264 research outputs found

    RTL2RTL Formal Equivalence: Boosting the Design Confidence

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    Increasing design complexity driven by feature and performance requirements and the Time to Market (TTM) constraints force a faster design and validation closure. This in turn enforces novel ways of identifying and debugging behavioral inconsistencies early in the design cycle. Addition of incremental features and timing fixes may alter the legacy design behavior and would inadvertently result in undesirable bugs. The most common method of verifying the correctness of the changed design is to run a dynamic regression test suite before and after the intended changes and compare the results, a method which is not exhaustive. Modern Formal Verification (FV) techniques involving new methods of proving Sequential Hardware Equivalence enabled a new set of solutions for the given problem, with complete coverage guarantee. Formal Equivalence can be applied for proving functional integrity after design changes resulting from a wide variety of reasons, ranging from simple pipeline optimizations to complex logic redistributions. We present here our experience of successfully applying the RTL to RTL (RTL2RTL) Formal Verification across a wide spectrum of problems on a Graphics design. The RTL2RTL FV enabled checking the design sanity in a very short time, thus enabling faster and safer design churn. The techniques presented in this paper are applicable to any complex hardware design.Comment: In Proceedings FSFMA 2014, arXiv:1407.195

    Berberis aristata DC: An Important Winter Foraging Source for Anthophilous Insects in Western Himalaya

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    The article presents a first-hand study that provides information about the anthophilous insects of Berberis aristata in Nainital Western Himalaya. By using the direct sampling method, a total of 11 species of anthophilous insects were recorded on the medicinally important plant B. aristata. The recorded anthophilous insects were belonging to the order Diptera, Hymenoptera, and Lepidoptera. The IVR index value of Apis cerana was recorded as maximum showing that it is a potential pollinator of B. aristata. The study reported a good abundance of anthophilous insects on B. aristata, which revealed that it is a good food source for insects during winter. The study concluded that more efforts should be made to investigate resources that could support and provide switching platforms for pollinators during the winter

    Evaluation of the Larvicidal Efficacy of Five Indigenous Weeds against an Indian Strain of Dengue Vector, Aedes aegypti

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    Background and Objectives. Aedes aegypti, dengue fever mosquito, is primarily associated with the transmission of dengue and chikungunya in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The present investigations were carried out to assess the larvicidal efficiency of five indigenous weeds against Ae. aegypti. Methods. The 1,000 ppm hexane and ethanol extracts prepared from the leaves and stem of five plants (Achyranthes aspera, Cassia occidentalis, Catharanthus roseus, Lantana camara, and Xanthium strumarium) were screened for their larvicidal activity against early fourth instars of dengue vector. The extracts which could cause 80–100% mortality were further investigated for their efficacy. Results. The preliminary screening established the efficacy of hexane extracts as compared to the ethanol extracts. Further investigations revealed the highest larvicidal potential of A. aspera extracts exhibiting LC50 value of 82.555 ppm and 68.133 ppm, respectively. Further, their leaf extracts showed 5–85.9% higher larvicidal activity and stem extracts exhibited 0.23- to 0.85-fold more efficiency than the other four extracts. Conclusion. The present investigations suggest the possible use of A. aspera as an ideal ecofriendly, larvicidal agent for the control of dengue vector, Ae. aegypti. Future studies are, however, required to explore and identify the bioactive component involved and its mode of action

    Catalytic effect of acetate (C2H3O2) on coulombic efficiency and bio-electricity generation from wastewater sample prepared from domestic kitchen waste using dual chamber microbial fuel cell technology

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    In recent times, the use of energy resources, particularly non-renewable resources, have increased manifolds due to the ever-increasing global demands. This has led to an increase in depletion of the resources and environmental pollution. Microbial Fuel Cells (MFC) are a new concept that has proved to be the solution to the problem as a green energy resource. The paper focuses on generating electricity from wastewater prepared from kitchen wet waste kept for about 168 hours in an attempt to address the energy crisis while also treating it. A comparative analysis of the sample as prepared and with acetate has been studied and power generation, coulombic efficiency and change in chemical oxygen demand (COD) for wastewater were calculated and also the catalytic effect of acetate was analyzed. It was  observed that there was a substantial increase in coulombic efficiency and COD content .   A coulombic Efficiency  efficiency of 25.29% was obtained for the sample with acetate, whereas, without acetate it was calculated as 9.71%. The maximum power density was obtained from the polarization curves. It was observed that the maximum power density of pure kitchen wastewater was found to be 0.017 mW/m2; however, for kitchen wastewater with acetate, the power density increased considerably to 0.546 mW/m2 at an external resistance of 1Kῼ. Further, the maximum current densities observed were 2.239 mA/m2 and 8.771 mA/m2, respectively. The internal resistance of the constructed prototypes was also determined using the maximum power transfer theorem. In this study, a prototype was constructed and it was found that kitchen waste can be used as a source of electricity generation and leads to a green energy initiative.    


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    Prakriti (Constitution) of a person are seven different types based on the dominancy of Doshas. The Prakriti of a person is determined by the predominance of a particular Doshas at the time of conception and also influenced by the environmental factors. Prakriti has direct influence on the academic performance of the children as the memory and intelligence is governed by dominance of Doshas in our body. For identification of Prakriti we depend upon certain criterias which are mostly based on physiological, anatomical and psychological factors. By knowing Prakriti of children we can apply useful guidelines on them which may help them to make a right judgment and attitude towards life. It will also help to form a useful frame work for future of children. With this preview present study was conducted to assess the correlation between academic performance and Prakriti childhood period. Healthy volunteers were selected randomly from the survey done and OPD of NIA, Jaipur. 140 children were selected for the study after taking informed consent. There Prakriti was assessed and digit span test was done to retest impact of Prakriti on memory of the children. The comparison between the memory counted from proformas and digit span test was done. It was found that out of seven types of Prakriti that the subjects which include Vata and Pitta dominancy have good short term memory and subjects with Vata dominancy have good short term memory

    Utilization of Fruit Peel Wastes for the Management of Chikungunya Vector, Aedes aegypti

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    Chikungunya, a widely spread viral disease transmitted to human beings by Aedes aegypti, is on rise in India, Africa and Asian subcontinent since last decade. Although chemical insecticides are used at a large scale for the control of Chikungunya vector, their applications have led to several undesirable effects including insecticide resistance, revival of pests species, appearance of secondary pests, environmental pollution, noxious hazards to human beings and non-target organisms forcing investigators to explore unconventional alternate strategies. As an environment-friendly approach, there is increased attention to devise and adopt suitable methods to utilize wastes as value-added products to reduce the problem of environmental pollution. Consequently, the larvicidal and adult irritant potential of hexane and petroleum ether peel extracts of three different Citrus species, C. limetta, C. sinensis and C. Limon, were assessed against Ae. aegypti. The results showed the larvicidal potential of all the three peels, C. limetta peel extracts exhibiting the least activity. Furthermore, hexane extracts were more effective than petroleum ether extracts, C. sinensis peels hexane extract being most effectual (LC50, 39.51 ppm) while petroleum ether peels extract of C. limon was the most effective larvicide with LC50 value of 51.25 ppm. All the extracts also exhibited significant elicit response and irritant potential against adults signifying their potential role in reduced mosquito bites and disease transmission. The qualitative phytochemical analysis of the extracts showed presence of certain components suggesting their probable role in bioefficacy of extracts. Further studies are needed to isolate and identify the active ingredient to formulate strategies for mosquito control

    Bio-Spectrum of Flower Visiting Insects and Their Role in Pollination Service of An Indigenous Himalayan Shrub (Deutzia Staminea R.Br. Ex Wall.)

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    Deutzia staminea is a deciduous or rarely evergreen shrub, indigenous to Himalayas. It is widely known for its ornamental role. The present study aiming to investigate Bio-spectrum of flower visiting insects and their role in pollination service of Deutzia staminea during blooming season in Kumaun Himalayas, Uttarakhand. A total of 324 individuals, belonging to 25 species under seven families from three orders were recorded visiting the selected plant species. On the basis of total number of individuals, Lepidoptera was the dominant order followed by Hymenoptera and Diptera. In terms of number of species Nymphalidae was the most dominant family whereas, Riodinidae, Vespidae, Syrphidae were the least dominant families. Apis mellifera was recorded as most abundant species whereas, Calliphora vicina was found to be the least abundant species during the study period

    Successive-approximation-register based quantizer design for high-speed delta-sigma modulators

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    High-speed delta-sigma modulators are in high demand for applications such as wire-line and wireless communications, medical imaging, RF receivers and high-definition video processing. A high-speed delta-sigma modulator requires that all components of the delta-sigma loop operate at the desired high frequency. For this reason, it is essential that the quantizer used in the delta-sigma loop operate at a high sampling frequency. This thesis focuses on the design of high-speed time-interleaved multi-bit successive-approximation-register (SAR) quantizers. Design techniques for high-speed medium-resolution SAR analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) using synchronous SAR logic are proposed. Four-bit and 8-bit 5 GS/s SAR ADCs have been implemented in 65 nm CMOS using 8-channel and 16-channel time-interleaving respectively. The 4-bit SAR ADC achieves SNR of 24.3 dB, figure-of-merit (FoM) of 638 fJ/conversion-step and 42.6 mW power consumption, while the 8-bit SAR ADC achieves SNR of 41.5 dB, FoM of 191 fJ/conversion-step and 92.8 mW power consumption. High-speed operation is achieved by optimizing the critical path in the SAR ADC loop. A sampling network with a split-array with unit bridge capacitor topology is used to reduce the area of the sampling network and switch drivers

    Note On Linear Stability of Steady Hydromagetic Flows of An Incompressible Fluid

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    In the present paper energy method is used to obtain two sufficient conditions for linear stability of steady hydrodynamical flows. The idea of the method is to construct a small three-dimensional perturbations and formulate the stability criteria for the steady magnetohydrodynamic flows of an ideal incompressible.The stability conditions so obtained ensure non existence of perturbations which grow with time faster than linealy
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