38 research outputs found

    Czech lower secondary school pupils’ knowledge about developing countries

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    © 2016, Editura Lumen. All rights reserved.The developing countries are hiding potential risk in many considerations (e.g. migration). The study is focused on the lower secondary school pupils’ knowledge about developing ountries. Costs and benefits associated with the problematic of the study are in the presentation of pupils’ knowledge about developing countries. It provides not only identification of countries on the map, but also the real problems of developing countries. The partial aims were to examine the influence of gender, residence, grade level and attitudes to geography on the knowledge about developing countries. The sample size consisted of 158 Czech lower secondary school pupils. The data were evaluated by the methods of descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed that only the grade level influenced the knowledge level, the gender a residence had not got an influence on knowledge. The correlation between knowledge and attitudes was slightly positive and significant. The results are discussed and in the conclusion part are suggestions for further research and implications into pedagogical practice

    Birds in the playground: Evaluating the effectiveness of an urban environmental education project in enhancing school children's awareness, knowledge and attitudes towards local wildlife.

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    Children nowadays, particularly in urban areas, are more disconnected from nature than ever before, leading to a large-scale "extinction of experience" with the natural world. Yet there are many potential benefits from children interacting with nature first-hand, including via outdoor learning opportunities. Urban environmental education programmes typically aim to increase awareness and knowledge of local biodiversity and to promote positive attitudes and behaviour towards the environment. However, limited research has been conducted evaluating to what extent these interventions achieve their goals. Here, we explore and assess the influence of a six-week bird-feeding and monitoring project conducted within school grounds ("Bird Buddies") on individual awareness, knowledge and attitudes towards birds by primary school children. This initiative was conducted across eight (sub-)urban primary schools within Brighton and Hove (UK), with 220 participating children (aged 7 to 10). Via pre- and post-project questionnaires, we found evidence for enhanced awareness of local biodiversity, alongside significant gains in both bird identification knowledge and attitudes, which were greatest for children with little prior exposure to nature. Many children expressed a keenness to continue improving the environmental value of their school grounds and to apply elements of the project at home. Student project evaluation scores were consistently positive. Mirroring this, participating teachers endorsed the project as a positive learning experience for their students. One year after the project, several schools were continuing to feed and watch birds. Collectively, the findings from this study highlight the multiple benefits that can be derived from engagement with a relatively short outdoor environmental activity. We therefore believe that such interventions, if repeated locally/longer term, could enhance children's experience with nature in urban settings with combined positive environmental impact

    Validation of critical thinking test on Slovak conditions

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    © 2019 by the authors. Critical Thinking is a generally recognized educational ideal at all levels of the educational process. This study validated the critical thinking test on Slovak conditions. Data were collected from 50 respondents studying at university. Bachelor's and Master's students from all grades, aged 21 to 36 (x = 23.00; SD = 2.84) were represented. Model fits, normality, reliability and exploratory factor analysis were used. The results showed that the critical thinking test is valid and reliable. The implications of the test for next using is discussed

    Effect of learning environment and tobacco consumption on the formation of students’ motivation in basketball classes

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    © 2020, Editura Lumen. All rights reserved. We can define three main factors that become an obstacle on the way of the development of new basketball professionals: insufficient development of certain educational factors; tobacco consumption and the decrease of health quality and activity that is associated with it; engagement with Internet activities. The absence of at least one of these factors would help to effectively influence the young people’s interest in basketball and further development in this field. The participants of the research experiment were 46 teachers of physical education from three Chinese institutes and 765 students (both local and international) from the same institutes. Three surveys were conducted within the course of the research – diagnostic control and additional. Between the diagnostic and control stages, the coaches-participants visited a set of lectures on the formation of the students’ motivation and on the smoking dangers for sportsmen. As a result of the anti-tobacco lectures that were conducted at the end of classes by the coaches-participants of the experiment, the percentage of those students who were ready to give up smoking grew from 9% to 23%

    Effects of alcohol as on chemical and behaviors influence on college students

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    © 2019 TeknoScienze. All rights reserved. The topic of alcohol consumption among young people is not a new one. In this paper we investigated the chemical and behavioral effects of alcohol consumption. It belongs to an area of research of plethora of psychologists, sociologists, teachers, etc. There are some differences depending on the country of origin, yet this problem has not been resolved. The research was conducted on 480 Slovak college students having used the modified Engs´ Student Alcohol Questionnaire (SAQ). The MANCOVA data evaluation method with emphasis on the age as a covariate and Pearson´s product moment were used. The focus is on the gender, year of study, gross grade average, religion, field of study and orientation on knowledge and experience of alcohol. The year of study is insignificant in effecting the experience of alcohol among students while the effect of other categorical variables turn out to be significant. The gender and year of study have a significant influence on students’ knowledge of alcohol

    Czech lower secondary school pupils’ knowledge about developing countries

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    © 2016, Editura Lumen. All rights reserved.The developing countries are hiding potential risk in many considerations (e.g. migration). The study is focused on the lower secondary school pupils’ knowledge about developing ountries. Costs and benefits associated with the problematic of the study are in the presentation of pupils’ knowledge about developing countries. It provides not only identification of countries on the map, but also the real problems of developing countries. The partial aims were to examine the influence of gender, residence, grade level and attitudes to geography on the knowledge about developing countries. The sample size consisted of 158 Czech lower secondary school pupils. The data were evaluated by the methods of descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed that only the grade level influenced the knowledge level, the gender a residence had not got an influence on knowledge. The correlation between knowledge and attitudes was slightly positive and significant. The results are discussed and in the conclusion part are suggestions for further research and implications into pedagogical practice

    Effects of alcohol as on chemical and behaviors influence on college students

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    © 2019 TeknoScienze. All rights reserved. The topic of alcohol consumption among young people is not a new one. In this paper we investigated the chemical and behavioral effects of alcohol consumption. It belongs to an area of research of plethora of psychologists, sociologists, teachers, etc. There are some differences depending on the country of origin, yet this problem has not been resolved. The research was conducted on 480 Slovak college students having used the modified Engs´ Student Alcohol Questionnaire (SAQ). The MANCOVA data evaluation method with emphasis on the age as a covariate and Pearson´s product moment were used. The focus is on the gender, year of study, gross grade average, religion, field of study and orientation on knowledge and experience of alcohol. The year of study is insignificant in effecting the experience of alcohol among students while the effect of other categorical variables turn out to be significant. The gender and year of study have a significant influence on students’ knowledge of alcohol

    Validation of critical thinking test on Slovak conditions

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    © 2019 by the authors. Critical Thinking is a generally recognized educational ideal at all levels of the educational process. This study validated the critical thinking test on Slovak conditions. Data were collected from 50 respondents studying at university. Bachelor's and Master's students from all grades, aged 21 to 36 (x = 23.00; SD = 2.84) were represented. Model fits, normality, reliability and exploratory factor analysis were used. The results showed that the critical thinking test is valid and reliable. The implications of the test for next using is discussed

    Czech lower secondary school pupils’ knowledge about developing countries

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    © 2016, Editura Lumen. All rights reserved.The developing countries are hiding potential risk in many considerations (e.g. migration). The study is focused on the lower secondary school pupils’ knowledge about developing ountries. Costs and benefits associated with the problematic of the study are in the presentation of pupils’ knowledge about developing countries. It provides not only identification of countries on the map, but also the real problems of developing countries. The partial aims were to examine the influence of gender, residence, grade level and attitudes to geography on the knowledge about developing countries. The sample size consisted of 158 Czech lower secondary school pupils. The data were evaluated by the methods of descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed that only the grade level influenced the knowledge level, the gender a residence had not got an influence on knowledge. The correlation between knowledge and attitudes was slightly positive and significant. The results are discussed and in the conclusion part are suggestions for further research and implications into pedagogical practice

    Basic Pupils´ Wrong Ideas about Birds

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    Mylné představy žáků různého věku o zvířatech byly prezentovány v mnoha výzkumných studiích. Předkládaná studie je zaměřena na zjišt’ování mylných představ žáků 2. stupně základních škol. Věk žáků byl v rozmezí 10 až 16 let. Výzkumný nástroj se skládal z 30 uzavřených a také otevřených otázek, jedna byla grafická. Do analýz bylo zahrnuto 719 vyplněných dotazníků ze 7 slovenských základních škol. Položky testové části dotazníku byly rozděleny do 5 kategorií dle jejich charakteru, konkrétně: 1. Identifikace ptáků; 2. Rozmnožování ptáků; 3. Potrava ptáků; 4. Ptačí smysly; 5. Migrace ptáků. Studie je zaměřena na zjištění rozdílu ve výsledcích mezi žáky různého věku. Celkově bylo zjištěno značné množství mylných představ u všech věkových skupin a ve všech kategoriích.Wrong ideas of pupils about animals have been the focus on many research papers. This study concentrates on investigating of basic school pupils’ wrong ideas. The age of the pupils was from 10 to 16. The research tool included 30 open-ended and multiple choice questions, one question was pictorial. The total number of 719 questionnaires from 7 Slovakian basic schools was included in the analyses. The items were divided into five categories, namely: 1. Identification of birds; 2. Reproduction of birds; 3. Food of birds; 4. Birds senses; 5. Migration of birds. The study is focusedon finding differences in results of pupils in different age groups. The large amount of wrong ideas was found in all age groups and categories