242 research outputs found

    Correlation Between the Efficiency of Machinery and Equipment and the Productivity of Workers and its Effect on the Performance of a Metallurgical Undertaking

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    In this paper the example of procedure of life and objectify work effectiveness analysis in metallurgical enterprise were presented. Besides, on the example of chosen units of metallurgical enterprise, results of analysis - based on methodic proposed in the article - were discussed

    Characterization of Aura TES carbonyl sulfide retrievals over ocean

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    We present a description of the NASA Aura Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) carbonyl sulfide (OCS) retrieval algorithm for oceanic observations, along with evaluation of the biases and uncertainties using aircraft profiles from the HIPPO (HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations) campaign and data from the NOAA Mauna Loa site. In general, the OCS retrievals (1) have less than 1.0 degree of freedom for signals (DOFs), (2) are sensitive in the mid-troposphere with a peak sensitivity typically between 300 and 500 hPa, (3) but have much smaller systematic errors from temperature, CO<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>2</sub>O calibrations relative to random errors from measurement noise. We estimate the monthly means from TES measurements averaged over multiple years so that random errors are reduced and useful information about OCS seasonal and latitudinal variability can be derived. With this averaging, TES OCS data are found to be consistent (within the calculated uncertainties) with NOAA ground observations and HIPPO aircraft measurements. TES OCS data also captures the seasonal and latitudinal variations observed by these in situ data

    Technical Note: Impact of nonlinearity on changing the a priori of trace gas profiles estimates from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES)

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    International audienceNon-linear optimal estimates of atmospheric profiles from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) may contain a priori information that varies geographically, which is a confounding factor in the analysis and physical interpretation of an ensemble of profiles. A common strategy is to transform these profile estimates to a common prior using a linear operation thereby facilitating the interpretation of profile variability. However, this operation is dependent on the assumption of not worse than moderate non-linearity near the solution of the non-linear estimate. We examines the robustness of this assumption when exchanging the prior by comparing atmospheric retrievals from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer processed with a uniform prior with those processed with a variable prior and converted to a uniform prior following the non-linear retrieval. We find that linearly converting the prior following a non-linear retrieval is shown to have a minor effect on the results as compared to a non-linear retrieval using a uniform prior when compared to the expected total error, with less than 10% of the change in the prior ending up as unbiased fluctuations in the profile estimate results

    Validation of northern latitude Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer stare ozone profiles with ARC-IONS sondes during ARCTAS: sensitivity, bias and error analysis

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    We compare Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) versions 3 and 4, V003 and V004, respectively, nadir-stare ozone profiles with ozonesonde profiles from the Arctic Intensive Ozonesonde Network Study (ARCIONS, http://croc.gsfc.nasa.gov/arcions/ during the Arctic Research on the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites (ARCTAS) field mission. The ozonesonde data are from launches timed to match Aura's overpass, where 11 coincidences spanned 44° N to 71° N from April to July 2008. Using the TES "stare" observation mode, 32 observations are taken over each coincidental ozonesonde launch. By effectively sampling the same air mass 32 times, comparisons are made between the empirically-calculated random errors to the expected random errors from measurement noise, temperature and interfering species, such as water. This study represents the first validation of high latitude (>70°) TES ozone. We find that the calculated errors are consistent with the actual errors with a similar vertical distribution that varies between 5% and 20% for V003 and V004 TES data. In general, TES ozone profiles are positively biased (by less than 15%) from the surface to the upper-troposphere (~1000 to 100 hPa) and negatively biased (by less than 20%) from the upper-troposphere to the lower-stratosphere (100 to 30 hPa) when compared to the ozonesonde data. Lastly, for V003 and V004 TES data between 44° N and 71° N there is variability in the mean biases (from −14 to +15%), mean theoretical errors (from 6 to 13%), and mean random errors (from 9 to 19%)

    CO_2 Annual and Semiannual Cycles From Multiple Satellite Retrievals and Models

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    Satellite CO_2 retrievals from the Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT), Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS), and Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) and in situ measurements from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Earth System Research Laboratory (NOAA-ESRL) Surface CO_2 and Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) are utilized to explore the CO_2 variability at different altitudes. A multiple regression method is used to calculate the CO_2 annual cycle and semiannual cycle amplitudes from different data sets. The CO_2 annual cycle and semiannual cycle amplitudes for GOSAT X_(CO2) and TCCON X_(CO2) are consistent but smaller than those seen in the NOAA-ESRL surface data. The CO_2 annual and semiannual cycles are smallest in the AIRS midtropospheric CO_2 compared with other data sets in the Northern Hemisphere. The amplitudes for the CO_2 annual cycle and semiannual cycle from GOSAT, TES, and AIRS CO_2 are small and comparable to each other in the Southern Hemisphere. Similar regression analysis is applied to the Model for OZone And Related chemical Tracers-2 and CarbonTracker model CO_2. The convolved model CO_2 annual cycle and semiannual cycle amplitudes are similar to those from the satellite CO_2 retrievals, although the models tend to underestimate the CO_2 seasonal cycle amplitudes in the Northern Hemisphere midlatitudes and underestimate the CO_2 semiannual cycle amplitudes in the high latitudes. These results can be used to better understand the vertical structures for the CO_2 annual cycle and semiannual cycle and help identify deficiencies in the models, which are very important for the carbon budget study

    Using airborne HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO) to evaluate model and remote sensing estimates of atmospheric carbon dioxide

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    In recent years, space-borne observations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO_2) have been increasingly used in global carbon-cycle studies. In order to obtain added value from space-borne measurements, they have to suffice stringent accuracy and precision requirements, with the latter being less crucial as it can be reduced by just enhanced sample size. Validation of CO_2 column-averaged dry air mole fractions (XCO_2) heavily relies on measurements of the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON). Owing to the sparseness of the network and the requirements imposed on space-based measurements, independent additional validation is highly valuable. Here, we use observations from the High-Performance Instrumented Airborne Platform for Environmental Research (HIAPER) Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO) flights from 01/2009 through 09/2011 to validate CO_2 measurements from satellites (Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite – GOSAT, Thermal Emission Sounder – TES, Atmospheric Infrared Sounder – AIRS) and atmospheric inversion models (CarbonTracker CT2013B, Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate (MACC) v13r1). We find that the atmospheric models capture the XCO_2 variability observed in HIPPO flights very well, with correlation coefficients (r^2) of 0.93 and 0.95 for CT2013B and MACC, respectively. Some larger discrepancies can be observed in profile comparisons at higher latitudes, in particular at 300 hPa during the peaks of either carbon uptake or release. These deviations can be up to 4 ppm and hint at misrepresentation of vertical transport. Comparisons with the GOSAT satellite are of comparable quality, with an r^2 of 0.85, a mean bias μ of −0.06 ppm, and a standard deviation σ of 0.45 ppm. TES exhibits an r^2 of 0.75, μ of 0.34 ppm, and σ of 1.13 ppm. For AIRS, we find an r^2 of 0.37, μ of 1.11 ppm, and σ of 1.46 ppm, with latitude-dependent biases. For these comparisons at least 6, 20, and 50 atmospheric soundings have been averaged for GOSAT, TES, and AIRS, respectively. Overall, we find that GOSAT soundings over the remote Pacific Ocean mostly meet the stringent accuracy requirements of about 0.5 ppm for space-based CO_2 observations

    Long-term stability of TES satellite radiance measurements

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    The utilization of Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) Level 2 (L2) retrieval products for the purpose of assessing long term changes in atmospheric trace gas composition requires knowledge of the overall radiometric stability of the Level 1B (L1B) radiances. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the stability of the radiometric calibration of the TES instrument by analyzing the difference between measured and calculated brightness temperatures in selected window regions of the spectrum. The Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) profiles for temperature and water vapor and the Real-Time Global Sea Surface Temperature (RTGSST) are used as input to the Optimal Spectral Sampling (OSS) radiative transfer model to calculate the simulated spectra. The TES reference measurements selected cover a 4-year period of time from mid 2005 through mid 2009 with the selection criteria being; observation latitudes greater than −30° and less than 30°, over ocean, Global Survey mode (nadir view) and retrieved cloud optical depth of less than or equal to 0.01. The TES cloud optical depth retrievals are used only for screening purposes and no effects of clouds on the radiances are included in the forward model. This initial screening results in over 55 000 potential reference spectra spanning the four year period. Presented is a trend analysis of the time series of the residuals (observation minus calculations) in the TES 2B1, 1B2, 2A1, and 1A1 bands, with the standard deviation of the residuals being approximately equal to 0.6 K for bands 2B1, 1B2, 2A1, and 0.9 K for band 1A1. The analysis demonstrates that the trend in the residuals is not significantly different from zero over the 4-year period. This is one method used to demonstrate that the relative radiometric calibration is stable over time, which is very important for any longer term analysis of TES retrieved products (L2), particularly well-mixed species such as carbon dioxide and methane

    Measurement report: Spatiotemporal variability of peroxy acyl nitrates (PANs) over Mexico City from TES and CrIS satellite measurements

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    Peroxy acyl nitrates (PANs) are photochemical pollutants with implications for health and atmospheric oxidation capacity. PANs are formed via the oxidation of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) in the presence of nitrogen oxide radicals (NOx = NO + NO2). While urban environments are large sources of PANs, in situ observations in urban areas are limited. Here we use satellite measurements of PANs from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) and the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) to evaluate the spatiotemporal variability of PANs over and around Mexico City. Monthly mean maxima in PANs over the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA) occur during spring months (March–May). This time of year coincides with a peak in local photochemistry and more frequent air stagnation. Local fire activity also typically peaks between February and May, which leads to strong interannual variability of PANs over the MCMA. We use S-NPP CrIS data to probe the spatial outflow pattern of PANs produced within urban Mexico City during the month with the largest mixing ratios of PANs (April). Peak outflow in April occurs to the northeast of the city and over the mountains south of the city. Outflow to the northwest appears infrequently. Using observations during 2018 versus 2019, we also show that PANs were not significantly reduced during a year, with a significant decrease in NOx over Mexico City. Our analysis demonstrates that the space-based observations provided by CrIS and TES can increase understanding of the spatiotemporal variability of PANs over and surrounding Mexico City.</p