42 research outputs found

    Ocena jakości życia u pacjentów z chorobą Gravesa-Basedowa i postępującą naciekową oftalmopatią tarczycową w trakcie skojarzonego leczenia metyloprednizolonem i radioterapią przestrzeni pozagałkowych

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    Wstęp: Celem pracy była ocena jakości życia u chorych z naciekową postacią oftalmopatii tarczycowej (GO, Graves’ opthalmopathy) w trakcie pulsacyjnego leczenia metylprednizolonem w połączeniu z radioterapią oczodołów oraz próba odniesienia wyników leczenia oftalamopatii do zmian w jakości życia. Materiał i metody: Badaniem objęto grupę 29 pacjentów w wieku 25-74 lat (śr. wieku: 52 ± 6 lat) z naciekową GO. Podstawą kwalifikacji chorych do leczenia oftalmopatii było uzyskanie eutyreozy, postępujący charakter zmian ocznych, stopień zaawansowania zmian ocznych oceniany w oparciu o klasyfikację NO SPECS mieszczący się przynajmniej w klasie 3c, indeks oftalmopatii według Donaldson ≥ 4 punktów. Za aktywną postać GO przyjmowano wartości klinicznego wskaźnika aktywności (CAS, clinical activity score) ≥ 4. Podczas leczenia, u chorych zastosowano 6 cykli soli sodowej metyloprednizolonu w dawce 1,0 g/dobę podczas jednogodzinnych wlewów dożylnych, przez kolejne trzy dni w tygodniu. Między 2. a 4. cyklem Solu-Medrolu prowadzono radioterapię tkanek pozagałkowych promieniami X o energii 10 MeV. Grupę kontrolną utworzono ze zdrowych ochotników, dobranych w stosunku do grupy badanej pod względem płci, wieku, posiadanego wykształcenia i uzależnienia od nikotyny. Składała się ona z 53 osób, w wieku 21-75 lat (śr. wieku: 52,4 ± 14 lat). Badania jakości życia przeprowadzano, opierając się na kwestionariuszu MOS SF-36. Wyniki: Pacjenci z GO gorzej oceniali jakość życia w stosunku do osób zdrowych w zakresie ogólnej sprawności, ograniczeń fizycznych i emocjonalnych w pełnieniu funkcji, stanu zdrowia, witalności, funkcjonowania społecznego, zdrowia psychicznego oraz występowania i nasilenia bólu. Nie wykazano korelacji pomiędzy jakością życia a wiekiem, płcią, czasem trwania choroby Gravesa-Basedowa i oftalmopatii. Podobnie nie stwierdzono zależności pomiędzy aktywnością i zaawansowaniem klinicznym zmian ocznych a jakością życia. Zastosowanie skojarzonej terapii GO spowodowało znamienne zmniejszenie stopnia zaawansowania zmian ocznych i obniżenie aktywności choroby. Po leczeniu pacjenci wskazali na poprawę jakości życia w zakresie ograniczeń fizycznych w odgrywaniu ról, występowania i nasilenia bólu oraz witalności. Pozostałe parametry jakości życia nie różniły się istotnie statystycznie. Wnioski: Oftalamopatia tarczycowa powoduje znaczne pogorszenie jakości życia. Stopień zaawansowania klinicznego i aktywność oftalmopatii nie wykazują związku z jakością życia. Skuteczności leczenia oftalmopatii nie można oceniać, kierując się zmianami w jakości życia pacjentów.Introduction: The aim of the study was to assess quality of life (QoL) in patients with infiltrative form of Graves’ ophthalmopathy (GO) during the combined pulse treatment with methylprednisolone and orbital radiotherapy, and also to search for the relation between the results of ophthalmopathy treatment and changes in QoL. Material and methods: The study involved 29 patients aged 25-74 (the mean age: 52 ± 6 years) with infiltrative form of GO. They were classified for ophthalmopathy treatment on the basis of the following factors: the obtained euthyreosis, progressive character of eye changes, the level of eye changes determined on the basis of NO SPECS classification (at least class 3c), ophthalmopathy index (OI) according to Donaldson ≥ 4. GO was diagnosed as active if CAS (clinical activity score) ≥ 4. During the treatment, the patients received 6 cycles of methylprednisolone sodium succinate in doses of 1,0 g/24 h given as one-hour-long intravenous infusions for three successive days in a week. Between the 2nd and 4th cycle of Solu-Medrol, orbital radiotherapy with 10 MeV X-rays was performed. The control group was made up of healthy volunteers selected with regard to sex, age, educational background and nicotine addiction so as they corresponded with the study group. It involved 53 individuals aged 21-75 (the mean age: 52,4 ± 14 years). QoL was assessed by means of the MOS SF-36 questionnaire. Results: Patients with GO evaluated their QoL lower than healthy individuals, which referred to physical functioning, physical and emotional role functioning, general health, vitality, social functioning, mental health and bodily pain. No correlation was found between quality of life and such factors as age, sex, or duration time of Graves disease and ophthalmopathy. Analogically, no relation was observed between the activity and stage of clinical development of eye changes and QoL. The use of the combined GO therapy contributed to a considerable decrease in the development of eye changes and the disease activity. After treatment, the patients’ QoL improved which referred to physical role functioning, bodily pain, and vitality. Other QoL parameters did not statistically significantly differ. Conclusions: GO causes a considerable worsening of QoL. The stage of clinical development and activity of GO find no reflection in QoL. Effectiveness of treatment for GO cannot be evaluated on the basis of changes in QoL

    Oprogramowanie do rekonstrukcji i analizy 3D obrazów diagnostycznych

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    Background: Recent advances in computer technologies have opened new frontiers in medical diagnostics. Interesting possibilities are the use of three-dimensional (3D) imaging and the combination of images from different modalities. Software prepared in our laboratories devoted to 3D image reconstruction and analysis from computed tomography and ultrasonography is presented. In developing our software it was assumed that it should be applicable in standard medical practice, i.e. it should work effectively with a PC. An additional feature is the possibility of combining 3D images from different modalities. Materials/Methods: The program was tested on a PC using DICOM data from computed tomography and TIFF files obtained from a 3D ultrasound system. The results of the anthropomorphic phantom and patient data were taken into consideration. A new approach was used to achieve spatial correlation of two independently obtained 3D images. The method relies on the use of four pairs of markers within the regions under consideration. The user selects the markers manually and the computer calculates the transformations necessary for coupling the images. Results: The main software feature is the possibility of 3D image reconstruction from a series of twodimensional (2D) images. The reconstructed 3D image can be: (1) viewed with the most popular methods of 3D image viewing, (2) filtered and processed to improve image quality, (3) analyzed quantitatively (geometrical measurements), and (4) coupled with another, independently acquired 3D image. The reconstructed and processed 3D image can be stored at every stage of image processing. The overall software performance was good considering the relatively low costs of the hardware used and the huge data sets processed. The program can be freely used and tested (source code and program available at http://www.biofizyka.cm-uj.krakow.pl). Improvements allowing the processing of new data types and new procedures can be implemented for specific demands. Conclusions: The reconstruction and data processing can be conducted using a standard PC, so low investment costs result in the introduction of advanced and useful diagnostic possibilities

    UVB sensitivity in chronic viral hepatitis : pilot study

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    About 3% of the Polish population suffer from chronic viral hepatitis (CVH). CVH can be present without any symptoms. Some patients manifest only extrahepatic involvement during the course of hepatitis. CVH can present with symptoms of photosensitive diseases such as LE, DM, and PCT. The aim of the study was to assess UVB sensitivity in CVH patients in comparison with lupus erythematosus (LE) patients and healthy volunteers (HV). The study group consisted of 90 patients: 30 with CVH, 30 with LE and 30 HV. We performed phototesting in NB and BB UVB radiation and determined MED and the >1 MED erythema duration. A significant difference (p=0.01) was found between mean MED BB and NB UVB in subjects with LE and HV. Mean persistence time of >1 MED erythema was significantly different between LE patients and HV (p<106p<10^{-6}) and between CVH and HV (p<106p<10^{-6}). There were no significant differences in phototesting values between patients with CVH type B and CVH type C, between patients with normal or higher aminotransferase activity and between patients treated or untreated.: Our study revealed increased photosensitivity in CVH patients, especially in persistence of >1 MED erythema. This value was similar as in LE patients. There were no correlations between virus type, liver enzymes activity, treatment and phototesting results. Photosensitivity could be one of the extrahepatic manifestations of CVH

    Prenatal ultrasonographic diagnosis of congenital epulis – two case reports and literature review

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    Abstract The following work presents prenatal ultrasonographic examination of two rare fetal cases of epulis, among 13 792 fetuses referred to our unit due to suspected fetal anomalies by obstetricians (estimated prevalence 1/7000 among fetuses with different anomalies). Sonographic differential diagnosis, value of fetal nasal amniotic fluid flow assessment by color Doppler and the probability of EXIT procedure have been described

    A new method of volume determination in three-dimensional ultrasonography

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    Background: The aim of this work was to develop a method of volume determination utilizing the grey scale histogram of three-dimensional (3D) ultrasonic (US) image. Volumes are calculated as the product of single voxel volume and the area of histogram peak representing investigated object. The proposed solution performance was compared with two other methods. First utilizes two-dimensional crosssection areas on subsequent image layers while the second allows the volume determination on the basis of one-dimensional measurements. Material/Methods: The 3D US phantoms images were used to test the procedure. The usefulness of the method was also demonstrated on several clinical examples. The ultrasonic 3D images were collected, their histograms calculated and fitted with model curves allowing the volume calculations. The accuracy and precision was assessed and t-test was used for evaluating performance of all considered methods. Results: The accuracy (understood as the difference between real and measured volume) achieved in the proposed solution (3.6%) was the highest comparing to alternative methods (5.2% and 8.4%). Also the p-value (two-tailed t-test) was better in the case of the presented method. The performance increase was due to the elimination of subjective delineation of measured regions of interest. Conclusions: The presented procedure can be successfully used for volume assessment concerning its simplicity, accuracy and time consumption. It should be emphasized that the new method does not require image segmentation, unlike other methods in use. The procedure was tested with 3D US imaging but can be used successfully with any 3D imaging modality

    Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor imaging with [Lys^{40}(Ahx-HYNIC-^{99m}Tc/EDDA)NH_2]-exendin-4 for the detection of insulinoma

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    PURPOSE: The objective of this article is to present a new method for the diagnosis of insulinoma with the use of [Lys(40)(Ahx-HYNIC-(99m)Tc/EDDA)NH(2)]-exendin-4. METHODS: Studies were performed in 11 patients with negative results of all available non-isotopic diagnostic methods (8 with symptoms of insulinoma, 2 with malignant insulinoma and 1 with nesidioblastosis). In all patients glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor imaging (whole-body and single photon emission computed tomography/CT examinations) after the injection of 740 MBq of the tracer was performed. RESULTS: Both sensitivity and specificity of GLP-1 receptor imaging were assessed to be 100 % in patients with benign insulinoma. In all eight cases with suspicion of insulinoma a focal uptake in the pancreas was found. In six patients surgical excision of the tumour was performed (type G1 tumours were confirmed histopathologically). In one patient surgical treatment is planned. One patient was disqualified from surgery. In one case with malignant insulinoma pathological accumulation of the tracer was found only in the region of local recurrence. The GLP-1 study was negative in the other malignant insulinoma patient. In one case with suspicion of nesidioblastosis, a focal accumulation of the tracer was observed and histopathology revealed coexistence of insulinoma and nesidioblastosis. CONCLUSION: [Lys(40)(Ahx-HYNIC-(99m)Tc/EDDA)NH(2)]-exendin-4 seems to be a promising diagnostic tool in the localization of small insulinoma tumours, but requires verification in a larger series of patients

    Diaphragmatic hernia in Reference Hospital ICZMP – diagnostic problems and outcome

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to analyze US/ECHO examinations in fetuses with diaphragmatic hernia (DH) diagnosed and treated in our institution from 1994-2006, and their follow-up. Material and methods: Retrospective analysis of the data base from Department for Diagnoses & Prevention of Fetal Malformations, Research Institute of the Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital: 14 481 fetal echo/ultrasound examinations in 10 077 fetuses have been analyzed to retrieve 115 fetuses with DH. Results: The mean gestational age at the targeted US/ECHO examination was 30 wks. There were 8 terminations of pregnancies (at mean 21 wks), 6 intrauterine demises, 60 neonatal deaths after delivery (in 1-3rd day of postnatal life), 8 deaths after surgery, 19 neonates were discharged home and in 14 cases the follow-up could not be monitored. The most common anomalies accompanying DH have been central nervous system anomalies (20%), polyhydramnion (16%) and cong heart defects (10%). In this subgroup, there was 100% mortality. Isolated DH has been diagnosed in every third case. In this subgroup, 27 neonates had undergone surgery and the survival rate was 70%, however since 2004 there was not a single death on record. Conclusions: Late gestational age of US/ECHO examinations in our tertiary center suggests that DH has been relatively difficult to detect during ultrasound screening. DH and the other structural malformations have been a lethal disease in our series in 100%. Isolated DH was much less frequent and was present in every third case (29%), and in this group the survival rate was 70%, regardless of the way of the delivery (CS or Vaginal)