26 research outputs found


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    O cerne da reflexão centra-se na análise do papel desempenhado pela maioria dos órgãos da grande imprensa nas vésperas do golpe de 1968, no pós AI-5 e, principalmente, na construção da memória dos “homens de jornal” no contemporâneo acerca de suas ações no passado recente do país

    Winter storm intensity, hazards, and property losses in the New York tristate area

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    Winter storms pose numerous hazards to the Northeast United States, including rain, snow, strong wind, and flooding. These hazards can cause millions of dollars in damages from one storm alone. This study investigates meteorological intensity and impacts of winter storms from 2001 to 2014 on coastal counties in Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York and underscores the consequences of winter storms. The study selected 70 winter storms on the basis of station observations of surface wind strength, heavy precipitation, high storm tide, and snow extremes. Storm rankings differed between measures, suggesting that intensity is not easily defined with a single metric. Several storms fell into two or more categories (multiple-category storms). Following storm selection, property damages were examined to determine which types lead to high losses. The analysis of hazards (or events) and associated damages using the Storm Events Database of the National Centers for Environmental Information indicates that multiple-category storms were responsible for a greater portion of the damage. Flooding was responsible for the highest losses, but no discernible connection exists between the number of storms that afflict a county and the damage it faces. These results imply that losses may rely more on the incidence of specific hazards, infrastructure types, and property values, which vary throughout the region

    Paranaguá, Antonina e Curitiba, início do século XIX: reconstituindo espaços e a lógica de sua organização social

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    This paper is to develop a methodology to characterize the spatial distribution in the early nineteenth century, the urban residents enrolled in the Décima of Paranaguá, Antonina and Curitiba, three villages in southern province of São Paulo. Here are the problems faced and decisions made, almost always temporary and arbitrary. The result reached hypothetical plants of subdivisions and urban streets of those towns. From a database - developed mainly with the information Lista Nominativa de Habitantes - it was possible to characterize residents enrolled in the books of property tax Décima. Spatialising thematic data in plants, where they lived was possible to perceive the social group, your choices (or lack thereof), or realize their preferred sites, but not exclusive housing.O objetivo desse artigo é desenvolver uma metodologia para caracterizar a espacialização, no início do século XIX, dos moradores arrolados nas décimas urbanas de Paranaguá, Antonina e Curitiba, três vilas do sul da capitania de São Paulo. Apresentamos aqui os problemas enfrentados e decisões tomadas, quase sempre provisórias e arbitrárias. O resultado chegou a plantas hipotéticas dos loteamentos e arruamentos urbanos daquelas vilas. A partir de um banco de dados - elaborado principalmente com informações das Listas Nominativas de Habitantes -, foi possível caracterizar os moradores arrolados nos livros de imposto predial de Décima. Espacializando esses dados em plantas temáticas, foi possível perceber onde moravam os grupo sociais, suas escolhas (ou a falta delas), ou seja, perceber seus locais preferenciais, mas não exclusivos, de habitação

    AI is a viable alternative to high throughput screening: a 318-target study

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    : High throughput screening (HTS) is routinely used to identify bioactive small molecules. This requires physical compounds, which limits coverage of accessible chemical space. Computational approaches combined with vast on-demand chemical libraries can access far greater chemical space, provided that the predictive accuracy is sufficient to identify useful molecules. Through the largest and most diverse virtual HTS campaign reported to date, comprising 318 individual projects, we demonstrate that our AtomNet® convolutional neural network successfully finds novel hits across every major therapeutic area and protein class. We address historical limitations of computational screening by demonstrating success for target proteins without known binders, high-quality X-ray crystal structures, or manual cherry-picking of compounds. We show that the molecules selected by the AtomNet® model are novel drug-like scaffolds rather than minor modifications to known bioactive compounds. Our empirical results suggest that computational methods can substantially replace HTS as the first step of small-molecule drug discovery

    Cães de guarda : jornalistas e censores, do AI-5 a Constituição de 1988

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    Orientador : Maria Stella Martins BrescianiTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias HumanasResumo: Esta pesquisatem comotemáticamais geral os procedimentoscensórios no Brasil,do pós AI-5 à Constituição de 1988. A análise, contudo, é abordadaa partir da relação entre censorese jornalistas sob a perspectiva do colaboracionismo, ou da não oposição às medidas restritivas. Isto porque, no processo de investigação, constatei que os primeiros censores deslocados para Brasília, quando da transferência da capital, eramjornalistas. Assim, por um lado foram mapeados o loeus institucional das agências de censura no aparelho de Estado, as tramas legislativas construídas no período Republicano, e as gerações dos Técnicos de Censura do DCDP - Departamento de Censura de Diversão Pública - além de toda a estratégia corporativa montada por este grupo para sobreviver após a decretação do fim da censura oficial, em 1988. Por outro, foi redesenhada a trajetória do periódico Folha da Tarde, do Grupo Folha da Manhã, que tinha a fama de possuir, em sua redação, jornalistas que eram policiais, sendo acusado também de colaborar com o regime que se instalou no Brasil em 1964. Partindo de uma abordagem da história cultural, cruzam a metodologia deste trabalho a união da históriapolíticacom a história oral, dando voz aos personagensdessa trama - jornalistas e censores.O foco na Imprensapermitetambémrefletira relação entre estes dois profissionais das letras- jornalistase historiadores- na investigaçãoe feiturada históriadotempopresenteAbstract: This thesis is about the means of censorship that prevailed in Brazil between the AI-5 period (12/13/1968)and the Constitutionpromulgatedin 1988It analyses the relationship between the censors and the journalists who collaborated in the process, or who at least, did not oppose to their restrictive measures. One of the reasons for that behavior points to the fact that the first censorswho went to Brasilia, when it became the new capital, were also journalists by profession. One of the newspapers in São Paulo became well known for "hiring" journalists who were doubling as policemen. The technique of investigation for this dissertation started by charting the institutionallocus of the censorship agencies inside the government and the legislative schemes built in the republican period, between 1889and 1988.It was followedby the mappingof the generationsof censorship technicians from DCDP (Departamento de Censura de Diversão Pública) as well as the corporate strategycreatedbythat groupas survivorsafterthe officialcensorshipwas extinguishedin 1988.As part ofthe thesis, we have also traced the history ofthe newspaperFolha da Tarde, that belongs to the Folha da Manhã Group. The basic tools of investigation to the fields above indicated are related to cultural history. The methodology applied inserts political episodes and oral stories by witnesses, therefore giving room to people's voices and viewpoints. As conclusive remarks, we are stimulated to think about the relationship created among the press,journalists and historians - andtheirresponsibilitiesin relating to and making history of the their present timesDoutoradoDoutor em Históri