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    In this paper we study the accuracy of a single-rotor robotic small-scale helicopter flight along a complex path. The control algorithms for the autopilot are synthesized using the position-trajectory control approach. We use hardware-software complex to test the helicopter autopilot. The simulation in hardware-software complex is used to debug the autopilot software and complex study of autopilot control algorithms in early development stages without full-scale experiments. The paper shows results of the simulation of single-rotor small-scale helicopter flight


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    Using the reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography with diode-array and mass-spectrometric (in ESI mode) detection, a composition of Catharanthus roseum petals was established. After the acid hydrolysis, all five anthocyanidins were found to be different comparing to the ordinary anthocyanidins from Vitis vinifera fruits. The anthocyanins were elucidated to be 7-O-methyl derivatives of delphinidin, cyanidin, petunidin, peonidin and malvidin by the analysis of retention in RP HPLC, mass- and UV-visible spectra. The anthocyanins were characterized with UV-visible spectra, having the same fixtures as the set of non-methylated (in position 7) anthocyanin with hypsochromic (4 nm) of spectral maxima. The absorption bands for 7-methlcyanidin and 7-methylpeonidin aglycons and derivatives were indistinguishable while for the set of 7-methydelphinidin, 7-methypetunidin and 7-methylnalvidin (hirsutidin) a consecutive shift of absorption maxima by approximately 1 – 1.5 nm was found. The same was true for non-methylates at position 7 derivatives. The analysis of retention of anthocyanins of the flowers including the comparison with the retention of Mangifera indica skin anthocyanins, mass- and UV-visible spectra indicated that a minor set of anthocyanins included two sets of derivatives. The minor compounds were found to be 3-galactosides for samples under investigation, while the set of the major anthocyanins was represented by 3-rhamnosilgalactosides. Indeed, though through mass-spectra it was not possible to differentiate 3-rhamnosylgalatosides and 3-(p-coumaroylgalactosides) because of m/z coincidence, the retention difference between the two found anthocyanins sets as well as UV-visible spectra excluded the latter type of derivatives.Key words: anthocyanins, HPLC, 7-O-methyl derivatives of delphinidin, cyanidin, petunidin, peonidin and malvidin, 3-galactosides, 3-phamnosylgalactosides, UV-vis spectra, mass-spectrometric detection.(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2019.23.1.001V.I. Deineka1, Y.Y. Kulchenko1, А.N. Sidorov1, I.P. Blinova1, S.М. Varushkina1, L.А. Deineka1, Anh Thi Ngoc Vu2 1Belgorod National Research University, Pobeda str., 85, Belgorod, 308015,Russian Federation2 RUDN University, Miklukho-Maklaya str. 6, Moscow, 117198, Russian FederationС использованием обращенно-фазовой высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии с диодно-матричным и масс-спектрометрическим детектированием исследован видовой состав антоцианов цветков Catharanthus roseum. После кислотного гидролиза антоцианов по характерному изменению электронных спектров поглощения и по изменению удерживания было установлено, что все пять антоцианидинов цветков фиолетового цвета отличаются от пяти наиболее часто встречающихся в природе (в виде гликозидов) антоцианидинов однотипным дополнительным метилированием. Направление метилирования по гидроксильной группе в положении 7 флавилиевого скелета было определено при анализе изменения параметров электронных спектров поглощения; таким образом, антоцианы цветков катарантуса построены на пяти необычных антоцианидинах, – являясь производными 7-метилдельфинидина, 7-метилцианидина, 7-метилпетунидина, 7 метилпеонидина (розинидина) и 7 метилмальвидина (хирсутидина). Сопоставление масс-спектрометрических данных, электронных спектров поглощения и параметров удерживания антоцианов цветков Catharanthus roseum указывают на присутствие в экстрактах лепестках цветков 3-рамозилгалактозидов указанных антоцианидинов, к которым добавляются (в меньшем количестве) 3-галактозиды.Ключевые слова: антоцианы, 7-метилированные антоцианы, обращенно-фазовая ВЭЖХDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2019.23.1.00


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    AIM: Our study was aimed to identify the types of benign urethral lesions in 92 women of reproductive age. METHODS. We performed a physical examination and assessment of the external and internal genitals employing laboratory diagnostic methods, ultrasonography (transvaginal and transperineal scanning), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in all women. RESULTS. Asymptomatic benign benign urethral lesions of the paraurethral region were detected in 22.8% of women. The remaining 2/3 of the patients complained of dysuria and a sensation of a foreign body in the perineum. The most common complaints and clinical manifestations were predominantly observed in the women within one year after childbirth (72.8%). CONCLUSIONS. Our findings on the types of benign urethral lesions were 56 urethral diverticula (60.8%) and 34 paraurethral cysts (37.1%). Most such lesions are more likely to occur in the first years after childbirth, so it is necessary to invite women for a pelvic exam during this period

    Determination of Catharanthus flower anthocyanins

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    Submitted 03 July 2018, received in revised form 14 September 2018Поступила в редакцию 3 июля 2018 г, после доработки 14 сентября 2018 г.Using the reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography with diode-array and mass­spectrometric (in ESI mode) detection, a composition of Catharanthus roseum petals was established. After the acid hydrolysis, all five anthocyanidins were found to be different comparing to the ordinary anthocyanidins from Vitis vinifera fruits. The anthocyanins were elucidated to be 7-O-methyl derivatives of delphinidin, cyanidin, petunidin, peonidin and malvidin by the analysis of retention in RP HPLC, mass- and UV-visible spectra. The anthocyanins were characterized with UV-visible spectra, having the same fixtures as the set of non­methylated (in position 7) anthocyanin with hypsochromic (4 nm) of spectral maxima. The absorption bands for 7-methylcyanidin and 7-methylpeonidin aglycons and derivatives were indistinguishable while for the set of 7-methydelphinidin, 7-methypetunidin and 7-methylmalvidine (hirsutidin) a consecutive shift of absorption maxima by approximately 1 – 1.5 nm was found. The same was true for non-methylates at position 7 derivatives. The analysis of retention of anthocyanins of the flowers including the comparison with the retention of Mangifera indica skin anthocyanins, mass-and UV-visible spectra indicated that a minor set of anthocyanins included two sets of derivatives. The minor compounds were found to be 3-galactosides for samples under investigation, while the set of the major anthocyanins was represented by 3-rhamnosylgalactosides. Indeed, though through mass-spectra it was not possible to differentiate 3-rhamnosylgalatosides and 3-(p-coumaroylgalactosides) because of m/z coincidence, the retention difference between the two found anthocyanins sets as well as UV-visible spectra excluded the latter type of derivatives.С использованием обращенно-фазовой высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии с диодно-матричным и масс-спектрометрическим детектированием исследован видовой состав ан­тоцианов цветков Catharanthus roseum. После кислотного гидролиза антоцианов по характерно­му изменению электронных спектров поглощения и по изменению удерживания было установле­но, что все пять антоцианидинов цветков фиолетового цвета отличаются от пяти наиболее часто встречающихся в природе (в виде гликозидов) антоцианидинов однотипным дополнительным мети­лированием. Направление метилирования по гидроксильной группе в положении 7 флавилиевого скелета было определено при анализе изменения параметров электронных спектров поглощения; таким образом, антоцианы цветков катарантуса построены на пяти необычных антоцианидинах, – являясь производными 7-метилдельфинидина, 7-метилцианидина, 7-метилпетунидина, 7 метилпе­онидина (розинидина) и 7 метилмальвидина (хирсутидина). Сопоставление масс-спектрометриче­ских данных, электронных спектров поглощения и параметров удерживания антоцианов цветков Catharanthus roseum указывают на присутствие в экстрактах лепестках цветков 3-рамозилгалакто­зидов указанных антоцианидинов, к которым добавляются (в меньшем количестве) 3-галактозиды