61 research outputs found

    Maximum and Minimum Stable Random Packings of Platonic Solids

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    Motivated by the relation between particle shape and packing, we measure the volume fraction ϕ\phi occupied by the Platonic solids which are a class of polyhedron with congruent sides, vertices and dihedral angles. Tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron shaped plastic dice were fluidized or mechanically vibrated to find stable random loose packing ϕrlp=0.51,0.54,0.52,0.51,0.50\phi_{rlp} = 0.51, 0.54, 0.52, 0.51, 0.50 and densest packing ϕrcp=0.64,0.67,0.64,0.63,0.59\phi_{rcp} = 0.64, 0.67, 0.64, 0.63, 0.59, respectively with standard deviation ≃±0.01\simeq \pm 0.01. We find that ϕ\phi obtained by all protocols peak at the cube, which is the only Platonic solid that can tessellate space, and then monotonically decrease with number of sides. This overall trend is similar but systematically lower than the maximum ϕ\phi reported for frictionless Platonic solids, and below ϕrlp\phi_{rlp} of spheres for the loose packings. Experiments with ceramic tetrahedron were also conducted, and higher friction was observed to lead to lower ϕ\phi

    Spatial distribution functions of random packed granular spheres obtained by direct particle imaging

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    We measure the two-point density correlations and Voronoi cell distributions of cyclically sheared granular spheres obtained with a fluorescence technique and compare them with random packing of frictionless spheres. We find that the radial distribution function g(r)g(r) is captured by the Percus-Yevick equation for initial volume fraction ϕ=0.59\phi=0.59. However, small but systematic deviations are observed because of the splitting of the second peak as ϕ\phi is increased towards random close packing. The distribution of the Voronoi free volumes deviates from postulated Γ\Gamma distributions, and the orientational order metric Q6Q_6 shows disorder compared to numerical results reported for frictionless spheres. Overall, these measures show significant similarity of random packing of granular and frictionless spheres, but some systematic differences as well.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamic wrinkling and strengthening of a filament in a viscous fluid

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    We investigate the wrinkling dynamics of an elastic filament immersed in a viscous fluid submitted to compression at a finite rate with experiments and by combining geometric nonlinearities, elasticity, and slender body theory. The drag induces a dynamic lateral reinforcement of the filament leading to growth of wrinkles that coarsen over time. We discover a new dynamical regime characterized by a timescale with a non-trivial dependence on the loading rate, where the growth of the instability is super-exponential and the wavenumber is an increasing function of the loading rate. We find that this timescale can be interpreted as the characteristic time over which the filament transitions from the extensible to the inextensible regime. In contrast with our analysis with moving boundary conditions, Biot's analysis in the limit of infinitely fast loading leads to rate independent exponential growth and wavelength

    Escape dynamics of confined undulating worms

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    We investigate the escape dynamics of oligochaeta Lumbriculus variegatus by confining them to a quasi-2D circular chamber with a narrow exit passage. The worms move by performing undulatory and peristaltic strokes and use their head to actively probe their surroundings. We show that the worms follow the chamber boundary with occasional reversals in direction and with velocities determined by the orientation angle of the body with respect to the boundary. The average time needed to reach the passage decreases with its width before approaching a constant, consistent with a boundary-following search strategy. We model the search dynamics as a persistent random walk along the boundary and demonstrate that the head increasingly skips over the passage entrance for smaller passage widths due to body undulations. The simulations capture the observed exponential time-distributions taken to reach the exit and their mean as a function of width when starting from random locations. Even after the head penetrates the passage entrance, we find that the worm does not always escape because the head withdraws rhythmically back into the chamber over distances set by the dual stroke amplitudes. Our study highlights the importance of boundary following and body strokes in determining how active matter escapes from enclosed spaces. © 2023 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Velocity correlations in dense granular flows observed with internal imaging

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    We show that the velocity correlations in uniform dense granular flows inside a silo are similar to the hydrodynamic response of an elastic hard-sphere liquid. The measurements are made using a fluorescent refractive index matched interstitial fluid in a regime where the flow is dominated by grains in enduring contact and fluctuations scale with the distance traveled, independent of flow rate. The velocity autocorrelation function of the grains in the bulk shows a negative correlation at short time and slow oscillatory decay to zero similar to simple liquids. Weak spatial velocity correlations are observed over several grain diameters. The mean square displacements show an inflection point indicative of caging dynamics. The observed correlations are qualitatively different at the boundaries.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
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