122 research outputs found

    Growth of Vaishnavism in India: A Historical Study

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    India is a country with many religions. It has been the birth of many religions, like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Hinduism is also called Sanatana Dharma. Bhagwat, Pashupat, Lingayat, etc. all religions are a part of Sanatana Dharma. Vaishnavism is a part of the Bhagwat religion. The Development of Vaishnavism in India begins in the ancient period. Vaishnavism in India is mentioned by Heliodorus, the Greek ambassador in Taxila during the Sunga Period. In the Besnagar inscription of Gautami Putra Satkarni in Madhya Pradesh, we find the mention of Vaishnavism on the Garuda Pillar. In the Kushana period also, we find mention of the development of Vaishnavism. Many Images and sculptures of the Kushana period related to Vaishnava stories are found in the Mathura region. Three different idols of Ekansha, Baldeva, and Vasudeva have been found in the Devghar village of the Nawada district of Bihar. Which are kept now in Patna Museum. Vaishnavism developed a lot in the Gupta period. The reign of the Gupta kings is famous for the progress of the Brahmin religion. An inscription has been received from Tosham village of Hisar district of Haryana, which begins with the praise of Lord Vasudev Vishnu. This is a Gupta carpet inscription. Thus, we see that the development of Vaishnavism in India has been happening since ancient times, and even at the present time there are a large number of followers of Vaishnavism in India

    Design Simulation and Performance Analysis of Soft Computing Based Islanding Detection System

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    In recent years, worldwide energy demand has been exaggerated. In addition the lack of adequate transmission capacity, exaggerated transmission and distribution misfortunes and the release of power advertising have been turned into an inspirational power driving the concept, Distributed Generators (DGs). Dispersed age unit (DG) slash hack expansion and mainly regional units linked to distribution to power the system yet to be hundreds of locals[1]. Distributed generation (DG) provides numerous endowments; energy loss decrease throughout force transmission and reduction in the size and scope of electrical cables. Use of the DGs with the present force distribution arrangements may improve the intensity standard by reducing power quality and other issues. The electricity standard is a partner degree that increases concerns for electrical services and their customers during the recent deca. Quality of helpless force is recognised for the variety of aggravations such as diminution of voltage, swelling, imprudent and intermittent homelessness, numerous results, short interference, sounds and voltage shimmers, etc. Methods for locating the system include either moving the boundaries of the system to accept changes in voltage, recurrence that significantly spread throughout the grid removal, or detecting system boundary changes within the islanded DGs through the presentation of small aggravations within the grid activities (dynamic procedures). Current study involves the detection of soft computing classification based on fumbling logic design. In addition, a detection system is presented based on the method of recognition of neural network patterns. The proposed algorithm is superior to contemporary active and passive islanding conditions The proposed algorithm is also created with the help of the proposed algorithm

    Addressing Dissociative Trance Disorder Patients in India: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Adolescent Girls\u27 Help-Seeking and Encounters with Inaccurate Medical Information

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    Background: Dissociative Trance Disorder (DTD), is a complex psychological condition characterized by abrupt trance-like states and altered consciousness, commonly seen in young women throughout various regions of India. Currently, there is a lack of research on the experiences of Indian adolescent girls with DTD and how inaccurate medical information affects their quest for suitable care. This study aims to develop a thorough comprehension of the help-seeking patterns and experiences of adolescent girls with DTD, specifically concerning encountering medical misinformation. By identifying the obstacles, they face and the cultural beliefs that shape their decision-making, this research seeks to guide interventions and initiatives aimed at enhancing care and support for this group. Method: Six adolescent girls and young women, who sought therapy at a district hospital in Sikkim were recruited for the study. They were interviewed extensively and their interview data were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Result: Three super-ordinate themes that emerged were: challenges in seeking diagnosis and treatment; emotional and psychological struggles; support and healing journey. Conclusion: Misinformation surrounding DTD in India impacts the help-seeking behaviours of adolescent girls, leading to delays in diagnosis and inadequate treatment. Cultural beliefs, reliance on exorcism, and insufficient healthcare professional training contribute to this problem. Awareness campaigns are necessary to correct misconceptions and misinformation and promote accurate understanding among parents, communities, and healthcare providers. Culturally sensitive approaches, accurate information dissemination, and collaboration among stakeholders are crucial for improving care and support for individuals affected by DTD in India. Additionally, it is acknowledged that certain religious beliefs resist empirical evidence, but it is vital to recognize that not all religious beliefs are misinformation solely based on scientific evidence. As we address the impact of cultural beliefs, it is essential to strike a balance between respecting individual faith and promoting evidence-based interventions

    Psoriatic Arthritis in the Eastern Part of Uttar Pradesh

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    Aim: This original research article aims to study Psoriatic Arthritis in the Eastern Part of Uttar Pradesh. Material & Method: Two hundred twenty-eight patients of psoriasis regardless of age, sex, religion, occupation, attending the skin, and V. D. outpatients Department, B.R.D. Medical College, Gorakhpur for were taken because of the subject of this study. The bulk of patients belonged to the Eastern U.P. and adjoining areas of Bihar and Nepal. The clinical criteria for diagnosis of psoriasis were the presence of Erythematous and papulosquamous lesions with loosely adherent silvery-white scales. The auspitz's sign was demonstrated all told the cases. The detailed clinical history and examination were recorded with Tests for Rheumatoid factor and serum uric acid, Radiographs of both hands and feet, Radiographs of the lumbosacral Spine and both sacroiliac joints and Radiographs of affected joints (if any). Each patient was categorised into mild to severe psoriasis. Result: The total number of psoriatic arthritis cases was found, 26 of which male were 17 and female were 9. The maximum number of Arthritis cases, 18.5%, were seen with severe disease (PASI score > 15) with higher occurrence in males. The maximum number of joints involved distal interphalangeal joint was 69.2 3%, and the minimum number of joints involved was significant joint 7.69%. Conclusion: Psoriasis care is unbalanced, with men being more likely to undergo specialist treatment than women, causing higher distal interphalangeal (D.I.P.) joint arthropathy

    A Case Study on effect of Vamana Karma in Lupus Induced Hypothyroidism

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    Introduction- Auto-immune thyroid disease is most common in lupus.  Anti-Nuclear-Anti-body is related to both. Primary hypothyroidism occurs in about 15%-19% in patient of Lupus. Hypothyroid Signs and symptoms include low metabolic rate, tendency to weight gain, somnolence, lethargy, menstrual disturbance, aches, muscle stiffness, hair loss, infertility and sometimes myxedema. The above symptoms closely resemble the symptoms of Vikruta Kapha Dosha which are Gaurava, Shaithya, Slatangatwa, Tamah, Klaibya. The location of thyroid gland is In Urdwajatrugata Pradesha i.e., Greeva. Adoption of Vamana karma is best shodhana for Kapha Dosha and also for Urdwa Shareerasthitha Roga making an ideal Panchakarma for hypothyroidism. Aim- To evaluate the efficacy of Vamana Karma in Lupus induced Hypothyroidism. Methodology- Single subject was treated with Deepana-Pachana followed by Shodhananga Snehapana and was subjected to Vamana. As per the Shuddhi the subject was advised Samsarjana Krama. Assessment was done with thyroid profile before and after treatment. Result- Significant changes were noted in thyroid profile.  Discussion- Vamana Karma which is ideal for Kapha Dosha has a positive effect over the disease Hypothyroidism in managing and also maintaining health for longer duration

    First Trimester Screening by Ultrasonographic Markers For Prediction of Preeclampsia

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    Aim- To correlate association of ultrasonographic markers in antenatal patients with subsequent development of preeclampsia Material Method - 131 pregnant women, in first trimester of pregnancy were investigated for their uterine artery Doppler and  placental volume. These patients were followed up till term for the development of preeclampsia. Results: Out of 131 antenatal cases 20.61% developed preeclampsia. Uterine artery Pulsatility index >95th percentile(>2.3) with mean 2.08±0.43(p value 0.0001) predicted pre eclampsia with sensitivity of 51.85% with specificity of 95.19%. Similarly Resistance index of Uterine artery >95th  percentile(>0.8) with mean 0.771±0.084(p value 0.018) predicted pre eclampsia with sensitivity of 48.15% and specificity of 87.50% . Placental Quotient <10th percentile (<0.81) with mean 0.89 (p value 0.0001)predicted pre eclampsia with sensitivity of 40.74% and specificity of 96%.On combining all three ultrasonographic parameters the sensitivity for prediction of preeclampsia was increased to 70.37% with specificity of 86.54%  with PPV of 36.74% % and NPV of 96.34% %. Conclusion: Maternal ultrasonographic markers like Uterine artery PI, RI, Placental Quotient levels vary between normal pregnancies and those that subsequently developed preeclampsia. Thus our study concludes that  first trimester screening with ultrasonographic markershave high sensitivity, specificity and negative predictive value in detection of preeclampsia

    Precipitating Factors of Psoriasis in North Indian Population

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    Aim: This study aims to study precipitating factors of psoriasis in the north Indian population. Material & Method:Two hundred twenty-eight psoriasis patients regardless of age, sex, religion,occupation, attending the skin, and V.D. outpatients Department, B.R.D. Medical College, Gorakhpurfor were taken because of the subject of this study. The bulk of patients belonged to the Eastern U.P.and adjoining areas of Bihar and Nepal. The clinical criteria for diagnosis of psoriasis were thepresence of Erythematous and papulosquamous lesions with loosely adherent silvery-white scales.The auspitz's sign was demonstrated all told the cases. The detailed clinical history and examinationwere recorded. Each patient was categorized into mild to severe psoriasis. Result: The maximumpercentage of cases was aggravated by weather (winter), 55.26%, next to that was trauma 27.19%, and least after infections 4.35%. The summer and spring seasons showed an improved effecton the condition of psoriasis. Alcohol, smoking, and mental stress found no relation with psoriasis.In most cases, where the infection was associated with the disease, it had been aggravated only inchildren, and young adults and lesions were of guttate type. Pregnancy had no effect in 25.43% ofcases, while the disease was improved in 3.50% of patients and worsen in 4.35% of cases. Conclusion: Psoriasis is positively correlated with the winter season and negatively associated withSummer and Spring
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