah to da'wah science.***Tujuan - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya dari waktu ke waktu para ilmuwan di lembaga pendidikan dakwah di Indonesia yang rajin melakukan kajian dan publikasi. Penelitian ini juga diharapkan dapat menghindari keterputusan dalam memahami sejarah ilmu dakwah.Metode - Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui studi pustaka, dengan pendekatan sejarah. Dimana beberapa referensi terkait keilmuan Dakwah diklasifikasikan, dibahas, dan disimpulkan.Hasil - Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dinamika perkembangan keilmuan dalam pendidikan dakwah di Indonesia, telah menunjukkan sejarah yang dinamis. Kedinamisan tersebut tergambar dari silih bergantinya kegiatan keilmuan dakwah yang dilakukan dan mengusung tema berkelanjutan dari waktu ke waktu. Dinamika lain terlihat pada produktivitas karya yang mereka tulis dan terbitkan, baik dalam bentuk jurnal maupun buku. Kedua aspek tersebut menjadi satu kekuatan sehingga dalam perkembangannya semakin memperkuat ilmu dakwah. Serta menjadi contoh bagi generasi penerus untuk memiliki semangat dan produktivitas yang kurang lebih seperti mereka.Implikasi - Artikel ini menyarankan pengembangan keilmuan dakwah yang memungkinkan adanya koreksi, penambahan dan penyempurnaan pengembangan ilmu baru.Orisinalitas - Artikel ini merupakan kajian yang menunjukkan transformasi dari dakwah ke ilmu dakwah
Dynamics of scientific development in dakwah education Indonesia
Purpose - This study aims to determine the efforts from time to time of scientists in da'wah educational institutions in Indonesia that diligently carry out studies and publications. This research is also expected to avoid disconnection in understanding the history of Da'wah science.Method - This research was conducted through a literature review, with a historical approach. Where several references related to Da'wah scholarship are classified, discussed, and concluded.Result - The results show that the dynamics of scientific development in da'wah education in Indonesia have shown a dynamic history. The dynamism is illustrated by the alternation of da'wah scientific activities carried out and carries a sustainable theme from time to time. Another dynamic is evident in the productivity of the work they write and publish, both in the form of journals and books. The two aspects become one strength so that in its development, it further strengthens the science of Da'wah. As well as being an example for future generations to have enthusiasm and productivity that is more or less like them.Implication - this paper suggests the development of da’wah science that allows correction, addition, and perfection from the development of new science.Originality - This article is a study that shows the transformation from da'wah to da'wah science.***Tujuan - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya dari waktu ke waktu para ilmuwan di lembaga pendidikan dakwah di Indonesia yang rajin melakukan kajian dan publikasi. Penelitian ini juga diharapkan dapat menghindari keterputusan dalam memahami sejarah ilmu dakwah.Metode - Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui studi pustaka, dengan pendekatan sejarah. Dimana beberapa referensi terkait keilmuan Dakwah diklasifikasikan, dibahas, dan disimpulkan.Hasil - Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dinamika perkembangan keilmuan dalam pendidikan dakwah di Indonesia, telah menunjukkan sejarah yang dinamis. Kedinamisan tersebut tergambar dari silih bergantinya kegiatan keilmuan dakwah yang dilakukan dan mengusung tema berkelanjutan dari waktu ke waktu. Dinamika lain terlihat pada produktivitas karya yang mereka tulis dan terbitkan, baik dalam bentuk jurnal maupun buku. Kedua aspek tersebut menjadi satu kekuatan sehingga dalam perkembangannya semakin memperkuat ilmu dakwah. Serta menjadi contoh bagi generasi penerus untuk memiliki semangat dan produktivitas yang kurang lebih seperti mereka.Implikasi - Artikel ini menyarankan pengembangan keilmuan dakwah yang memungkinkan adanya koreksi, penambahan dan penyempurnaan pengembangan ilmu baru.Orisinalitas - Artikel ini merupakan kajian yang menunjukkan transformasi dari dakwah ke ilmu dakwah
Menemukan Moderasi Beragama dalam Kaderisasi Dakwah: Kajian pada Pemuda Persatuan Islam Jawa Barat
This article aims to analyze the model of the religious moderation-based dakwah training concerning about the patterns, processes and strategies of regeneration in Pemuda Persatuan Islam, West Java. The research is focused on observing the cultivation of religious moderation values in the regeneration program such as recruitment, training, coaching and projecting the distribution of cadres. This study uses a constructivism paradigm and qualitative approach through case studies. The data was collected through observation, interviews, documentation and literature studies. The results showed that the patterns and processes of regeneration in Pemuda Persatuan Islam West Java are projected to create the da'wah resources with the qualities of being open-minded, critical, responsive, adaptive, collaborative and transformative. The strategy of cultivating the values of religious moderation is carried out in every stage of the regeneration of Pemuda Persatuan Islam West Java, both formal and informal, especially on the material side, methods, instructors, strategic issues, duration, and evaluation techniques. The research implication is expected to be able to present a dakwah training model based on religious moderation in da'wah organizations in West Java.Keyword: Dakwah training; Religious moderation; Regeneration Pemuda Persi
Manajemen Masjid dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Jamaah Masjid Nurul Iman Cimahi
This study aims to identify and analyze the process of management functions which include planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising. This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The results of the research at the Nurul Iman Mosque, Jalan Hercules Raya No. 13 Complex Melong Green Garden Cimahi Selatan Cimahi City shows that, First, long-term program planning must be discussed carefully, Second, the organization of the mosque will be structured if the initial planning is in accordance with what has been determined. Third, the implementation of mosque activities will run well and there will be no obstacles if the schedule has been arranged systematically. Fourth, supervision in the mosque environment that must be considered properly and correctly
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