174 research outputs found

    Social challenges of spatial planning for outdoor cat management in Amami Oshima Island, Japan

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    Outdoor cats pose substantial threats to native biodiversity, especially on islands. However, cats also provide benefits to people, such as companionship and the killing of pests. Thus, management of outdoor cats is controversial and can lead to conflicts among stakeholders. Although previous studies have examined stakeholders' preferences for outdoor cats and their management, little is known about the differences in their attitudes toward cat occurrences and management across habitats. Identifying these attitudinal differences would provide useful knowledge for policy makers about zoning management. We conducted structured interviews with residents in Amami Oshima Island, Japan, to evaluate the residents' attitudes to outdoor cats' occurrence and their management across habitats (Forest, Rural, and Town areas). Furthermore, we compared the attitudes of cat- owners and non-owners. The results show that the Forest was least preferred as an outdoor cat habitat. Lethal options as a management strategy were unacceptable to the residents, whereas adoption was acceptable in all areas. Cat-owners showed a significantly higher acceptance toward outdoor cats in Town and Rural areas than did non-owners; they also showed a lower acceptance of lethal options and a higher acceptance toward Trap, Neuter and Return (TNR) than non-owners. These findings imply that it is difficult to achieve consensus regarding outdoor cat management, especially in town and rural areas; however, outdoor cats from these areas move to the forests and pose a threat to the endangered species. Communication efforts with both cat-owners and non-owners should fill these attitudinal gaps among stakeholders and lead to effective management. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Should energy efficiency be traded off for other product attributes? : an analysis of air-conditioner regulation in Japan

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    This paper examines the functioning of energy efficiency standards and labeling policies for air conditioners in Japan. The results of our empirical analysis suggest that consumers respond more to label information, which benchmarks the energy efficiency performance of each product to a pre-specified target, than to direct performance measures. This finding provides justification for the setting, and regular updating, of target standards as well as their use in calculating relative performance measures. We also find, through graphical analysis, that air conditioner manufacturers face a tradeoff between energy efficiency and product compactness when they develop their products. This tradeoff, combined with the semi-regular upward revision of minimum energy efficiency standards, has led to the growth in indoor unit size of air conditioners in recent years. In the face of this phenomenon, regulatory rules were revised so that manufacturers could adhere to less stringent standards if the indoor unit size of their product remains below a certain size. Our demand estimates provide no evidence that larger indoor unit size causes disutility to consumers. It is therefore possible that the regulatory change was not warranted from a consumer welfare point of view

    The rest-frame optical sizes of massive galaxies with suppressed star formation at z4z\sim4

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    We present the rest-frame optical sizes of massive quiescent galaxies (QGs) at z4z\sim4 measured at KK'-band with the Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (IRCS) and AO188 on the Subaru telescope. Based on a deep multi-wavelength catalog in the Subaru XMM-Newton Deep Survey Field (SXDS), covering a wide wavelength range from the uu-band to the IRAC 8.0μm8.0\mu m over 0.7 deg2^2, we evaluate photometric redshift to identify massive ($M_{\star}\sim10^{11}\ M_\odot)galaxieswithsuppressedstarformation.Thesegalaxiesshowaprominent4000) galaxies with suppressed star formation. These galaxies show a prominent 4000\rm \AAbreakfeatureat break feature at z\sim4,suggestiveofanevolvedstellarpopulation.Wethenconductfollowup, suggestive of an evolved stellar population. We then conduct follow-up K'bandimagingwithadaptiveopticsforthefivebrightestgalaxies(-band imaging with adaptive optics for the five brightest galaxies (K_{AB,total}=22.5\sim23.4).Comparedtolowerredshiftones,QGsat). Compared to lower redshift ones, QGs at z\sim4havesmallerphysicalsizesofeffectiveradii have smaller physical sizes of effective radii r_{eff}=0.2to to 1.8kpc.Themeansizemeasuredbystackingthefourbrightestobjectsis kpc. The mean size measured by stacking the four brightest objects is r_{eff}=0.7\rm\ kpc.ThisisthefirstmeasurementoftherestframeopticalsizesofQGsat. This is the first measurement of the rest-frame optical sizes of QGs at z\sim4.Weevaluatetherobustnessofoursizemeasurementsusingsimulationsandfindthatoursizeestimatesarereasonablyaccuratewithanexpectedsystematicbiasof. We evaluate the robustness of our size measurements using simulations and find that our size estimates are reasonably accurate with an expected systematic bias of \sim0.2kpc.Ifweaccountforthestellarmassevolution,massiveQGsat kpc. If we account for the stellar mass evolution, massive QGs at z\sim4arelikelytoevolveintothemostmassivegalaxiestoday.Wefindtheirsizeevolutionwithcosmictimeinaformof are likely to evolve into the most massive galaxies today. We find their size evolution with cosmic time in a form of \log(r_e/{\rm kpc})= -0.44+1.77 \log(t/\rm Gyr)$. Their size growth is proportional to the square of stellar mass, indicating the size-stellar mass growth driven by minor dry mergers.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, ApJ accepte

    Cutaneous manifestations associated with COVID-19

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    Coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the new coronavirus(SARS-CoV-2) that originated in China in December 2019, and it has been reported that it mainly causes respiratory symptoms but also exhibits various skin symptoms associated. The skin lesions are classified into six patterns represented by the acronym “GROUCH” : Generalized maculo- popular. Grover’s disease and other papulo-vesicular eruptions, livedo Reticularis, Other eruptions, Urticarial, and CHilblain-like. Patients with chilblain-like lesions were younger and had a lower incidence of systemic symptoms. Purpuric and livedoid lesions have been suggested to occur more frequently in elderly patients with severe COVID-19. COVID-19 often leaves sequelae that last weeks to months after initial recovery. It was estimated that 80% of the infected patients developed one or more long-term symptoms. The five most common symptoms were fatigue(58%), headache(44%), attention disorder(27%), hair loss(25%), and dyspnea(24%). A major cause of hair loss after COVID-19 is considered as telogen effluvium, defined by diffuse hair loss after the systemic stress or infections. Most patients with hair loss recovers within 6 months. Skin reactions have been reported after COVID-19 vaccination as well. The most reported cutaneous finding was a delayed large local reaction “COVID-arm” a median of 7 days after vaccine. The pathophysiological mechanism is still unknown, but it is overwhelmingly common in women, suggesting a cross-reaction between polyethylene glycol, a component of cosmetics, and injection components. In additions, there have been reports of skin rashes similar to those after COVID-19 infection and the aggravation of psoriasis or other skin conditions. The mechanism of the cutaneous manifestations is still unclear. We must remember to ask about a history of COVID-19 infection and vaccination status at the time of consultation


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学准教授 吉澤 誠一郎, 東京大学教授 高見澤 磨, 東京大学教授 黒田 明伸, 東京大学教授 松原 健太郎, 津田塾大学教授 中村 元哉University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Assembly of Massive Galaxies in a High-z Protocluster

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    We present the results of wide-field deep JHK imaging of the SSA22 field using MOIRCS instrument equipped with Subaru telescope. The observed field is 112 arcmin^2 in area, which covers the z=3.1 protocluster characterized by the overdensities of Ly Alpha emitters (LAEs) and Ly Alpha Blobs (LABs). The 5 sigma limiting magnitude is K_{AB} = 24.3. We extract the potential protocluster members from the K-selected sample by using the multi-band photometric-redshift selection as well as the simple color cut for distant red galaxies (DRGs; J-K_{AB}>1.4). The surface number density of DRGs in our observed fields shows clear excess compared with those in the blank fields, and the location of the densest area whose projected overdensity is twice the average coincides with the large-scale density peak of LAEs. We also found that K-band counterparts with z_{phot} = 3.1 are detected for 75% (15/20) of the LABs within their Ly Alpha halo, and the 40 % (8/20) of LABs have multiple components, which gives a direct evidence of the hierarchical multiple merging in galaxy formation. The stellar mass ofLABs correlates with their luminosity, isophotal area, and the Ly Alpha velocity widths, implying that the physical scale and the dynamical motion of Ly Alpha emission are closely related to their previous star-formation activities. Highly dust-obscured galaxies such as hyper extremely red objects (HEROs; J-K_{AB}>2.1) and plausible K-band counterparts of submillimeter sources are also populated in the high density region.Comment: 21pages, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    The brightest UV-selected galaxies in protoclusters at z4z\sim4: Ancestors of Brightest Cluster Galaxies?

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    We present the results of a survey of the brightest UV-selected galaxies in protoclusters. These proto-brightest cluster galaxy (proto-BCG) candidates are drawn from 179 overdense regions of gg-dropout galaxies at z4z\sim4 from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program identified previously as good protocluster candidates. This study is the first to extend the systematic study of the progenitors of BCGs from z2z\sim2 to z4z\sim4. We carefully remove possible contaminants from foreground galaxies and, for each structure, we select the brightest galaxy that is at least 1 mag brighter than the fifth brightest galaxy. We select 63 proto-BCG candidates and compare their properties with those of galaxies in the field and those of other galaxies in overdense structures. The proto-BCG candidates and their surrounding galaxies have different rest-UV color (iz)(i - z) distributions to field galaxies and other galaxies in protoclusters that do not host proto-BCGs. In addition, galaxies surrounding proto-BCGs are brighter than those in protoclusters without proto-BCGs. The image stacking analysis reveals that the average effective radius of proto-BCGs is 28%\sim28\% larger than that of field galaxies. The izi-z color differences suggest that proto-BCGs and their surrounding galaxies are dustier than other galaxies at z4z\sim4. These results suggest that specific environmental effects or assembly biasses have already emerged in some protoclusters as early as z4z \sim 4, and we suggest that proto-BCGs have different star formation histories than other galaxies in the same epoch.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap