608 research outputs found

    Consideration of the Affirmation and Appeal, with Appreciation for the Work of Norman J. Threinen

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    This Panel was convened on October 25, 2022, as part of the Webinar Series “For the Sake of the Gospel” hosted by the Remembering Today for the Church of Tomorrow Project in partnership with Martin Luther University College and Lutheran Theological Seminary. The intention was to address the Affirmation and Appeal of 1970, to reflect upon the contributions of Norman J. Threinen, and to respond to CHAT questions from Webinar participants

    Remembering Canadians in Global Missions and World Service

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    “Remembering Canadians in Global Missions and World Service” is included in this issue of Consensus as it was part of the Call for Papers by the Remembering Today for the Church of Tomorrow Project. Additional details can be found at https://canadianlutheranhistory.ca/global-service

    Real-time PCR assays for the detection of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in clinical samples

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    Two real-time PCR assays for detection of Mycolasma hyopneumoniae (Mhyop) in clinical lung samples were established and validated in parallel. One is targeting a repetitive DNA element (REP assay) the other a putative ABC transporter gene (ABC assay). The two assays were shown to be 100% specific when testing pig lungs from defined negative farms. When investigating defined positive farms the REP assay tested with a sensitivity of about 50%, the ABC assay with 90%. The two assays together, however detected 100% of positive farms. Within a single positive farm on average 90% of the samples tested positive with the REP or ABC assay. Analysing a set of 41 lungs from infected pigs from routine diagnostic the REP assay detected 50% and the ABC assay 70%, while both assays together had a sensitivity of 85%

    Canadian Lutheran World Relief and the Lutheran Immigration Board of Canada

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    Webinar 3 of the For the Sake of the Gospel Series was a participant-engagement webinar, whereas previous webinars were teaching sessions. Webinar participants consented to having their engagements recorded and used for educational purposes; some interactions from the public CHAT are included

    Even a Weekend Works

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    Helping first-year students become involved in college via semester- or year-long first-year orientation programs is a major undertaking for college and university administrators. The effect of a weekend-long orientation program on students' involvement in college had yet to be determined until the current study. The authors describe such a program and evaluate its utility. Results revealed that incoming first-year students who attended a weekend-long orientation program were involved in school during their first year, than those who did not attend the program

    Capturing Complete Spatial Context in Satellite Observations of Greenhouse Gases

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    Scientific consensus from a 2015 pre-Decadal Survey workshop highlighted the essential need for a wide-swath (mapping) low earth orbit (LEO) instrument delivering carbon dioxide (CO_2), methane (CH_4), and carbon monoxide (CO) measurements with global coverage. OCO-2 pioneered space-based CO_2 remote sensing, but lacks the CH_4, CO and mapping capabilities required for an improved understanding of the global carbon cycle. The Carbon Balance Observatory (CARBO) advances key technologies to enable high-performance, cost-effective solutions for a space-based carbon-climate observing system. CARBO is a compact, modular, 15-30° field of view spectrometer that delivers high-precision CO_2, CH_4, CO and solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) data with weekly global coverage from LEO. CARBO employs innovative immersion grating technologies to achieve diffraction-limited performance with OCO-like spatial (2x2 km^2) and spectral (λ/Δλ ≈ 20,000) resolution in a package that is >50% smaller, lighter and more cost-effective. CARBO delivers a 25- to 50-fold increase in spatial coverage compared to OCO-2 with no loss of detection sensitivity. Individual CARBO modules weigh < 20 kg, opening diverse new space-based platform opportunities