336 research outputs found

    Polyelectrolytes in Solution - Recent Computer Simulations

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    We present a short overview over recent MD simulations of systems of fully flexible polyelectrolyte chains with explicitly treated counter ions using the full Coulomb potential. The main emphasis is given on the conformational properties of the polymers, with a short discussion on counter ion condensation.Comment: 10 pages, including 5 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 50th Yamada Conference on Polyelectrolytes, Inuyama, Japan (1998

    Detailed analysis of Rouse mode and dynamic scattering function of highly entangled polymer melts in equilibrium

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    We present large-scale molecular dynamics simulations for a coarse-grained model of polymer melts in equilibrium. From detailed Rouse mode analysis we show that the time-dependent relaxation of the autocorrelation function (ACF) of modes pp can be well described by the effective stretched exponential function due to the crossover from Rouse to reptation regime. The ACF is independent of chain sizes NN for N/p<NeN/p<N_e (NeN_e is the entanglement length), and there exists a minimum of the stretching exponent as N/p→NeN/p \rightarrow N_e. As N/pN/p increases, we verify the crossover scaling behavior of the effective relaxation time τeff,p\tau_{{\rm eff},p} from the Rouse regime to the reptation regime. We have also provided evidence that the incoherent dynamic scattering function follows the same crossover scaling behavior of the mean square displacement of monomers at the corresponding characteristic time scales. The decay of the coherent dynamic scattering function is slowed down and a plateau develops as chain sizes increase at the intermediate time and wave length scales. The tube diameter extracted from the coherent dynamic scattering function is equivalent to the previous estimate from the mean square displacement of monomers.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, to be published in EPJST special issue on "Phase transitions and critical phenomena" (2017

    Strongly Charged, Flexible Polyelectrolytes in Poor Solvents -- Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    We present a set of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of strongly charged, flexible polyelectrolyte chains under poor solvent conditions in a salt free solution. Structural properties of the chains and of the solutions are reported. By varying the polymer density and the electrostatic interaction strength we study the crossover from a dominating electrostatic interaction to the regime of strong screening, where the hydrophobic interactions dominate. During the crossover a multitude of structures is observed. In the limit of low polymer density strongly stretched, necklace like conformations are found. In the opposite limit of high polymer density which is equivalent to strongly screened electrostatic interactions, we find that the chains are extremely collapsed, however we observe no agglomeration or phase separation. The investigations show that the density of free charges is one of the relevant parameters which rules the behavior of the system and hence should be used as a parameter to explain experimental results.Comment: 42 pages, including 22 figures and 2 table

    Strong electrostatic interactions in spherical colloidal systems

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    We investigate spherical macroions in the strong Coulomb coupling regime within the primitive model in salt-free environment. We first show that the ground state of an isolated colloid is naturally overcharged by simple electrostatic arguments illustrated by the Gillespie rule. We furthermore demonstrate that in the strong Coulomb coupling this mechanism leads to ionized states and thus to long range attractions between like-charged spheres. We use molecular dynamics simulations to study in detail the counterion distribution for one and two highly charged colloids for the ground state as well as for finite temperatures. We compare our results in terms of a simple version of a Wigner crystal theory and find excellent qualitative and quantitative agreement.Comment: 30 pages and 17 PS figures. REVTEX. Minor changes. To appear in Phys Rev

    Efficient potential of mean force calculation from multiscale simulations: solute insertion in a lipid membrane

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    The determination of potentials of mean force for solute insertion in a membrane by means of all-atom molecular dynamics simulations is often hampered by sampling issues. A multiscale approach to conformational sampling was recently proposed by Bereau and Kremer (2016). It aims at accelerating the sampling of the atomistic conformational space by means of a systematic backmapping of coarse-grained snapshots. In this work, we first analyze the efficiency of this method by comparing its predictions for propanol insertion into a 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine membrane (DMPC) against reference atomistic simulations. The method is found to provide accurate results with a gain of one order of magnitude in computational time. We then investigate the role of the coarse-grained representation in affecting the reliability of the method in the case of a 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine membrane (DOPC). We find that the accuracy of the results is tightly connected to the presence a good configurational overlap between the coarse-grained and atomistic models---a general requirement when developing multiscale simulation methods.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Like-Charge Colloid-Polyelectrolyte Complexation

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    We investigate the complexation of a highly charged sphere with a long flexible polyelectrolyte, \textit{both negatively charged} in salt free environment. Electroneutrality is insured by the presence of divalent counterions. Using molecular dynamics (MD) within the framework of the primitive model, we consider different Coulomb coupling regimes. At strong Coulomb coupling we find that the adsorbed chain is always confined to the colloidal surface but forms different conformations that depend on the linear charge density of the chain. A mechanism involving the polyelectrolyte \textit{overcharging} is proposed to explain these structures. At intermediate Coulomb coupling, the chain conformation starts to become three-dimensional, and we observe multilayering of the highly charged chain while for lower charge density the chain wraps around the colloid. At weak Coulomb coupling, corresponding to an aqueous solvent, we still find like-charge complexation. In this latter case the chain conformation exhibits loops.Comment: 18 pages, 13 (main) eps figures, RevTeX4, submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Effect of colloidal charge discretization in the primitive model

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    The effect of fixed discrete colloidal charges in the primitive model is investigated for spherical macroions. Instead of considering a central bare charge, as it is traditionally done, we distribute \textit{discrete} charges randomly on the sphere. We use molecular dynamics simulations to study this effect on various properties such as overcharging, counterion distribution and diffusion. In the vicinity of the colloid surface the electrostatic potential may considerably differ from the one obtained with a central charge. In the strong Coulomb coupling, we showed that the colloidal charge discretization qualitatively influences the counterion distribution and leads to a strong colloidal charge-counterion pair association. However, we found that \textit{charge inversion} still persists even if strong pair association is observed.Comment: 16 pages, 16 ps figures, REVTEX, accepted for publication in EPJ

    Relative Resolution: A Multipole Approximation at Appropriate Distances

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    Recently, we introduced Relative Resolution as a hybrid formalism for fluid mixtures [1]. The essence of this approach is that it switches molecular resolution in terms or relative separation: While nearest neighbors are characterized by a detailed fine-grained model, other neighbors are characterized by a simplified coarse-grained model. Once the two models are analytically connected with each other via energy conservation, Relative Resolution can capture the structural and thermal behavior of (nonpolar) multi-component and multi-phase systems across state space. The current work is a natural continuation of our original communication [1]. Most importantly, we present the comprehensive mathematics of Relative Resolution, basically casting it as a multipole approximation at appropriate distances; the current set of equations importantly applies for all systems (e.g, polar molecules). Besides, we continue examining the capability of our multiscale approach in molecular simulations, importantly showing that we can successfully retrieve not just the statics but also the dynamics of liquid systems. We finally conclude by discussing how Relative Resolution is the inherent variant of the famous "cell-multipole" approach for molecular simulations
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