262 research outputs found

    Itaconic acid production based on renewable resources to replace petrochemical acrylic acid

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    ItaconsĂ€ure, eine aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen biotechnisch herstellbare organische SĂ€ure, zeigt Ă€hnliche Eigenschaften wie die petrochemisch hergestellte AcrylsĂ€ure. Im Vergleich zur AcrylsĂ€ure ist die ItaconsĂ€ure jedoch nicht gesundheitsschĂ€dlich und zeigt in der Anwendung aufgrund ihrer besonderen Struktur diverse Vorteile. Mit der aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen umweltfreundlich hergestellten ItaconsĂ€ure kann die aus Erdöl hergestellte AcrylsĂ€ure ersetzt werden. In dieser Arbeit wird ItaconsĂ€ure mit dem filamentös wachsenden Pilz Aspergillus terreus in einem Submersverfahren in verschiedenen Reaktorformen von 300 ml bis 10 l hergestellt. Der Pilz liegt in Form von lockeren, ausgefransten Agglomeraten mit einem Durchmesser von ungefĂ€hr 0,1 mm mit langen einzelnen MyzelfĂ€den vor. Die ItaconsĂ€ureherstellung mittels eines Eigenisolates des Aspergillus terreus wird in diesem Dokument beschrieben und optimiert. Mit diesem Stamm wird erstmals ein reproduzierbarer Prozess mit gesteigerter ProduktivitĂ€t vorgestellt. Die Endkonzentration der ItaconsĂ€ure konnte unter reproduzierbaren Bedingungen auf 90 g/l gesteigert werden, bei einer gleichzeitigen VerkĂŒrzung der Kultivierungsdauer auf 7 Tage. Das Wachstum, der Einfluss von Sauerstoff sowie die Produkt- und Nebenproduktbildung wurden untersucht. Weiterhin wurde die mikrobiologische Verwertbarkeit preiswerter, nachwachsender Rohstoffe erforscht. Der Pilz ist in der Lage, Xylose und Glycerin als alleinige Kohlenstoffquelle zu verwerten. Die vielfĂ€ltigen Anwendungs- und Nutzungsmöglichkeiten der ItaconsĂ€ure erfordern eine ökonomische effektive Aufarbeitungsmethode. In dieser Arbeit wurden Vorversuche der Aufarbeitungsmethoden Elektrodialyse, FlĂŒssig-FlĂŒssig Extraktion sowie Kristallisation durchgefĂŒhrt.Itaconic acid is an organic acid producible in a biotechnological process using renewable resources. Itaconic acid shows similar properties like the petrochemical produced acrylic acid. Compared to acrylic acid itaconic acid is not harmful and provides some advantages in its application because of its special chemical structure. An environmentally friendly production process is introduced to replace current acrylic acid based on crude oil by itaconic acid made of renewable resources. In this study itaconic acid is produced by the filamentous fungus Aspergillus terreus in submerse cultivation using different reactor forms, from 300 ml to 10 l. The fungi shape in form of fluffy, frayed agglomerates with an approximate diameter of 0.1 mm with long mycelia filaments. In this document stabilization and optimization of the itaconic acid production of an Aspergillus terreus own-isolate is described. Based on this strain, a process is presented providing both increased productivity and high reproducibility for the first time. The final concentration of the itaconic acid was improved to reproducible 90 g/l. Simultaneously, the cultivation time was reduced to 7 days. The growth rate, the influence of oxygen, and the product- and byproduct-formation were under investigation. Furthermore, the microbiological usability of cheap, renewable resources was examined. One result was that fungi are able to use xylose and glycerin as exclusive carbon source. The manifold applications of itaconic acid require an economical downstream process. In this paper preliminary studies for preparation were performed by means of electro dialyses, liquid-liquid extraction and crystallization

    Risk Factors of Intraoperative Dysglycemia in Elderly Surgical Patients

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    BACKGROUNDː Dysglycemia is associated with adverse outcome including increased morbidity and mortality in surgical patients. Acute insulin resistance due to the surgical stress response is seen as a major cause of so-called stress hyperglycemia. However, understanding of factors determining blood glucose (BG) during surgery is limited. Therefore, we investigated risk factors contributing to intraoperative dysglycemia. METHODSː In this subgroup investigation of the BIOCOG study, we analyzed 87 patients of ≄ 65 years with tight intraoperative BG measurement every 20 min during elective surgery. Dysglycemia was defined as at least one intraoperative BG measurement outside the recommended target range of 80-150 mg/dL. Additionally, all postoperative BG measurements in the ICU were obtained. Multivariable logistic regression analysis adjusted for age, sex, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) status, diabetes, type and duration of surgery, minimum Hemoglobin (Hb) and mean intraoperative norepinephrine use was performed to identify risk factors of intraoperative dysglycemia. RESULTSː 46 (52.9%) out of 87 patients developed intraoperative dysglycemia. 31.8% of all intraoperative BG measurements were detected outside the target range. Diabetes [OR 9.263 (95% CI 2.492, 34.433); p=0.001] and duration of surgery [OR 1.005 (1.000, 1.010); p=0.036] were independently associated with the development of intraoperative dysglycemia. Patients who experienced intraoperative dysglycemia had significantly elevated postoperative mean (p<0.001) and maximum BG levels (p=0.001). Length of ICU (p=0.007) as well as hospital stay (p=0.012) were longer in patients with dysglycemia. CONCLUSIONSː Diabetes and duration of surgery were confirmed as independent risk factors for intraoperative dysglycemia, which was associated with adverse outcome. These patients, therefore, might require intensified glycemic control. Increased awareness and management of intraoperative dysglycemia is warranted

    Intersektionen in der bezahlten Hausarbeit

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    Der Arbeitssektor in Privathaushalten wĂ€chst auf Grund steigender weiblicher Erwerbsarbeit sowie zunehmender Alterung der Bevölkerung stetig an. Charakteristisch fĂŒr die bezahlte Hausarbeit ist der hohe Anteil von migrantischen ArbeitnehmerInnen. Durch die kommerzielle Auslagerung von Reproduktionsarbeiten zeichnet sich also eine Ethnisierung dieser Arbeitssparte ab. Zudem wird Hausarbeit bzw. Pflegearbeit vorwiegend an weibliche Migrantinnen weitergereicht, weshalb sich die Vergeschlechtlichung des Reproduktionsbereichs fortschreibt. Infolgedessen werden in der Fachliteratur Gender und Race als zentrale, sich einander konstituierende Ungleichheitsachsen besprochen. Insgesamt steigt das wissenschaftliche Interesse an diesem Themenfeld, dennoch sind einige ForschungslĂŒcken festzustellen, beispielsweise hinsichtlich der Arbeitssuche und den Differenzsetzungen. Darum fokussiert die vorliegende Diplomarbeit auf die Phase vor dem Beginn der eigentlichen Erwerbsarbeit, nĂ€mlich auf die Arbeitssuche und rekurriert dabei auf soziale Teilungen, die Privilegierungs- und Diskriminierungsprozesse anregen. Das Datenmaterial speist sich aus Interviews mit HaushaltsarbeiterInnen, sowie aus GesprĂ€chen mit DienstgeberInnen und MitarbeiterInnen von Vermittlungsagenturen. Aus der intersektionalen Analyse dieser Daten kristallisierten sich neben der Trias Gender, Race, Class weitere soziale Situiertheiten wie Familienstatus, Alter, Religion und Sprache heraus, die die Arbeitssuche determinieren. Wobei diese Differenzkategorien auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen (Mikro, Meso und Makro) wirkungsmĂ€chtig sind. Anliegen dieser Arbeit ist es also aufzuzeigen, dass soziale Positionierungen den Weg zu einer Anstellung erschweren bzw. erleichtern. So zeigt sich als ResĂŒmee, dass der Arbeitsmarktzugang entgegen der PrĂ€missen neoklassischer Ökonomietheorie, nicht durch individuelle Qualifikationen strukturiert ist, sondern durch die Verflechtung von gesellschaftlich wirksamen Differenzierungsmerkmalen. DarĂŒber hinaus sind Überschneidungen auf der diskursiv-politischen Ebene zu konstatieren, die migrantische HausarbeiterInnen im Migrations- sowie im hegemonialen Genderdiskurs unsichtbar machen. Die Konturierung der Hausarbeitsdebatte seit den 1970er Jahren verdeutlicht die Perpetuierung von Invisibilisierungsprozessen marginaler Subjekte im Reproduktionsbereich. Insofern soll diese Arbeit dazu beitragen, Interferenzen diverser Zugehörigkeiten als Motor fĂŒr Diskriminierungserfahrungen sichtbar zu machen und die damit einhergehenden ausbeuterischen Arbeitsbedingungen von HausarbeiterInnen anzukreiden

    Antibodies to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein in HIV-1 associated neurocognitive disorder: a cross-sectional cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Neuroinflammation and demyelination have been suggested as mechanisms causing HIV-1 associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND). This cross-sectional cohort study explores the potential role of antibodies to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG), a putative autoantigen in multiple sclerosis, in the pathogenesis of HAND.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>IgG antibodies against MOG were measured by ELISA in sera and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 65 HIV-positive patients with HAND (n = 14), cerebral opportunistic infections (HIVOI, n = 25), primary HIV infection (HIVM, n = 5) and asymptomatic patients (HIVasy, n = 21). As control group HIV-negative patients with bacterial or viral CNS infections (OIND, n = 18) and other neurological diseases (OND, n = 22) were included. In a subset of HAND patients MOG antibodies were determined before and during antiviral therapy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In serum, significantly higher MOG antibody titers were observed in HAND compared to OND patients. In CSF, significantly higher antibody titers were observed in HAND and HIVOI patients compared to HIVasy and OND patients and in OIND compared to OND patients. CSF anti-MOG antibodies showed a high sensitivity and specificity (85.7% and 76.2%) for discriminating patients with active HAND from asymptomatic HIV patients. MOG immunopositive HAND patients performed significantly worse on the HIV dementia scale and showed higher viral load in CSF. In longitudinally studied HAND patients, sustained antibody response was noted despite successful clearance of viral RNA.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Persistence of MOG antibodies despite viral clearance in a high percentage of HAND patients suggests ongoing neuroinflammation, possibly preventing recovery from HAND.</p

    Einfluss von gemĂ€lztem Weizen auf die zootechnische Leistung von Öko-MastgeflĂŒgel

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    Durch gezielte Keimung kann die PhosphorverfĂŒgbarkeit von Getreiden verbessert werden. Aus diesem Grund wird in vorliegender Studie der Einfluss von gemĂ€lztem Weizen auf die Mast- und Schlachtleistung von Mastbroilern untersucht. HierfĂŒr wurde ein FĂŒtterungsversuch mit vier Varianten durchgefĂŒhrt (A: Malz + P niedrig; B: Malz + P hoch; C: Weizen + P niedrig; D: Weizen + P hoch). Den 2.000 EintagskĂŒken (Ranger Classic) stand von Tag 1 bis Tag 16 Öko-KĂŒkenstarter zur VerfĂŒgung. Lebendgewicht, Futter- und Wasseraufnahme wurden wöchentlich erhoben. An Tag 57 wurden die Tiere geschlachtet. Anschließend wurden der Schlachtkörper, die inneren Organe und die TeilstĂŒcke gewogen. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass Tiere, die unbehandelten Weizen erhielten, eine durchgĂ€ngig höhere Mast- und Schlachtleistung aufwiesen, als jene, die mit Weizenmalz gefĂŒttert wurden. Der P-Gehalt hatte keinerlei Einfluss. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass Keimung von Weizen keinen positiven Effekt auf die Leistung langsam wachsender Broiler hat

    Production of Fumaric Acid by Rhizopus arrhizus NRRL 1526: A Simple Production Medium and the Kinetic Modelling of the Bioprocess

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    Fumaric acid is a promising monomer to obtain biomass-based polyesters and polyamides, and it is mainly produced by fungi of the Rhizopus genus in medium to high titters. The use of glucose, a main component of starchy and cellulosic food waste, as carbon source, together with a low-nitrogen source concentration, is a promising route to reduce process costs. In this work, the effects of nitrogen and carbonate sources on Rhizopus arrhizus NRRL 1526 morphology and fumaric acid productivity were analysed, simplifying the traditional production broth composition. Moreover, a non-structured, non-segregated kinetic model was proposed and fitted to concentration data of all relevant components obtained in batches performed in triplicate with the selected production broth at 34 °C and 200 rpm in an orbital shaker.Depto. de Ingeniería Química y de MaterialesFac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEMinisterio de Ciencia, InnovaciónGerman Bundestag, via the Agency of Renewable Resourcespu

    Patterns of Antibody Binding to Aquaporin-4 Isoforms in Neuromyelitis Optica

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    Neuromyelitis optica (NMO), a severe demyelinating disease, represents itself with optic neuritis and longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis. Serum NMO-IgG autoantibodies (Abs), a specific finding in NMO patients, target the water channel protein aquaporin-4 (AQP4), which is expressed as a long (M-1) or a short (M-23) isoform.The aim of this study was to analyze serum samples from patients with NMO and controls for the presence and epitope specificity of IgG and IgM anti-AQP4 Abs using an immunofluorescence assay with HEK293 cells expressing M-1 or M-23 human AQP4. We included 56 patients with definite NMO (n = 30) and high risk NMO (n = 26), 101 patients with multiple sclerosis, 27 patients with clinically isolated syndromes (CIS), 30 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or Sjögren's syndrome, 29 patients with other neurological diseases and 47 healthy controls. Serum anti-AQP4 M-23 IgG Abs were specifically detected in 29 NMO patients, 17 patients with high risk NMO and two patients with myelitis due to demyelination (CIS) and SLE. In contrast, IgM anti-AQP4 Abs were not only found in some NMO and high risk patients, but also in controls. The sensitivity of the M-23 AQP4 IgG assay was 97% for NMO and 65% for high risk NMO, with a specificity of 100% compared to the controls. Sensitivity with M-1 AQP4 transfected cells was lower for NMO (70%) and high risk NMO (39%). The conformational epitopes of M-23 AQP4 are the primary targets of NMO-IgG Abs, whereas M-1 AQP4 Abs are developed with increasing disease duration and number of relapses.Our results confirm M-23 AQP4-IgG Abs as reliable biomarkers in patients with NMO and high risk syndromes. M-1 and M-23 AQP4-IgG Abs are significantly associated with a higher number of relapses and longer disease duration

    Antibody to aquaporin-4 in the long-term course of neuromyelitis optica

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    Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is a severe inflammatory CNS disorder of putative autoimmune aetiology, which predominantly affects the spinal cord and optic nerves. Recently, a highly specific serum reactivity to CNS microvessels, subpia and Virchow–Robin spaces was described in patients with NMO [called NMO–IgG (NMO–immunoglobulin G)]. Subsequently, aquaporin-4 (AQP4), the most abundant water channel in the CNS, was identified as its target antigen. Strong support for a pathogenic role of the antibody would come from studies demonstrating a correlation between AQP4-Ab (AQP4-antibody) titres and the clinical course of disease. In this study, we determined AQP4-Ab serum levels in 96 samples from eight NMO–IgG positive patients (median follow-up 62 months) in a newly developed fluorescence-based immunoprecipitation assay employing recombinant human AQP4. We found that AQP4-Ab serum levels correlate with clinical disease activity, with relapses being preceded by an up to 3-fold increase in AQP4-Ab titres, which was not paralleled by a rise in other serum autoantibodies in one patient. Moreover, AQP4-Ab titres were found to correlate with CD19 cell counts during therapy with rituximab. Treatment with immunosuppressants such as rituximab, azathioprine and cyclophosphamide resulted in a marked reduction in antibody levels and relapse rates. Our results demonstrate a strong relationship between AQP4-Abs and clinical state, and support the hypothesis that these antibodies are involved in the pathogenesis of NMO

    Data-driven methodology for uncertainty quantification of aircraft trajectory predictions

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    This work present a framework based on datadriven techniques for quantifying and chaos theory for propagating the uncertainty present in the aircraft trajectory prediction process when computing the expected trajectory from a given flight plan. The developed framework employs data assimilation models to capture real-time information from the air traffic system and introduces a novel methodology in order to account for the uncertainty of the weather conditions. The comparison of the resulting set of probabilistic trajectories and the actually flown ones proves how the former could be a key enabler to support envisioned trajectory-based operation concepts and modern airline operations planning.Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - IndĂșstria, InnovaciĂł i InfraestructuraObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::12 - ProducciĂł i Consum ResponsablesPostprint (published version

    Complement activating antibodies to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein in neuromyelitis optica and related disorders

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Serum autoantibodies against the water channel aquaporin-4 (AQP4) are important diagnostic biomarkers and pathogenic factors for neuromyelitis optica (NMO). However, AQP4-IgG are absent in 5-40% of all NMO patients and the target of the autoimmune response in these patients is unknown. Since recent studies indicate that autoimmune responses to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) can induce an NMO-like disease in experimental animal models, we speculate that MOG might be an autoantigen in AQP4-IgG seronegative NMO. Although high-titer autoantibodies to human native MOG were mainly detected in a subgroup of pediatric acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) and multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, their role in NMO and High-risk NMO (HR-NMO; recurrent optic neuritis-rON or longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis-LETM) remains unresolved.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We analyzed patients with definite NMO (n = 45), HR-NMO (n = 53), ADEM (n = 33), clinically isolated syndromes presenting with myelitis or optic neuritis (CIS, n = 32), MS (n = 71) and controls (n = 101; 24 other neurological diseases-OND, 27 systemic lupus erythematosus-SLE and 50 healthy subjects) for serum IgG to MOG and AQP4. Furthermore, we investigated whether these antibodies can mediate complement dependent cytotoxicity (CDC). AQP4-IgG was found in patients with NMO (n = 43, 96%), HR-NMO (n = 32, 60%) and in one CIS patient (3%), but was absent in ADEM, MS and controls. High-titer MOG-IgG was found in patients with ADEM (n = 14, 42%), NMO (n = 3, 7%), HR-NMO (n = 7, 13%, 5 rON and 2 LETM), CIS (n = 2, 6%), MS (n = 2, 3%) and controls (n = 3, 3%, two SLE and one OND). Two of the three MOG-IgG positive NMO patients and all seven MOG-IgG positive HR-NMO patients were negative for AQP4-IgG. Thus, MOG-IgG were found in both AQP4-IgG seronegative NMO patients and seven of 21 (33%) AQP4-IgG negative HR-NMO patients. Antibodies to MOG and AQP4 were predominantly of the IgG1 subtype, and were able to mediate CDC at high-titer levels.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We could show for the first time that a subset of AQP4-IgG seronegative patients with NMO and HR-NMO exhibit a MOG-IgG mediated immune response, whereas MOG is not a target antigen in cases with an AQP4-directed humoral immune response.</p
