142 research outputs found

    Die graeco-islamische Medizin als globale Medizin ihrer Zeit:

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    This paper argues that today's “Unani Medicine” as practiced in India and other countries contrary to the self-conception of its practitioners is not essentially identical with earlier Graeco-Islamic medicine in India. In support of this notion the author examines crucial passages from three comprehensive Indo-Persian medical works of the 16th and 17th century CE and carves out the concept of medicine present in these works. This concept appears to be similar to the self-conception current in modern Western medicine in several respects while this does not apply to contemporary “Unani Medicine” in the same way. This is a critical difference between “Unani Medicine” and its historical precursor and should be further examined in future. Since the history of Graeco-Islamic medicine in India is still in its beginnings and even the most important works have not yet been critically edited let alone thoroughly analysed, this paper does not present final conclusions, but rather aims at pointing to crucial problems and at stimulating a discussion. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

    Wie man mit Frauen fertig wird: Ein indo-persischer Ratgeber

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    Dieser Aufsatz stellt eine der umfangreichsten und schillerndsten Handschriften des beliebten indo-persischen Erotikratgebers Laẕẕat on-nesāʾ vor und zeigt dessen zentrales Anliegen sowie seinen originellen Lösungsansatz auf. Dabei wird ein genreübergreifender diskursiver Zusammenhang erkennbar, in dem Denktraditionen mehrerer Jahrhunderte zusammengeführt und transzendiert werden

    Viren und das Bakterium Bordetella bronchiseptica bei akuten respiratorischen Infektionen des Hundes

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    Satiety regulation in children with loss of control eating and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a test meal study

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    Children with loss of control (LOC) eating and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are at risk for excessive weight gain. However, it is unclear whether or not these children show disturbances in hunger and satiety regulation. The goal was to examine the food intake and sense of LOC over eating as well as LOC eating-related characteristics during test meal in children with LOC eating and ADHD. Children aged 8-13 y with LOC eating (n = 33), ADHD (n = 32), and matched healthy controls (n = 33), consumed a test meal consisting of their chosen lunch food, with the instruction to eat until feeling full. Sense of LOC over eating, desire to eat, feelings of hunger, and liking of food were repeatedly assessed during test meal. Children with LOC eating and ADHD did not show a higher food intake at maximum satiety compared to control children. Sense of LOC over eating was significantly higher in children with LOC eating compared to children with ADHD and matched controls. Secondary analyses revealed that children with LOC eating ate marginally faster than control children. Both children with LOC eating and ADHD reported greater desire to eat, feelings of hunger, and liking of food during test meal than control children. Even though the results did not reveal statistical evidence to support the assumption of a disturbed food intake in children with LOC eating and ADHD, LOC eating related characteristics were significantly higher in these children compared to the control children. Sense of LOC over eating was confirmed as a specific characteristic of LOC eating. The examination of behavioral indicators of hunger and satiety dysregulation should be complemented with physiological indicators in future research

    Cue reactivity, habituation, and eating in the absence of hunger in children with loss of control eating and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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    Objective: Childhood loss of control (LOC) eating and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are highly comorbid conditions and present with disordered eating behaviors, such as overeating. This study sought to delineate shared and specific abnormalities in physiological, cognitive-motivational, and behavioral components of food-specific impulsivity in children with LOC eating and ADHD. Specifically, children’s reactivity and habituation to food and eating in the absence of hunger were examined. Methods: Within this community-based study, four groups of 8-13 year old children with LOC eating (n=24), ADHD (n=32), comorbid LOC eating/ADHD (n=9), and matched controls (n=34) received a standard laboratory test meal to establish satiety and were then exposed to their favorite snack food in a cue exposure/reactivity trial, while salivation and desire to eat were repeatedly assessed. Subsequently, they were offered a variety of snack foods ad libitum. Results: Children with LOC eating, ADHD, and LOC/ADHD did not differ from controls in salivary reactivity and habituation to food cues. Children with LOC eating and ADHD showed greater cue reactivity of the desire to eat than controls, but groups did not differ in its longer-term increments. At free access, only children with LOC/ADHD consumed significantly more energy than controls. Longer-term increments of desire to eat predicted greater energy intake beyond LOC/ADHD group status. Discussion: Desire to eat among children with comorbid LOC eating and ADHD was associated with overeating in the absence of hunger, which may contribute to excess weight gain. Delineation of the specific features of childhood LOC eating versus ADHD warrants further study

    Kompetenzentwicklung und Bildungsentscheidungen im Vor- und Grundschulalter

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    "In den meisten soziologischen Theorien zu Bildungsungleichheiten gehen die Verfasser davon aus, dass unterschiedliche Schulleistungen vor allem Resultat unterschiedlicher familiärer Bedingungen im Hinblick auf kulturelles Kapital sind. Allerdings wird in neueren soziologischen Studien konzediert, dass Schulleistungen auch als Ergebnis der unterschiedlich ausgeprägten Kompetenzgefüge der Kinder zu betrachten sind. Wenn jedoch überhaupt Kompetenzparameter in quantitative soziologische Analysen einfließen, dann meist in Form von Schulnoten. Diese sind aber nicht unbedingt ein valider Indikator für die kindliche Kompetenzlage, sondern das Ergebnis eines längeren und komplexen Prozesses, in dem auch die Bedingungen in Familie, Kindergarten und Schule wirksam werden. Um die Herausbildung von schichtspezifischen Bildungswegen besser zu verstehen und abschätzen zu können, welcher Stellenwert den Kompetenzen der Kinder zukommt, ist es erforderlich, verschiedene Aspekte kindlicher Kompetenzen zu unterscheiden und diese über einen längeren Zeitraum in ihrer Abhängigkeit von familiären und institutionellen Bedingungen zu untersuchen. In enger Zusammenarbeit von SoziologInnen, PsychologInnen und PädagogInnen wendet sich das BiKS-Projekt derzeit diesen Fragen zu. In dem Vortrag stellen sie zunächst die theoretische Konzeption und das Design der BiKS-Studie vor. Sodann thematisieren sie die Frage, wie in der modernen psychologischen Kompetenzforschung der Gegensatz zwischen angeborenem Potential und Umwelteinflüssen diskutiert wird, und isolieren darauf aufbauend unterschiedliche Aspekte der kognitiven und sprachlichen Kompetenz. Danach präsentieren sie erste empirische Ergebnisse aus dem BiKS-Schullängsschnitt und stellen dar, ob und in welcher Weise kindliche Kompetenzen und Schulnoten mit den familiären Bedingungen kovariieren und auf die Formation von Bildungsentscheidungen einwirken." (Autorenreferat

    Ethyl pyruvate combats human leukemia cells but spares normal blood cells

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    Ethyl pyruvate, a known ROS scavenger and anti-inflammatory drug was found to combat leukemia cells. Tumor cell killing was achieved by concerted action of necrosis/apoptosis induction, ATP depletion, and inhibition of glycolytic and para-glycolytic enzymes. Ethyl lactate was less harmful to leukemia cells but was found to arrest cell cycle in the G0/G1 phase. Both, ethyl pyruvate and ethyl lactate were identified as new inhibitors of GSK-3β. Despite the strong effect of ethyl pyruvate on leukemia cells, human cognate blood cells were only marginally affected. The data were compiled by immune blotting, flow cytometry, enzyme activity assay and gene array analysis. Our results inform new mechanisms of ethyl pyruvate-induced cell death, offering thereby a new treatment regime with a high therapeutic window for leukemic tumors

    Rac GTPase Activating Protein ARHGAP25 Regulates Leukocyte Transendothelial Migration in Mice.

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    ARHGAP25 is a Rac-specific GTPase-activating protein that is expressed primarily in hematopoietic cells. The involvement of ARHGAP25 in regulating the recruitment of leukocytes to inflammatory sites was investigated in genetically modified mice. Using intravital microscopy, we show that Arhgap25 deficiency affects all steps of leukocyte recruitment with a predominant enhancement of transendothelial migration of neutrophilic granulocytes. Increased transmigration of Arhgap25-deficient leukocytes is demonstrated in inflamed cremaster muscle venules, in a peritonitis model, and in an in vitro chemotaxis assay. Using bone marrow chimeric mice lacking ARHGAP25 in the hematopoietic compartment, we show that enhanced migration in the absence of ARHGAP25 is due to defective leukocyte function. In search for potential mechanisms of ARHGAP25-regulated migration of neutrophils, we detected an increase in the amount of active, GTP-bound Rac and Rac-dependent cytoskeletal changes in the absence of ARHGAP25, suggesting a critical role of ARHGAP25 in counterbalancing the Rac-activating effect of nucleotide exchange factors. Taken together, using Arhgap25-deficient mice, we identified ARHGAP25 as a relevant negative regulator of leukocyte transendothelial migration

    BCL10-CARD11 Fusion Mimics an Active CARD11 Seed That Triggers Constitutive BCL10 Oligomerization and Lymphocyte Activation

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    Assembly of the CARD11/CARMA1-BCL10-MALT1 (CBM) signaling complex upon T or B cell antigen receptor (TCR or BCR) engagement drives lymphocyte activation. Recruitment of pre-assembled BCL10-MALT1 complexes to CARD11 fosters activation of the MALT1 protease and canonical NF-κB signaling. Structural data and in vitro assays have suggested that CARD11 acts as a seed that nucleates the assembly of BCL10 filaments, but the relevance of these findings for CBM complex assembly in cells remains unresolved. To uncouple cellular CARD11 recruitment of BCL10 and BCL10 filament assembly, we generated a BCL10-CARD11 fusion protein that links the C-terminus of BCL10 to the N-terminus of CARD11. When stably expressed in CARD11 KO Jurkat T cells, the BCL10-CARD11 fusion induced constitutive MALT1 activation. Furthermore, in CARD11 KO BJAB B cells, BCL10-CARD11 promoted constitutive NF-κB activation to a similar extent as CARD11 containing oncogenic driver mutations. Using structure-guided destructive mutations in the CARD11-BCL10 (CARD11 R35A) or BCL10-BCL10 (BCL10 R42E) interfaces, we demonstrate that chronic activation by the BCL10-CARD11 fusion protein was independent of the CARD11 CARD. However, activation strictly relied upon the ability of the BCL10 CARD to form oligomers. Thus, by combining distinct CARD mutations in the context of constitutively active BCL10-CARD11 fusion proteins, we provide evidence that BCL10-MALT1 recruitment to CARD11 and BCL10 oligomerization are interconnected processes, which bridge the CARD11 seed to downstream pathways in lymphocytes