1,477 research outputs found

    Early-Life Temperamental Differences as Longitudinal Predictors of Unintentional Injuries

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    Objective: Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of hospitalization and death among children. Compared to environmental factors, less attention in injury preventive efforts has been paid to how individual characteristics relate to the risk of injury. Using a large prospective cohort, the current study assessed the longitudinal impact of early-life temperament on the cumulative number of injuries until mid-Adolescence. Methods: The data came from the European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood (ELSPAC-CZ). Temperament was evaluated by mothers when children were 3 years old (N = 3,545). The main outcome was the pediatrician-reported sum of child's injuries from age 3 to 15 (seven timepoints). Latent profile analysis (LPA) was used to determine classes based on temperamental dimensions and then extended to a mixture model with a distal count outcome. The covariates included maternal conflict and attachment, sex, family structure, and maternal education. Results: The LPA determined the existence of three classes: shy children (8.1% of the sample; lowest activity/highest shyness), outgoing children (50.8%; highest activity/lowest shyness), and average: children (41.1%; middle values). Results from a mixture model showed that the outgoing temperament was associated with the highest longitudinal risk for injuries, as both average children (IRR = 0.89 [0.80, 0.99]), and the shy children (IRR = 0.80 [0.68, 0.95]) had lower risk. Conclusions: Early childhood temperamental differences can have long-Term effects on injury risk. Highly active children showed the highest risk for future injuries, suggesting that these characteristics make them more likely to be involved in novel and potentially dangerous situations

    p-species integrable reaction-diffusion processes

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    We consider a process in which there are p-species of particles, i.e. A_1,A_2,...,A_p, on an infinite one-dimensional lattice. Each particle AiA_i can diffuse to its right neighboring site with rate DiD_i, if this site is not already occupied. Also they have the exchange interaction A_j+A_i --> A_i+A_j with rate rij.r_{ij}. We study the range of parameters (interactions) for which the model is integrable. The wavefunctions of this multi--parameter family of integrable models are found. We also extend the 2--species model to the case in which the particles are able to diffuse to their right or left neighboring sites.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe

    An interacting spin flip model for one-dimensional proton conduction

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    A discrete asymmetric exclusion process (ASEP) is developed to model proton conduction along one-dimensional water wires. Each lattice site represents a water molecule that can be in only one of three states; protonated, left-pointing, and right-pointing. Only a right(left)-pointing water can accept a proton from its left(right). Results of asymptotic mean field analysis and Monte-Carlo simulations for the three-species, open boundary exclusion model are presented and compared. The mean field results for the steady-state proton current suggest a number of regimes analogous to the low and maximal current phases found in the single species ASEP [B. Derrida, Physics Reports, {\bf 301}, 65-83, (1998)]. We find that the mean field results are accurate (compared with lattice Monte-Carlo simulations) only in the certain regimes. Refinements and extensions including more elaborate forces and pore defects are also discussed.Comment: 13pp, 6 fig

    Lexical Analysis in Schizophrenia: How Emotion and Social Word Use Informs Our Understanding of Clinical Presentation

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    Background The words people use convey important information about internal states, feelings, and views of the world around them. Lexical analysis is a fast, reliable method of assessing word use that has shown promise for linking speech content, particularly in emotion and social categories, with psychopathological symptoms. However, few studies have utilized lexical analysis instruments to assess speech in schizophrenia. In this exploratory study, we investigated whether positive emotion, negative emotion, and social word use was associated with schizophrenia symptoms, metacognition, and general functioning in a schizophrenia cohort. Methods Forty-six participants generated speech during a semi-structured interview, and word use categories were assessed using a validated lexical analysis measure. Trained research staff completed symptom, metacognition, and functioning ratings using semi-structured interviews. Results Word use categories significantly predicted all variables of interest, accounting for 28% of the variance in symptoms and 16% of the variance in metacognition and general functioning. Anger words, a subcategory of negative emotion, significantly predicted greater symptoms and lower functioning. Social words significantly predicted greater metacognition. Conclusions These findings indicate that lexical analysis instruments have the potential to play a vital role in psychosocial assessments of schizophrenia. Future research should replicate these findings and examine the relationship between word use and additional clinical variables across the schizophrenia-spectrum

    Comparison of Assertive Community Treatment Fidelity Assessment Methods: Reliability and Validity

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    Assertive community treatment is known for improving consumer outcomes, but is difficult to implement. On-site fidelity measurement can help ensure model adherence, but is costly in large systems. This study compared reliability and validity of three methods of fidelity assessment (on-site, phone-administered, and expert-scored self-report) using a stratified random sample of 32 mental health intensive case management teams from the Department of Veterans Affairs. Overall, phone, and to a lesser extent, expert-scored self-report fidelity assessments compared favorably to on-site methods in inter-rater reliability and concurrent validity. If used appropriately, these alternative protocols hold promise in monitoring large-scale program fidelity with limited resources

    Empowerment or Engagement? Digital Health Technologies for Mental Healthcare

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    We argue that while digital health technologies (e.g. artificial intelligence, smartphones, and virtual reality) present significant opportunities for improving the delivery of healthcare, key concepts that are used to evaluate and understand their impact can obscure significant ethical issues related to patient engagement and experience. Specifically, we focus on the concept of empowerment and ask whether it is adequate for addressing some significant ethical concerns that relate to digital health technologies for mental healthcare. We frame these concerns using five key ethical principles for AI ethics (i.e. autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, and explicability), which have their roots in the bioethical literature, in order to critically evaluate the role that digital health technologies will have in the future of digital healthcare

    Asymmetric exclusion process with next-nearest-neighbor interaction: some comments on traffic flow and a nonequilibrium reentrance transition

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    We study the steady-state behavior of a driven non-equilibrium lattice gas of hard-core particles with next-nearest-neighbor interaction. We calculate the exact stationary distribution of the periodic system and for a particular line in the phase diagram of the system with open boundaries where particles can enter and leave the system. For repulsive interactions the dynamics can be interpreted as a two-speed model for traffic flow. The exact stationary distribution of the periodic continuous-time system turns out to coincide with that of the asymmetric exclusion process (ASEP) with discrete-time parallel update. However, unlike in the (single-speed) ASEP, the exact flow diagram for the two-speed model resembles in some important features the flow diagram of real traffic. The stationary phase diagram of the open system obtained from Monte Carlo simulations can be understood in terms of a shock moving through the system and an overfeeding effect at the boundaries, thus confirming theoretical predictions of a recently developed general theory of boundary-induced phase transitions. In the case of attractive interaction we observe an unexpected reentrance transition due to boundary effects.Comment: 12 pages, Revtex, 7 figure

    “What if There's Something Wrong with Her?”‐How Biomedical Technologies Contribute to Epistemic Injustice in Healthcare

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    While there is a steadily growing literature on epistemic injustice in healthcare, there are few discussions of the role that biomedical technologies play in harming patients in their capacity as knowers. Through an analysis of newborn and pediatric genetic and genomic sequencing technologies (GSTs), I argue that biomedical technologies can lead to epistemic injustice through two primary pathways: epistemic capture and value partitioning. I close by discussing the larger ethical and political context of critical analyses of GSTs and their broader implications for just and equitable healthcare delivery

    Persistence in the One-Dimensional A+B -> 0 Reaction-Diffusion Model

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    The persistence properties of a set of random walkers obeying the A+B -> 0 reaction, with equal initial density of particles and homogeneous initial conditions, is studied using two definitions of persistence. The probability, P(t), that an annihilation process has not occurred at a given site has the asymptotic form P(t)−>const+t−θP(t) -> const + t^{-\theta}, where θ\theta is the persistence exponent (``type I persistence''). We argue that, for a density of particles ρ>>1\rho >> 1, this non-trivial exponent is identical to that governing the persistence properties of the one-dimensional diffusion equation, where θ≈0.1207\theta \approx 0.1207. In the case of an initially low density, ρ0<<1\rho_0 << 1, we find θ≈1/4\theta \approx 1/4 asymptotically. The probability that a site remains unvisited by any random walker (``type II persistence'') is also investigated and found to decay with a stretched exponential form, P(t)∼exp⁡(−constρ01/2t1/4)P(t) \sim \exp(-const \rho_0^{1/2}t^{1/4}), provided ρ0<<1\rho_0 << 1. A heuristic argument for this behavior, based on an exactly solvable toy model, is presented.Comment: 11 RevTeX pages, 19 EPS figure
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