17 research outputs found

    Екогеографічні детермінанти екологічної ніші ваточника сирійського (Asclepias syriaca) на основі індексів знімків дистанційного зондування Землі

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    Установлено закономірності варіювання значень вегетаційних індексів, одержаних за допомогою даних дистанційного зондування Землі залежно від геоморфологічних предикторів і розмірів сільськогосподарських полів експериментального полігону в межах Полтавської області. Визначено можливості застосування вегетаційних індексів як екогеографічних детермінантів екологічної ніші ваточника сирійського (Asclepias syriaca L.) та інших бур’янів. На основі знімків земної поверхні 23 березня та 27 серпня 2015 р. сенсором Operational Land Imager (OLI), установленим на супутнику Landsat 8, розраховано вегетаційні індекси (AC-Index, Hydrothermal Composite, NDTI, NDVI, VI, MNDW, LSWI, NBR, M15). Одержану інформацію піддано аналізу головних компонент, а встановлені головні компоненти інтерпретовано за допомогою регресійного аналізу, в якому як предиктори виступали геоморфологічні змінні. Тренди мінливості рослинного покриву, формалізовані у вигляді головних компонент, вдалося пояснити за допомогою індексів, які кількісно характеризують особливості рельєфу. Різні аспекти варіювання рослинного покриву характеризуються специфікою впливу рельєфних чинників. Важливим аспектом варіювання рослинного покриву агроекосистем є мінливість у межах поля. Ступінь варіювання умов пропорційна розмірам поля. Більші поля займають плакорні позиції. У свою чергу, в межах малих полів джерело варіювання – зміни екологічних умов, що виникають внаслідок нерівностей рельєфу, які набувають більшого значення при наближенні до балок та ярів. Установлено аспекти варіювання рослинного покриву, що за своєю природою можуть виступати як провайдери розвитку бур’янів у межах агроценозів. Безпосередній ідентифікації угруповання бур’янів на космічних знімках Landsat не підлягають, але можуть бути встановлені комплексні зміни у ландшафтному покриві, які виступають як маркери процесів, пов’язаних із розвитком бур’янистої рослинності. Процедура подальшого дешифрування космічних знімків із метою ідентифікації бур’янів потребує залучення даних польових досліджень. The patterns of variation in vegetative indices received by means of data of remote land sensing are described as being dependant on geomorphological predictors and the sizes of agricultural fields in an experimental polygon within Poltava region. The possibilities of application of vegetative indices have been explored through ecogeographical determinants of the ecological niche of the common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.) and other weeds. On the basis of images of the land surface taken on 23 March and 27 August 2015 by the sensor control Operational Land Imager (OLI), installed on the satellite Landsat 8, vegetative indices have been calculated (AC-Index – aerosol/coastal index, Hydrothermal Composite, NDTI – Normalized Difference Tillage Index, NDVI – Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, VI – Vegetation Index, MNDW – Modified Normalized Difference Water Index, LSWI – Land Surface Water Index, NBR – Normalized Burn Ratio, M15). The data obtained have been subjected to principal component analysis and the revealed principal components have been interpreted with the help of regression analysis, in which geomorphological variables have been applied as predictors. It was possible to explain the trends of variability of the vegetative cover, formalized in the form of the principal component, by means of indices which quantitatively characterise features of relief. The various aspects of variation of vegetative cover have been shown to be characterised by the specificity of the influence of relief factors. A prominent aspect of the variation of the vegetative cover of agroecosystems is variability within a field. The degree of a variation of conditions is proportional to the size of a field. Large fields occupy level plain positions. In turn, within small fields sources of variation are changes in ecological conditions which arise owing to unevenness of relief, which increases in proximity to gullies and ravines. We have identified the aspects of the variation of vegetative cover which by their nature can be considered as contributers to the growth of weeds in agroceonoses. Satellite imaging by Landsat does not allow direct identification of concentrations of weeds, but it can reveal complex changes in the landscape cover, which act as markers of the processes connected with development of weed vegetation. The procedure of further decoding of satellite images for the purpose of identification of weeds requires greater attention in this field of research.Установлено закономірності варіювання значень вегетаційних індексів, одержаних за допомогою даних дистанційного зондування Землі залежно від геоморфологічних предикторів і розмірів сільськогосподарських полів експериментального полігону в межах Полтавської області. Визначено можливості застосування вегетаційних індексів як екогеографічних детермінантів екологічної ніші ваточника сирійського (Asclepias syriaca L.) та інших бур’янів. На основі знімків земної поверхні 23 березня та 27 серпня 2015 р. сенсором Operational Land Imager (OLI), установленим на супутнику Landsat 8, розраховано вегетаційні індекси (AC-Index, Hydrothermal Composite, NDTI, NDVI, VI, MNDW, LSWI, NBR, M15). Одержану інформацію піддано аналізу головних компонент, а встановлені головні компоненти інтерпретовано за допомогою регресійного аналізу, в якому як предиктори виступали геоморфологічні змінні. Тренди мінливості рослинного покриву, формалізовані у вигляді головних компонент, вдалося пояснити за допомогою індексів, які кількісно характеризують особливості рельєфу. Різні аспекти варіювання рослинного покриву характеризуються специфікою впливу рельєфних чинників. Важливим аспектом варіювання рослинного покриву агроекосистем є мінливість у межах поля. Ступінь варіювання умов пропорційна розмірам поля. Більші поля займають плакорні позиції. У свою чергу, в межах малих полів джерело варіювання – зміни екологічних умов, що виникають внаслідок нерівностей рельєфу, які набувають більшого значення при наближенні до балок та ярів. Установлено аспекти варіювання рослинного покриву, що за своєю природою можуть виступати як провайдери розвитку бур’янів у межах агроценозів. Безпосередній ідентифікації угруповання бур’янів на космічних знімках Landsat не підлягають, але можуть бути встановлені комплексні зміни у ландшафтному покриві, які виступають як маркери процесів, пов’язаних із розвитком бур’янистої рослинності. Процедура подальшого дешифрування космічних знімків із метою ідентифікації бур’янів потребує залучення даних польових досліджень.

    The effect of technological oil spill in soil within electrical generation substations, analysed by ecological regime in the context of relief properties

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    Technological oil spills within electrical substations are the source of considerable environmental contamination. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relation between phytoindication assessments of ecological factors and geomorphological covariates and investigate the effect of the technological oil spill on ecological regimes within electrical substations. During the fieldwork 175 geobotanical releves were analysed in the years 2016–2017 within Dnipropetrovsk region (Ukraine). Within each electrical substation the geobotanical prospecting was conducted both in plots with undisturbed vegetation cover (control, the plot size 3 × 6 m) and in plots with technological oil spill (pollution, plot size 3 × 3 m). Phytoindication assessment of the following ecological factors was made: soil water regime, soil aeration, soil acidity, total salt regime, carbonate content in the soil, nitrogen content in the soil, radiation balance, aridity or humidity, continental climate, cryo-climate, light regime. HydroSHEDS data were taken for the basis for creating a digital elevation model with resolution of the data layer 15 arcseconds. The phytoindication assessments of the ecological regimes are characterized by correlation of geomorphological properties. The soil humidity is characterized by statistically significant negative correlation with the topographic position index and positive correlation with the vector ruggedness measure. The variability of damping correlates with four geomorphological predictors. This environmental regime has positive correlation with digital elevation model and diffuse insolation and negative correlation with topographic wetness index and direct insolation. The soil acidity of the edaphotope within Dnipropetrovsk region correlates with statistical signiicance with the vector ruggedness measure. The soil humidity of the edaphotope is associated with variation of the topographic wetness index, direct insolation, diffuse insolation and entropy of terrain diversity. The highest carbonate content in the soil correlates with higher risks of erosion, which is characterized by loss of soil and vertical distance to channel network. The nitrogen content in the soil is very sensitive to geomorphological features of the area. This results in the correlation of this indicator with six geomorphological predictors. Obviously, the most favourable supply of the nitrogen content in the soil is formed on upland areas. This allows positive correlation of the phytoindication assessment of the nitrogen content in the soil and the height relief. The use of relief variable as the covariate revealed the nature of the impact of soil contamination on ecological factors. Technological oil pollution leads to deterioration of water regime, reducing the availability of plant available forms of nitrogen and deterioration of soil aeration. There are also changes in microclimatic properties. There are more extreme thermal regimes and greater level of illumination. A key task for further research is to study the influence of relief features on the degree of negative transformation of soil due to technological oil pollution

    The effect of technological oil spill in soil within electrical generation substations, analysed by ecological regime in the context of relief properties

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    Technological oil spills within electrical substations are the source of considerable environmental contamination. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relation between phytoindication assessments of ecological factors and geomorphological covariates and investigate the effect of the technological oil spill on ecological regimes within electrical substations. During the fieldwork 175 geobotanical releves were analysed in the years 2016–2017 within Dnipropetrovsk region (Ukraine). Within each electrical substation the geobotanical prospecting was conducted both in plots with undisturbed vegetation cover (control, the plot size 3 × 6 m) and in plots with technological oil spill (pollution, plot size 3 × 3 m). Phytoindication assessment of the following ecological factors was made: soil water regime, soil aeration, soil acidity, total salt regime, carbonate content in the soil, nitrogen content in the soil, radiation balance, aridity or humidity, continental climate, cryo-climate, light regime. HydroSHEDS data were taken for the basis for creating a digital elevation model with resolution of the data layer 15 arcseconds. The phytoindication assessments of the ecological regimes are characterized by correlation of geomorphological properties. The soil humidity is characterized by statistically significant negative correlation with the topographic position index and positive correlation with the vector ruggedness measure. The variability of damping correlates with four geomorphological predictors. This environmental regime has positive correlation with digital elevation model and diffuse insolation and negative correlation with topographic wetness index and direct insolation. The soil acidity of the edaphotope within Dnipropetrovsk region correlates with statistical signiicance with the vector ruggedness measure. The soil humidity of the edaphotope is associated with variation of the topographic wetness index, direct insolation, diffuse insolation and entropy of terrain diversity. The highest carbonate content in the soil correlates with higher risks of erosion, which is characterized by loss of soil and vertical distance to channel network. The nitrogen content in the soil is very sensitive to geomorphological features of the area. This results in the correlation of this indicator with six geomorphological predictors. Obviously, the most favourable supply of the nitrogen content in the soil is formed on upland areas. This allows positive correlation of the phytoindication assessment of the nitrogen content in the soil and the height relief. The use of relief variable as the covariate revealed the nature of the impact of soil contamination on ecological factors. Technological oil pollution leads to deterioration of water regime, reducing the availability of plant available forms of nitrogen and deterioration of soil aeration. There are also changes in microclimatic properties. There are more extreme thermal regimes and greater level of illumination. A key task for further research is to study the influence of relief features on the degree of negative transformation of soil due to technological oil pollution

    Sensitivity and resistance of communities: Evaluation on the example of the influence of edaphic, vegetation and spatial factors on soil macrofauna

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    328   Экологическая устойчивость является многоплановой концепцией и включает такие свойства как асимптотическая устойчивость, робастность, персистентность, вариабельность, эластичность и резистентность. Резистентность отражает способность сообщества или популяции оставаться в существенно неизменном состоянии под внешним воздействием. Обратным резистентности является свойство сенситивности. В статье предложен способ оценки сенситивности сообществ животных к факторам различной природы и выяснена сенситивность и резистентность сообщества мезопедобионтов прирусловой поймы р. Днепр в пределах природного заповедника «Днепровско-Орельский» к действию эдафических и растительных факторов, а также пространственных переменных. Регуляторное воздействие экологических факторов преломляется через свойства самих экологических систем, а именно резистентность и сенситивность. В случае если экологическая система никак не реагирует на изменение экологических факторов, такая система является индифферентной по отношению к указанным факторам. В случае наличия регулирующего влияния факторов может иметь место резистентность, сенситивность и пропорциональность реакции экологической системы. Отношение удельной роли фактора в вариабельности сообщества к вкладу главной компоненты в суммарную вариабельность признакового пространства позволит оценить резистентность, сенситивность и пропорциональность реакции экологической системы на действие фактора. Если это отношение >1, речь идет о сенситивности: уровень вариабельности сообщества выше, чем относительная роль экологического фактора в варьировании признакового пространства. Если <1 – речь идет о резистентности: уровень вариабельности сообщества ниже, чем относительная роль экологического фактора в варьировании признакового пространства. Если отношение =1 (≈1) – изменения в сообществе пропорциональны уровню варьирования главной компоненты по сравнению с другими компонентами. Экологические факторы (как внешние, средовые, так и внутренние, обусловленные межвидовыми взаимодействиями и имеющими нейтральную природу) вызывают различный уровень реагирования сообщества на свое воздействие. Эти различия преломляются через различные аспекты устойчивости сообщества и могут быть описаны с помощью таких категорий как резистентность, сенситивность и пропорциональность. Предложенная процедура количественной оценки указанных свойств устойчивости позволила установить, что макрофауна пойменной почвы обладает резистентностью к факторам среды, которые превалируют по уровню своего варьирования, тогда как к минорным факторам макрофауна высоко сенситивна. Также сообщество обитателей почвы характеризуется сенситивностью к детальномасштабному варьированию, которое имеет нейтральную природу.328   Экологическая устойчивость является многоплановой концепцией и включает такие свойства как асимптотическая устойчивость, робастность, персистентность, вариабельность, эластичность и резистентность. Резистентность отражает способность сообщества или популяции оставаться в существенно неизменном состоянии под внешним воздействием. Обратным резистентности является свойство сенситивности. В статье предложен способ оценки сенситивности сообществ животных к факторам различной природы и выяснена сенситивность и резистентность сообщества мезопедобионтов прирусловой поймы р. Днепр в пределах природного заповедника «Днепровско-Орельский» к действию эдафических и растительных факторов, а также пространственных переменных. Регуляторное воздействие экологических факторов преломляется через свойства самих экологических систем, а именно резистентность и сенситивность. В случае если экологическая система никак не реагирует на изменение экологических факторов, такая система является индифферентной по отношению к указанным факторам. В случае наличия регулирующего влияния факторов может иметь место резистентность, сенситивность и пропорциональность реакции экологической системы. Отношение удельной роли фактора в вариабельности сообщества к вкладу главной компоненты в суммарную вариабельность признакового пространства позволит оценить резистентность, сенситивность и пропорциональность реакции экологической системы на действие фактора. Если это отношение >1, речь идет о сенситивности: уровень вариабельности сообщества выше, чем относительная роль экологического фактора в варьировании признакового пространства. Если <1 – речь идет о резистентности: уровень вариабельности сообщества ниже, чем относительная роль экологического фактора в варьировании признакового пространства. Если отношение =1 (≈1) – изменения в сообществе пропорциональны уровню варьирования главной компоненты по сравнению с другими компонентами. Экологические факторы (как внешние, средовые, так и внутренние, обусловленные межвидовыми взаимодействиями и имеющими нейтральную природу) вызывают различный уровень реагирования сообщества на свое воздействие. Эти различия преломляются через различные аспекты устойчивости сообщества и могут быть описаны с помощью таких категорий как резистентность, сенситивность и пропорциональность. Предложенная процедура количественной оценки указанных свойств устойчивости позволила установить, что макрофауна пойменной почвы обладает резистентностью к факторам среды, которые превалируют по уровню своего варьирования, тогда как к минорным факторам макрофауна высоко сенситивна. Также сообщество обитателей почвы характеризуется сенситивностью к детальномасштабному варьированию, которое имеет нейтральную природу.Environmental stability is a multifaceted concept and includes properties such as asymptotic stability, robustness, persistence, variability, elasticity and resistance. Resistance reflects the ability of a community or population to remain in a substantially unaltered state under external influence. The reverse of resistance is sensitivity. This article suggests a way to assess the sensitivity of animal communities to factors of various character and explain sensitivity and resistance of the macrofauna community near the floodplain of the river Dnieper within the "Dnipro-Orelsky" Nature Reserve to the effects of edaphic and plant factors, as well as spatial variables. It is shown that the regulatory impact of environmental factors is refracted through the properties of ecological systems themselves, namely resistance and sensitivity. If an ecological system does not react to changing environmental factors, such a system is indifferent with respect to these factors. In the case of regulatory influence of factors, there may be resistance, sensitivity and the proportionality of the response of the ecological system. The ratio of the specific role of a factor in the variability of a community to the contribution of the main components of the total variability of the attributive space makes it possible to assess the resistance, sensitivity and proportionality of response the ecological system to the action of that factor. If the ratio is >1, then this indicates sensitivity: level of variability of a community is higher than the relative role of environmental factors in the changing of the attributive space. If <1, this indicates resistance: the level of variability of a community is lower than the relative role of environmental factors in the changing of the attributive space. If the ratio =1 (≈1), changes in the community are proportional to the level of the main components of variation in comparison with other components. Ecological factors (both external environmental and internal due to species interactions and which have a neutral nature) cause different levels of community response to their impact. These differences refracted through different aspects of stability of a community can be described using the categories resistance, sensitivity and proportionality. The proposed procedure for quantification of specified properties of sustainability has established that the floodplain soil macrofauna is endowed with resistance to factors that prevail on the level of its variation. However, macrofauna is highly sensitive to minor factors. The community of the soil inhabitants is sensitive to fine-scale variations, which have a neutral nature

    The role of edaphic and vegetation factors in structuring beta diversity of the soil macrofauna community of the Dnipro river arena terrage

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    The article presents the results of evaluation of the role of edaphic and vegetation factors on beta diversity of soil macrofauna by means of the MDM-approach. The multinomial diversity model (MDM) is a method for relating the Shannon diversity to ecological factors. The research was conducted in the ‘Dnipro-Orils’kiy’ Nature Reserve (Ukraine). The research polygon was laid in the forest within the Orlova ravine (48º31’13 “N, 34º48”15 “E). The study site comprises 1.0 ha of deciduous woodland bordered by an area of herbaceous cover within the ravine. In the soil of the studied polygon, 38 species of soil invertebrates were identified, which characterizes the gamma diversity. Alpha diversity, or the number of species on average at each sample point is 4.3. Beta diversity is 8.8. The principal component analysis of the edaphic parameters revealed four statistically significant principal components. For vegetation characteristics, six statistically significant principal components were identified. The sequential analysis of the effects shows that edaphic factors accounted for 20.9% (0.81 bit) of the available entropy (1.71–0.91). The largest decrease in the community entropy takes place under the action of the principal components 2 and 3 (0.06 bit and 0.05, respectively). A permutation test showed that these effects are statistically significant. In turn, 28.4% of the community β-diversity is attributable to vegetation factors. The greatest decrease in community entropy is related to the principal vegetation components 1, 3 and 4 (0.07, 0.05 and 0.04 bits, respectively). A permutation test indicated that this effect is statistically reliable. Geostatistical models substantially describe the varying effects on the beta-diversity of edaphic principal components 1 and 2, and the vegetation principal components 1 and 3. It was found that edaphic and plant factors play an important role in structuring the communities of soil macrofauna on the level of beta diversity. Community sensitivity to environmental factors varies in space and is spatially structured. For different environmental factors, specific spatial patterns of community sensitivity are allocated. Beta diversity may be due to the fact that the species of soil macrofauna communities also vary in the degree of sensitivity to various environmental factors. The species of soil microfauna are also divided according to their extent of sensitivity to different ecological factors

    The impact of temporal patterns of temperature and precipitation on silver Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio) spawning events

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    It was revealed that Gibel carp, Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782) spawning phenology is determined by regular patterns of variability in temperature and precipitation over the period of time after spawning in the previous year. The sensitivity to temperature of water as a stimulus to spawning was shown as being dependent on the characteristics of the environment and fish development trajectories over the previous year. Information about fish spawning was collected in the Dnipro-Orylskiy Nature Reserve in the following locations: Nikolayev system of water bodies, River Protoch system and the Obukhov floodplain, the channel of the River Dnipro, water bodies of the Taromske ledge. The materials that formed the basis of this research were collected from the waters of the reserve in the years 1997–2018. There are dependencies between the air and water temperatures that have their own characteristics depending on the type of water body. These dependencies are described by a logistic equation. The temperature regime in water bodies of the Taromske ledge is very similar to the temperature regime of Nikolayev system of water bodies. The difference is that the spring period of the temperature increase in water bodies of the Taromske ledge comes earlier – in late February – early March. The air temperature dynamics over the year is described by the fourth degree polynomial. The residuals of the polynomial regression for each year were subjected to principal component analysis. The principal component analysis allowed us to identify 8 principal components of the temperature regimes, which together describe 59.2% of the variation of the residual of the polynomial trend. Deviations from the linear trend of the precipitation are systematic throughout the year, reflecting the uneven nature of rainfall during the year. The residuals of linear trend regression models of cumulative precipitation can be used as indicators of the dynamics characteristic of precipitation during the year. The residuals were used for principal component analysis, which revealed that the dynamics of the precipitation can be divided into five orthogonal principal components. The first five principal components explain 82.6% of the feature space variation. The timing of the onset of C. gibelio spawning in 95% of cases occurs on the 113–139th days of the year (on average, it takes place on the 125th day). Regression analysis revealed that the climate principal components and types of the lake systems can explain 79% of the variation in the timing of the onset of C. gibelio spawning. The water temperature at the time of C. gibelio spawning was exposed to natural dynamics in year aspect. The local minimum of the onset of spawning temperatures occured in the mid 2000s. Total of 69% of the water temperature variation at which spawning begins can be described by climatic predictors and water biotope types. The variation explained by some temperature principal components may be increased considerably after including as covariates such variables as the precipitation principal component and the biotope type. This principal component which represents the high frequency variation of the air temperature regime with a characteristic period 20 and 45 days has the highest explanation ability of all the components and is a constant explanatory predictor for all considered spawning characteristics

    Temporal aspect of the terrestrial invertebrate response to moisture dynamic in technosols formed after reclamation at a post-mining site in ukrainian steppe drylands

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    Different approaches were applied to assess soil moisture optima and tolerance of the ecological niche temporal projection of terrestrial invertebrates within an experimental polygon created to investigate the reclamation processes after deep underground hard-rock mining in the Ukrainian steppe drylands. Sampling was carried out in 2013–2015 on a variant of artificial soil (technosols). To investigate the spatiotemporal variation in the abundance, species richness and species composition of invertebrate assemblages the animals were sampled using pitfall traps. The readily available water for plants, precipitation, wind speed, atmospheric temperature, atmospheric humidity, and atmospheric pressure were used as environmental predictors. The two-dimension geographic coordinates of the sampling locations were used to generate a set of orthogonal eigenvector-based spatial variables. Time series of sampling dates were used to generate a set of orthogonal eigenvector-based temporal variables. Weighted averaging, generalized linear mixed models, Huisman-Olff-Fresco models expanded by Jansen-Oksanen, correspondence analysis, and constrained correspondence analysis were used to estimate soil moisture species optima and tolerance. The moisture content in the technosols was revealed to be the most important factor determining the temporal dynamics of terrestrial invertebrate community in conditions of semi-arid climate and the ecosystem which formed as a result of the reclamation process. The species response to the soil water content is affected not only by the soil water content but also by the complex of the other environmental, temporal, and spatial factors. The effect of other factors on the species response must be extracted previously to find real estimations of the species optima and tolerance

    The temporal dynamics of readily available soil moisture for plants in the technosols of the Nikopol Manganese Ore Basin

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    The restoration of a stable and productive ecosystem after drastic disturbances to the natural environment due to mining and open-cast mining may be achieved by means of reclamation. Investigation of the hydrological budget of technosols is important task in developing adequate approaches to reclamation. Sod lithogenic soils on red-brown clay, on grey-green clay were chosen as the objects of the investigation. The simulation of moisture content in Nikopol Manganese Ore Basin technosols was performed using the Penman-Monteith approach and evaluated the role of the dependence of soils’ surface albedo on the humidity in the intensity of evapotranspiration. The research was conducted during 2013–2015 at the station for research on reclaimed land within the Nikopol Manganese Ore Basin (city Pokrov, Ukraine). The experimental area for the study of optimal modes of agricultural reclamation was created in 1968–1970. Precipitation in the investigated area was found to fall very unevenly in time. In 2013, the duration of the rainless period was 259 days, in 2014 – 264 days, in 2015 – 261 days. The maximum daily rainfall varies within 18–49 mm. There are significant interannual differences in the intensity of rainfall. The minimum total annual precipitation in 2014 was due to a decrease in atypical rainfall in late winter and early winter. The maximum annual rainfall in 2015 was caused by intense rainfall both in the spring and in mid-summer and late autumn. The average annual temperature was 11.1 ºC and the annual totals did not statistically significantly vary within the study period. The average wind speed and average atmospheric humidity are statistically significantly different from year to year. The technosols’ colour properties and surface albedo varied depending on the moisture content. There is a linear relationship between the moisture content in the soil and albedo of the soil surface. The evaluation of readily available water content was carried out based on the Penman-Monteith model taking into account meteorological data, the water-physical properties of the technosols and the dependence of soil surface albedo on soil humidity. The distribution of this index for different teсhnosols is characterized by a high level of similarity of shape due to the fact that the overall climate factors are crucial in shaping the dynamics of moisture. A complex mixture of normal distributions is the best model for representing the experimental data. The readily available water content distribution can best be represented as a mixture of two normal distributions. The relatively high moisture level is characterized for winter and spring periods. Water content in sodlithogenic soils on red-brown clay over the period of research never reached the value of the permanent wilting point. In 2013, the period when the moisture content was less than the value of the permanent wilting point lasted 23 days, and in 2014 this period lasted 39 days. Thus, you can always expect the phenomenon of drought under typical climatic conditions for the technosols on grey-green clay. It was found that monitoring water supplies before the start of the growing season can provide valuable information necessary for the selection of crops for cultivation in the current year. The results indicate the urgency of measures to save the winter rainfall on the fields. Keywords: reclamation; water regime; albedo; evapotranspiration; Penman-Monteith equation

    The temporal dynamics of readily available soil moisture for plants in the technosols of the Nikopol Manganese Ore Basin

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    The restoration of a stable and productive ecosystem after drastic disturbances to the natural environment due to mining and open-cast mining may be achieved by means of reclamation. Investigation of the hydrological budget of technosols is important task in developing adequate approaches to reclamation. Sod lithogenic soils on red-brown clay, on grey-green clay were chosen as the objects of the investigation. The simulation of moisture content in Nikopol Manganese Ore Basin technosols was performed using the Penman-Monteith approach and evaluated the role of the dependence of soils’ surface albedo on the humidity in the intensity of evapotranspiration. The research was conducted during 2013–2015 at the station for research on reclaimed land within the Nikopol Manganese Ore Basin (city Pokrov, Ukraine). The experimental area for the study of optimal modes of agricultural reclamation was created in 1968–1970. Precipitation in the investigated area was found to fall very unevenly in time. In 2013, the duration of the rainless period was 259 days, in 2014 – 264 days, in 2015 – 261 days. The maximum daily rainfall varies within 18–49 mm. There are significant interannual differences in the intensity of rainfall. The minimum total annual precipitation in 2014 was due to a decrease in atypical rainfall in late winter and early winter. The maximum annual rainfall in 2015 was caused by intense rainfall both in the spring and in mid-summer and late autumn. The average annual temperature was 11.1 ºC and the annual totals did not statistically significantly vary within the study period. The average wind speed and average atmospheric humidity are statistically significantly different from year to year. The technosols’ colour properties and surface albedo varied depending on the moisture content. There is a linear relationship between the moisture content in the soil and albedo of the soil surface. The evaluation of readily available water content was carried out based on the Penman-Monteith model taking into account meteorological data, the water-physical properties of the technosols and the dependence of soil surface albedo on soil humidity. The distribution of this index for different teсhnosols is characterized by a high level of similarity of shape due to the fact that the overall climate factors are crucial in shaping the dynamics of moisture. A complex mixture of normal distributions is the best model for representing the experimental data. The readily available water content distribution can best be represented as a mixture of two normal distributions. The relatively high moisture level is characterized for winter and spring periods. Water content in sod-lithogenic soils on red-brown clay over the period of research never reached the value of the permanent wilting point. In 2013, the period when the moisture content was less than the value of the permanent wilting point lasted 23 days, and in 2014 this period lasted 39 days. Thus, you can always expect the phenomenon of drought under typical climatic conditions for the technosols on grey-green clay. It was found that monitoring water supplies before the start of the growing season can provide valuable information necessary for the selection of crops for cultivation in the current year. The results indicate the urgency of measures to save the winter rainfall on the fields. Keywords: reclamation; water regime; albedo; evapotranspiration; Penman-Monteith equation

    The temporal dynamics of readily available soil moisture for plants in the technosols of the Nikopol Manganese Ore Basin

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    The restoration of a stable and productive ecosystem after drastic disturbances to the natural environment due to mining and open-cast mining may be achieved by means of reclamation. Investigation of the hydrological budget of technosols is important task in developing adequate approaches to reclamation. Sod lithogenic soils on red-brown clay, on grey-green clay were chosen as the objects of the investigation. The simulation of moisture content in Nikopol Manganese Ore Basin technosols was performed using the Penman-Monteith approach and evaluated the role of the dependence of soils’ surface albedo on the humidity in the intensity of evapotranspiration. The research was conducted during 2013–2015 at the station for research on reclaimed land within the Nikopol Manganese Ore Basin (city Pokrov, Ukraine). The experimental area for the study of optimal modes of agricultural reclamation was created in 1968–1970. Precipitation in the investigated area was found to fall very unevenly in time. In 2013, the duration of the rainless period was 259 days, in 2014 – 264 days, in 2015 – 261 days. The maximum daily rainfall varies within 18–49 mm. There are significant interannual differences in the intensity of rainfall. The minimum total annual precipitation in 2014 was due to a decrease in atypical rainfall in late winter and early winter. The maximum annual rainfall in 2015 was caused by intense rainfall both in the spring and in mid-summer and late autumn. The average annual temperature was 11.1 ºC and the annual totals did not statistically significantly vary within the study period. The average wind speed and average atmospheric humidity are statistically significantly different from year to year. The technosols’ colour properties and surface albedo varied depending on the moisture content. There is a linear relationship between the moisture content in the soil and albedo of the soil surface. The evaluation of readily available water content was carried out based on the Penman-Monteith model taking into account meteorological data, the water-physical properties of the technosols and the dependence of soil surface albedo on soil humidity. The distribution of this index for different teсhnosols is characterized by a high level of similarity of shape due to the fact that the overall climate factors are crucial in shaping the dynamics of moisture. A complex mixture of normal distributions is the best model for representing the experimental data. The readily available water content distribution can best be represented as a mixture of two normal distributions. The relatively high moisture level is characterized for winter and spring periods. Water content in sod-lithogenic soils on red-brown clay over the period of research never reached the value of the permanent wilting point. In 2013, the period when the moisture content was less than the value of the permanent wilting point lasted 23 days, and in 2014 this period lasted 39 days. Thus, you can always expect the phenomenon of drought under typical climatic conditions for the technosols on grey-green clay. It was found that monitoring water supplies before the start of the growing season can provide valuable information necessary for the selection of crops for cultivation in the current year. The results indicate the urgency of measures to save the winter rainfall on the fields