6 research outputs found

    Analisis Bibliometrik dalam Penelitian Bidang Pendidikan: Teori dan Implementasi

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    Bibliometrics is an analysis method that uses Mathematical and statistical tools to measure the interrelationships and impact of publications in a particular research area. Bibliometric analysis is a popular method used to analyze large amounts of scientific data and this analysis is rigorous in nature with the aim of exploring that data. The use of this analysis in research allows researchers to uncover the evolutionary nuances of a particular field, while highlighting emerging areas in that field, including the field of education. In this paper, the researcher will use a type of literature research or literature review with the descriptive research method, which is to describe regularly and in detail the data obtained related to the bibliometric method, so that finally the readers get a clear understanding of the descriptions and explanations presented. The focus of this study is on the fundamental question in research methodology, which is what is bibliometric analysis and how is it used in education research? What are the key metrics and indicators used in bibliometric analysis for education research? What are the challenges and limitations associated with using bibliometric analysis in education research? And the final question is what are the best practices for conducting bibliometric analysis in education research

    Realitas Virtual Dan Penelitian Pendidikan Dasar: Tren Saat Ini dan Arah Masa Depan

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    This research explores the utilization of virtual reality (VR) in educational settings and examines current trends, future directions, benefits, and challenges associated with its implementation. The purpose of this library research is to provide an overview of the existing literature on VR and educational research, highlighting the potential of VR technology to enhance traditional teaching methods and improve student engagement, motivation, and learning outcomes. The method used for this research is a comprehensive review and analysis of relevant scholarly articles, books, and reports from academic databases and libraries. The results indicate that VR has been utilized in educational research to create immersive and interactive learning experiences, personalize instruction, bridge the gap between abstract concepts and concrete understanding, and foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills. VR also presents challenges such as cost, accessibility, curriculum integration, teacher training, technical limitations, health and safety concerns, privacy, and ethics. However, the research concludes that with careful planning, adequate resources, and proper support, VR has the potential to revolutionize education and prepare students for a technologically advanced future. Further research and innovation in areas such as immersion, AI integration, collaboration, assessment, accessibility, and ethics are recommended to fully leverage the benefits of VR in educational settings


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    Fiqh memiliki peran penting bagi kehidupan seorang muslim. Ia menjadi salah satu pondasi dalam amaliyah dengan mengafirmasi bagaimana seorang muslim bersikap dengan kategori halal, haram, mubah, makruh, dan lain sebagainya. Dalam diskursus untuk siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, ilmu Fiqh merupakan ilmu yang harus dipelajari sejak dini karena  ia menjadi pondasi awal  pemahaman anak muslim dalam bersikap dengan memahami yang mana yang terpuji dan dicintai Allah, dan mana sikap atau langkah yang tidak sesuai dengan koridor ajaran Islam. Dalam barometer signifikansi, prinsip keilmuan Syar’iyyah merupakan materi doktriner  yang urgen untuk dihayati namun dilain pihak pilihan materi yang dijadikan pegangan dalam proses pembelajaran juga menjadi hal krusial untuk dikaji terlebih dalam fenomena stereotip seksisme yang dalam penyampaian agama cenderung berfaham male chauvinists. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Kompetensi Inti dan Kompetensi Dasar mata pelajaran Fiqh Madrasah Ibtidaiyah dengan melihat (1) potensi konten yang seksisme dan bias gender, dan (2) nilai-nilai yang dioptimalkan/dikembangkan dalam rangka mengembangkan semangat responsif gender di dalam skop Fiqh Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library reseach) Data yang diperoleh dianalisis berdasarkan tiga sudut model, yakni model kognisis sosial Teun A. Van Dijk untuk perspektif relasi gender, model feminis Sara Mills untuk perspektif posisi, dan model perubahan sosial Norman Fairlough untuk perspektif konten. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, kata kerja operasional ranah sikap dan pengetahuan memberi semangat responsif gender, sedangkan ranah psikomotorik (keterampilan) bisa lebih dioptimalisasikan ke arah segi posisi, konten, dan representasi feminis di dalam ilmu Syar’iyyah, yaitu nilai muqaranah dengan perspektif komparasi, nilai wasathiyyah dengan menekankan pada pendapat yang inklusif, nilai sensitive gender dengan  memunculkan potensi positif, nilai musawah (persamaan) dengan kesadaran karakteristik yang berbeda, dan nilai androgini tanpa mengaburkan identitas diri peserta didik


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    The purpose of this study is to provide an illustration of the implementation resultof the learning design of character education courses based on a humanistic approach. This approach is used in order to provide atmospheric process of learning activities by providing stimulus to students as subjects in the learning process to acquire skills, knowledge, values and attitudes that are able to bring self-awareness as a person. Previously, researcher have conducted development research to produce design of character education course based on humanistic approach. In this study, the research method used was a survey, in which researcher cited describing the results of the implementation of the learning process in the character education course based on a humanistic approach at UIN Antasari Banjarmasin in 2017 majoring in Islamic Madrasah Teacher Education, with 72 samples. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the design of character education courses based on the humanistic approach that has been designed previously, it is known that in 5 times learning processes, 75% of students feel that they have experienced the development of their inner values, 80% feel that each of them knows themselves more deeply than the past, and 87% felt that they had a clearer purpose in life, and 89% said that their inner potential could be more explored and more deep after do sequence of value project and activities. In general, there is an increase values and attitudes in students by 40%, to 75% -89%, where previously only at the percentage of 35-63%.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan ilustrasi hasil imeplementasi dari desain pembelajaran mata kuliah pendidikan karakter berbasis pendekatan humanistik. Pendekatan ini digunakan dalam rangka menyediakan atmospher proses kegiatan belajar dengan mmeberikan stimulus kepada mahasiswa sebagai subjek dalam proses pembelajaran untuk memperoleh keterampilan, pengetahuan, nilai dan sikap yang mampu membawa perubhan kesadaraan diri sebagai pribadi. Sebelumnya peneliti telah mengadakan penelitian research and development untuk menghasilkan desain perkuliahan pendidikan karakter berbasis pendekatan humanistik. Dalam penelitian kali ini, metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survey , di mana peneliti mencoa menggambarkan hasil hasil implementasi proses pembelajaran dalam mata kuliah pendidikan karakter berbasis pendekatan humanistik di UIN Antasari Banjarmasin tahun 2016-2017 di jurusan Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiayah, dengan 72 sampel. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui dengan desain perkuliahan pendidikan karakter berbasis pendekatan humanistik yang telah dirancanng sebelumnya, diketahui bahwa dalam 16 kali proses pemelajaran, 75% mahasiswa merasa telah mengalami perkembangan nilai dalam dirinya, 80% merasa bahwa masisng-masing dirinya mengenal diri mereka sendiri lebih dalam dari sebelumnya, dan 87% merasa bahwa mereka memiliki tujuan hidup yang lebih jelas, dan 89% menyatakan bahwa potensi di dalam dirinya lebih bisa dieksporasi lebih dalam setelah ada kegiatan project nilai. Secara general, ada peningkatan nilai dan sikap berbasis humanistik dalam diri mahasiswa sebesar 40%, menjadi 75%-89%, di mana sebelumnya hanya berada pada nilai persetase 35-63%

    Mediating Role of Teachers’ Self-Efficacy and Psychological Capital in determining Success during Learning Transition Periods in Vocational Education

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    Polemics on the low quality of teaching and learning outcomes during the period of transition from online to offline learning is an issue that must be addressed by vocational education institutions. This study aims to analyze the effects of retraining and teaching experience on successful learning outcomes during the transition period, either directly or through the involvement of self-efficacy and psychological capital as mediators. An ex-post-facto study that adopted a research design from Cohen, Lawrence & Keith (2011) was carried out with a sample of 247 vocational education teachers in Indonesia. Data on all variables were collected through a closed questionnaire method based on a four-point Likert-scale. The data were then analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis techniques with path analysis and bootstrap methods. The results of the study reveal that retraining and teaching experience have a significant effect on the success of learning outcomes during the transition between online and offline teaching methods in vocational education. There is a significant indirect effect of the two exogenous variables through the mediating involvement of self-efficacy and psychological capital. In Vocational education it is very important to organize the retraining that is needed among teachers to improve the quality of learning in the learning transition period, in addition to providing more teaching experiences to strengthen self-efficacy and provide sufficient psychological capital so that the quality of learning outcomes can be enhanced and sustained