42 research outputs found

    Äänisuunnittelu : Äänisuunnittelun eroavaisuuksien tarkastelu eri näytelmätyypeissä

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    Opinnäytetyöni tarkoituksena oli tehdä äänisuunnittelu lasten- ja nuortennäytelmään Roope ja Juuli Kangasalan Pikkuteatterille. Työn mediaosa koostui videotaltioinnista Roope ja Juuli -näytelmän viimeisestä esityksestä Kangasalan Manttalitalolla. Äänisuunnittelua tehtäessä pohdittiin sitä, miten lasten- ja nuortennäytelmän äänisuunnittelu eroaa aikuistennäytelmän äänisuunnittelusta. Kirjallisessa osassa kerrottiin äänisuunnittelun perusteista, kuinka äänisuunnittelija alkaa toteuttaa työtä, millaisia toimintatapoja työhön on ja millaisia välineitä äänisuunnittelija työssään tarvitsee. Työn kirjallisessa osassa pohdittiin myös sitä, kuinka lasten- ja nuortennäytelmän äänisuunnittelu eroaa aikuisten näytelmän äänisuunnittelusta ja millaisia yhtymäkohtia niissä on. Tutkittiin myös, kuinka musikaalin äänisuunnittelu eroaa puhenäytelmän äänisuunnittelusta. Opinnäytetyötä tehdessä huomasin, että aikuisten- ja lastennäytelmän äänisuunnittelulla ei ole suurtakaan eroa. Eroavaisuudet äänisuunnitteluissa johtuvat näytelmien lajityypillisistä eroista. Musikaalin ja puhenäytelmän erot äänisuunnittelullisessa mielessä muodostuvat valmiista musiikkidramaturgiasta. Opinnäytetyötä varten valmistelin äänisuunnittelun Roope ja Juuli -näytelmään ohjaajan toiveiden pohjalta ja työskentelin äänimestarina esityksissä. Kaiken kaikkiaan esityksiä yleisölle oli yksitoista kappaletta.The objective of my thesis was to design the sound for a children and youth’s theater play called Roope and Juuli for a Pikkuteatteri in Kangasala. The media part consisted of a video recording of the play Roope and Juuli play that took place in Kangasala Manttalitalo. When designing, the differences between the child and youth’s play and adults’ play were observed. The literal part of my thesis explained the basics of the sound design in general, how the designer starts working on a project and what kind of equipment he/she uses. This section also discussed the differences, as well the similarities, between the children and youth’s play and an adults’ play. The thesis also examined how the sound design of differs from the one in a dramatic play. While completing my thesis I noticed that there is not much difference in the sound design between an adults’ and children’s play. The main difference comes from the genre of the play. Musical dramaturgy is a fundamental part of the musical, which makes it different from a dramatic play. For my thesis I designed the sound for the play Roope and Juuli, according to the director’s. During the eleven shows I worked as the sound technician

    Materiaalifyysikko kohtaa kirjaston

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    Risk Assessment and Management for Maritime SAR and Oil Spill Response

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    This report summarizes selected publications that deal with maritime Search and Rescue (SAR) operations, winter navigation as well as oil spill response. In the first part of this report, the SAR capabilities, response times and effects of weather on Finnish Search and Rescue Units (SRUs) are evaluated. Besides this, the risk of oil spill and effects of winter conditions were evaluated. Two of the most relevant accident types – collisions consequences on oil tanker and RoPAx vessels – were evaluated. Both tankers as well as RoPax vessels are very common vessels in the Gulf of Finland, carrying thousands passengers or tonnes of oil. However, during the project it was found that there are currently no particularly reliable methods for assessing which sea areas are most prone to accidents. This highlights the need for future research in the methodology. Furthermore, a model is presented that describes the interaction between ships and the ice when navigating in an ice channel. This model helps to understand better the increased side forces and yaw that occurs in ice channel when compared to sailing in open waters. This can be used to train bridge personnel to better understand their ship's behavior under challenging ice channel conditions, thus decreasing risk.  A final model describes how fast an oil slick will spread in an ice channel as a function of factors such as the ice concentration and ice floe size, allowing for better estimation of how far oil will spread until effective clean-up measures can be taken

    Effects of cardioactive drugs on human induced pluripotent stem cell derived long QT syndrome cardiomyocytes

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    Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) have enabled a major step forward in pathophysiologic studies of inherited diseases and may also prove to be valuable in in vitro drug testing. Long QT syndrome (LQTS), characterized by prolonged cardiac repolarization and risk of sudden death, may be inherited or result from adverse drug effects. Using a microelectrode array platform, we investigated the effects of six different drugs on the electrophysiological characteristics of human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes as well as hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes from control subjects and from patients with type 1 (LQT1) and type 2 (LQT2) of LQTS. At baseline the repolarization time was significantly longer in LQTS cells compared to controls. Isoprenaline increased the beating rate of all cell lines by 10-73 % but did not show any arrhythmic effects in any cell type. Different QT-interval prolonging drugs caused prolongation of cardiac repolarization by 3-13 % (cisapride), 10-20 % (erythromycin), 8-23 % (sotalol), 16-42 % (quinidine) and 12-27 % (E-4031), but we did not find any systematic differences in sensitivity between the control, LQT1 and LQT2 cell lines. Sotalol, quinidine and E-4031 also caused arrhythmic beats and beating arrests in some cases. In summary, the drug effects on these patient-specific cardiomyocytes appear to recapitulate clinical observations and provide further evidence that these cells can be applied for in vitro drug testing to probe their vulnerability to arrhythmia.Peer reviewe

    Incidence and trends of low back pain hospitalisation during military service – An analysis of 387,070 Finnish young males

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is evidence that low back pain (LBP) during young adulthood and military service predicts LBP later in life. The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence and trends of LBP hospitalisation among Finnish military conscripts.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>All male conscripts performing their compulsory military service during 1990–2002 were included in the study population. Altogether 387,070 military conscripts were followed throughout their six-to-twelve-month service period. Data on LBP hospitalisations were obtained from the National Hospital Discharge Register.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Altogether 7,240 LBP hospitalisations were identified among 5,061 (1.3%) male conscripts during the study period. The event-based incidence of LBP hospitalisation was 27.0 (95% confidence interval (CI): 25.7–28.2). In most cases, the diagnosis was unspecified LBP (<it>n </it>= 5,141, 71%) followed by lumbar disc disorders (<it>n </it>= 2,069, 29%). Hospitalisation incidence due to unspecified LBP was 19.1 per 1,000 person-years (95% CI: 18.3 to 20.4), and 7.8 per 1,000 person-years (95% CI: 6.7 to 8.3) due to lumbar disc disorders. The incidence of unspecified LBP remained unaltered, while hospitalisation due to lumbar disc disorders declined from 1993 onwards.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although conscripts accepted into military training pass physician-performed examinations as healthy, young adults, LBP hospitalisation causes significant morbidity during military service.</p

    Developing a spatially explicit modelling and evaluation framework for integrated carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation: application in southern Finland

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    The challenges posed by climate change and biodiversity loss are deeply interconnected. Successful co-managing of these tangled drivers requires innovative methods that can prioritize and target management actions against multiple criteria, while also enabling cost-effective land use planning and impact scenario assessment. This paper synthesises the development and application of an integrated multidisciplinary modelling and evaluation framework for carbon and biodiversity in forest systems. By analysing and spatio-temporally modelling carbon processes and biodiversity elements, we determine an optimal solution for their co-management in the study landscape. We also describe how advanced Earth Observation measurements can be used to enhance mapping and monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem processes. The scenarios used for the dynamic models were based on official Finnish policy goals for forest management and climate change mitigation. The development and testing of the system were executed in a large region in southern Finland (Kokemäenjoki basin, 27 024 km2) containing highly instrumented LTER (Long-Term Ecosystem Research) stations; these LTER data sources were complemented by fieldwork, remote sensing and national data bases. In the study area, estimated total net emissions were currently 4.2 TgCO2eq a-1, but modelling of forestry measures and anthropogenic emission reductions demonstrated that it would be possible to achieve the stated policy goal of carbon neutrality by low forest harvest intensity. We show how this policy-relevant information can be further utilised for optimal allocation of set-aside forest areas for nature conservation, which would significantly contribute to preserving both biodiversity and carbon values in the region. Biodiversity gain in the area could be increased without a loss of carbon-related benefits.The challenges posed by climate change and biodiversity loss are deeply interconnected. Successful co-managing of these tangled drivers requires innovative methods that can prioritize and target management actions against multiple criteria, while also enabling cost-effective land use planning and impact scenario assessment. This paper synthesises the development and application of an integrated multidisciplinary modelling and evaluation framework for carbon and biodiversity in forest systems. By analysing and spatio-temporally modelling carbon processes and biodiversity elements, we determine an optimal solution for their co-management in the study landscape. We also describe how advanced Earth Observation measurements can be used to enhance mapping and monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem processes. The scenarios used for the dynamic models were based on official Finnish policy goals for forest management and climate change mitigation. The development and testing of the system were executed in a large region in southern Finland (Kokemäenjoki basin, 27,024 km2) containing highly instrumented LTER (Long-Term Ecosystem Research) stations; these LTER data sources were complemented by fieldwork, remote sensing and national data bases. In the study area, estimated total net emissions were currently 4.2 TgCO2eq a−1, but modelling of forestry measures and anthropogenic emission reductions demonstrated that it would be possible to achieve the stated policy goal of carbon neutrality by low forest harvest intensity. We show how this policy-relevant information can be further utilized for optimal allocation of set-aside forest areas for nature conservation, which would significantly contribute to preserving both biodiversity and carbon values in the region. Biodiversity gain in the area could be increased without a loss of carbon-related benefits.Peer reviewe

    Neuromuscular training with injury prevention counselling to decrease the risk of acute musculoskeletal injury in young men during military service: a population-based, randomised study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The rapidly increasing number of activity-induced musculoskeletal injuries among adolescents and young adults is currently a true public health burden. The objective of this study was to investigate whether a neuromuscular training programme with injury prevention counselling is effective in preventing acute musculoskeletal injuries in young men during military service.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The trial design was a population-based, randomised study. Two successive cohorts of male conscripts in four companies of one brigade in the Finnish Defence Forces were first followed prospectively for one 6-month term to determine the baseline incidence of injury. After this period, two new successive cohorts in the same four companies were randomised into two groups and followed prospectively for 6 months. Military service is compulsory for about 90% of 19-year-old Finnish men annually, who comprised the cohort in this study. This randomised, controlled trial included 968 conscripts comprising 501 conscripts in the intervention group and 467 conscripts in the control group. A neuromuscular training programme was used to enhance conscripts' motor skills and body control, and an educational injury prevention programme was used to increase knowledge and awareness of acute musculoskeletal injuries. The main outcome measures were acute injuries of the lower and upper limbs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the intervention groups, the risk for acute ankle injury decreased significantly compared to control groups (adjusted hazards ratio (HR) = 0.34, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) = 0.15 to 0.78, <it>P </it>= 0.011). This risk decline was observed in conscripts with low as well as moderate to high baseline fitness levels. In the latter group of conscripts, the risk of upper-extremity injuries also decreased significantly (adjusted HR = 0.37, 95% CI 0.14 to 0.99, <it>P </it>= 0.047). In addition, the intervention groups tended to have less time loss due to injuries (adjusted HR = 0.55, 95% CI 0.29 to 1.04).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A neuromuscular training and injury prevention counselling programme was effective in preventing acute ankle and upper-extremity injuries in young male army conscripts. A similar programme could be useful for all young individuals by initiating a regular exercise routine.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov identifier number <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00595816">NCT00595816</a>.</p

    Upregulation of cortico-cerebellar functional connectivity after motor learning

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    Interactions between the cerebellum and primary motor cortex are crucial for the acquisition of new motor skills. Recent neuroimaging studies indicate that learning motor skills is associated with subsequent modulation of resting-state functional connectivity in the cerebellar and cerebral cortices. The neuronal processes underlying the motor-learning-induced plasticity are not well understood. Here, we investigate changes in functional connectivity in source-reconstructed electroencephalography (EEG) following the performance of a single session of a dynamic force task in twenty young adults. Source activity was reconstructed in 112 regions of interest (ROIs) and the functional connectivity between all ROIs was estimated using the imaginary part of coherence. Significant changes in resting-state connectivity were assessed using partial least squares (PLS). We found that subjects adapted their motor performance during the training session and showed improved accuracy but with slower movement times. A number of connections were significantly upregulated after motor training, principally involving connections within the cerebellum and between the cerebellum and motor cortex. Increased connectivity was confined to specific frequency ranges in the mu- and beta-bands. Post hoc analysis of the phase spectra of these cerebellar and cortico-cerebellar connections revealed an increased phase lag between motor cortical and cerebellar activity following motor practice. These findings show a reorganization of intrinsic cortico-cerebellar connectivity related to motor adaptation and demonstrate the potential of EEG connectivity analysis in source space to reveal the neuronal processes that underpin neural plasticity