374 research outputs found

    Comparisons of atmospheric mass variations derived from ECMWF reanalysis and operational fields, over 2003 to 2011

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    There are two spurious jumps in the atmospheric part of the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment-Atmosphere and Ocean De-aliasing level 1B (GRACE-AOD1B) products, which occurred in January-February of the years 2006 and 2010, as a result of the vertical level and horizontal resolution changes in the ECMWFop (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts operational analysis). These jumps cause a systematic error in the estimation of mass changes from GRACE time-variable level 2 products, since GRACE-AOD1B mass variations are removed during the computation of GRACE level 2. In this short note, the potential impact of using an improved set of 6-hourly atmospheric de-aliasing products on the computations of linear trends as well as the amplitude of annual and semi-annual mass changes from GRACE is assessed. These improvements result from 1) employing a modified 3D integration approach (ITG3D), and 2) using long-term consistent atmospheric fields from the ECMWF reanalysis (ERA-Interim). The monthly averages of the new ITG3D-ERA-Interim de-aliasing products are then compared to the atmospheric part of GRACE-AOD1B, covering January 2003 to December 2010. These comparisons include the 33 world largest river basins along with Greenland and Antarctica ice sheets. The results indicate a considerable difference in total atmospheric mass derived from the two products over some of the mentioned regions. We suggest that future GRACE studies consider these through updating uncertainty budgets or by applying corrections to estimated trends and amplitudes/phases

    Surface structure in simple liquid metals. An orbital free first principles study

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    Molecular dynamics simulations of the liquid-vapour interfaces in simple sp-bonded liquid metals have been performed using first principles methods. Results are presented for liquid Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Mg, Ba, Al, Tl, and Si at thermodynamic conditions near their respective triple points, for samples of 2000 particles in a slab geometry. The longitudinal ionic density profiles exhibit a pronounced stratification extending several atomic diameters into the bulk, which is a feature already experimentally observed in liquid K, Ga, In, Sn and Hg. The wavelength of the ionic oscillations shows a good scaling with the radii of the associated Wigner-Seitz spheres. The structural rearrangements at the interface are analyzed in terms of the transverse pair correlation function, the coordination number and the bond-angle distribution between nearest neighbors. The valence electronic density profile also shows (weaker) oscillations whose phase, with respect to those of the ionic profile, changes from opposite phase in the alkalis to almost in-phase for Si.Comment: 16 pages, 18 figures, 5 tables. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quaternary structure of the European spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas) 1 x 6-mer hemocyanin from cryoEM and amino acid sequence data

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    Arthropod hemocyanins are large respiratory proteins that are composed of up to 48 subunits (8 x 6-mer) in the 75 kDa range. A 3D reconstruction of the 1 x 6-mer hemocyanin from the European spiny lobster Palinuris elephas has been performed from 9970 single particles using cryoelectron microscopy. An 8 Angstrom resolution of the hemocyanin 3D reconstruction has been obtained from about 600 final class averages. Visualisation of structural elements such as a-helices has been achieved. An amino acid sequence alignment shows the high sequence identity (>80%.) of the hemocyanin subunits from the European spiny lobster P. elephas and the American spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus. Comparison of the P. elephas hemocyanin electron microscopy (EM) density map with the known P. interruptus X-ray structure shows a close structural correlation, demonstrating the reliability of both methods for reconstructing proteins, By molecular modelling, we have found the putative locations for the amino acid sequence (597-605) and the C-terminal end (654-657), which are absent in the available P. interruptus X-ray data. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserve

    Quantifying the impacts of ENSO and IOD on rain gauge and remotely sensed precipitation products over Australia

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    Large-scale ocean-atmospheric phenomena like the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) have significant influence on Australia's precipitation variability. In this study, multi-linear regression (MLR) and complex empirical orthogonal function (CEOF) analyses were applied to isolate (i) the continental precipitation variations likely associated with ENSO and IOD, here referred to as 'ENSO/IOD mode', and (ii) the variability not associated with ENSO/IOD (the 'non-ENSO/IOD mode'). The first is of interest due to its dominant influence on inter-annual variability, while the second may reveal lower frequency variability or trends. Precipitation products used for this study included gridded rainfall estimates derived by interpolation of rain gauge data from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM), two satellite remote sensing products (CHIRP and TRMM TMPA version 7), and two weather forecast model re-analysis products (ERA-Interim and MERRA). The products covered the period 1981-2014 except TMPA (1998-2014). Statistical and frequency-based inter-comparisons were performed to evaluate the seasonal and long-term skills of various rainfall products against the BoM product. The results indicate that linear trends in rainfall during 1981-2014 were largely attributable to ENSO and IOD. Both intra-annual and seasonal rainfall changes associated with ENSO and IOD increased from 1991 to 2014. Among the continent's 13 major river basins, the greatest precipitation variations associated with ENSO/IOD were found over the Northern and North East Coast, while the smallest contributions were for Tasmania and the South West Coast basins. We also found that although the assessed products show comparable spatial variability of rainfall over Australia, systematic seasonal differences exist that were more pronounced during the ENSO and IOD events

    Experimental Observation of Energy Modulation in Electron Beams Passing Through Terahertz Dielectric Wakefield Structures

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    We report observation of a strong wakefield induced energy modulation in an energy-chirped electron bunch passing through a dielectric-lined waveguide. This modulation can be effectively converted into a spatial modulation forming micro-bunches with a periodicity of 0.5 - 1 picosecond, hence capable of driving coherent THz radiation. The experimental results agree well with theoretical predictions.Comment: v3. Reviewers' suggestions incorporated. Accepted by PR

    Experimental demonstration of wakefield effects in a THz planar diamond accelerating structure

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    We have directly measured THz wakefields induced by a subpicosecond, intense relativistic electron bunch in a diamond loaded accelerating structure via the wakefield acceleration method. We present here the beam test results from the first diamond based structure. Diamond has been chosen for its high breakdown threshold and unique thermoconductive properties. Fields produced by a leading (drive) beam were used to accelerate a trailing (witness) electron bunch which followed the drive bunch at a variable distance. The energy gain of a witness bunch as a function of its separation from the drive bunch describes the time structure of the generated wakefield.Comment: v3, accepted by APL. Updated to reflect reviewers' comment

    Impact of climate change on water resources of upper Kharun catchment in Chhattisgarh, India

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    Study region The Upper Kharun Catchment (UKC) is one of the most important, economically sound and highly populated watersheds of Chhattisgarh state in India. The inhabitants strongly depend on monsoon and are severely prone to water stress. Study focus This research aims to assess the impact of climate change on water balance components. New hydrological insights for the region The station-level bias-corrected PRECIS (Providing REgional Climates for Impact Studies) projections generally show increasing trends for annual rainfall and temperature. Hydrological simulations, performed by SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool), indicate over-proportional runoff-rainfall and under-proportional percolation-rainfall relationships. Simulated annual discharge for 2020s will decrease by 2.9% on average (with a decrease of 25.9% for q1 to an increase by 23.6% for q14); for 2050s an average increase by 12.4% (17.6% decrease for q1 to 39.4% increase for q0); for 2080s an average increase of 39.5% (16.3% increase for q1 to an increase of 63.7% for q0). Respective ranges on percolation: for 2020s an average decrease by 0.8% (12.8% decrease for q1 to an increase of 8.7% for q14); for 2050s an average increase by 2.5% (10.3% decrease for q1 to 15.4% increase for q0); for 2080s an average increase by 7.5% (0.3% decrease for q1 to 13.7% increase for q0). These over- and under-proportional relationships indicate future enhancement of floods and question sufficiency of groundwater recharge. Abbreviations ARS, Agricultural Research Service; ZEF, Center for Development Research; CGCOST, Chhattisgarh Council of Science and Technology; GCM, General Circulation Model; DAAD, German Academic Exchange Service; IITM, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology; IMK-IFU, Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research; IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; NDVI, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; PRECIS, Providing Regional Climates for Impact Studies; RCM, Regional Climate Model; SWAT, Soil and Water Assessment Tool; USDA, United States Department of Agriculture; UKC, Upper Kharun Catchmen

    Impurity effects on the melting of Ni clusters

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    We demonstrate that the addition of a single carbon impurity leads to significant changes in the thermodynamic properties of Ni clusters consisting of more than a hundred atoms. The magnitude of the change induced is dependent upon the parameters of the Ni-C interaction. Hence, thermodynamic properties of Ni clusters can be effectively tuned by the addition of an impurity of a particular type. We also show that the presence of a carbon impurity considerably changes the mobility and diffusion of atoms in the Ni cluster at temperatures close to its melting point. The calculated diffusion coefficients of the carbon impurity in the Ni cluster can be used for a reliable estimate of the growth rate of carbon nanotubes.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figure
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