488 research outputs found

    The effect of Silymarin on Production Performance and Some Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Consuming Aflatoxins

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    هدفت الدراسة الحالية الى معرفة مدى تأثير مادة السليمارين وفائدتها على الاداء الانتاجي وبعض صفات الذبيحة لفروج اللحم المتناولة علائق حاوية على سموم الافلا والتي تعاكس تاثيرات السموم السلبية, اذ تم توزيع  مئة واربع واربعون من ذكور أفراخ فروج اللحم نوع (روز 308) بعمر يوم واحد وبأوزان متقاربة(40+ 5 غم) الى اربع مجاميع متساوية العدد بواقع 36 طائر لكل مجموعة والتي بدورها قسمت الى ثلاثة مكررات بواقع 12 طائر لكل مكرر.تم توزيع المجاميع على الشكل التالي المجموعة الاولى : مجموعة السيطرة, المجموعة الثانية : العليقة القياسية مضافا لها سم الافلا بكمية 500 ميكروغرام / كغم علف, المجموعة الثالثة : العليقة القياسية مضافا لها سم الافلا بكمية 500 ميكروغرام / كغم علف بالاضافة الى 0.5 مللتر من مادة السليمارين لكل لتر ماء شرب, المجموعة الرابعة : لعليقة القياسية مضافا لها سم الافلا بكمية 500 ميكروغرام / كغم علف بالاضافة الى 1 مللتر من مادة السليمارين لكل لتر ماء شرب. استخدمت التربية الارضية على الفرشة العميقة, استمرت التجربة لمدة (35 يوم), اثناء فترة التجربة, تم حساب الصفات الخاصة بالأداء الإنتاجي لمدة خمسة اسابيع وهي وزن الجسم وكمية العلف المستهلك ومعدل الزيادة الوزنية ومعامل التحويل الغذائي.اظهرت النتائج وجود تحسن حسابي ومعنوي لصالح المجموعة الرابعة مقارنة مع بقية المجاميع.        في اليوم الاخير من التجربة تم ذبح خمسة فراريج من كل مكرر وتم دراسة قياس صفات الذبيحة ونسب الاعضاء التالية وهي كل من البنكرياس والقانصة والكبد والطحال والقلب والمعدة ونسب قطعيات الذبيحة متمثلة بالفخذين والصدر والظهر والجناحين والرقبة ونسبة التصافي. أظهرت النتائج عدم وجود فروقات معنوية بين المجاميع الاربع في معظم صفات الذبيحة بالرغم من وجود بعض التحسن البسيط  لبعض صفات الذبيحة. يستنتج من هذه الدراسة ان اضافة مادة السليمارين الى ماء الشرب لمجاميع ذكور فروج اللحم المتناولة سم الافلا قد يحسن بعض من صفاتها الانتاجية. The current study aimed to know the extent of the effect of silymarin and its usefulness on the productive performance and some characteristics of the carcass of broilers which consuming diets containing aflatoxins which counteract the effects of negative toxins, which is  One hundred and forty-four male broiler chicks, type (ROSS 308), one day old, of similar weights (40 + 5g), were distributed into four groups of equal number by 36 birds per group, which in turn was divided into three replicates by 12 birds for each duplicate. In the following figure, the first group (the control group), the second group (the standard diet plus aflatoxin in an amount of 500 micrograms/ kg of feed), the third group (the standard diet plus aflatoxin in an amount of 500 micrograms/ kg of feed in addition to 0.5 ml of silymarin per 1 liter of drinking water), the fourth group (the standard ration plus  aflatoxin in an amount of 500 micrograms / kg of feed in addition to 1 milliliter of silymarin per 1 liter of drinking water). Ground culture was used on a deep litter, the experiment lasted for (35 days). During the trial period, the characteristics of the production performance for a period of five weeks were calculated, which are body weight, amount of feed consumed, weight gain rate, and feed conversion ratio. The results showed a mathematical and significant improvement in favor of the fourth group compared to the rest of the groups. On the last day of the experiment, five chicks were slaughtered from each replicate. The carcass characteristics were measured and the proportions of the following organs were studied: the pancreas, the gizzard, the liver, the spleen, the heart, and the stomach. The results showed that there were no significant differences between the four groups in most of the carcass characteristics, despite some slight improvement in some of the carcass characteristics. It is concluded from this study that adding silymarin to drinking water for groups of male broilers consuming aflatoxin may improve some of their productive characteristics. &nbsp

    The Rostock Energetic Feed Evaluation on the Base of Net Energy

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    Feed evaluation was an emphasis of research from the foundation of the Oskar-Kellner-Institute of Animal Nutrition in 1953 at Rostock by Prof. Kurt Nehring. The aim of the research work was the elaboration of a feed evaluation system containing reference numbers of feed values and requirements of farm animals. The approach and the present system are outlined in this paper

    Hardware-Modellierung und Algorithmus-Optimierung für die dreidimensionale Objekterfassung durch CMOS-Bildsensoren mit Kurzzeitintegration und Laserpulsbeleuchtung

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    This work analyses a solid state 3D-CMOS camera system for direct time-of-flight image acquisition, which consists of a CMOS imaging sensor, a laser diode module for active narrow infrared laser pulse illumination and all optics for image forming. The investigation is carried out using ideal and real signals. A deterministic model describes the main signal processing. For this the laser pulse function and various integration window function were sampled. The latter were recorded by using the impulse response of a narrow pulse of TFWHM = 63, 44ps. The visual integration windows give a good understanding of differences between ideal and real output function of measurement systems. The influence of noise sources like photon noise, thermal noise and quantization noise was considered. Further investigations related to intensity and time delay of the received laser pulse show how the output voltage noise of the pixel column circuit depends on. The postprocessing algorithm called MDSI was modelled by the sampled laser pulse and integration windows. An extended version of the distance calculation includes an additional time-shift between the laser pulse and the integration window during the first main signal processing. This gives an larger measurement domain. Measurements of the distance-proportional voltage quotient confirm the extended version, which was created in a computer simulation before

    Urban Challenges and Urban Design Approaches for Resource-Efficient and Climate-Sensitive Urban Design in the MENA Region

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    Printausgabe unter ISBN 978-3-7983-2534-0, ISSN 2193-6099 erschienenIn an era defined by climate change, huge resource consumption, a lack of social cohesion, rapidly accelerating technological innovations, economic shifts, and the transformation of political systems, solutions must be pursued at every level of action. This book shows how solutions from urban design and planning can, by integrating the approaches of multiple disciplines, be the first steps toward envisioning the sustainable, energy-efficient, and climate-sensitive city of the future. This book is compiled for readers from a range of professional backgrounds. Its intended audience includes the government bodies, municipalities, urban planners, engineers, architects, civil servants, and citizens who are part of urban development, from initiation through implementation. The facts and findings presented herein are relevant to any national or international debate concerning urban development which aims to create sustainable, resource-efficient, and climate-sensitive urbanization processes. The text and visuals of this book are intended to serve as a comprehensive decision support tool, taking into account that current and future urban challenges and planning tasks can only be tackled through an interlinked and stakeholder driven iterative process. As a result of the Young Cities research project, this book acts as a multilayered reference manual by providing: (a) a brief outline of the MENA region’s urban challenges; (b) a proposal for generic principles and actions for creating an energy- and resource-efficient as well as environmentally sustainable urban environment; (c) the opportunities and impacts of each discipline involved in an integrated planning process; and (d) the findings of the applied principles in the 35 ha “Shahre Javan Community” pilot project

    Effects of endocannabinoids on feed intake, stress response and whole-body energy metabolism in dairy cows

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    Endocannabinoids, particularly anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), are instrumental in regulating energy homeostasis and stress response. However, little is known about the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in ruminants, although EC could improve dairy health and productivity, at least by increasing feed intake. In this study, we report if intraperitoneal (i.p.) AEA and 2-AG administration affects feed intake, whole-body macronutrient metabolism, isolation and restraint stress, and whether diet composition modulates circulating endocannabinoid concentrations in cows. Twenty Simmental cows in late lactation were fed a grass silage and a corn silage based diet. On each diet, cows received daily i.p. injections with either AEA (5 µg/kg; n = 7), 2-AG (2.5 µg/kg; n = 6) or saline (n = 7) for 8 days. Endocannabinoid administration for 5 days under free-ranging (non-stressed) conditions had no effect on feed intake or energy balance, but attenuated the stress-induced suppression of feed intake when housing changed to individual tie-stalls without social or tactile interaction. Endocannabinoids increased whole-body carbohydrate oxidation, reduced fat oxidation, and affected plasma non-esterified fatty acid concentrations and fatty acid contents of total lipids. There was no effect of endocannabinoids on plasma triglyceride concentrations or hepatic lipogenesis. Plasma AEA concentrations were not affected by diet, however, plasma 2-AG concentrations tended to be lower on the corn silage based diet. In conclusion, endocannabinoids attenuate stress-induced hypophagia, increase short-term feed intake and whole-body carbohydrate oxidation and decrease whole-body fat oxidation in cows.Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100018686Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Forschungsinstitut für Nutztierbiologie (FBN) (2113)Peer Reviewe

    Future heat stress to reduce people’s purchasing power

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    With increasing carbon emissions rising temperatures are likely to impact our economies and societies profoundly. In particular, it has been shown that heat stress can strongly reduce labor productivity. The resulting economic perturbations can propagate along the global supply network. Here we show, using numerical simulations, that output losses due to heat stress alone are expected to increase by about 24% within the next 20 years, if no additional adaptation measures are taken. The subsequent market response with rising prices and supply shortages strongly reduces the consumers’ purchasing power in almost all countries including the US and Europe with particularly strong effects in India, Brazil, and Indonesia. As a consequence, the producing sectors in many regions temporarily benefit from higher selling prices while decreasing their production in quantity, whereas other countries suffer losses within their entire national economy. Our results stress that, even though climate shocks may stimulate economic activity in some regions and some sectors, their unpredictability exerts increasing pressure on people’s livelihood

    High Speed Magnetic Tweezers at 100KHz with Superluminescent Diode Illumination

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    In the last decade, various applications of gaseous exchange measurements have been developed to quantify the production or consumption of particular gases by animals. Notably, booming research into methane emissions has led to an expansion of the number of facilities in which such measurements are made. Results of a ring test calibration of respiration chambers in the UK by Gardiner et al. (2015) confirmed our concern that not all research groups comply with the same standards of chamber operation