1,972 research outputs found

    Bacteriostatic effect of Coumarin 2-(3,4- Dihydroxyphenyl)-3,5,7-Trihydroxy-4H-Chromen-4-One Isolated from the root extract of Strychnos nux vomica.

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    Introduction and Aim: Strychnos nux-vomica (S. nux-vomica) being Loganiaceae is a well-known herb in India as well in Srilanka, Northern and Southeast Asia America. The present investigation has been carried out to evaluate the bacteriostatic effects of 2-(3,4- dihydroxyphenyl)-3,5,7-trihydroxy-4H-chromen-4-one isolated from root ethyl acetate extract of S. nux-vomica. Materials and Methods: Structure elucidation was carried out using 1HNMR.The bacteriostatic effect of isolated compound at 75 and 100 µg/ml was evaluated using agar well diffusion method against MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, B. subtilis, B. cereus, P.aeruginosa, E.coli, S. typhi. Result: Based on the result, we noted that, MRSA was most susceptible bacterial strain with 5.4mm and 11.3mm zone of inhibitions recorded at 75 and 100µg/ml respectively. Result is compared with known standard gentamycin sulphate. Conclusion: In accordance to the result of the investigation, here we conclude that, the isolated compound is coumarin derivative compound and it exhibit significant activity against MRSA

    Anti Biofilm Activity and Time-Kill Study of Silver Nanoparticles of Strychnos nux vomica Root Ethyl Acetate extractagainst Clinically Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Mutants

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    Introduction and Aim: The development of biofilms is a crucial component of adherent pathogens and is regarded as one of the indirect mechanisms by which bacteria are resistant to different types of current antibiotics. The time kill studies are also important to evaluate the drug efficiency towards particular bacteria. The current investigation is carried out to determine the antibiofilm and time dependent death initiation ability of silver nano particles (AgNo’s) prepared using S. nux-vomica root ethyl acetate extract. Materials and Methods: Crystal violet assay was used to determine the antibiofilm assay using 1 X MIC, 2 X MIC, and 4 X MIC concentrations of prepared AgNo’s. Ampicillin is used as reference drug. time kill study is also carried out using 1 X MIC, 2 X MIC, and 4 X MIC concentrations of prepared AgNo’s. Results: Antibiofilm activity results of AgNP’s prepared using ethyl acetate extract of S. nux-vomica root revealed to exhibit concentration dependent biofilm inhibition of S. aureus mutant strains.  As per the results, we noticed that the tested AgNP’s are more significant MMSA with inhibition percentage 44.7%, 85.1%, and 83.4% recorded at 1 X MIC, 2 X MIC, and 4 X MIC respectively. Based on the result, we noticed that AgNo’s was significantly killed MMSACFU at 1 × MIC after 5h of treatment time of interval with 31.9%. However, the death rate percentage of MMSA was steadily raised to 56.5% at 8h treatment time and dropped to 44.8% after 9h of treatment. Conclusion: we conclude that, S. nux-vomica root ethyl acetate extract AgNo’s were very significant against MMSA and MRSA and slightly effective against VRSA


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    The objective of this study was toprepare and evaluate a matrix type transdermal patch ofropinirole using blends ofhydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) and EudragitRL 100 and HPMC and Eudragit ERS100. Materialsand Methods: Ropinirole free based used as the drugentity was prepared from its hydrochloride salt.Suitability of the polymers in the form of drug-excipientcompatability was determined prior to formulationdevelopment using FTIR. Patches were developed usingsolvent evaporation technique. Limonene was used asa penetration enhancer. Moisture absorption,moisture content and mechanical properties, drugcontent, in vitro drug release, drug-excipient compatibility,in vitro skin permeation were the in vitro parametersmeasured. Short-term stability, skin irritation andin vivo drug release were measured with oneoptimized formulation. Results and discussion:Ropinirole free base was used successfully in thepreparation of the patches. FTIR studies indicated nointeraction between the drug and the polymers of thisstudy. Formulations developed were strong and notbrittle with uniform drug release. Patches containinghigher HPMC generally showed higher drug releaseand permeation. Drug release and permeation decreasedwith increase in the concentrations of Eudragits. Drugrelease studies indicated Higuchi model for all thepatches with a diffusion mechanism of non-fickian type.Short-term stability studies indicated that ropinirolewas stable in the patches. Patches did not cause any skinirritation. In vivo the optimized patch sustained drugrelease for 24 hours upon one time administration.Conclusion: Clinically viable ropinirole transdermalpatch can be successfully prepared from its base formusing HPMC/Eudragits

    A prospective randomized controlled study comparing the serum cortisol levels in patients administered general anaesthesia versus supraclavicular brachial plexus block for upper limb surgeries

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    BACKGROUND: Surgery is a stressful condition. It is associated with increased levels of catabolic hormones. The type of anesthesia has a great influence on the stress response. In general anesthesia, though the patient is paralysed the hypothalamus still receives signals from the surgical site, which results in activation of stress response. In regional anesthesia on the other hand there is complete blockade of impulses reaching the hypothalamus resulting in decreased activation of stress response. Ill effects of stress response include increased oxygen consumption, catabolism and altered immune functions. The adverse effects are associated with poor post operative course and clinical outcome. Cortisol is the most sensitive marker for stress response. AIM OF THE STUDY: To compare the serum cortisol levels in patients administered general anesthesia versus supraclavicular brachial plexus block for upper limb surgeries METHODS: This study is a prospective randomized controlled study. The study involved 62 patients, 1 patient was excluded from the study due to lysis of blood sample. The remaining 61 patients were divided into two groups, Group GA under general anesthesia with 30 patients and Group RA under supraclavicular brachial plexus block with 31 patients. In both the groups blood samples were taken at baseline, 30 minutes after skin incision, 3 hours after skin incision and 24 hours after skin incision for cortisol evaluation . RESULTS: The preoperative cortisol levels in both the groups were comparable with P value of 0.398. At ½ hour the cortisol in Group RA was 4.30±1.59 mcg/ dl, in group GA was 23.32±14.71 mcg/dl. The cortisol values at 3 hours in group RA was 3.87±1.49 mcg/dl, in group GA was 21.16 ±12.75 mcg/ dl. The cortisol values at ½ hour and 3 hour was significantly low in Group RA when compared to Group GA with P value of 0.0001 in both the times. At 24 hours the cortisol values were comparable between the two groups with P value of 0.123. CONCLUSION: From this study it was concluded that Cortisol levels at ½ hour and 3 hours after skin incision was significantly lower in Group RA when compared to Group GA. So the magnitude of stress response was significantly lower in RA group when compared to GA group as indicated by the cortisol level. So it can be concluded that supraclavicular brachial plexus block is better than general anesthesia for upper limb surgeries due to decreased stress response as indicated by the cortisol levels

    Apert syndrome (Acrocephalosyndactyly): a case report

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    Apert syndrome is named for the French physician. Eugene Apert in 1906 described the syndrome acrocephalosyndactylia. It is a rare autosomal dominant disorder characterized by craniosynostosis, craniofacial anomalies, and severe symmetrical syndactyly of the hands and feet (i.e. cutaneous and bony fusion refers to webbing of fingers and toes). Apert syndrome is characterized by the premature fusion of certain skull bones (craniosynostosis). This early fusion prevents the skull from growing normally and affects the shape of the head and face. In addition, a varied number of fingers and toes are fused together (syndactyly). Most cases of Apert syndrome are sporadic, may result from new mutations in the gene. The purpose of this paper is to report a case of Apert syndrome in a female fetus of 30 weeks with asymmetrical skull confirmed by prenatal ultrasonography. Pregnancy was terminated and fetus was submitted for detailed autopsy in anatomy dissection hall. The findings and review of literature were presented in this article

    Evaluation and Improvement of Distribution System Reliability Indices using ETAP Software

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    Reliability assessment is the most important factor in designing and planning of distribution system that should operate in an economical manner with minimal interruption of customer loads. This is due to the fact that the distribution system provides the final link between a utility transmission system and its customers. It is observed that more than 80% of all customer interruptions occur (i.e., power quality issues) due to component failures in the distribution system. That report quantifies the expected reliability indices such as interruption frequency and interruption duration during the entire year. Many research findings are out there to assess the reliability of the power system. Further, due to the wide growth of distributed generation in electrical power, investigating their impact on system reliability, it becomes an attractive area of research. In this paper, the reliability evaluation of distribution system using a minimal cut set method based on the FMEA technique is described and applied to the IEEE RBTS Bus-2 and Indian practical distribution system (33/11 kV). Development of ETAP software is presented for calculating reliability indices. Further, improvement of reliability with introducing of Distributed Generation is presented. Reliability indices are load point indices and system indices which includes, System Average Interruption Frequency Indices (SAIFI), System Average Interruption Duration Indices (SAIDI), Customer Average Interruption Frequency Indices (CAIFI), Customer Average Interruption Duration Indices (CAIDI), Energy Not Supplied (ENS), Average Energy Not Supplied (AENS), etc. These indices are shows the reliability performance of the system
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