58 research outputs found


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    AMELIA KURNIAWATI, THE CORRELATION BETWEEN PRICE AND PRODUCT QUALITY WITH CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OF TRI CARD USERS STUDY PROGRAM OF COMMERCE EDUCATION, FACULTY OF ECONOMICS IN STATE UNIVERSITY OF JAKARTA. Skripsi, Jakarta: Study Program of Commerce Education, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, June 2016. The research was conducted at State University of Jakarta, East Jakarta, for five months from February 2016 till June 2016. The research method used is survey method with correlational approach. Population in this reseacrh is student commerce education studies program of State University of Jakarta. The technique which is used gathering the sample was purposive sampling about 89 respondents. To capture data from these three variabels are use questionnaire of likert scale models for Price (X1 Variable), Product Quality (X2 Variable) and Customer Satisfaction (Y Variable). Before the instrument is used tested the validity for variable X1, X2 dan Y. For variable X1 from 31 statements there are 26 points valid, for variable X2 from 26 statements there are 21 points valid, and for variable Y from 31 statements there are 25 points valid. Relliability calculation of both variables using Alpha Cronbach fromula. The results of the variable X1 are 0,905, varible X2 are 0,907 and variable Y are 0,921. The results prove that the instrument is reliable. The resulting regression equations Ŷ = 11,952 + 0,399X1 + 0,451X2. From test significance regression produces Fhitung > Ftabel wich is 19,242 > 3,10 the meaning is the regression equations is significant. Then perfomed the test significance corrlelation coefficient using the t test and the resulting thitung X1-Y = 2,979 dan ttabel = 1,66 serta thitung X2-Y = 4,547 dan ttabel = 1,66. Correlation coefficient of Pearson Product Moment generating rxy = 0,556. It can be concluded that the correlation coefficient rxy = 0,634 is significant. The coefficient of determination obtained for 30,9% which shows that 30,9% of the variation of customer satisfaction determined by price perception and product quality


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    Analisis Kesulitas Membaca Siswa Kelas I Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Mamba’us Sholihin Suci Manyar

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji tantangan yang dihadapi dalam proses membaca. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kelas satu pada semester gasal tahun pelajaran 2022/2023 di SD Mambaus Sholihin. Pertanyaan penelitian berkisar pada mengidentifikasi hambatan khusus yang dihadapi siswa dan faktor yang menghambat kemajuan membaca mereka di kelas satu Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Mambaus Sholihin. Pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif digunakan untuk penelitian ini. Berbagai teknik pengumpulan data digunakan, termasuk observasi, wawancara, tes kinerja, dan dokumentasi. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam perkembangan membaca mereka. Tantangan�tantangan ini terutama terlihat di kalangan siswa kelas satu di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Mambaus Sholihin. Masalah utama yang teridentifikasi adalah adanya siswa yang kesulitan membaca. Tantangan yang dihadapi oleh siswa mencakup berbagai masalah, seperti kurangnya pengenalan huruf, kesulitan mengartikan kata-kata yang bermakna, mengabaikan tanda baca, kurangnya kelancaran membaca, dan kesulitan memahami isi dari apa yang mereka baca atau dengarkan. Pada kasus siswa kelas I Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Mambaus Sholihin terdapat beberapa faktor yang menghambat perkembangan membaca awal mereka, antara lain hambatan psikologis, hambatan lingkungan, dan keterbatasan yang disebabkan oleh keadaan ekonomi keluarga

    Analisis Kesulitas Membaca Siswa Kelas I Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Mamba’us Sholihin Suci Manyar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Menganalisis kesulitan membaca. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kelas I semester ganjil tahun 2022/2023 yang bertempat di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Mambaus Sholihin. Rumusan masalah ini yaitu apa saja kesulitan-kesulitan yang dialami oleh siswa serta faktor apa saja yang menghambat siswa dalam pembelajaran membaca di kelas I Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Mambaus Sholihin. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa cara, yaitu observasi, wawancara, Tes Performance dan Dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam pembelajaran membaca. Kesulitan yang dialami oleh siswa kelas I Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Mambaus Sholihin. Masalah tersebut yaitu adanya siswa yang mengalami kesulitan dalam pembelajaran membaca. Kesulitan yang di alami oleh siswa diantaranya yaitu belum mengenal huruf, membaca kata bermakna, tidak memperhatikan tanda baca, tidak lancar dalam membaca, dan tidak memahami isi bacaan, menyimak pemahaman pendengar. Adapun beberapa faktor penghambat siswa kelas I Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Mambaus Sholihin.dalam pembelajaran membaca permulaan diantaranya yaitu, faktor psikologis, lingkungan, dan ekonomi keluarga

    Knowledge Management System Implementation Readiness Measurement in PDII LIPI Based on People and Organizational Structure Factors

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    AbstractKnowledge is a fluid mix of framed experience, values, contextual information, and expert insight that provides a framework to create value in organization and give competitive advantage. When that key individual leave organization, knowledge will disappear and the competitive advantage of the organization will be lost. Knowledge Management System (KMS) is information system that applied to manage organizational knowledge by supporting and enhancing the organizational process of knowledge creation, storage/retrieval, transfer and application. In the implementation of Knowledge Management System, organization requires significant amount of arrangement such as organization structure and people.This research will be calculating readiness level of KMS implementation in PDII LIPI based on people and organization structure concepts with questionnaire data and analytical hierarchy process for priority weighting. KMS readiness is expressed in Aydin and Tasci scale. Output of this research will be used to evaluate and gave recommendation for PDII LIPI to implement KMS. From questionnaire processing, People and organization structure score are 3.272 and 2.818 so the conclusion for both factors is in the level of ‘not ready need some work’. From analytical hierarchy process, knowledge management system implementation readiness concept's priority weight is extracted. The concept of people (84.6%) is more important than organization structure (15.4%)

    Pengelompokkan Profil Work Readiness Mahasiswa Teknik Industri Universitas Telkom Menggunakan Data Mining Berbasis Algoritma K-Means Clustering

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    This study aims to formulate a group of student work readiness profiles. Based on this profile, students' readiness to work will be identified. Grouping is done using data mining based on the k-means clustering algorithm. The work readiness profile group consists of student skills or abilities based on Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Oral Communications, Written Communications, Teamwork/Collaboration, Diversity, Information Technology Application, Leadership, Lifelong Learning/Self Direction, and Professionalism / Work Ethics. The case study of grouping the profile of work readiness of students is carried out in the Industrial Engineering Study Program of Telkom University with the number of respondents 191 students in the class of 2014 who are currently taking level IV lectures. Based on the results of grouping by dividing into 9 clusters, it was identified that students who met the criteria as students were ready to succeed in work in cluster 7. The number of students in cluster 7 was 50 students with good academic skills, but less active in student activities in the field of reasoning and culture, while the work readiness tends to be very good. The highest work readiness score for cluster 7 is in Lifelong Learning/Self Direction and Teamwork/Collaboration capabilities. Oral Communications, and Leadership which are the benchmarks of student readiness in a career. Further research can be done by identifying groups of work readiness profiles for students at various levels so that they can be used as a reference for designing programs to improve work readiness that varies for each level

    Tacit Knowledge Sharing for Individual Innovation Capability at Indonesian SMI

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    Knowledge sharing is an asset for industrial organizations. These assets play a key role in global competition. Especially in increasing the innovation capacity of Small and Medium Industries (IKM). In this case innovation means introducing new products, making qualitative changes to existing products, introducing new processes in industrial organizations, creating new markets, and developing new sources of raw materials or other inputs. Much knowledge is stored in individuals, which is called tacit knowledge. Sharing tacit knowledge among individuals associated with industry organizations can increase the capacity of innovation previously explained. This study analyzes the relationship between sharing tacit knowledge and organizational innovation capabilities. Certain SMI employees located in Semarang, Central Java were the respondents for this study. Opinions as many as 45 members of each IKM have been analyzed using the hypothesis testing method. Through this research, it is shown that the level of sharing of tacit knowledge influences IKM's innovation ability

    Model Penerimaan Petani terhadap Teknologi Sistem Pertanian Organik di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

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    Abstract. The survey result of Indonesian Organic Alliance (AOI) shows that there were 40% increasing of organic food consumer during 2012 to 2013. This condition indicates that the availability of organic product should be increased. The purpose of this research is to develop a model which describes the factors that affect the farmers’ intention on implementing organic farming technology, especially in Tasikmalaya, Indonesia, and to identify the influence of perceived usefulness toward the attitude in implementing organic farming technology. The factors influencing farmers’ intention are identified through understanding about the influence of attitude, subjective norm, and behavioral control. Research model testing was conducted using the approach of Partial Least Square (PLS) with sample data obtained through interviews with 81 organic farmers in Tasikmalaya, West Java. The result of this research shows that perceived usefulness construct is significantly influence farmer’s attitude towards organic farming. Moreover, attitude, subjective norm, and behavioral control are also significantly influenced towards farmer’s intention to organic farming.Keywords: Acceptance of Technology, Theory of Planned Behavior, Theory of Acceptance Model, Organic Farming, Farmer’s Intention Abstrak. Hasil survei Aliansi Organis Indonesia (AOI) menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan konsumen pangan organic sebesar 40% pada periode 2012 hingga 2013. Kondisi tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa produksi hasil pertanian organik perlu ditingkatkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memodelkan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi niat petani terhadap implementasi teknologi pertanian organik khususnya di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, Indonesia, dan mengidentifikasi pengaruh keuntungan yang dirasakan terhadap sikap dalam mengimplementasikan teknologi pertanian organik. Faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap niat petani diidentifikasi melalui pemahaman mengenai pengaruh sikap, norma subjektif, dan kontrol perilaku. Pengujian model penelitian dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan Partial Least Square (PLS) dengan data sampel diperoleh dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap 81 petani organik di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. Hasil dari pengujian model menunjukkan bahwa konstruk keuntungan secara signifikan memengaruhi sikap. Selain itu, konstruk sikap, norma subjektif, dan kontrol perilaku secara signifikan memengaruhi niat petani dalam penerimaan teknologi pertanian organik.Kata kunci: Penerimaan Teknologi, Theory of Planned Behavior, Theory of Acceptance Model, Pertanian Organik, Niat PetaniÂ

    Pengelompokkan Profil Work Readiness Mahasiswa Teknik Industri Universitas Telkom Menggunakan Data Mining Berbasis Algoritma K-Means Clustering

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    This study aims to formulate a group of student work readiness profiles. Based on this profile, students' readiness to work will be identified. Grouping is done using data mining based on the k-means clustering algorithm. The work readiness profile group consists of student skills or abilities based on Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Oral Communications, Written Communications, Teamwork/Collaboration, Diversity, Information Technology Application, Leadership, Lifelong Learning/Self Direction, and Professionalism / Work Ethics. The case study of grouping the profile of work readiness of students is carried out in the Industrial Engineering Study Program of Telkom University with the number of respondents 191 students in the class of 2014 who are currently taking level IV lectures. Based on the results of grouping by dividing into 9 clusters, it was identified that students who met the criteria as students were ready to succeed in work in cluster 7. The number of students in cluster 7 was 50 students with good academic skills, but less active in student activities in the field of reasoning and culture, while the work readiness tends to be very good. The highest work readiness score for cluster 7 is in Lifelong Learning/Self Direction and Teamwork/Collaboration capabilities. Oral Communications, and Leadership which are the benchmarks of student readiness in a career. Further research can be done by identifying groups of work readiness profiles for students at various levels so that they can be used as a reference for designing programs to improve work readiness that varies for each level
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