950 research outputs found

    Counseling in Eye Care

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    Health is a basic need. When patients come to the hospital they are very anxious about their condition, cause and the nature of their disease. Many questions play on their mind. Is it curable or not? How much time and money is required for cure ? Tthey are also anxious to know each and every information related to their disease. Counselling is a very powerful process to allay their fears. It plays a vital role in all segments of health care. Nowadays counseling is no more restricted to treat mentally deranged or drug addicted people. In eye care, counselling is very useful to increase compliance and allay fears

    Extraction of natural dye from the leaves of Wild Himalayan pear (Pyruspashia) and optimization of the dyeing parameters using Box-Behnken Design (RSM)

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    Today universe is inclined towards eco-friendly and sustainable products. Its interest is shifting from synthetic products to natural once. The present study involves the optimization of extraction pH of natural dye and optimization of dyeing parameters for dyeing of silk fabric using response surface methodology (RSM). The extraction of dye from the leaves of Pyrus pashia (Wild Himalayan pear) was carried out in acidic, neutral and alkaline pH. The neutral pH exhibited the highest colour strength than alkaline and acidic pH. Box-Behnken Design (RSM) was used for optimization of dyeing variables. The effect of independent variables i.e. dye material concentration, dyeing time and temperature were assessed on dependent variable i.e colour strength of the dyed silk fabric sample. The optimized dyeing variables obtained for application of P. pashia leaf dye on silk fabric were 5% (w/v) dye material concentration, 70°C dyeing temperature and 45 minutes dyeing time. It not only creates a source for a natural dye but can also lead to creating employment amongst the rural people. P. pashia has a potential to colour silk fabric and can be used to dye other natural fibres such as cotton and wool which can be a step towards sustainable development. dyeing with its leaf extract can be helpful in promoting eco-friendly processing of textiles


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    Objectives: A novel facile synthesis of zinc oxide (ZnO) and zinc-graphene oxide nanocomposites (ZnGONC) was achieved by modified sol-geltechnique for their pharmaceutical and therapeutic use.Materials and Methods: Spherical, crystalline, defect-free Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) with diameter 70-90 nm were synthesized by modifiedsol-gel technique. Reduced graphene oxide was synthesized by modified Hummers method. ZnGONC were synthesized by in situ method. The crystallinenature, size, shape, and dimensions of the NPs, graphene oxide, and nanocomposites were studied by X-ray diffraction method. Transmission electronmicroscopy analysis was carried out to examine the morphology of NPs and nanocomposites.Results: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis confirms that the ZnO NPs are surrounded by oxygen and silicon atoms. Antibacterialactivity of ZnO NPs and ZnGONC was investigated against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Zone of inhibition shown by ZnO NPs andZnGONC was found to be higher than six investigated standard antibiotics.Conclusion: Synthesized ZnO NPs and nanocomposites can be used as antibacterial agents. This eco-friendly method of synthesis of ZnO NPs andZnGONC could be a viable solution for industrial applications in the future and therapeutic needs

    SUMO Sites Prediction in Human Transcription Factors Involved in Hypoxia induced Cardiac Illnesses

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    Protein SUMOylation is a reversible and well knownpost-translational modificationprocess of the cells. It may change a protein's cellular location, interactions, and possible structural shape before it develops to carry out its basic functions.Also, it decides the binding of transcription factors and DNA binding proteins tochromatin in addition to various cis and trans regulatory factors. Alterations in protein SUMOylation have been linked with a variety of disorders and developmental anomalies.Tentative approaches to identify SUMO binding sites are challenging due todynamic nature of the SUMOylation processand various critical lab experimentswhich are involved very high cost.Therefore, the computational methodologies may guide the experimental identification of SUMOylation sites and provide insights for improving comprehensionofSUMOylation mechanism in the cells.In this study, we identify the SUMO binding sites in transcription factors that are actively involved and have crucial roles in cardiac development andpathophysiology of the heart.A list of important transcription factors was preparedfrom thehuman transcription factor database.The GPS-SUMO, SUMO plot, and JASSA web serverswere used for the prediction of SUMO binding sites in cardiac transcription factors.We identified the SUMOylation of several novel, previously uncharacterized SUMO targetsthat are actively involved in thecardiovascular system.Thus, the present study may help to uncoverthe significance ofSUMO modificationin cardiac development and illnesses which creates a fresh avenue for future studies ontarget-specific SUMOylation for identification of novel therapeutic targets andmanagement strategies forhypoxia-induced cardiovascular disorders

    production of lignocellulosic ethanol from ipomoea carnea by bacterial cellulase of cow and deer dung

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    Due to rapid growth in population and industrialization, worldwide ethanol demand is increasing continuously lignocellulosic biomass are most abundant and renewable sources of the world they can act as a promising source for bioethanol production. The major objective of the work was to evaluate the effect of acid and steam pretreatment On Ipomoea carnea for improved yield of bioethanol production by using cellulase producing bacteria isolated from Deer and Cow dung and optimization of condition required for maximum activity of cellulase enzyme. Cellulase producing bacteria isolated from Deer and Cow dung screened by congo red test. Cellulase activity was measured by DNS method. From the present study it is concluded that bacteria isolated from deer and cow dung was producing maximum amount of cellulase enzyme after 60 hours (DDB) and after 70 hours (CDB). Cellulase enzyme produced by bacteria isolated from deer and cow dung was found to have pH around 3, temperature 50°C for DDB and 60°C for CDB. Activity of Cellulase enzyme produced by bacteria isolated from deer and cow dung was found to be increased by the addition of 5 mM MnSO4 ( both DDB and CDB). It Possible to produce lignocellulosic bioethanol (5.52%) from Ipomoea carnea after steam and acid pretreatment by using Cellulase for Saccharification (72 hours) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae for fermentation (72 hours). Bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass is a globally accepted alternative fuel. The production of ethanol from Ipomoea carnea would have the dual advantage of producing energy and serving as an effective method of weed managemen

    Prevalence of dyslipidemia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a hospital based study in Kishanganj, India

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    Background: A major risk factors for cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is dyslipidemia characterized by high plasma triglyceride (TG), low HDL and increased LDL. Early detection of dyslipidemia in T2DM can help in the management and prevention of cardiovascular disease. The present study is based on the detection of anomalous lipid profile in T2DM patients.Methods: A total of 35 T2DM patients with fasting blood glucose (FBG) > 110 mg/dL, and 32 subjects with FBG (70-110 mg/dL) were considered as controls. Serum samples were assayed for determination of the levels of total Cholesterol (TC), HDL, LDL, TG, and VLDL. Variables were compared between T2DM subjects and controls, with statistical significance at p ≤0.05.Results: The prevalence of dyslipidemia was 12 (34.29%) and 9 (25.71%) with abnormal lipids levels of TC and TG respectively whereas 11 (31.43%), 12 (34.29), and 9 (25.71%) were found with lipoprotein abnormalities of HDL, LDL and VLDL respectively in T2DM subjects either singly or in combination. The serum parameters TC, TG, HDL, LDL, and VLDL were significantly correlated to FBG levels in both diabetic and non-diabetic subjects. The variables were also significantly associated among each other in T2DM patients.Conclusion: The present study provides evidence to suggest that lipid variables are associated with each other in T2DM patients among the population of Kishanganj, India.

    A comparative study of postpartum intrauterine contraceptive device acceptance between primiparous and multiparous women in a tertiary care centre

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    Background: According to Census 2011 the population of India on 1 March 2011 was 1, 210, 193, 422. In spite of availability of wide range of contraceptives, the unmet need for family planning in India is estimated to be 21.3% by DLHS III survey. IUDs are the most commonly used method of reversible contraception worldwide.Methods: It was a prospective, comparative, interventional study conducted over a period of one year at department of obstetrics and gynaecology, MLB medical college Jhansi, comprised of 306 women divided into two groups. Females in group A (129) were primiparous and in group B (207) were multiparous. All antenatal women between 36-42 weeks of gestation who anticipate delivery and counseled were included. Medical eligibility criteria were used for client assessment.Results: Majority of the females (around 50%) in both groups counseled prior to caesarean section. Around 43.7% females in both groups were counseled during early labour. Rest 5% females were counseled during their antenatal visits. There were 57.85% multiparous women who accepted PPIUCD. In primiparous women acceptance of PPIUCD was 42.15%. Acceptance of postpartum intrauterine contraceptive devices (PPIUCD) was significantly higher in multipara (57.85%). Most common reason behind acceptance was postpartum family planning (PPFP) counseling (~60%). Most common reason in multiparous women (57.84%) was completed family. Others common reasons were motivated by ASHA (11.11%), 6.54% wanted birth spacing.Conclusions: Acceptance of PPIUCD was significantly higher in multiparous women than primiparous. Most common reason behind this increased acceptance was PPFP counseling


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    Objectives This study aimed to assess and identify developmental delays in infants using the Denver Developmental Screening Test (DDST-II), examining potential contributing factors and offering recommendations for effective interventions. Methods The study employed a prospective cross-sectional design, enrolling 111 infants aged 0 months to 2 years attending a tertiary care center for 2 years. Denver Developmental Screening Test (DDST-II) was administered, and infants were followed up for three consecutive months to assess developmental milestones and potential contributing factors. Results In the study encompassing 111 infants, 6.4% demonstrated delayed development, 7.8% exhibited doubtful delays, and 85.8% were considered normal. Notably, 25% of cases with developmental concerns had a history of preterm birth, 35% were of low birth weight, and 30% were delivered via cesarean section. Furthermore, 100% detection rates for delayed development were observed in infants aged 13-24 months. Conclusion The current study underscores a notable prevalence of developmental delays among infants, emphasizing the critical importance of early detection and intervention. The multifactorial nature of contributing elements, including preterm birth and low birth weight, highlights the complexity of developmental challenges. The study's findings contribute valuable insights into developmental patterns, supporting the need for broader research and targeted interventions. Recommendation The study recommends further research with larger and more diverse samples to enhance generalizability. Additionally, exploring the effectiveness of tailored interventions for developmental delays is crucial for optimizing infant development

    η\eta meson in strange magnetized matter

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    The in-medium properties of η\eta mesons are studied in hot and dense isospin asymmetric strange magnetized matter using the chiral SU(3) hadronic mean-field model. The scalar and vector density of baryons are expressed in terms of thermal distribution functions at finite temperature and magnetic field and have dependence on the scalar fields σ\sigma, ζ\zeta, and δ\delta through the effective mass of baryons and the dependence on the vector fields ω,ρ\omega, \rho, and ϕ\phi through the effective chemical potential. The properties of η\eta mesons get modified in a hot and dense magnetized environment through the medium-modified nucleons and hyperons. The negative mass shift obtained gives rise to optical potential, which is attractive in the medium and suggests a possibility of η\eta-mesic bound states formation. The addition of hyperons in the medium enhances the attractive interactions and causes an increased negative mass shift for η\eta mesons.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figure