2 research outputs found

    Détermination de la concentration de manganèse dans l’eau potable associée à des déficits cognitifs chez l’enfant

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    Le manganèse (Mn) est un nutriment essentiel, mais peut induire des effets neurotoxiques lorsque l’exposition est trop élevée. En particulier, certaines études récentes ont rapporté que l’exposition au Mn dans l’eau potable était associée à une diminution des habiletés cognitives chez les enfants. Par contre, la concentration à partir de laquelle ces effets apparaissent n’a pas été estimée dans les études existantes. Par conséquent, l’objectif de mon mémoire de maîtrise était d’estimer la concentration de Mn dans l'eau potable associée à différents niveaux prédéfinis de déficit cognitif chez des enfants d’âge scolaire. Pour ce faire, les données de deux études transversales du Canada ont été poolées, résultant en un échantillon de 630 enfants âgés de 5 à 14 ans. Le quotient intellectuel (QI) de chaque enfant a été évalué et la concentration de Mn a été mesurée dans l’eau de la résidence. Au moyen du logiciel Bayesian Benchmark Dose Analysis, nous avons conduit une analyse concentration repère (benchmark concentration) pour estimer les concentrations de Mn dans l’eau associées à une diminution de 1%, 2% et de 5% de QI, ainsi que les limites inférieures des intervalles crédibles à 95% (LIIC95%). Nos résultats indiquent que la concentration de Mn dans l’eau associée à une diminution de 1% de QI était de 121 µg/L (LIIC95%, 70 µg/L), tandis que celles à une diminution de 2% et de 5% de QI étaient de 241 µg/L (LIIC95%, 141 µg/L) et 611 µg/L (LIIC95%, 367 µg/L), respectivement. Puisque les résultats suggèrent que l’association entre le Mn dans l’eau et le QI diffère entre les sexes, des analyses stratifiées ont aussi été menées. La concentration de Mn dans l’eau associée à une diminution de 1% de QI était de 169 µg/L (LIIC95%, 68 µg/L) chez les garçons et de 73 µg/L (LIIC95%, 8 µg/L) chez les filles. Il n’existe pas de recommandation actuellement au Canada sur la concentration de Mn qui devrait être permise dans l’eau potable, et ces résultats pourraient guider les décideurs dans l’élaboration d’une telle recommandation pour protéger les enfants des effets neurotoxiques de ce métal.Manganese (Mn) is an essential nutrient but can induce neurotoxic effects elevated exposure levels. Recent studies have reported that exposure to Mn in drinking water could be associated with a decrease in cognitive abilities in children. However, the concentration at which these effects appear has not been estimated in previous studies. Therefore, the objective of my master’s thesis was to estimate the concentration of Mn in drinking water associated with different predefined levels of cognitive deficits in children. To achieve this, data from two cross-sectional studies from Canada were pooled resulting in a sample of 630 children from ages 5-14 years. The intelligence quotient (IQ) of each child was assessed and the concentration of Mn was measured from the tap water of their residence. We used the software Bayesian Benchmark Dose Analysis to estimate the benchmark concentrations of water Mn associated with a 1%, 2% and 5% decrease in IQ, as well as the lower limits of the 95% credible interval (LL95%CI). Our results show that the concentration of Mn in water associated with a 1% decrease in IQ was 121 μg/L (LL95%CI, 70 μg/L), while those for a decrease of 2% and 5% points were 241 μg /L (LL95%CI, 141 μg/L) and 611 μg/L (LL95%CI, 367 μg/L) respectively. Since the results suggest that the association between Mn in water and IQ is different between the sexes, we also conducted sex-stratified analyses. The concentration of Mn in water associated with a 1% decrease in IQ was 169 μg/L (LL95%CI, 68 μg/L) in boys and 73 μg/L (LL95%CI, 8 μg/L) in girls. As there is currently no established health-based guideline for Mn in drinking water in Canada, these results can guide decision-makers in developing a guideline aimed at protecting children from neurotoxicity from this metal

    A benchmark concentration analysis for manganese in drinking water and IQ deficits in children

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    Background: Manganese is an essential nutrient, but in excess, can be a potent neurotoxicant. We previously reported findings from two cross-sectional studies on children, showing that higher concentrations of manganese in drinking water were associated with deficits in IQ scores. Despite the common occurrence of this neurotoxic metal, its concentration in drinking water is rarely regulated. Objective: We aimed to apply a benchmark concentration analysis to estimate water manganese levels associated with pre-defined levels of cognitive impairment in children, i.e. drop of 1%, 2% and 5% in Performance IQ scores. Methods: Data from two studies conducted in Canada were pooled resulting in a sample of 630 children (ages 5.9–13.7 years) with data on tap water manganese concentration and cognition, as well as confounders. We used the Bayesian Benchmark Dose Analysis System to compute weight-averaged median estimates for the benchmark concentration (BMC) of manganese in water and the lower bound of the credible interval (BMCL), based on seven different exposure-response models. Results: The BMC for manganese in drinking water associated with a decrease of 1% Performance IQ score was 133 μg/L (BMCL, 78 μg/L); for a decrease of 2%, this concentration was 266 μg/L (BMCL, 156 μg/L) and for a decrease of 5% it was 676 μg/L (BMCL, 406 μg/L). In sex-stratified analyses, the manganese concentrations associated with a decrease of 1%, 2% and 5% Performance IQ in boys were 185, 375 and 935 μg/L (BMCLs, 75, 153 and 386 μg/L) and 78, 95, 192 μg/L (BMCLs, 9, 21 and 74 μg/L) for girls. Conclusion: Studies suggest that a maximum acceptable concentration for manganese in drinking water should be set to protect children, the most vulnerable population, from manganese neurotoxicity. The present risk analysis can guide decision-makers responsible for developing these standards