24 research outputs found

    Metabolizm sodu u chorych na raka żołądka w okresie spoczynkowym a przebieg odpowiedzi na uraz operacyjny

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    Chorzy na raka żołądka w okresie spoczynkowym wykazują pewną skłonność do zatrzymania sodu, pojawiającą się w warunkach przeciętnej podaży dziennej. Zachowanie się poszczególnych chorych nie jest jednolite, wyraźnie dodatni bilans sodowy oraz utratę cyklicznego charakteru bilansu wykazało w naszych badaniach 2/3 chorych, podczas gdy pozostali nie różnili się w tym zakresie od ludzi zdrowych [6]. W bezpośrednim okresie pooperacyjnym, trwającym 72 godziny, stwierdziliśmy u tych chorych dodatni kierunek bilansu sodowego o różnym nasileniu [1,5]. Przedmiotem niniejszej pracy są badania, mające na celu odpowiedź na to, czy i w jakim stopniu istnieje związek pomiędzy zachowaniem się metabolizmu sodu u chorych na raka żołądka w okresie spoczynkowym i w okresie 10 dni pooperacyjnych.In a group of 28 patients suffering for gastric cancer sodium and chloride balance studies were performed. The investigations were carried out before operation (steady state) and during 10 days after surgery; the postoperative period was divided into 2 parts (early – 72 hours, and later period 4–10 days). In all cases the clinical and x-ray diagnosis of cancer was confirmed during operation and by microscopic examination. In steady state sodium balance was not uniform – as well sodium equilibrium as positive and negative balance was observed. In the early postoperative period in all patients there was positive sodium balance of different intensity in particular patients. No correlation between preoperative state and early response to trauma was observed. On the contrary there was observed some influence of early p.p. on sodium balance course in later postoperative period. It may give evidence that the influence of all factors with trauma is more prolonged then there is generally accepted

    Interaction between real and virtual humans during walking: perceptual evaluation of a simple device

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    International audienceValidating that a real user can correctly perceive the motion of a virtual human is first required to enable realistic interactions between real and virtual humans during navigation tasks through virtual reality equipment. In this paper we focus on collision avoidance tasks. Previous works stated that real humans are able to accurately estimate others' motion and to avoid collisions with anticipation. Our main contribution is to propose a perceptual evaluation of a simple virtual reality system. The goal is to assess whether real humans are also able to accurately estimate a virtual human motion before collision avoidance. Results show that, even through a simple system, users are able to correctly evaluate the situation of an interaction on the qualitative point of view. Especially, in comparison with real interactions, users accurately decide whether they should give way to the virtual human or not. However, on the quantitative point of view, it is not easy for users to determine whether they will collide with virtual humans or not. On one hand, deciding to give way or not is a two-choice problem. On the other hand, detecting future collision requires to determine whether some visual variables belong some interval or not. We discuss this problem in terms of bearing angle

    Multipath Propagation of Acoustic Signal in a Swimming Pool—Source Localization Problem

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    This paper explores the problem of severe multipath propagation of underwater acoustic signals in a swimming pool. The problem appeared in a study that examined a system used to signal emergency situations (i.e., pre-drowning symptoms detected by a wearable device on a pool user’s wrist) and locate the signal source. A swimming pool acoustic environment is characterized by the presence of large flat reflecting planes surrounding a small volume of water. The reflections are numerous and much stronger than in typical hydroacoustic applications. In this paper, we attempted to create a model of the swimming pool response, one that is suitable for simulation experiments with detection and localization of emergency signals. Then, we explore the possible remedies for the localization system, applied on the transmit side (waveform design) and on the receive side (receiver placement and signal processing). Finally, we present an algorithm for object localization, considering the possible reflections with a multi-hypothesis approach

    Lowered serum testosterone concentration is associated with enhanced inflammation and worsened lipid profile in men

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    The negative relationship between testosterone and inflammatory cytokines has been reported for decades, although the exact mechanisms of their interactions are still not clear. At the same time, little is known about the relation between androgens and acute phase proteins. Therefore, in this investigation, we aimed to study the relationship between androgen status and inflammatory acute phase reactants in a group of men using multi-linear regression analysis. Venous blood samples were taken from 149 men ranging in age from 18 to 77 years. Gonadal androgens [testosterone (T) and free testosterone (fT)], acute phase reactants [C-reactive protein (CRP), ferritin (FER), alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AAG), and interleukin-6 (IL-6)], cortisol (C), and lipid profile concentrations were determined. It was demonstrated that the markers of T and fT were negatively correlated with all acute phase proteins (CRP, FER, and AAG; p < 0.02) and the blood lipid profile [total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and triglycerides (TG); p < 0.03]. Multivariate analysis showed that T, fT, and the fT/C ratio were inversely correlated with the CRP, AAG, and FER concentrations independently of age and blood lipids. When adjustment for BMI was made, T, fT, and the fT/C ratio were negatively correlated with the AAG concentrations only. In addition, it was demonstrated that gonadal androgens were positively correlated with physical activity level (p < 0.01). We have concluded that a lowered serum T concentration may promote inflammatory processes independently of adipose tissue and age through a reduced inhibition of inflammatory cytokine synthesis, which leads to enhanced acute phase protein production. Therefore, a low serum T concentration appears to be an independent risk factor in the development of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, the positive correlation between testosterone and physical activity level suggests that exercise training attenuates the age-related decrease in gonadal androgens and, in this way, may reduce the enhancement of systemic low-grade inflammation in aging men