22 research outputs found

    Wpływ Kodeksu pracy na przemiany w zakresie regulacji niektórych stosunków materialnych i procesowych nominatów ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem urzędników służby cywilnej

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    The article studies the impact of the Labour code on regulations concerning the employment of civil servants. The employment in civil service, based on the Act of 1922 (in force until the end of 1974), had a public law character. Disputes involving civil servant were settled in accordance with the administrative procedure. The acts of law concerning civil service adopted in the post-war Poland took over many legal institutions from the 1922 act (e.g. suspension in duties, stability of employment, disciplinary responsibility), however treated them as contractual in character rather than public. Under the influence of the Labour code, the status of civil servants gradually become similar to the common status of contract-based employees. This also concerned the disputes, which were referred to the jurisdiction of labour courts. Some components of the status retained their public law character. In such cases, the administrative court is competent.Treścią artykułu jest wpływ Kodeksu pracy na regulacje dotyczące zatrudnienia urzędników służby cywilnej. Zatrudnienie w służbie cywilnej, oparte na ustawie z 1922 r. (obowiązującej do końca 1974 r.) miało publicznoprawny charakter. Spory urzędników podlegały procedurze administracyjnej. Uchwalane w Polsce powojennej ustawy o służbie cywilnej przejęły wiele instytucji prawnych z ustawy z 1922 r. (np. zawieszenie w obowiązkach, stałość zatrudnienia, odpowiedzialność dyscyplinarną), nadając im jednak zobowiązaniową, a nie publiczną naturę. Pod wpływem Kodeksu pracy status urzędników sukcesywnie upodabniał się do powszechnego statusu pracowników umownych. Dotyczyło to także sporów, które poddano właściwości sądów pracy. Niektóre składniki tego statusu mają jednak naturę publicznoprawną. W tych sprawach właściwy jest sąd administracyjny

    The principle of a rational legislator and the systemic regulation of some labour law institutions

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    Systemowy przegląd niektórych instytucji prawnych odpowiedzialności dyscyplinarnej pracowników prowadzi do wniosku, że regulacja prawa dyscyplinarnego nie opiera się na racjonalnych i logicznych założeniach. Wątpliwości budzi istnienie wielu ustaw normujących oddzielnie dla poszczególnych grup pracowniczych i z reguły w odmienny sposób funkcjonalnie tożsame materialne i procesowe instytucje odpowiedzialności dyscyplinarnej. Odmienności tych nie tłumaczy różny czas uchwalania poszczególnych ustaw i przedmiotowe odrębności związane z wykonywaniem poszczególnych zawodów. Co do prawodawcy, analiza odpowiednich przepisów prawnych wskazuje, że w wielu sytuacjach nie zachowują one zasady spójności terminologicznej lub spójności systemowej. Odnosi się to zwłaszcza do norm, które ze względu na wadliwe traktowanie kwestii językowych związanych z zasadą racjonalnego tworzenia prawa nie spełniają wymogu przedmiotowej adekwatności.A systemic review of selected legal institutions of employees’ disciplinary liability leads to the conclusion that the regulation of disciplinary law is not based on rational and logical assumptions. Concerns are raised as to the existence of many statutes that regulate, separately for individual employee groups and, as a rule, differently, functionally identical substantive and procedural institutions of disciplinary liability. Such differences are not explained, by the different times at which individual statutes were enacted and the subject matter differences related to the exercise of particular professions. As for the legislator, a review of the relevant provisions of law indicates that the said regulations do not, in many situations, satisfy the principle of terminological consistency or the requirement of systemic coherence. This applies in particular to norms that, due to their faulty treatment of linguistic issues relating to the rational creation of law, do not meet the requirement of the said adequacy

    Przywrócenie do służby

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    Pracodawca jako kategoria systemu prawa

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    EMPLOYER AS A CATEGORY OF THE LEGAL SYSTEM The subject matter of this study is an analysis of the diversity of meanings and normative contexts assigned to the concept of employer in the legal system. The role of the general, and at the same time model, legal act creating the systemic concept of employer is fulfi lled by the Labour Code. The technique of determining the meaning of this concept, used in the provisions of law, takes the form of regulations referring to the Labour Code or norms establishing their own statutory meaning of the term. There are also provisions that formulate inadequate defi nitions, which results in a classifi - cation of the concept of employer into a wrong category. A review of the relevant provisions of law indicates that the said regulations do not, in many situations, satisfy the principle of terminological consistency or the requirement of systemic coherence. This applies to norms in which, instead of the systemic category of employer, descriptive expressions are used that only indirectly indicate that the relationship regulated concerns the employment binding the employer and the employee, to regulations that introduce only an apparent, and not a real, statutory modifi cation of the code concept under consideration, and, fi nally, to norms that, due to their faulty treatment of linguistic issues relating to the rational creation of law, do not meet the requirement of the said adequacy.  EMPLOYER AS A CATEGORY OF THE LEGAL SYSTEM The subject matter of this study is an analysis of the diversity of meanings and normative contexts assigned to the concept of employer in the legal system. The role of the general, and at the same time model, legal act creating the systemic concept of employer is fulfi lled by the Labour Code. The technique of determining the meaning of this concept, used in the provisions of law, takes the form of regulations referring to the Labour Code or norms establishing their own statutory meaning of the term. There are also provisions that formulate inadequate defi nitions, which results in a classifi - cation of the concept of employer into a wrong category. A review of the relevant provisions of law indicates that the said regulations do not, in many situations, satisfy the principle of terminological consistency or the requirement of systemic coherence. This applies to norms in which, instead of the systemic category of employer, descriptive expressions are used that only indirectly indicate that the relationship regulated concerns the employment binding the employer and the employee, to regulations that introduce only an apparent, and not a real, statutory modifi cation of the code concept under consideration, and, fi nally, to norms that, due to their faulty treatment of linguistic issues relating to the rational creation of law, do not meet the requirement of the said adequacy

    The Capacity of Militarized Services Units to be a Party in Civil Cases, Classified as such under the Civil Procedure Code, Connected with the Service Relationships of their Officers

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    The author deals with the question of the capacity of units of militarized services, like e.g. the Police, the Border Guards of the Central Anticorruption Office, to appear before the civil law court as a litigant party in administrative cases which are civil cases in meaning of the Civil Procedure Code. The prevailing view in the judgements of the Supreme Court is that the capacity to be a party in these cases is connected with the State Treasury represented by the unit of service. In the legal writing the views on this issue are varied. It is claimed that this capacity is connected with an internal unit of militarized service (unit of certain formation) or with the whole formation or with the State. The author tries to prove that the discussed capacity depends on particular legal provisions. Therefore it may be connected with an internal unit of a militarized service, e.g. in the Police or in the Border Guards, or with formation as a whole, e.g. in the Central Anticorruption Office or in the Government Protection Bureau.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Shaping the system of judicial control of disciplinary decisions in service relationships

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    Początkowo odpowiedzialność dyscyplinarna nie podlegała kontroli sądowej. Kształtowanie się systemu sądowej kontroli orzeczeń dyscyplinarnych było długotrwałym procesem, który został ostatecznie ustalony wraz z wejściem w życie konstytucyjnej zasady prawa go sądu. Systemowa analiza przedmiotowych przepisów wskazuje, że ustrój oraz funkcjonowanie tej instytucji nie opierają się na jasnych i racjonalnych założeniach spełniających postulowane kryteria zadowalającej (przyzwoitej) regulacji. Istniejące przepisy często w odmienny sposób regulują aspekty instytucjonalne, materialne i procesowe tej kontroli. Takie ujęcie systemu kontroli stawia strony (zwłaszcza obwinionych) w różnych, często niesprawiedliwie nierównych sytuacjach procesowych wynikających z odmiennych zasad postępowania obowiązujących w sądach powszechnych i sądach administracyjnych.Initially, disciplinary liability was not subject to judicial control. The shaping of the judicial control of disciplinary decisions was a long-standing process which was finally established with the entry into force of the constitutional principle right of access to court. A systemic analysis of the provisions in question indicates that the system and functioning of this institution are not based on clear and rational assumptions that meet the postulated criteria of a satisfactory (decent) regulation. Existing provisions often regulate institutional, material and procedural aspects of this control in a different way. This approach to the control system puts the litigant parties (especially the accused) in unjustifiably different procedural situations resulting from different rules of procedure in force in common courts of law and administrative courts

    Institution of oath in a labour and non-labour service relationship

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    Artykuł dotyczy prawnej instytucji składania ślubowania przez osoby zawierające pracownicze i niepracownicze stosunki służbowe. Instytucja ta ma długoletnią tradycję, a jej źródłem jest obowiązek wierności. Ślubowanie jest czynnością konwencjonalną o charakterze performatywnym, która dla swej skuteczności powinna spełniać określone wymagania dotyczące formy i treści. Mimo że akty ślubowania spełniają funkcjonalnie podobną rolę, to jednak poszczególne przepisy w bezzasadnie odmienny sposób określają moment powstania obowiązku złożenia ślubowania oraz skutki jego naruszenia (np. nieważność czynności prawnej, zwolnienie ze służby, wygaśnięcie stosunku pracy). Regulacje te mają wpływ na status procesowy pracowników i funkcjonariuszy służb państwowych związany z dochodzeniem ewentualnych roszczeń.The study is concerned with the legal institution of taking an oath by persons entering into a labour and non-labour service relationships. This institution has a long tradition, and its source is the duty of fidelity. An oath is a conventional act of a performative nature which, for its effectiveness, must meet certain requirements regarding form and content. Although the acts of oath fulfill a functionally similar role, individual provisions unjustifiably differently define the moment when the obligation to take the oath arises and the consequences of its violation (e.g. invalidity of a legal act, dismissal from service, expiration of employment). These regulations have an impact on the procedural status of employees and functionaries of state services in connection with the assertion of possible claims

    Impact of Uninsulated Slab-on-Grade and Masonry Walls on Residential Building Overheating

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    Studies of the effects of removing underfloor insulation and increasing the thermal capacity of building walls are currently found almost exclusively in existing vernacular architecture and rammed-earth buildings, mostly in countries with warm climates. This paper proposes the combined use of these two measures to reduce the risk of overheating in a detached single-family house in a temperate climate during the summer. Experimental studies conducted during the largest heat wave on record in the summer of 2019 showed that peak daytime temperatures decreased by 5.2 °C to 7.1 °C, and peak nighttime temperatures decreased by 4.7 °C to 6.8 °C. Simulation studies taking into account occupant heat showed that the proposed passive methods could, under the IPCC 8.5 scenario, eliminate the need for mechanical cooling in a detached single-family house in the temperate climate of Central and Eastern Europe by 2100. The actual heating energy consumption for the building with an uninsulated floor and increased wall heat capacity was 5.5 kWh/m2 higher than for the reference building, indicating that it can be a near-zero energy building. The proposed concept is in line with the new approach to the energy design of buildings, which should not be limited to reducing thermal energy demand, but should also respond to the needs arising from global warming

    Effect of Extending Hot Weather Periods on Approach to Floor Construction in Moderate Climate Residential Buildings / Wpływ Przedłużających Się Okresów Występowania Wysokich Temperatur Letnich Na Podejście Do Projektowania Podłogi Na Gruncie w Budynkach Mieszkalnych w Krajach Klimatu Umiarkowanego

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    The effects of changes in Global climate on the prolonging time and the frequency of the periods of very high outside air temperature at summer were shown in the paper with particular emphasis on European moderate climate countries. In these countries, residential buildings, are usually equipped neither in air conditioning equipment, nor in ordinary window blinds. As the most promising solution it is suggested to resign completely or partially from ground slab thermal insulation, directly utilizing ground heat storage capacity. The paper includes detailed simulations on potential effect of various kind of floor construction and actions preventing high indoor air temperatures in building approach on air temperature inside the one-storey, passive residential buildings during consecutive days of very high outdoor temperature and total energy used yearly for additional heating and air conditioning

    Energy-Efficient Shaping of Contemporary Buildings and Their Surroundings as an Essential Element of Modernization of Built-Up Areas

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    A comprehensive design of a building along with the development of a surrounding land may counterbalance the tendency of housing estates comprising houses built on the basis of “ready-made projects” - which have no references to the existing urban tissue and which do not create a new one. In the first place, the energy intensity of buildings using the so-called passive methods should be lowered, and only then active systems should be applied, considering economic balance. The problem should be considered from two different perspectives i.e. for intensively and for less urbanised areas. The article results in the formulation of guidelines for energy-efficient modernization of contemporary buildings and their surroundings