4,570 research outputs found

    Global features of sea-level pressure distribution in April and July associated with contrasting situations of Indian summer monsoon

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    Global sea-level pressure distribution has been analysed for the months of April and July for 5 years of contrasting situations of Indian summer monsoon, comprising of two drought years (1972 and 1974), a flood year (1975) and two normal monsoon years (1970 and 1973). Mean monthly sea-level pressure data at about 400 stations have been used in the study. Prominent features of pressure departures from long-term normals have also been noted. It is observed that the month of April shows more prominent contrasting features than July. In April, the high pressure centres over USSR and the North Pacific move considerably eastward during poor monsoon years, while a breakaway cell of Icelandic Low goes deep south. Both the high pressure areas over south Indian Ocean and Australia are stronger in good monsoon years. In July, the subtropical high pressure zone over the southern Indian Ocean is stronger and the Australian high is more eastward, in good monsoon years

    Physical properties of an Indian Ayurvedic medicine (<em>Shankh Bhasma</em>) as nano materials for its application

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    178-183The aim of present study is to describe Physical properties of an Indian Ayurvedic medicine (Shankh Bhasma) as nano materials for its applications. Shankh Bhasma has been synthesized by using method mentioned in an Ayurvedic text using conch shell and characterized by the modern scientific tools such as; X-ray diffractomter (XRD), Fourier Transform spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM).When we treated shankh bhasma on C. elegans and E. coli. C elegans produces more egg than normal calcium and there is no effect on E. coli. X-ray diffraction pattern and SEM analysis revealed that this Bhasma is in agglomerated nano crystalline materials and be considered as nanomedicine. An FTIR measurement reveals the bond stretching during the incineration process and found peaks of carboxylic group, Carbon with chloride and fluroide. Magnetization-Hysteresis (MH) loop study by the Vibrating sample magnetometer reveals that the di-magnetic nature of the Bhasma. Investigation of Shankh bhasma nanoparticles on C. elegen shows slightly increasing in egg production with compare to normal calcium oxide. There is not bacterial static effect was found on E.coli

    Global features of upper-tropospheric zonal wind and thermal fields during anomalous monsoon situations

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    Global analyses of mean monthly zonal wind component and temperature at 200, 150 and 100 mb levels have been made for the region between 60°N and 60°S, for the months May through September during two poor monsoon years (1972 and 1979) and a good monsoon year (1975). Prominent and consistent contrasting features of the zonal wind and thermal fields have been identified, with reference to the monsoon performance over India. It has been noticed that the areal spreading of easterlies over the tropics and extratropics is significantly more during a good monsoon year. Shifting of the axis of the tropical easterly jet stream to a higher level and generally stronger easterlies also characterize good monsoon activity. The upper troposphere has been found to be considerably cooler during poor monsoon years

    Report of Acoustic Test on PSLV IS.1/2L Structure

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    The results of acoustic conducted on PSLV IS.1/2L at Acoustic Test Facility are briefly given. It contains test set up, Instrumentation details and tables of spectral response

    The effect of clonidine with bupivacaine on perioperative hemodynamics and post-operative analgesia in cesarean section cases

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    Background: Cesarean section is the commonest procedure in Obstetric practice and postoperative pain can be a major factor for wound healing as well as mother and baby bonding. Spinal anesthesia is considered to be safest and easiest modality for cesarean section cases. Bupivacaine is the commonest drug given in spinal anesthesia, but many additive drugs have been introduced to cover post-operative analgesia. Clonidine is an alpha 2 agonist which can be used as an adjunct to heavy bupivacaine to extend analgesic effects.Methods: A randomized double-blind study was performed in 100 women undergoing elective cesarean section under spinal anaesthesia. After proper informed written consent patient undergoing cesarean section were divided by computerized method into group A (Given 10.0 mg 0.5% hyperbaric Bupivacaine) and Group B (Given 9.0 mg 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine and 30 μg clonidine).Results: Intraoperative hypotension is the most worrisome factor but it is transient and can be managed by ephedrine effectively. Intraoperative nausea and vomiting are slightly higher with clonidine as occurrence of hypotension is more. VAS scoring in post-operative period was better and need of first analgesic dose was much delayed in women been given clonidine with bupivacaine.Conclusions: Clonidine can be considered as adjunct in spinal anesthesia to extend post-op analgesic cover.

    Recent trends in pre-monsoon daily temperature extremes over India

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    Extreme climate and weather events are increasingly being recognized as key aspects of climate change. Pre-monsoon season (March-May) is the hottest part of the year over almost the entire South Asian region, in which hot weather extremes including heat waves are recurring natural hazards having serious societal impacts, particularly on human health. In the present paper, recent trends in extreme temperature events for the pre-monsoon season have been studied using daily data on maximum and minimum temperatures over a well-distributed network of 121 stations for the period 1970-2005. For this purpose, time series of extreme temperature events have been constructed for India as a whole and seven homogeneous regions, viz., Western Himalaya (WH), Northwest (NW), Northeast (NE), North Central (NC), East coast (EC), West coast (WC) and Interior Peninsula (IP). In general, the frequency of occurrence of hot days and hot nights showed widespread increasing trend, while that of cold days and cold nights has shown widespread decreasing trend. The frequency of the occurrence of hot days is found to have significantly increased over EC, WC and IP, while that of cold days showed significant decreasing trend over WH and WC. The three regions EC, WC and NW showed significant increasing trend in the frequency of hot nights. For India as whole, the frequency of hot days and nights showed increasing trend while cold days and nights showed decreasing trends. Day-to-day fluctuations of pre-monsoon daily maximum and minimum temperatures have also been studied for the above regions. The results show that there is no significant change in day-to-day magnitude of fluctuations of pre-monsoon maximum and minimum temperatures. However, the results generally indicate that the daily maximum and minimum temperatures are becoming less variable within the season


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    Objective: This study aims in understanding the effects of Integrated Amrita Meditation (IAM), a type of mindfulness meditation, on the autonomic balance of type 2 diabetic patients through assessment of heart rate variability (HRV). Methods: After the initial screening of 30 type 2 diabetic subjects, 10 type 2 diabetic subjects between the age group of 30 and 65 years were randomized into two groups, diabetic test (n=5) and diabetic control group (n=5). Diabetic test group practiced IAM technique under the guidance of a trained practitioner. Both the groups continued the same dietary pattern and medications during the 6-month study period. HRV was taken for all subjects at baseline and after 6 months. In our study, we have focused on the power spectral analysis of HRV which include normalized units of high frequency (nHF), low frequency (nLF), and low frequency-high frequency ratio (LF/HF ratio). Results: Mean percentage change in nHF, nLF, and LFHF ratio showed significant changes in between-group comparison (p&lt;0.05). Normalized units of HF increased (p=0.049) while LF (p=0.036) and LFHF ratio (p=0.024) decreased significantly within test group after 6 months of IAM practice suggesting the potential of IAM in improving the parasympathetic tone, thereby tuning the mind and body to calm down during stress. Conclusion: Our study has shown demonstrable improvement in autonomic function which reflects reduced stress after the practice of IAM in diabetic patients

    Exploring Raw Safety Aspects in Aviation Industry

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    Aviation is the growing industry. Safety in the aviation industry is most important. Safety is affected by many factors such as environmental, economical, technical, and operational and many challenges are in the way of aviation safety to overcome from these hurdles .So this paper tried to explore the different safety aspects for the aviation industry. From the literature different research streams and research issues are discussed which affects the safety of the aviation industry. Keywords: Aviation Safety, Challenges, Safety Aspects, Environmental, Economical, Technica

    Mild and transient heat shock enhances DNA integration following lipofection of recombinant plasmids in 4T1 cells

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    316-320Cancer cells having stably integrated genes encoding tumor-associated antigens could be utilized as a vaccine, in-vitro stimulators of antigen-primed T-cells, and target for cytotoxicity assay, etc. Lipofection is a simple and safer technique for stable transfection of plasmid DNA. However, the poor rate of genomic integration has limited its application. In the current study, the effect of mild and transient heat shock following lipofection on the improvement of genomic integration was evaluated. The cDNA fragments encoding chicken MMP-11peptide (V32-K365) and the immunoglobulin-like domain 2 of chicken VEGFR-2 were cloned separately into pcDNA3.1 vector. Lipofection was carried out using Lipofectamine® 2000 (Life Technologies, USA) in 4T1 cells followed by a heat shock at 42°C for 10 min. Transfected cells were selected for a period of four weeks against 500 µg/mL G418 in RPMI 1640 media supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum. Distinct G418-resistant colonies appeared after 14 days of selection. Heat shock significantly (P <0.05) increased the number of viable colonies following antibiotic selection. The immunofluorescent study confirmed the stable integration of the target DNAs into the cells. It is concluded that mild and brief heat shock following lipofection improves the stable integration of recombinant pcDNA3.1 plasmids into 4T1 cells

    Edge Computing in IoT: Vision and Challenges

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    The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) and the success of rich cloud services have pushed the horizon of a new computing paradigm, edge computing, which calls for processing the data at the edge of the network. Edge computing has the potential to address the concerns of response time requirement, battery life constraint, bandwidth cost saving, as well as data safety and privacy. In this paper, we introduce the definition of edge computing, followed by several case studies, ranging from cloud offloading to smart home and city, as well as collaborative edge to materialize the concept of edge computing. Finally, we present several challenges and opportunities in the field of edge computing, and hope this paper will gain attention from the community and inspire more research in this direction