61 research outputs found

    Dynamics of cascaded resonant radiations in a dispersion-varying optical fiber

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    International audienceWe use a dispersion-varying optical fiber to experimentally explore the dynamics of resonant radiations emitted from Raman-shifting solitons in the vicinity of the second zero-dispersion. The evolving zero-dispersion wavelength with fiber length allows to observe unprecedented processes such as a cascade of resonant radiations, the emission of multiple resonant radiations from a single soli-ton and the generation of a 500 nm continuum exclusively composed of resonant radiations. All experiments are interpreted using numerical simulations of the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation which are in excellent agreement

    Real time noise and wavelength correlations in octave-spanning supercontinuum generation

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    We use dispersive Fourier transformation to measure shot-to-shot spectral instabilities in femtosecond supercontinuum generation. We study both the onset phase of supercontinuum generation with distinct dispersive wave generation, as well as a highly-unstable supercontinuum regime spanning an octave in bandwidth. Wavelength correlation maps allow interactions between separated spectral components to be identified, even when such interactions are not apparent in shot-to-shot or average measurements. Experimental results are interpreted using numerical simulations. Our results show the clear advantages of dispersive Fourier transformation for studying spectral noise during supercontinuum generation.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Real-time full bandwidth measurement of spectral noise in supercontinuum generation

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    The ability to measure real-time fluctuations of ultrashort pulses propagating in optical fiber has provided significant insights into fundamental dynamical effects such as modulation instability and the formation of frequency-shifting rogue wave solitons. We report here a detailed study of real-time fluctuations across the full bandwidth of a fiber supercontinuum which directly reveals the significant variation in measured noise statistics across the spectrum, and which allows us to study correlations between widely separated spectral components. For two different propagation distances corresponding to the onset phase of spectral broadening and the fully-developed supercontinuum, we measure real time noise across the supercontinuum bandwidth, and we quantify the supercontinuum noise using statistical higher-order moments and a frequency-dependent intensity correlation map. We identify correlated spectral regions within the supercontinuum associated with simultaneous sideband generation, as well as signatures of pump depletion and soliton-like pump dynamics. Experimental results are in excellent agreement with simulations

    Fiber-based broadband black-light source

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    International audienceBlack-Light or Wood's lamp refers to sources that emit long-wavelength ultraviolet radiation (UV-A) from 315 nm and little visible light till 410 nm (blue). In this paper, we present a new fibre-based source of "black light", a source that emits broadband ultraviolet radiation but only small amounts of visible light and no infrared light. We made this source by pumping a specially designed silica photonic crystal fibre (PCF) with 355 nm light pulses from a Q-switched frequency-tripled Nd:YAG laser. Four-wave mixing and cascaded Raman generation combine in the fibre to provide a supercontinuum output that spans from around 350 nm to 390-470 nm, with the exact spectral width dependent on the pump power, as shown in Fig. 1. This broadband black-light source can find potential applications for diagnostic and therapeutic uses in medicine and in dermatology, for the detection of substances tagged with fluorescents and minerals, for counterfeit money, for absorption spectroscopy, and for military application

    Experimental observation of Brillouin linewidth broadening and decay time in photonic crystal fiber

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    We present a novel distributed sensing technique that makes possible the observation of Brillouin gain spectral distribution and acoustic decay time in photonic crystal fiber as well as in standard single-mode fiber

    Observation of Brillouin linewidth broadening and decay time in photonic crystal fiber

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    We present a novel distributed sensing technique that allows for the observation of Brillouin gain spectral distribution and acoustic decay time in photonic crystal fiber as well as in standard single-mode fiber

    Relationship between the Clinical Frailty Scale and short-term mortality in patients ≥ 80 years old acutely admitted to the ICU: a prospective cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND: The Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) is frequently used to measure frailty in critically ill adults. There is wide variation in the approach to analysing the relationship between the CFS score and mortality after admission to the ICU. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of modelling approach on the association between the CFS score and short-term mortality and quantify the prognostic value of frailty in this context. METHODS: We analysed data from two multicentre prospective cohort studies which enrolled intensive care unit patients ≥ 80 years old in 26 countries. The primary outcome was mortality within 30-days from admission to the ICU. Logistic regression models for both ICU and 30-day mortality included the CFS score as either a categorical, continuous or dichotomous variable and were adjusted for patient's age, sex, reason for admission to the ICU, and admission Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score. RESULTS: The median age in the sample of 7487 consecutive patients was 84 years (IQR 81-87). The highest fraction of new prognostic information from frailty in the context of 30-day mortality was observed when the CFS score was treated as either a categorical variable using all original levels of frailty or a nonlinear continuous variable and was equal to 9% using these modelling approaches (p < 0.001). The relationship between the CFS score and mortality was nonlinear (p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Knowledge about a patient's frailty status adds a substantial amount of new prognostic information at the moment of admission to the ICU. Arbitrary simplification of the CFS score into fewer groups than originally intended leads to a loss of information and should be avoided. Trial registration NCT03134807 (VIP1), NCT03370692 (VIP2)