35 research outputs found

    Generation of flavors and fragrances through biotransformation and de novo synthesis

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    Flavors and fragrances are the result of the presence of volatile and non-volatile compounds, appreciated mostly by the sense of smell once they usually have pleasant odors. They are used in perfumes and perfumed products, as well as for the flavoring of foods and beverages. In fact the ability of the microorganisms to produce flavors and fragrances has been described for a long time, but the relationship between the flavor formation and the microbial growth was only recently established. After that, efforts have been put in the analysis and optimization of food fermentations that led to the investigation of microorganisms and their capacity to produce flavors and fragrances, either by de novo synthesis or biotransformation. In this review, we aim to resume the recent achievements in the production of the most relevant flavors by bioconversion/biotransformation or de novo synthesis, its market value, prominent strains used, and their production rates/maximum concentrations.We would like to thank the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469 unit, COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145FEDER-006684), and BiotecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020—Programa Operacional Regional do Norte.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    MIBiG 3.0 : a community-driven effort to annotate experimentally validated biosynthetic gene clusters

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    With an ever-increasing amount of (meta)genomic data being deposited in sequence databases, (meta)genome mining for natural product biosynthetic pathways occupies a critical role in the discovery of novel pharmaceutical drugs, crop protection agents and biomaterials. The genes that encode these pathways are often organised into biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs). In 2015, we defined the Minimum Information about a Biosynthetic Gene cluster (MIBiG): a standardised data format that describes the minimally required information to uniquely characterise a BGC. We simultaneously constructed an accompanying online database of BGCs, which has since been widely used by the community as a reference dataset for BGCs and was expanded to 2021 entries in 2019 (MIBiG 2.0). Here, we describe MIBiG 3.0, a database update comprising large-scale validation and re-annotation of existing entries and 661 new entries. Particular attention was paid to the annotation of compound structures and biological activities, as well as protein domain selectivities. Together, these new features keep the database up-to-date, and will provide new opportunities for the scientific community to use its freely available data, e.g. for the training of new machine learning models to predict sequence-structure-function relationships for diverse natural products. MIBiG 3.0 is accessible online at https://mibig.secondarymetabolites.org/

    Discovery of l-threonine transaldolases for enhanced biosynthesis of beta-hydroxylated amino acids

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    Abstract Beta-hydroxy non-standard amino acids (ÎČ-OH-nsAAs) have utility as small molecule drugs, precursors for beta-lactone antibiotics, and building blocks for polypeptides. While the L-threonine transaldolase (TTA), ObiH, is a promising enzyme for ÎČ-OH-nsAA biosynthesis, little is known about other natural TTA sequences. We ascertained the specificity of the TTA enzyme class more comprehensively by characterizing 12 candidate TTA gene products across a wide range (20-80%) of sequence identities. We found that addition of a solubility tag substantially enhanced the soluble protein expression level within this difficult-to-express enzyme family. Using an optimized coupled enzyme assay, we identified six TTAs, including one with less than 30% sequence identity to ObiH that exhibits broader substrate scope, two-fold higher L-Threonine (L-Thr) affinity, and five-fold faster initial reaction rates under conditions tested. We harnessed these TTAs for first-time bioproduction of ÎČ-OH-nsAAs with handles for bio-orthogonal conjugation from supplemented precursors during aerobic fermentation of engineered Escherichia coli, where we observed that higher affinity of the TTA for L-Thr increased titer. Overall, our work reveals an unexpectedly high level of sequence diversity and broad substrate specificity in an enzyme family whose members play key roles in the biosynthesis of therapeutic natural products that could benefit from chemical diversification