12 research outputs found

    Kierownicze stosowanie prawa pracy w zakresie ułatwiania podnoszenia kwalifikacji zawodowych pracowników

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    "W piśmiennictwie prawniczym nie ma opracowań poświęconych swoistości kierowniczego stosowania prawa pracy w zakresie ułatwiania podnoszenia kwalifikacji zawodowych. Nie wyróżnia się nawet pojęcia „kierownictwa w zakresie ułatwiania podnoszenia kwalifikacji zawodowych”. W zakresie ułatwiania podnoszenia kwalifikacji zawodowych pracowników występuj ą różnego rodzaju czynności kierownicze pracodawcy. Są to czynności organizowania pracy (zwłaszcza organizowania czasu pracy oraz udzielania zwolnień od pracy) oraz czynności dystrybucyjne, na podstawie których pracownicy uzyskują świadczenia materialne związane z podnoszeniem kwalifikacji."(...

    Zróżnicowanie konstrukcji odcinkowych zdolności prawnych pracodawcy

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    There is wide range of diversification among the structures of the partial legal capacity. In the field of the individual employment relationship with the employee who holds the function of the managing body of the dependent legal person, or as an organisational unit without legal personality the partial employability acknowledged to the founding business entity impose a limitation to the legal capacity of the direct employer. Within the collective employment relationship partial legal capacity is inhered to the dominant company as a founding employer (indirect employer toward dependent company that is direct employer). Partial employability of the dominant company involves parts, fragments of the laws defined in the Act 52, paragraph 2 RP Constitution. Partial employability of the dominant company does not restrict the purview of the employability of the dependent company.Konstrukcje odcinkowych zdolności prawnych pracodawcy są zróżnicowane. W indywidualnym stosunku pracy pracownika, pełniącego funkcję organu zarządzającego zależnej osoby prawnej albo jednostki organizacyjnej niemającej osobowości prawnej, odcinkowa zdolność pracodawcza przyznana podmiotowi założycielskiemu (podmiotowi tworzącemu, podmiotowi nadrzędnemu) ogranicza (uszczupla) zdolność prawną pracodawcy bezpośredniego. W zbiorowych stosunkach pracy odcinkowa zdolność prawna przysługuje spółce dominującej jako pracodawcy własnościowemu (pracodawcy pośredniemu wobec spółki zależnej będącej pracodawcą bezpośrednim). Odcinkowa zdolność pracodawcza spółki dominującej obejmuje cząstki, fragmenty praw wymienionych w art. 52 ust. 2 Konstytucji RP. Odcinkowa zdolność pracodawcza spółki dominującej nie ogranicza zakresu zdolności pracodawczej spółki zależnej

    The Role of Workers' Self-Government in Individual Cases of Emploees

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    In principle, the present regulations do not vest organs of the self-government with rights to decide or settle individual cases concerning the employment relation. There are certain exceptions to the rule (opinions concerning decisions of allocation of premises, opinions in cases of applications to award State orders and distinctions, opinions in cases of technological innovations suggested by employees, cases concerning the employment relation of an enterprise director). The solution adopted in the binding regulation has to be, in general, considered as the correct one. Entrusting the self-government organs with individual cases of employees in a wider extent than presently provided by law would inevitably generate negative consequences. Particularly, the general orientation of the workers' self-government organs would be altered. Settling individual cases of employees by those organs would definitely be done at the sacrifice of general economic affairs of an enterprice and its personnel. Organs of workers' self-government entering into the individual cases concerning the employment relation can be threatened with conflicts with trade unions' organs and adopting unions' positions. The self government organs' intervention into the individual cases concerning the employment relation might also curtail the manager's power in the enterprise as well as collectivization of employment relations and of responsibility. The activity of self-government organs on the level of enterprise, plant or department cannot change the essence of individual employment relations with superior's power and employee's subordination. Modifications of individual employment relations can be carried out by means of special forms of labor organization as self-government teams, economic groups, autonomous groups etc.Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201

    The manager's responsibility for the effects of the enterprise activity

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    A manager of a state enterprise is subject to many different forms of responsibility. Among them an important place takes the responsibility for the effects of the economic activity of an enterprise. Responsibility for effects is indispensable in economic mechanisms based on competition. In the case of such mechanisms the main duty of a manager cannot be reduced to the obligation of due-diligence and a prerequisite of his/her responsibility cannot be reduced to guilt. The responsibility of managers of enterprises which report poor economic results or lose in competition with others should take the form of dismissal or financial sanctions (deprivai of bonuses and awards).Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201

    The Role of Workers' Self-Government in Individual Cases of Emploees

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    In principle, the present regulations do not vest organs of the self-government with rights to decide or settle individual cases concerning the employment relation. There are certain exceptions to the rule (opinions concerning decisions of allocation of premises, opinions in cases of applications to award State orders and distinctions, opinions in cases of technological innovations suggested by employees, cases concerning the employment relation of an enterprise director). The solution adopted in the binding regulation has to be, in general, considered as the correct one. Entrusting the self-government organs with individual cases of employees in a wider extent than presently provided by law would inevitably generate negative consequences. Particularly, the general orientation of the workers' self-government organs would be altered. Settling individual cases of employees by those organs would definitely be done at the sacrifice of general economic affairs of an enterprice and its personnel. Organs of workers' self-government entering into the individual cases concerning the employment relation can be threatened with conflicts with trade unions' organs and adopting unions' positions. The self government organs' intervention into the individual cases concerning the employment relation might also curtail the manager's power in the enterprise as well as collectivization of employment relations and of responsibility. The activity of self-government organs on the level of enterprise, plant or department cannot change the essence of individual employment relations with superior's power and employee's subordination. Modifications of individual employment relations can be carried out by means of special forms of labor organization as self-government teams, economic groups, autonomous groups etc.Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201

    The Management of the Commissioning Party in the Spheres of Civil Law Based Employment and Self-employment

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    The chapter concerns the concept of the direction of the mandator in the realm of the civil law contracts and in self-employment. The author presents the legal bases of this concept and its forms. The concept of the direction of the mandator is analysed in the light of the equal position of the parties to the civil law contracts and it is compared with the competencies of the employer in this scope.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    La subordination juridique du medecin dans un hopital public

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    La question de la subordination juridique du médecin travaillant dans un hôpital public embrasse en principe deux théories. Selon la première le médecin est tout à fait indépendant dans la matière de diagnose et de thérapeutique. Son employeur n'intervient pas dans ce domaine. La seconde théorie constate que le médecin est subordonné à l'employeur dans toute son activité professionnelle. Comme le point de départ de son analyse l'auteur prend la loi du 28 octobre 1950 concernant la profession du médecin. Elle garantit au médecin l'indépendance en ce qui concerne la diagnose, la profilactique et la thérapeutique. En analysant la situation juridique du médecin il faut diviser toutes ses activités professionnelles en deux groupes. Ce sont les activités du caractère thérapeutique et celles qui concernent l'organisation du travail. Cette division est bien visible dans les actes légaux determinant les droits et les devoirs du médecin. Le pouvoir de l'employeur de donner au médecin les ordres et les directives est limité. II ne touche pas aux activités du médecin dans la sphère du traitement. Pourtant en matière d'organisation du travail le médecin est subordonné au pouvoir exécutif de l'employeur. Dans l'analyse de la situation juridique du médecin il faut prendre en considération les normes juridiques comprenant les différentes formes du contrôle et de la surveillence exécutées par l'employeur par rapport au médecin. L'indépendance spécifique et limitée du médecin envers son employeur, c'est-à-dire l'hôpital public, résulte du pouvoir de l'employeur de contrôler et de surveiller son. personnel. Comme on a déjà mentionné, le médecin est indépendant en matière du traitement. Mais en même temps les différentes formes du contrôle et de la surveillance des activités du médecin le posent en tant que sujet du contrat du travail dans la position du soubordonné par rapport à son employeur. La subordination juridique du médecin en regard de l'employeur exerce l'influence sur sa situation personnelle et materielle. On peut dégager deux sortes de la subordination juridique du médecin: 1) la subordination résultant du pouvoir de l'employeur de contrôler et de surveiller; 2) la subordination résultant du pouvoir exécutif de l'employeur en matière d'ordre du travail à l'hôpital. L'auteur souligne la différenciation bien visible de la situation des médecins travaillant à l'hôpital public. Cette différenciation dépend du titre scientifique possédé par la personne en question et de la place qu'elle occupe dans la hiérarchie professionnelle de l'hôpital.Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201

    On Suspending a Worker in Performing his Duties

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    Suspending a worker in performing his duties is the exception to the rule of the sec. 22 § 1 of the Labor Code, stating that a work organization not only has to pay wages to the worker but also to enable him to perform his actual work. The institution of suspension in performing duties is related, in its roots, to the law of civil service. Up to this moment the institution of suspension has not been regulated in the Code of Labor. Suspension in performing duties can usually concern special categories of workers whose rights and obligations are described in their service regulations. The following are to be mentioned: civil servants, communication workers, workers of public forests, teachers, academic teachers, prosecuting attorneys, judges, diplomatic and consular servants, fire department functionaries, penitentiary functionaries, functionaries of civil police and career soldiers. The premises to suspend the workers of the mentioned categories in performing their duties are to a large extent similar. The service regulations usually state that an employee (functionary) can be suspended in his service duties if his withdrawal from performing service duties on account of instituting criminal or disciplinary proceedings is necessary for the benefit of the service. A manager of the work organization or superiors of the worker are vested with the right to decide of the worker's suspension. The worker can be therefore suspended in his duties by means of his service subordination system. Judges are the exception here. It is only their disciplinary court which is able to suspend them in performing their duties. This is a result of the requirement of judicial independence in the scope of jurisdiction. The service regulations usually enable to appeal from the decision of suspension to the manager of work organization or to the superior organ if the first gave a decision. Substantial differences can be observed in the respect of the suspension period. Apart from the service regulation, the institution of suspension in performing duties is provided by the People's Councils Act of 25 Jan., 1958, the State Enterprises Act of 25 Sept., 1981, and the State Tribunal Act of 26 March, 1982. According to the State Enterprises Act, only a manager (director) of a State Enterprise can be suspended, the decision is then given by the founding organ in cases when his further performing duties is a substantial legal offence or can endanger fundamental interests of the State's economy. The founding organ is under obligation to notify the worker's council of a given decision. When the director is suspended in his duties the founding organ has to appoint a temporary manager for the period not exceeding six months. Both the worker's council and the manager of an enterprise can lodge a protest against these decisions. The protest together with its substantiation is lodged to the organ which gave the decision, within seven days of its delivery. If the decision is upheld by the organ which was the addressee of the protest, the director of an enterprise and the workers council can bring an action in the court within seven days. A specific regulation of the institution of suspension is provided by the People's Council Act and the State Tribunal Act. According to the first act, the provincial organ of administration of the voivodship rank can suspend in duties a manager of an administration unit not subordinated to the people's council if a particularly flagrant offence of his service duties causing serious social and economic damage is established. The provincial organ of the State administration is under obligation to notify the competent superior organ upon suspension. The State Tribunal Act relates suspension in duties to the constitutional responsibility of persons holding the highest State offices. Such person is automatically suspended in his duties upon the resolution of the Seym of bringing him to the State Tribunal.Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201