8 research outputs found

    Probing a Kondo correlated quantum dot with spin spectroscopy

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    We investigate Kondo effect and spin blockade observed on a many-electron quantum dot and study the magnetic field dependence. At lower fields a pronounced Kondo effect is found which is replaced by spin blockade at higher fields. In an intermediate regime both effects are visible. We make use of this combined effect to gain information about the internal spin configuration of our quantum dot. We find that the data cannot be explained assuming regular filling of electronic orbitals. Instead spin polarized filling seems to be probable.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    A Schottky top-gated two-dimensional electron system in a nuclear spin free Si/SiGe heterostructure

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    We report on the realization and top-gating of a two-dimensional electron system in a nuclear spin free environment using 28Si and 70Ge source material in molecular beam epitaxy. Electron spin decoherence is expected to be minimized in nuclear spin-free materials, making them promising hosts for solid-state based quantum information processing devices. The two-dimensional electron system exhibits a mobility of 18000 cm2/Vs at a sheet carrier density of 4.6E11 cm-2 at low temperatures. Feasibility of reliable gating is demonstrated by transport through split-gate structures realized with palladium Schottky top-gates which effectively control the two-dimensional electron system underneath. Our work forms the basis for the realization of an electrostatically defined quantum dot in a nuclear spin free environment.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Asymmetric nonlinear response of the quantized Hall effect

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    An asymmetric breakdown of the integer quantized Hall effect (IQHE) is investigated. This rectification effect is observed as a function of the current value and its direction in conjunction with an asymmetric lateral confinement potential defining the Hall bar. Our electrostatic definition of the Hall bar via Schottky gates allows a systematic control of the steepness of the confinement potential at the edges of the Hall bar. A softer edge (flatter confinement potential) results in more stable Hall plateaus, i.e. a breakdown at a larger current density. For one soft and one hard edge, the breakdown current depends on its direction, resembling rectification. This nonlinear magneto-transport effect confirms the predictions of an emerging screening theory of the IQHE.ISSN:1367-263

    Asymmetric nonlinear response of the quantized Hall effect

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    An asymmetric breakdown of the integer quantized Hall effect (IQHE) is investigated. This rectification effect is observed as a function of the current value and its direction in conjunction with an asymmetric lateral confinement potential defining the Hall bar. Our electrostatic definition of the Hall bar via Schottky gates allows a systematic control of the steepness of the confinement potential at the edges of the Hall bar. A softer edge (flatter confinement potential) results in more stable Hall plateaus, i.e. a breakdown at a larger current density. For one soft and one hard edge, the breakdown current depends on its direction, resembling rectification. This nonlinear magnetotransport effect confirms the predictions of an emerging screening theory of the IQHE

    Asymmetric nonlinear response of the quantized Hall effect

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    An asymmetric break-down of the integer quantized Hall effect is investigated. This rectification effect is observed as a function of the current value and its direction in conjunction with an asymmetric lateral confinement potential defining the Hall-bar. Our electrostatic definition of the Hall-bar via Schottky-gates allows a systematic control of the steepness of the confinement potential at the edges of the Hall-bar. A softer edge (flatter confinement potential) results in more stable Hall-plateaus, i.e. a break-down at a larger current density. For one soft and one hard edge the break-down current depends on the current direction, resembling rectification. This non-linear magneto-transport effect confirms the predictions of an emerging screening theory of the IQHE.Comment: 4 Pages, 4 Figure