115 research outputs found

    Ложка для людей с тремором рук

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    Болезнь Паркинсона вызвана прогрессирующим разрушением и гибелью нейронов, вырабатывающих нейромедиатор дофамин. Из-за этого нарушается регуляция движений и мышечного тонуса, что проявляется характерным тремором, общей скованностью и нарушением позы и движений. Для паркинсонизма характерен тремор, возникающий в покое. Авторы разработали ложку для людей с болезнью Паркинсона, позволяющую держать её содержимое в неподвижном состоянии при воздействие на нее тремором рук

    Russian Expatriate Community in A.V. Antoshin’s Monograph “Russian Emigrants in Terms of “Cold War” (Middle 1940s – Middle 1960s)”: Establishment, Political Activity, Relation with the USSR

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    The review considers A.V. Antoshin’s monograph “Russian Emigrants in Terms of “Cold War” (Middle 1940s – Middle 1960s)”. Special attention is attached to the problem, concerned with the second wave of emigration. The article analyses the process of Soviet citizens repatriation after the World War II, considers the issues, concerned with the political activities of Russian expatriate community, propaganda efforts of People’s Labor Union and other emigration organizations

    Resi2 Rick: Flood Resistance and Resilience in Ricklingen, Hanover (Germany)

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    This paper explores how factors of flood resistance and resilience are addressed within the development of an area in Ricklingen, a hydro-geologically vulnerable district in the southwest of Hanover. The already existing dyke as a flood control and resistance measure offers protection against fluvial floods but does not offer protection for pluvial or flash floods and further intensification of extreme weather events. In order to adapt to climate change, this paper proposes the establishment of ditches that relieve stress from the drainage system and ponds and green roofs to evacuate intense rainfalls. The City of Hanover has already established a transparent information base on flood precaution, response and recovery and initiated a funding programme for roof and facade greening and land reclamation. In addition to these measures, this proposal foresees awareness-raising campaigns, resilience meetings and supplemental incentive schemes to encourage civil initiatives and actions such as small retention basins on private property. Besides, the high recreational value of the landscape should be further strengthened to support a close connection between people and nature

    New Insights into Dissipation in the Electron Layer During Magnetic Reconnection

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    Detailed comparisons are reported between laboratory observations of electron-scale dissipation layers near a reconnecting X-line and direct two-dimensional full-particle simulations. Many experimental features of the electron layers, such as insensitivity to the ion mass, are reproduced by the simulations; the layer thickness, however, is about 3-5 times larger than the predictions. Consequently, the leading candidate 2D mechanism based on collisionless electron nongyrotropic pressure is insufficient to explain the observed reconnection rates. These results suggest that, in addition to the residual collisions, 3D effects play an important role in electron-scale dissipation during fast reconnection.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Use of biological activity index for determination of the oil polluted area meant for remediation

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    Determination of the total petroleum hydrocarbons content and the Integrated microbial Indexes of soil was carried out on the territory of oil spill divided on the 27 plots, it was revealed that the area subjected to recultlvation determined on the base of chemical data should be extended about two times taking Into consideration the biological data. The law biological Indexes of the soil require the application of the remediation activities led to the stimulation of indigenous microorganisms for enhancement of hydrocarbons degradation

    Mid-infrared two photon absorption sensitivity of commercial detectors

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    We report on broad-band two-photon absorption (TPA) in several commercially available MIR inter-band bulk semiconductor photodetectors with the spectral cutoff in the range of 4.5–6 μm. The highest TPA responsivity of 2x10‾⁵ A−mm²/W² is measured for a nitrogen-cooled InSb photovoltaic detector. Its performance as a two-photon detector is validated by measuring the secondorder interferometric autocorrelation function of a multimode quantum cascade laser emitting at the wavelength of 8 μm

    Changes in surface properties of PI/WO₂ сoatings after vacuum ultraviolet irradiation

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    This paper presents the results of a study on the effects of deep vacuum and vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) irradiation on polymer сoatings based on thermoplastic polyimide (PI) and tungsten oxide (WO₂

    Synthesis of PI/POSS nanocomposite films based on track nuclear membranes and assessment of their resistance to oxygen plasma flow

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    This work presents, for the first time, data on the possibility of synthesizing polyimide nanocomposite films based on track nuclear membranes and organosiloxane (polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes) POSS structures. The synthesis of the nanocomposite films was carried out by filling the tracks of a polyimide membrane with POSS structures under hydrothermal conditions in a high-pressure reactor. The surface and mechanical characteristics of the developed nanocomposite films were studied, and the results of their resistance to the flow of oxygen plasma are presente

    Using ontology in scientific and technological forecasting

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    The case is made and proposals are drawn for the development of ontologies of scientific and technological forecasting to secure national interests based on the descriptions of expertise in the forecast domain and the methodology of concept maps. Concept maps of scientific and technological advances are visualised and applicability is described for ontological methods in scientific and technological forecasting, as well as the specifics of automation. The novel contribution of the research findings consists in the authors' systemic and comprehensive approach in describing the ontological principles of scientific and technological forecasting to secure national interests. This eliminates the ambiguity in approaches and conceptualisations of the processes of scientific and technological forecasting. The proposed ontological system of scientific and technological forecasting to secure national interests offers a systemic approach to forecast development and uniform interpretations of the concepts involved. All that would doubtlessly contribute to quality forecasting