229 research outputs found

    Genetic association between the CYBA 640A>G polymorphism and the risk of uterine myoma

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the association between functional polymorphism 640A>G (rs1049255) of the CYBA (cytochrome b-245, alpha polypeptide of NADPH oxidase) gene and the risk of uterine myom

    Efficiency of Developing Renewable Energy Market in Russia

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    The goal of this study is to systematize and provide a quantitative and qualitative assessment of potential positive economic and non-economic effects of the implementation of a new mechanism for supporting renewable energy in Russia. It should result in achieving the national medium-term objective to increase the share of renewable energy in the wholesale electricity and capacity market to 2.5 % by 2024. The introduction examines the mechanism for supporting the generators of renewable energy by capacity charge in the wholesale electricity and capacity market. It is assumed that the main positive effects from implementing this mechanism will be the replacement of hydrocarbon fuels burned for generating the electricity in traditional coal or gas power plants; improvement in the trade balance; multiplier effects from the development of RES in related industrial sectors, new value added and jobs in the sectors producing the generating and auxiliary equipment for generators; reduction of carbon dioxide emissions; decrease in average prices in the wholesale electricity market; reduction of expenditure on environmental activities and measures to protect the health in the territories with traditional power plants; additional scal charges. As a result, the quantification of these effects amounts to 47.77 billion rubles in 2024. The authors rely on the experience of foreign countries, expert estimates, forecasts by the Russian Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Economic Development, research by the Russian Energy Agency, International Energy Agency, International Renewable Energy Agency, Community for Renewable Energy Policy in the 21st Century (REN21), statistics of Russian Federal State Statistics Service.The article has been supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research as part of the project 14–06–00075 “National Economic and Environmental Security: Threats, Effects, and Scenario for Interaction of Economy and Environment.

    Assessment of competitiveness of a Russian electric car as a substantiation of the need to stimulate electric cars market in Russia

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    Objective: to assess the competitiveness of a Russian electric car and an ICE car, taking into account the external costs associated with emissions of the main greenhouse gas – CO2.Methods: the article uses comparative and quantitative methods, the method of analysis and synthesis, the method of estimating the total cost of ownership (TCO), justifies the use of the avoidance cost approach as an optimal approach to assessing the external costs associated with climate change.Results: modern efficient economic development is inextricably linked with the organization of a low-carbon transport system. The green transition to electric vehicles makes it possible to solve the problem of externalities associated with the increased public costs due to greenhouse gas emissions. The paper examines the prospects for the transition to electric cars from the viewpoint of reducing the external costs of cars. The article assesses the current state and key barriers to the development of electric transport production. A comparative assessment of the competitiveness of Russian electric vehicles and ICE cars is given, taking into account the external costs associated with carbon emissions. The comparison was carried out based on an estimate of the total cost of ownership, taking into account the external costs associated with greenhouse gas emissions. As a result of the comparative analysis, it was determined that the total cost of five-year ownership of the Evolute i-Pro car, taking into account support measures, is even lower than that of the Lada Vesta Sport ICE sedan, which is close to it in terms of technical characteristics, by 342.7 thousand rubles. Without subsidies, Evolute i-Pro does not yet achieve parity in the cost of ownership with an ICE car, despite low operating costs, free parking and exemption from paying transport tax. Based on the conducted research, conclusions are made about the measures necessary to increase the gap between the total costs of ownership in ICE cars and electric cars to increase the competitiveness of the latter.Scientific novelty: the author’s approach was used to compare the competitiveness of the new Russian electric car Evolute i-Pro and Lada Vesta Sport ICE car, which, in addition to support measures, includes external costs associated with carbon emissions.Practical significance: the results obtained may be useful to developers of state support measures in assessing the effectiveness of the current subsidy mechanism and making decisions on further stimulating the development of the electric cars market in Russia. The results of the study will also be especially useful to residents of Moscow who are thinking of buying a Russian electric car


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    The article analyzes the approaches to the definition of quality education and its support; the basic issue of increasing the quality of postgraduate medical (pharmaceutical) education as a prerequisite for its integration into the European educational and scientific space; policy highlights KhMAPE Quality assurance and internal quality assurance system of education, which includes analysis and quantitative indicators aimed at maintaining the existing system of values and traditions; highlights promising experiences concerning the quality of postgraduate medical education; the ways to improve it.У статті проаналізовано  підходи щодо визначення поняття якості освіти та її забезпечення; розглянуто основні питання підвищення якості післядипломної медичної (фармацевтичної) освіти як однієї з передумов її інтеграції до Європейського освітнього та наукового простору; висвітлені політика ХМАПО щодо забезпечення якості та внутрішня система забезпечення якості освітньої діяльності, яка включає аналіз кількісних показників та спрямована на підтримку існуючої системи цінностей і традицій; висвітлено перспективний досвід щодо забезпечення якості післядипломної медичної освіти; окреслено шляхи її підвищення

    The relationship of emotional intelligence with academic performance of university students

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    Background. The problem of the development of emotional intelligence and  the  search for its relationship with various factors remains relevant, since in modern research there are contradictory data on the nature of the relationship of emotional intelligence with academic performance.Aims: to clarify the magnitude and sign of the relationship between the level of development of emotional intelligence of university students and their academic performance.Materials and methods. Eighty-three 83 students from 18 to 47 years old participated in the study. They all were students of 1–4th years of bachelor’s degree in Moscow universities in the areas of “Psychological and pedagogical education”, “Pedagogical education with two training profiles”, “Pediatrics”, “Nursing”. The research method applied was a written survey (methods of D.V. Lyusin, N. Hall, questionnaire). The Spearman correlation method was used to study the relationship between variables.Results. The sample was dominated by female undergraduate students (n = 75). The average level of emotional intelligence development prevails among students, the level of interpersonal emotional intelligence development is higher than the level of intrapersonal emotional intelligence development. The trend in increasing academic performance of master’s degree students in comparison with undergraduate students has been revealed. A correlation was found between students’ academic performance and general emotional intelligence (r = 0.331; p˂0.01). The closeness of the correlation between the components of emotional intelligence and academic performance is more pronounced in relation to interpersonal emotional intelligence (r = 0.3407) than to intrapersonal (r = 0.3251; p˂0.01).Conclusion. We have found that the higher the level of academic performance of students, the higher the level of emotional intelligence; interpersonal emotional intelligence of students is more closely related to academic performance


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    With the use of vacuum therapy in the treatment of purulent wounds, it is not possible to actively localize the microflora in the wound, since the last is for a long time covered by an insulating sealed bandage. In addition, unlike with traditional methods of treating wounds with daily dressings, there is no effect of "washing away" detritus, necrotic masses, accumulations of leukocytes. The aim of the work was to develop a technique for vacuum-instillation therapy of wounds using dimexidum and betadine and to evaluate its effectiveness in comparison with the isolated application of controlled negative pressure in patients with purulent wounds of various origins. 58 patients with chronic purulent wounds, trophic ulcers with atherosclerotic lesions of the vessels of the extremities and diabetic angiopathy were examined. The first group of patients received isolated vacuum therapy, the second group was managed with vacuum-instillation therapy with dimexidum and betadine, the control group received traditional treatment with water-soluble ointments. Evaluation of the results of treatment was based on growth of granulation tissue, reduction of defect size, and level of cytokines in traumatic discharge. Vacuum therapy significantly improves the course of the wound process, which leads to faster cleaning, granulation of the defect and a decrease in its size. When added to NPWT instillations of antiseptics, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anabolic effects are enhanced, which facilitates more pronounced regenerative response and, accordingly, a reduction in the duration of treatment

    Distinctive features of diffusion-controlled radiation defect recombination in stoichiometric magnesium aluminate spinel single crystals and transparent polycrystalline ceramics

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    This work has been performed within the framework of the EUROfusion Enabling Research project: ENR-MFE19.ISSP-UL-02 “Advanced experimental and theoretical analysis of defect evolution and structural disordering in optical and dielectric materials for fusion application”. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission. Research of A.L, E.F.,, V.S and E.S has been partly supported by the Estonian Research Council grant (PUT PRG619); has been also carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014–2018 and 2019–2020 under grant agreement No 633053. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission.MgAl2O4 spinel is important optical material for harsh radiation environment and other important applications. The kinetics of thermal annealing of the basic electron (F, F+) and hole (V) centers in stoichiometric MgAl2O4 spinel irradiated by fast neutrons and protons is analyzed in terms of diffusion-controlled bimolecular reactions. Properties of MgAl2O4 single crystals and optical polycrystalline ceramics are compared. It is demonstrated that both transparent ceramics and single crystals, as well as different types of irradiation show qualitatively similar kinetics, but the effective migration energy Ea and pre-exponent D0 are strongly correlated. Such correlation is discussed in terms of the so-called Meyer-Neldel rule known in chemical kinetics of condensed matter. The results for the irradiated spinel are compared with those for sapphire, MgO and other radiation-resistant materials.Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART