686 research outputs found

    Boron trifluoride coatings for thermoplastic materials and method of applying same in glow discharge

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    Plastic surfaces can be improved physically and optically by treating them with a plasma of boron trifluoride. The trifluoride can be the sole reactant or be part of a mixture also containing an organic monomeric substance such as perfluorobutene-2 or an organosilane. The boron trifluoride-containing coating can also serve as an intermediate coating between the plastic surface and a plasma deposited organic polymer

    Transition models for turbomachinery boundary layer flows : a review

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    Current models for transition in turbomachinery boundary layer flows are reviewed. The basic physical mechanisms of transition processes and the way these processes are expressed by model ingredients are discussed. The fundamentals of models are described as far as possible, with a common structure of the equations and with emphasis on the similarities between the models. Tests of models reported in the literature are summarized and our own test is added. A conclusion on the performance of models is formulated

    Hybrid RANS/LES of plane impinging jets with k-omega based models

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    Plane impinging jets with nozzle-plate distances H/B=10 at Re=13500 and H/B=9.2 at Re=20000 are simulated with k-omega based hybrid RANS/LES models. Three ways of substitution of the turbulent length scale by the local grid size in the LES mode of the hybrid RANS/LES models are tested. The results show that the hybrid models give much better prediction of wall shear stress and heat transfer rate along the impingement plate than the RANS model. The good performance of the hybrid models is due to their ability to resolve the evolution and break-up of the vortices in the shear layer of the jet, which strongly affects the turbulent flow and convective heat transfer in the stagnation region and the developing wall-jet region

    An algebraic model for prediction of bypass and separation-induced transition in turbomachinery boundary layers

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    An algebraic intermittency model for bypass and separation-induced transition is presented. The model modifies the production terms of a k-omega turbulence model. It uses only local variables and is tuned for turbomachinery flows. For bypass transition, two effects in an attached pre-transitional boundary layer are expressed: damping of small-scale disturbances induced by the free stream and breakdown of the near-wall perturbed flow with generation of fine-scale turbulence. For separated flow, the model describes breakdown of a laminar free shear layer. The model is a modified and extended version of an earlier model by the authors for bypass transition only (Kubacki and Dick, 2016)

    Process for producing a well-adhered durable optical coating on an optical plastic substrate

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    A low temperature plasma polymerization process is described for applying an optical plastic substrate, such as a polymethyl methacrylate lens, with a single layer abrasive resistant coating to improve the durability of the plastic

    Hybrid RANS/LES of flow in a rib-roughened channel with rotation

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    The aim of the present study is to verify the reliability of a k-ω based hybrid RANS/LES model in reproducing the flow in a rib-roughened rotating channel. The numerical results obtained with the hybrid RANS/LES model are compared to experimental data by Coletti and Arts (2011) and to the results obtained with the RANS k-ω model of Wilcox (2008). We demonstrate that the hybrid RANS/LES model gives realistic results for simulation of the rotating ribbed duct flow, without the necessity to add ad hoc corrections for system rotation to the underlying RANS mode

    Identifying Gaps in United States Federal Environmental Policy & Practice Through Greening Big Box Infrastructure

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    The purpose of this report is to identify policy and practice gaps in resource consumption reduction in the United States, and doing so by using big box retailers as the case study industry. Through reviewing the history of U.S. federal resource reduction policies, and standard industry practices for greening big box infrastructure, I explore how regulations on sustainability and consumption agree with the Porter Hypotheses. By using the Porter Hypothesis as a theoretical framework for the regulation of green infrastructure in big box retailers, I will identify gaps in both literature and industry practices that can be filled by following the avenues outlined in the Porter Hypothesis. Private industry’s responsibility to implement environmentally sound initiatives has been largely limited to federal policies that demand aggressive reductions in pollution and contamination. This report identifies where the presence of environmental regulation has spurred innovation, and where there are both policy and industry gaps, by using Wal-Mart, Target, and Costco retail stores as case study companies for comparison


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    The article contains an analysis of parallel texts as an auxiliary tool in the process of specialist translation. The translation of professional texts with the use of parallel texts as the primary source and dictionaries only as the secondary source is nowadays a widely adopted strategy. At the beginning of the article, the author discusses different definitions of a parallel text proposed by Polish and German researchers. In academic literature, various terms are used for parallel texts, for instance opposite, intermediary, base, supplementary or model texts. These types of texts fulfil different functions and might be subject to analysis at various stages. In the next part of the article, the author discusses the advantages and disadvantages of (specialist) translation with the use of parallel texts and presents the methods of finding parallel texts in the field of law. Finally, he describes the results of an experiment conducted for this article in a private school for specialist translators. The experiment fully confirmed the usefulness of parallel texts in the process of translation.Niniejszy artykuł poddaje analizie tekst paralelny (równoległy) jako narzędzie pomocnicze w tłumaczeniu specjalistycznym. Przekład tekstów fachowych bez wykorzystania – w pierwszej kolejności - tekstów paralelnych, a następnie słowników, glosariuszy i innych pomocy jest praktycznie w dzisiejszych czasach nie do pomyślenia. Na wstępie zebrano i skomentowano rozmaite definicje tekstu paralelnego występujące w badaniach translatorycznych, opierając się na poglądach naukowców z Polski oraz krajów niemieckojęzycznych. W literaturze przedmiotu istnieje wiele różnych terminów określających teksty paralelne, jak np. teksty przeciwne, pośrednie, bazowe, poboczne, wzorce tekstowe. Pełnią one także różne funkcje i mogą być poddane analizie na różnych etapach. W kolejnej części artykułu przedstawiono wady i zalety przekładu (specjalistycznego) z wykorzystaniem tekstów paralelnych, a następnie omówiono na przykładzie dziedziny prawa sposoby wyszukiwania tekstów paralelnych. Natomiast w końcowej części artykułu zaprezentowano wyniki eksperymentu przeprowadzonego na potrzeby niniejszego artykułu w prywatnej szkole kształcącej tłumaczy specjalistycznych, który w pełni potwierdza zasadność użycia tekstów paralelnych w praktyce translacyjnej